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October 28, 1898 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1898-10-28

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319 Bed for Injured 'Varsity Plaers.4
Cato~* The following subscription list is
ging the rounds:
7cblied Daily (Snday, ecepted) dring tie We, the undersigned, agree to
TH IcEeIY tOt IHGN donate the anount opposite our namesf
THE NIVESIT OF ICHIAN. to establish a "bed for injured 'ar
orit:The Inlaad pre, Henieng Blck. sit' players" it Saturday's gan:
Both poete 147. "Dutch" Ferbert. ..:$10 4
aIeANAGaaNG EDIsTOR. "Buck" Hfall ........... 10
F. EacETaIaie, 01T i.. "Pa" Henninger.......... 10
B1USINESS MSANAGER. ( "Count" Villa..........0 e
. 11. hAts, '00 L. Stevenson ................ 15
EDITORtS. "Dump" Dyer............ 10 4
Athletic EditeTe.'.It. Waaaeea, 1St L. All persons wishing to cotribte
P. W.M,,x Jaat,'11 .91 . II. McDtecee, , , ,will see Coacha Ferbert.
.0D. lcceaTTe, '01ESt Theatre Train to Minnie Maddern
Fiske Perormance.
Wednesday evening Nov. 2nd,
'Thecsuhcceiptioen ptic at te DcAILYinsil"lS50for jMinnie Madderna Fiske will appear in
he college yea, ewithe a regla dcivey eare tc ' TarT
neat cact day. Ntientttoettniatian, and tePoples ieTld. o
othcr eatttinlteetted tar ptelicatiaenwat e accommodate tose swho wisa to see
tended lee A ttc DetY ofice eare S p. m:e.,or
mailed inoCie editoterttefoen3,i. a.fathe day this talented actress the An Arbor
teetioa toI that onetwhticht thy ae epected Itali.11roact awill rcn a theatre train to
Subscitins setay he teen at the DAILY oafice. Toledo. Leavig Ann Arbor at 5
.Mye', eor5tttlet'c newtntd, a' with Itasinee
Manager. subhcriers wll cneerte ttecaeby o'clock p.et., returning till leave
reportintg ttrottptly at thin alfice teyttailueeeoa Toledo at 11:30 . in. Te fare for
tr etoedelieespapte.1
Achangestt itntadetistholatteriamus tent ies- rondietrip is only 75 cents. Let'
onwic he r t pp-r theatre parties be fomtedasenid a god
tIt Ceeceta cf TO'S'aUE'tmn.titeebe had.
C .. itLitNiri'. .J. J. Ktnao, 4. G. P. A.
Players on Class Tems. I Sousa to Plaj in Ann Arbor.
Thte follownitg is i comeplete sed-eni. 'The Womans League " takes
nle f class gaetts exepting the pleastre itt tatucinig tat nefiite
champioesheip gaeime, the date of arrtangeiceents have beeitade, where.
whitiitwill be atnottnced later: by ''Sousa's lBan" wnill givcit com-
1901 vs. Hlighe Selinol, at tir cert for the beiefit of te Legue, ie
",rouinids, oil Nov. 2. Uiversity hall, April 8t, 1899.
1900 vs. '99, t fair grountds, 011 Ownig to his great success here at
Nov. 3. year, the mere metetiot f tec fact,
Winners of to bve gatetes, at tatIe is to appciar agaila in Aete
fair grouiies, tl Ttuesday, Nov. 8. Arbor shotld be stfficiet to fill te!
1300 Mieiic vs. 1902 Mcni, at all to its uteeost capacity.
Regets' field, oti Nov. 4.
1900 Lawso ys. 1901 Laws, at Faculty eceptic.
Regents' field, till morning f Nov. 5. Last eveing tec older nacttlers if
Winers tof tite toaoevcgames, at the faculty glve ita rec'etioteitt Btr.
fair groutnds, ott Wedeteday, Nov. 9. boncr Gymttatisumtt, einonor of tle
All gameas till be playel at 4:10 nenw itembers. Prf. Fred niaylr
p. m., excelt thte one sciediled for wras general clairmeat and ttaster ofj
Saturdlav, Nov. 5, whlicha till be ceremtoies. A very etjoyable even-
played at 10 l. m. ing tas setttat daitcing, mattsi, adi
Te followngist a list f the rereshiments. _
uinetes of players stbmittteed by te, - -- -
mtanagers of thte teams tiat sill Maager Liseier of te Atens
play ini the irt to games. Lists Theatre hao extendetlat intvitatint
containingtighitnetmes of players on to the tt' teames playig ii Satur-
the. othter teamis till be ptulishedthle cay's gime to atteni the perform.
first f neweet'ek. anee i Vaiity Ftir" tmorrstr
1901 lit-l. L. Beg, Catt.; N. C. night.
Ilegle, W. A.Ecersman, B. E. Dalphin, -
L. Teft, 1ng.; R. Wadron, Jr., All.In.llcndre makes its fist aperantlce
Blrookfield, E. E. Davien. I. E. Baker, today. Lack of stce prevents a cc.
I.Htarris. I. W.Mills 1. Fredland. C. vevbfr oeartsise
HaletotB. . F.McGee, I. E. ookI. it. bfretmrow su
Rtobinson, J. M. Taggart, G. 1. ludnutt,-
R. Farnitam, P. Kinne, B3. :Bork, I.
Kittlenian, S. B. Eddie, R. Springett, S. ATHENS THEATRE.
tranger, B. Bain. Friday Eening Oct. 28. 1
Ann Arbor Iigh Schol-eSinas, Capt.; "Oaettoichit cfnatarlaes tesi/nwtl iccrld
Bury, Tacker, Fttller, Avery. White, ]tt."t
Peterson. Torar, Robert, (Croier, Rich-'liefavoicte cmeda
etou. Leland, Byd, arris, Wheeler,
19Lit-twod Catt.; C. I. Slater, MR. I OBY BELL
t0. D. Strong, lHlyer, Kinsy, Rlach:, Snpitecid hy LtteeJoact wL
Newman, Miller, C. Reed, McGregor, And te oeg tel campanaia Ateat 1
Gregg Jno. Larsnm, lratz, Mngr.; Piatn, I'lneaslDoetoed Detnte
Pelton, -,N, Wlsert L, 0. E. Krause, The Hoosier Doctor
Kapp, York, Waler, Plut , Page, Daie, 1
MceLean. Pies 25I.50 75neand $t.0t
1899 iLit-C. C. Adams, N. B. Ayeis, 5ti nsl tWtn a tte ia
J. C. Armtstrong, J. XW. Bannan, Thos. easun aleaietci',,ate faintt.,eand
Beath, J. Biurley, M..1. Ctrmody, P. W. ________________
Jones, 1R. It Kiteley, C. W. Kent, A. 11. -___
Kietth, H. H. Lovell,W. L. Mtack, Mtngr.; I U N IVE RS IT Y
C. L. Nle, J. B. Pel, T. A. Neal, C. A.
Tiegelman, i. Tupper, C. T. 'Tryon, N. School of Dancing
V.Thonpson, W. L. Cooper, W. 31. Mie.
Kee, Capt; IV. A. Forward, A. E. -AT-
Richardaon, A. R. Wistrand, Wi. Granger's Academy.
Vaught. 11.11 Phone e2 46.
All protests for 1901 aid Amnt-n
Arbor High School playersmtust be he an W h S ll
in the hands of the assitant football In iin W o~ iI
nmanager by Saturday night, Oct. 29, Peanais and Pcorctnnaten te Ahletic
and those for 1900 and '99 men by Fild ite
Monday night, Oct. 31 .S.LA K R
F. W. POTTER, Asst Mgr W S A K R
1005 N. Univeroty Ave. 315 S Stae. Call in and ees hin.

'This tima'e of the year and
f, yotadrill find yourself
1 properly dressed. Its a
coat that cannhe worm
these shivery fall dlays,
f j ~. g i~ or on warm days in the
prI inter. We are' display-
ing d t splemgdid assortment
J of the best fitiloI'5d kitd.
ASK TO SEE OUR $15 115 1 and $20.
Bltte Serge Stilts. If ittu ttwant as
'suit you'll look its farthert.
I 14CROSCOPIC FINIM N(8. Hendqeerler-s fr all Lisorto-
tory Supplies1ticS. Main Stret' , Atet Ancce, Iicle.
Fine Confections
1 'I Bon Bona and
S Chocolates.
If You W~ant Or Binding, or Ruling, or anything in outr lite, ns matter
howr small or how large,
aiJob of WE CAN DO IT
Printing for you. Call and get tacqtuaintedl.
* * * 'lliee ielasmi Press,
rmnHening Block.

r "



CALLAGHAN & CO, oppiteLaw aBuidng.
Law Book Publishers and Importers.
Have yotu read Wilson's WYorks, as edited by Jaines DeWitt
Andrewrs, or Voim Hoist's "Constitutional and Political Hliotory I
of time United States?" 'T'hese booko are for sale at our
brtanch store anmd eve shmall be glad to have you call and l
examuime thmem. li
Our Branch Here Closes About Nov. I st.

_ T" ..- T T T T T IT T S
_ _


W. J. APRILL. 119[E. Washington St.

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