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October 28, 1893 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-10-28

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C . of a 1.b lih ed D aily ( S di ays ex cep ted) d u rie
l'_ea Catee e ari, by I
Sabsciptias prietee1.50 pee year, invariably
to advance Single copies 3 cents. Subbscip-
tieet may be left at the toice afthbe Di.y,
at Sttlilet's, with any of the editoepstie
authorizeet salieitars.
Commanieatiant shaalt reach the oafietby
7 oe'cc P. m. if they are ta appear the neat
Jay. Address nit matter intended tee publica-
tioneto the Msanaging Editor. Alt busines
commuontcations should he heat ta the Best-
ness Manger.
Ann Arbor, Xich.

neiter an xpet t bea fnanialBradus Sroootowards obserbatory
siccets. Under tile circustnces expenses, by Mrs. tienry Dtraper;l
a combination of tbe two publica- ;$e,eoc fur genieral expenses, by
tious seems cot only feasible-, but Jatmes Gordon Bennett; and a turn-
tthe only solution of the clabs-anntual ber of smuatler gifts too numeroyts toI
problem, wsyiicli is becomning nmore metntion.
complicated eachbyear. The plan - -
subtuittad seems very fair in every D. B. Citeever, lit '9t, is electri-
way to bath parties and neitber cat engineer of tihe Ansonia Electric
party can take exception to it. With Co., Chicago.
the large editorial board and the --- -
financial backingwtticth is assured, an
excellent publication wiii be the re-""
suit. Let every member of the sen - iftl P f/
ior class, be he an independent or a
fraternity man, consider well the
plan submitted, and laying aside Horsford's Acid Phosphate
alt prejudices, act for the best inter-
ests of his class-annual. Is the roost effective and agree-

C, A. DENISON, Ltiw '94, Managtng Edtor.
NORtANoFaOWERSs, Lit. '5, A-sistantt.
H. A. SrPALDING, Lit. '94. Assstaot.
J1. L. LOatte, Lit. '95, Assistanat.
J. A. Lan-aY, Lie. '9i, Athltict Editor.
S. Wv. CRetIes, P. 0. Lit., neatness Manager.
H. BI. Gamoni-a94it Frankhsatees, '94.
Mss Loi aneam-. '<a4 B. F. Halt.a.
St. 0. A aetiSIX:. sMEDI-AL.
W. N. Chotiiae, *96. E. L. .Movtailale, '5.
F.P..Sadler, 1Si). H. LIll-bkias, bT.
L. E. Coneadt, 'ex5. 1 C. 0. Je en1i,.'9it
ThieEitoriteisintihldIhemselets irespon a-
sible frether epitnin s -tateaments at corers-
pondents, appaearing in teDAstaY.
All copy manit be at the oficee beforey8:30 . i.
se the dy or putblition.
EVERY member of the DAILY staff
will be expected to be present at
the meeting tonight. Be on hand
at S o'clock sharp.
THE Pennnylvanian xiii resume
publication about December ast as
a daily. We wish thse publication
success and welcome it into the
ranks of college dailies.
EVERY loyal student of the Uni-
versity of Michigan shlould be at the
Athletic field this afternoon and en-
courage our team in every way pos-
sible. Fverything would ladicate
a good game and everyone will be
well paid for having attended.
We give today the propositions
submitted by the independents of
the senior class, and adopted by
the committee of the fraternities
appointed to confer xith a like com-
mittee of the independents, with
the design of combining the two
annuals. It is to be hoped that the
combination may be effected, as
there is not a field broad enough to
make two publications a financial
success, especially during tile pres-
ent year, when advertisements are
difficult to secure. If a combina-

aned SHORTHAND. Bagnifientituildingt nine
tahr;largealtttendanee; good diseiplie;sutper-
esie e5r; werll supplederedinegtrotm;adailyaetrewt
Si,atayeeningtecesptiolns;openthotateaire year
txetional tacilities lar plaecig studetlas in past-
ties-shoretaindue-tdatesgareatredtbheet Lisle;
.10 scsIa t $_.7.5per nerd itn private tamilis
Fara- lireeatelapse, address
RwAoILA.te~s \
// Alpeana'.na
LCsatas aetre4
atn - aofbF, n cIa

Senior Law Eiection.
As wve go to press, the election of
officers for the senior lawv class is in
progress. The followving candidates
are contesting for the Presidency:
Rtobt. S. Minnebian, of Wisconsin,
nominated by Partlows, seconded
by WV. G. Ramsey and G. H. Bailey.
B. M. Wellnman, of Neb., nominated
by A. L. Oliver, seconded by J. J.
Harrisgton; Willis P. Elliot, nomi-
nated by C. W. Burch, seconded by
WV. J. Landman; James J. Sheridan
a one-year man from Grand Rapids,
Mich., nominated by L. 0. Wad-
leigh, seconded by C. L. Parker.
Later. Result of first ballot:
Minnehan 97, Elliot 45 Wellman
12, Sheridan 47, total 2ut, neces-
sary for choice non, therefore Min-
nehan lacks 4.
Harvard in Luck.
While Michigan is struggling in
vain, apparently, to raise $5,000 or
$6i,0oo, to buy apparatus for our
gynmnasium, and endeavoring to add
to its museum, through the kind-
ness of Fair exhibitors, Harvard has
received gifts in the past year,
which xould more than satisfy all
our present needs. The most im-
portant of these is that of Dr.
Henry Willard Williams, ewho has
given $25,000 as a special fund to-
ward the maintenance of a profes-
sorship in ophthamology in the
medical school, and that of F. L.
Ames, xvho subscribed $a5,ooo for
the expenses of the Arnold Arbor-
Among minor gifts are those
of a library to the Arnold

able remedy in existence for
preventiing indigestion,-find e
lievinc those diseases tirisinig
frosat a disor-desed sfoniaelt.
Dr. W. W. Gardner, Spritngfield,
Mass., says: "I valitIi asat excellet
preenatit-e of indigestiont, as) a pleosont
aecidulated drisk as-ets propertyidiluted seth,
waler, ad sweetened."
Descrip~tive pamtphlet tree o appitionli to
Rumford Chemieal Works, PrevinieneRI.
Besware o atittaesand 5Imit-atn.


For Sale by all Druggists, ieaUaspoi Ara
rnle t. Wdne TOLEDO.
BST______________TtmeTable ta ieert Sundasy Maay 14. 1893.
INTERN TIONAL Trains teave AntsAs-bee by Centrttl
INTE NATINALStanidard Time.
Entirly N,, DITtIONA RY \x15 . seeTHEC
Abreaof atses., i-1 an. t. 05 a m-
A rand Edutors.. teit5p.em. 11:45a. as.
Succeesoftaa e4:15c .i. - 100p. mn
,- A "Unabidged." eSnday Trait,elig North at 9:t5 a.,am.
Teae' spn Snady tain, coiag Siouth at6t45 p. mat.
C, en ear spnt Noe'CE.-Sunsay pTroinrmesbtetweesaTotedo
VI oinrevising,0e. d- taStidambaseg Jusnetion only. Lette tie
ii inos m soedand 00l
I ao antpard~amil lbeglaJunetion retursnitg 6 p. m. (Se tare toe
arS; epned.a rtaoa ottndatspan this train.
s xedd Tratesrest between Attn Arbor and Toletdo
R AnoNt5 " Everybody OlbopvonAeiAitAlo
Hshould air.. tise . . 3NN ,G. ..A.,Told -
iDictonary. It a- antdNTO.Aoea
' I +swets atl questians
ceasoring the hs
tot,spielling, pro- ILt IT' D OPEIl i 12OUS
Ah oLn ibrryinfoaitslf. tlteeiling -FRIDAY EVENING, NOV. 3, 93.
eminent personas; fatsaonterntingthae
counatries, cites, taws, andi natutrat tea- Only One Perform-
tues atftte plabe; particularseconcerning ace
noted fietitiospsons antd places" traes-- ane
lation at eareign quotations, wordis, and I - The itragedtian
provrbs; eta., etc., etc.
This Work is In valuable inthea:_-
hoehioald, anal tattle teacher, scholar, proa- M' ~ r. Walker
fessionaltmnm, and elfai-educator.. ' :"u..
Sold byAll Booksellers.WhtSdt
G. & ~ C. 3Merrdaa Ce. AiometeaCase
Sinhti-et 3a WESTR' - - . A Pei-feet Pertarat-
.ittiiill ea. I5Tfit NAfIBNAl. . san.
ra-1osnotbnaythap pmoto-
grpahitcepritsofmacaentDICTIONWJ I1 E~ I
,sen feelt rpospcts.f L m
ICES: Reserved seat $1.00; Attttssttt-
0. K. RBE SHOP Ptrqaettetandtfirstaroaltar ete rce,
X1mi0;Pearette Circeatkhofrt owt75c;
Im eontnetion:tinSae weaBasts.nea par- Callers' 5ibe
retains tuts. 10 baths fut-$5.00Si. Luaies' Hetir Beser-sed Seats on sate at Watts' Jew-etry
tDressing Parlor upsairs. Store.
J. It. TaaeJAxesrea, 30SE. xWashingtonOS.
PATRONIZE OENNo.14 bataronSat SO~ eat. KIJ4 h1UND1RY CO.
OF ANN AtRBOR. E. S. SE~viss, - .Mngr
Capital. &50,000. Surplust ted Prefits, $30.Manger
Trtastsa ageneral hbtnhing toiaters. Fee- AlsIES W. GOODHrEW, Florist. Grower at
etgeeehange bought ond sotld. Letters at j Bases, Carnatioan td Floersofatlottvari-
credit procured far tr-aveersabread. ety. Floalo designs mtadeonat sharE notice.
P. B ACH, Free. S. W.CLARESON, Calshier. No. 1 Observaovy street, app. cemetery gate.


lion is effected, and the re- .Arboretum, by Prof. Sargent;
sources of the two publications a legacy of $6,ooo, for a scholarship
are united, a strong annual, in the medical department, by Clau-
and one which will do credit dius Marccallus Jones; $2,000, for
to the class will be the result; if on current expenses in the same de-
the other hand, an attempt is:made partment, by Miss Lucy Ellis; $i,-
to publish two annuals this year, ooo, for the law school, by L. D.

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