THE U. OF M. DAILY. C . of a 1.b lih ed D aily ( S di ays ex cep ted) d u rie l'_ea Catee e ari, by I THE U, OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Sabsciptias prietee1.50 pee year, invariably to advance Single copies 3 cents. Subbscip- tieet may be left at the toice afthbe Di.y, at Sttlilet's, with any of the editoepstie authorizeet salieitars. Commanieatiant shaalt reach the oafietby 7 oe'cc P. m. if they are ta appear the neat Jay. Address nit matter intended tee publica- tioneto the Msanaging Editor. Alt busines commuontcations should he heat ta the Best- ness Manger. THE U. of X. DAILY. Ann Arbor, Xich. neiter an xpet t bea fnanialBradus Sroootowards obserbatory siccets. Under tile circustnces expenses, by Mrs. tienry Dtraper;l a combination of tbe two publica- ;$e,eoc fur genieral expenses, by tious seems cot only feasible-, but Jatmes Gordon Bennett; and a turn- tthe only solution of the clabs-anntual ber of smuatler gifts too numeroyts toI problem, wsyiicli is becomning nmore metntion. complicated eachbyear. The plan - - subtuittad seems very fair in every D. B. Citeever, lit '9t, is electri- way to bath parties and neitber cat engineer of tihe Ansonia Electric party can take exception to it. With Co., Chicago. the large editorial board and the --- - financial backingwtticth is assured, an excellent publication wiii be the re-"" suit. Let every member of the sen - iftl P f/ ior class, be he an independent or a fraternity man, consider well the plan submitted, and laying aside Horsford's Acid Phosphate alt prejudices, act for the best inter- ests of his class-annual. Is the roost effective and agree- EDITORS. C, A. DENISON, Ltiw '94, Managtng Edtor. NORtANoFaOWERSs, Lit. '5, A-sistantt. H. A. SrPALDING, Lit. '94. Assstaot. J1. L. LOatte, Lit. '95, Assistanat. J. A. Lan-aY, Lie. '9i, Athltict Editor. S. Wv. CRetIes, P. 0. Lit., neatness Manager. LIAuRYa. LAWs. H. BI. Gamoni-a94it Frankhsatees, '94. Mss Loi aneam-. '