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VOL. fl.-No. 25.T
Looking Toward the Consolidation
of the Castalian and
Since the Castalian, through no
fault of its etitors, failed to appear
last year, there has heeis moth talk
ansong upper-classmen of uniting
the twvo senior publications. Until
yesterday, however, when the lode-
pendents suhmitted to the Frater-
silty men certain propositions, nulls-
lug definite had been fornmulated.
October 25ths, conmnittees were
appointed hy butts parties to meet
and confer upon suitable mseans of
bringing ahout a consolitdation of
the two papers. Propositions were
presented hy list Intdependent rum-
mittee, whirls the F raternity conm-
msittee accepted as a committee, hut
which thsey could not present to
their respective societies until legal-
ized hv a resolution of lteInite-
pendents in clsr meetinsg.
At si imietingtheld yes.sterdasy after-
noon, and at which D). Bi. Luten
pretsidtu, the cosisisittepresentedr
its rsolsitionS stuhich wre discssed
anrd appr ovctd by 5teInditpetdets
prresent.sI'iii .cussristtt wssagain1
emupowcredslto tireat55witshlte rsts.
andtlan -djouis int itwas thetaktern
usitil nextTusay at r p. nii., when
they still aginsreiport.It still re-
quire a thre-fourths vote of slit
Fraternities to adopt the articlesj
presented, as they call for an aniend-
merit of the Palladium constitution.
They are given heloswiii full. j
Ta the Palladium 5rsiser'iiies:
The Inidepeniuenits of the lass of '94
hasvsing agreedi uposs the folloswisng irop-
ositionis, respeetfulily suibmiit the smie
toth liaslilium raiEsternsities for their
It is proposed:
tst. That the class of 194 of the Lait-
ersiry Depsartmsenit of the University of
Michtligan shslsl unsite in the publicsitioni
ofa s irrge clssisnuals.
2d. Thasthelisaosrd of Editors of sasid
annuassl shaill eonssist of thirty niembers
oif ltecass of '94, fifteen ss inehoseni hy
the 1Paisllaim Fraternlities, said ifteern
to bhenl by the inidepenidenits.
3rd. That the choice of a Hahsnie for
said aisnusal shll be left to the iBoarid
of Editors of the annuiail.
4th. That all liabilities or sissets of
this boaird sshi be shiareti equaslly by
the memsbers of the board,
5th. That the Fraternity muembers
of the Board of Editors shisll elect
from amonig their numbers the follow-
inig officers: Mianaging Editor, Assist-
ant Business Manager, Secret'ary, and
two members of Executive Committee.
Arid tire Inidepenidenit miembiers of the QUAINT AS EVER. ~E5VE GOT W43
Board shisll elect from amosng their Riley and Shirley Make a Decided
sumbers tire following officers: Assist- Hit Before a Large Audience A cAts LoODOr
alit Managing EditorLBusiness tian- I Last Night. ERIE t ,PTA'frEM
aver, sandithsree suembers of E'xecotive T nestn htJaeht
Commnittee. T nesadta ae iht
c5h httr bs flil i l onib Riley's quaint, humorous and JUS5T sRECEIVEo
ecrmpose ass Executive Committee' to pathetic creations are enjoyed and tacse s i af, Maholarsy, Wiailnu BacOk.
To tent or' Cci'SSoe. Prices-i ts. Tear's air.
hisie spervisions of priication. appreciated by university students
It is further iproposedseas to have been present at Uniter-
Tirst alter lire college year of I5:13-4,
tire sanriral shaill be pusblishiedl by a sity trail last nijlit. There, a large
iLosird of Editors cons-istingsofsitvie audience, seth-disposed arid ever 51 SothMaia St.
miemsbers of Frsterrnities, andiivIsis-r ready to breatk into hearty laurghster
derndenitschsoseisnsirifris heJuir or genuine appslause, awvaited tire -
'~501tir Isir Cy Iei'irr'err Hoosier> liner andi his scarcely
X1it liailiietsir ases ot tihoBoari
it irsi i sirsh ii lii rssiriis-less plc-isis ignst interesting cons-
listhtBosard.I prnioriIDourlasShluey.
ire officers tso ie chosen bs' tireBuardt '00hinst heard Riley? firs, but
fromui amiong thrs numbtrsssllIre ayoutidtirhearlieicmsisilast night. He
MatnragerEiorassinrress M'n~rr c wsas sitter, it seemed, stiite so friny.
inna est 55You silihtd deeper, you laughed
ire Manasigig Editor'los tire yearC05When ycr' 05 thLterst irCopols a n Styles
1894-flu to be chrosens sfrs-i amonrg tireloutler, arid siledibroader than ire 'tseiouc,shoesst 50e to SIr ais r tss yc
trsdeperrerrt mniers; fos tintiearever siade sou before. He seas tioansAnn Arisespricsero edfoC atalouto5
is hr lrrrfrom iirorietire1Frastsrnityiplain, qutaint, pathetic, lisunorouis.
iersber- of iseIBiard. inn tire 1rss sic .ilty is riot lowvery nrtclassi-
nss 'ianager Ifo r e ccli cc test ot tat, hut hirstdialect 5ioems55arteisirsi-
ir-95t e chrosten iromssi rsors tire1rot. ran3-ian 5ii' i1o ~cAs's.,
rieritsyssessirerns;rthtireasr '5-cr1alist1dlieippeasisliitireiheartt T1Di ICsi 5 - liCiiiilttN
' tuns fromiailimylire Intlns i ri st irisr uaiy smurniswio has eser sari uashomre,
' -t-ii--rreorii cit l i iitrttiis h-N 0 T I C 0 E .
rsirftir sord. Andis stoteriteo asee tvdin e t rsurl dit - ir'5-'
rs~c h isN te r anisoeter located
trut is utirmost wsonderful. Iis d ol Icez1in> .ZLItI 'to 1
The Dost Dome ot the iosu. 1 isi i > t tt '-0od-i'
1creationrs tol uss ir shs ic ienst onuts its' '"'0 00 C xt 1 1 i o yt17ireconi'
ust Input I oricires,-as this sliting-itornssatlo in, by
trr'l~n oftiuty'-oiiz trutiririrmirehiiru, hust linsthins. biii
1iii( arec isarteneiiat lteCtook hli at tire coutrty-ichouol, liresnakes itis iL rcitT
little inroductory tiltk, antiegn
' iirimnaguer, Air. Horace hBagley-, '
anut 'Mit I. NV.1Fnote accormpanied issobject lessntrbence tireails-,
threm.sighsito0flte umruber are poseth lass of coiutry schsool by
siubstiutes, as the teans is stiretuled arid assts, youcurt almsost see tire-
fist most of its Northwestern league mouths opren weith astonishment
ganmes on this trill They wvill go around your, and tse district county Artistic Potographer, G E HURON ST.
from here to Chircsgo to play Norths- school giggle just waiting ho go its
wetr nvriyteeMna. round. eH T L N H S
sveter Usieosh tier tionay' Mr. Riley is, by "realtuodos, thte Lowney s {hocolatleS,
'Todsy's line up islel be:-T
best platforni attraction offered by
131I isoTi osssl Iss .befsM the lettuce bureaus this seasons, asid v
in. Lucson -----Lessti'actie ..........u Ssrsr the S. L. A. is to be congratulated 48 5 T T t
A. 1~ro---- ss Left G' rd ii 55 5 sIsGrififor having secured bins. is ntan-.,
las-in'r.-- it-linit. suar---il lc'rsrn-r" nec is interesting. XYou never grows __ S EATERS
Snare mistlii i Ahrsr ~tired hsearing him. tHe is a po eta ~ A
'Sa ss tnsss uir --ss rrr r ts'5 _ __ ._ __ l ir g e n iu s , a n a c to r . H e is R i le y , s ire jI T
sroueo_...........efi Slf in ....... sruririHoosier hoet, andtieaves pheasant twrh-- RhtHl-------aelmmrishrvrheos.y
Cutrrlercc______ ---Fu l rl........'a~ . llrser'i m m re reee u os
Crriisn - t~riitheis . c i. uygrs Douglas Shserley, wvho assists tilt.
erirruurs'; ii uitrc nn oal'tissi-irssusuer', Riley in isis entertainnments, is a very
Dannsier', S~tou tcuno, Spices, J. Or'ysrirriu
ilsrr55sewis. \ihissans--C. T. Osri's..ooer emrkbe try tlter and seemed S A ES R E
Greerrtr'rc, Villa, tirrsonn. Sherirrri. frulhy as mucis a favorite in his pe- ST T jS R E
- ---- culiar line, as thse dialect ipart.
'The freshmnan densts elected offi- His stories were good and wvell BOOK~STORE._'""nn.)
cers yesterday afternoon, as follows: chosen, somewhiat long, but never
President, W. H. Bailey; vice-pres., Nearly every number on thre pro-
Miss Cassel; seccy-trcas., Harry gram was grceted with thc loudest
O'Tool; sergeant-at-arms, C. P. applause and everybody heft the
Roper. A committee wtill meet hail in excellent spirits. Hon.
Mo'tnday and decide upon a class Jerry Simpson, the next speaker in Headqluaters foi- Gvmnas
the S. L. A. course, will appear
yell. Nov.us.i.inm Goods.