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January 27, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

… VOL. III.-NO. i e.). VOL. II.-h. 21. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIG AN, IULAY, JANUARiY 27, 1 S it. PstTsei:Ce'' PRICE, Tint, u,, t , NTT. HE IS FAMOUS AND HANDSOME' was favorably known as a ready and! BASIS QUESTION AGAIN. Sketch of Prof. A. A. Stagg, who enctiii'pekr a ae Attempt to Require Officers of the Lectures Tomorrow Night and since then at Cliautauqua, anti S. C. A. to be Chosen frcm in University Hall. Gfeneva fakeacid in man citie~s Byv...…

January 27, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 79) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. C.~j ftL). j* TsyWnt$000 LIKE FINDING MONEY. ______ Tle (cds were busy all dlay }Yes-liv Going to \Vahr & Miller's andl tace frontlace, Soc and 75c on evers Put~ishedi(aly (Sundays excepted) during ferday ci rculating petitions \whiclh pair of Shoes as we oust reduce our stuck to he College year, tby sill be ipresentted to te legislattire, tttakc rootm for Sprintg Guods. THE U. OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION asklligtliettto ...…

January 27, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 79) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY, GREAT CLOTHING SALE. 1W ALL OVE"ILCOATS ATI', OFF. ALL~ SUITS AT-I OFF. I l IATN ('A I' ,NItI'?II.JEI(I LA LY E' !iW LA1Z WOO .LEN 1 SE, GLOVE'S AIN 5 MN"ITTdFNiS. A1A..4 A T' T C I T \T / Y T T _t..a . " . ni rv . rra -. i .. .-. 1 See these bargains before buying. WADHAMS, KENNEDY d RLE..AT THE TWO SAMS. Ansn Arbor Savings lBank PATRONIZE --5THE ARGUS,-- Assn Arbor Altoh. Capital Stock,1,t, OWNSBABR SHP 14 j1 fN IN ,...…

January 27, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 79) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. D~iL- , HO E 'ti R-7, ea 1( trace to thte WORLD'S FAIR, Andl offars lowtrates andl sat o10r cornodaions. I ncr . aboot it at pOf Q -JAiA .._.... _ ............ .{ :._ . LI M N '2 I C IJ YLY ft)E M A I 1 1 T -IL 1TE7FST it I b t WeiIitavh ReceivedThl /1w ug ~, Girlsbca7 antd Alp-ine 1108. e ONLY $14.00. Latest Jaads in J14doras. i.t U it', FFttl.,,OVia~t IN rii rt(-)lt t . WILSEY, I CftLKINS , , - 34 S. -tate. a; ot tleSl( U....…

February 27, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 105) • Page Image 1

…. . I Ak . tt* [An loom VOL. III. -Nu. l t 5. VOL.111-o. 105. UNIVERSITY 01? MICHIGAiN, MOND- AY, FEI3RUARY 27, 1893. tesTHE(ES. PIIICE, Tmm.F. CENTS. WE ARE PROUD OP THEM!. treated in a practical, as well as THE SENIOR LITS ORATE.. The U. of M. Minstrels Give a Per- entertaining way, and many valnable Much Good Material Brought Out u~ tormiance Relecting Great Credit suggestions given. MNodels of the; by the Contest-A Result ofS' evceswe...…

February 27, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 105) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. '0W. of W. 'r., cat~. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the Collegre pear, by TilE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Sutiscription lprice V2.50 per year, invariably in ad aer Singrle copiea 3 cetc. Subacrip- tiona may be left at the oflcer of the DAILY, at Stofflet's, with stiy of the editors cc 'word of excusC. They ought pronmptly to redeenm their promises. We believe thu idelay is oot froni in- tentiottal tdesir...…

February 27, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 105) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING SALE, CLOSING OUT SALE i ALL OVECOATS AT I- OFF. ______ ALL SUITS AT{ OFF. -- EVERYTAING GOES. ALL SINGLE PANTS AT I~ OFF. See these bargains before buying. l W ADHAMS. KENNEDY RE UL E. , TSVE Anm Arbor Savings Bank WIORLD'SrAIRLIOTEIS Excelsior Laundry, Ann Astor Nic. Capital Stok 10,10, - :c spa aEiitil'lili' ol S Il 1-. Surplus, 15D0000 Secure Rooms through Orvaniceil under the (GenestlBining LawstsI r y 1...…

February 27, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 105) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M, DAILY CAMERA Ng 17OSUPPLY A PEMAITD FOR THE E ITEKE tlle 1n1 t( ll Niitll is 1camOer1.0. 1'e hoe lReceiedilte1/ic 7fsmi/, ('til-shtsJnd A ~~ilwhos Te/ IS m 1 1 1hIll5111PIN i oitLaded J'ad/s in f1'idoi0. 111 (1(1 5iI 11 c1LITLE F LLO~WS IN l'1OPION.' CALKINS' WILSEY , PHARMACY . . 34 Soth sfta teot-eel. 10STAtRS. j6y0 MOORE' &WETMO12RE, BOOK STORES NO- 6 SOUTHj MAIN STREET _____%ND COR1ER Of' STA N I 55(L) STEETS. XEW A .ND I fC( ...…

March 27, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 129) • Page Image 1

…A tt of y a V OL. III.-NO. 1.2 9. VOL 11-No 12. WIFIITY OF ICITi1G IN, MUNIO DA.Y, AiINUCHli21,y1I9. Piii(w, Tizi.,ilil- CENTS. GLEANED FROM EXP0RIENCF. to have the Oiacle boad consist of DE,,VIDL7"TIC ELOQUENCE e n Iuls .)Interesting Address Ly F. L. oioTlcig ieLstof Speakers Annnoncd fo Dustmn'ison .Sensationali the nuainbc; of the hoirdst '~tnr was tnie Appoach ing Deocorat icnAV u F Journalismr.'Caried.t A&resoltn to anoC.t. I dl ct 1...…

March 27, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 129) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. ,C. oNotice to Seniors. 'JC.o ?~ x~ The senior committee on cap and gown in order to get the sentiment Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during of the class relative to the adoption the College year, by of cap ansd gown, earnestly requests THE U, OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION all seniors to write their names and ______sentiments ots lists which will he Subciptin price 52.;;) pee year, invariably posted on the vatoUs bulle...…

March 27, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 129) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING SALE. ALL OVERCOATS AT OFF. ALL SUITS AT 4 OFF". We have made arrangements with A. Benjamin & Co, to take orders for their elegant and NOBBY - SPRING - OVERCOATS ALL SINGLE PANTS AT OFF. Their ,sanipes are nowv really for inspection and Nve would be I ideasedl to have yonucll end1inspect therm. See these bargains before buying. WADtIAM8, KENNEDY & REULE.-'''x rw SAIVS.. A nn Arbor Savings Bauk j -FNE...…

March 27, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 129) • Page Image 4

…THE U OF M. DAILYv ITS OeQU I ll~M 1 7 ((IONLY /1. 00. CALKINS' i ot1 011' txY - ("I' "'"AL/IS. Onin Saturday evening, 400 CJii n'xeo lITER Oci IN. (jal edition, gi ving a complete., illustrated aIc(oUitt i te World's Fa ir. Thisedition will Le in. greatI delnan 1. 1tr er 0ne. weicoine,, i nec': unlltil tihe upply is exllalIt'(. 85 S. Main Street Si rCf c ' .S'7'4 R.j LEAL/i, U'LOTIER IAND H-ATTER. RE ~ET OEF300K STFOFR- .10- G_ SUTH Mn SR~...…

April 27, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 146) • Page Image 1

…_ Al. o . W aig . VOL. III.-No. 146. IN FINE CONDITION. Our Boys Have Good Prospects of Winning Saturday's Game with D. A, C. The baseball team has returned from the -southern trip, and without joubt is in better shape than ever 'sefore at this stage of the season. The gauses played on the trip have been the best kind of preparation for the inter-collegiate games, and the Decoration Day game with Cor- nell. The boys met several good teams, h...…

April 27, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 146) • Page Image 2

…-THE U. OF M. DAILY. 1' i] : t (: n f c~ ~ { work d&iring the next college year. of " T ~ t A , copy should be in the haands of every student, as it would serve to '.tblshed Daiy (S sasdays excepted) daring keep hIitit posted as to wviat thse far- ts' cotllege ys-ae, ivsulty is dointg, and enable himn to platn HE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION ljsrkitdvne Saiiseeiptitsa pricec lit ii0peeSer, invarciabiy iade-atac Singltcoesv 3 cents. Satas...…

April 27, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 146) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. THEf L1.ATEI'.IST A ..ND BEST !J~ We have Just Ikec-ioved sfir Thirdi Shipment of l.sortasent of NEGLIGEE SHJIRTS in the City. SPRING SUMM1~ER{ ECKW1IAR 14PAVE YOU BEEN ORJR NEW SPRING STOCIK-J- it isa SplendidiShowinsgofSuits and OvercoatsEt't\tV a tltto Pice. WadlhamS 4.Ryan 4. & 4. Reines Wih are nlow Open fog. Inspection . See themn They are Becauties. Ann Arbor Savings Bank j PATRONIZEW RDSFIR E clir audrv An Abr vi...…

April 27, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 146) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M, 'DAILY + BALL A FINE DI8PLAY I F.ANCY <S IT N NO ' cE I A 42S. Stae St.,IFilnoor Aria ic Hz l andages, Gliitlarss j3aIgjos, A Wsinw aul, ONLY $1.00, at ini tSogs Slnts aikoiis, Viotizqs, Face ChocltsadCars, 2\A lgl inis ihed and Rich in T-A.. LTIi - A~a C1ATTYTNT'S. 3' WlSEY , - The Music dealer. SIELLING I.AIODLL.5E1TIR BUY TWO OR TIRKLE. MOORE &WTMR OO0K STORES NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET. 1______) ((iO \ 5.(IiSlATE AND) WIlL.IAM IS...…

May 27, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 172) • Page Image 1

…,: { r 1. 3.., ti V ' / 14MMIk VOL. .III.-No. 17 2. VOL. 11,-No 172. UNIVERSITY OF JCHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 271, 1393. iso'Tstc(3a. Pitim Tm -i ,-E CENTS. BALL TEAM HAS A BENEFIT. The U. of M. Minstrels Help the Ath- letes.-ie African Choir Sings. As sia la e uie t.of -M. asui- ieet tred oitlalst n olit to sec an erthe exponients of colleger ins nd loes t: easity Miii- strl. Tlhle pcirfoirmaIn cingg vi - e fo "sweet ha iy' sake,'' For !1e ...…

May 27, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 172) • Page Image 2

…Published DOisi -(Sinmay the Cullegespc THE U, OF M. INDEPEND' who would have thot J.]Ii. I lis-N N(;ha to repsresentI the seniD~lr npaeo resigned. ITr is a strange fact .s ailltlhat makes us5 precut; thlose thl igs tis 1 15CC apparet l1 lIlTt <,1 tnI l 11 51 i 10C~ik 't' i0h Ihs Icsoa fall tht. Il-Is y i ( to . 1 ', 1, ". ,THE U. OF M. DAILY. S lege journalism iu the wcest. That d' mucht goodl sill coime from s11ch15a ' m~neetiug goes withou...…

May 27, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 172) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE LATEST AND BEST HAT SAL][IREDAYS ONLY. assortment of NEGLIGEE SIRITS in the City. _________Friday, Saturday and M~onday. H4AV E YOUJ SEEN oi.1i NEW SPRIING STOCKI? Choice of anov Sft or Stilltliat in our tole (Knoox ano1Lnolna Bennett ex S 'c( O)at $18 h Seve isats cotl$250, $2.75, $3.00 anoJS4 0o. TI'ly oil1= I«t it is a Sp ott lii Showing of Soits anal Oercoas. Extroa'Caine t Too Pris. n a us, s0comte early. W adhamS ...…

May 27, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 172) • Page Image 4

…THE U.. OF M.I DAILY G : j ~At 42h S stte' ., !- I IC I fie iniStroh wilt itt fine You Iii t s iti dater i ci ti~e Strop wewili gladly re itiitour niunct.LEveybodiyissattisfiedtso fit octt ccmiretantioourtcthase.. Calkin's Pharmacy. i Gtar5, axjos3 Naoigs,5 Vtio irsEtc. All Eleii ap tly Fini thed iant Richitni Toe. WVilIthitonguc fortuter woear. Xou rait()tte. WILSEY, - The Music Dealer.1 ~E L E :'~~JV 1 ~~ 0 WETMORE, BOOK STORES O- 6 SOU...…

October 27, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 24) • Page Image 1

…VOL. IV.-No. 24. UNIVERSITY OF AIICIIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 193. PRICE, THREE CENTS. THE "HOOSIER' POET. ever he returns. Ilie is a story teller WILL MINNESOTA WIN? "WE'V/E COT lEM "s Will Appear in the S. L. A. Course of marked power and command of Ian- Together with Douglas gage, and a reader of a very high Every Indication Points to a Close A CAtL0AD 1) Sherley. order, who cffers not a whit by cot- ame -Our Men Are - yq erasn ma wilrcieat...…

October 27, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 24) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. Pu. TH C, 7 a' Jay [$ AV E hare freqtuently bud our ut-' view we suti-Veut that somse actioun roteutiotucalled to thue fuct that uo fuavorabie or unfavorable, be takeo whr on ourutcherished Irvtnna~ndu.eI.auusoonu us Irosuibte. Tlbe general doeu thu uamte of the door' of a; sentiment ueemu to bho in furor of t u.o~ NDLPPEN ASSCIAiONcouusiderable uamount of the fundsiucuurlau debate, we believe; und if usedl in itu ronruct...…

October 27, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 24) • Page Image 3

…TE IU. OF M. DAILY. THE CEQIJAMEGON fiNCHES IRA.__ StOt q-c1ol l lelo, leuXCELSIO0 LAUesD sY it 0tE ,\zi Iii '102 '-Ptitl Ei. Sacidly c I. 2 uciley-x cltas meejtin, Good WoO . u rOticid ('tosi-ald ior IootoA 9,. ci. and deiv-erct. A. .GOVEIT, Prof, SAdy Oct. C -Vic-~an -.I it ot t1 C~lF 0Jff Athetitcfield. 11? E.Wa-hi no tet ci (tot hicto -h-~ebicnclubelection, in 22Xetsin the Mn.Ee. ctu0.Erl Wlleennrmai and cmic ecittion and caicte pr A. M. ...…

October 27, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 24) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. J At' $2.50, $3.00, $3.5o and 4 co Hats, e'xcepting Sits esias'C RIoetaf s FOR $1.98. ' o _ EIGHT DAYS ONLY Saud, ot. 8t . M oly FRIDAY, Oct. 20 to SATURDAY, Oct. 28th. All Styles and Sizes. Calkins' Pharmacy STATE STREETS STATE STREETS MooIla1:& Wcxo a NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAMv. Have a Full Assortment of' UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, new and second hand, and all keids of STUD)ENTS' SUPPLIES, wh...…

November 27, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 50) • Page Image 1

…VOL. IV.-No. 50. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1893. PRICE, THREE CENTS. KANSAS DEFEATED, goal, ,where McMurray fumbled. YALE WINS AGAIN. E E GOT' EM -Eichigan too Strong for the West- This was their golden opportunity, Hv Harvard'sn Tricks-aTd SciencennotuA CAR LOAOF ern Players.--A Good. Hard for never again did they get a chance Equal to the Endurance of tAALA° Game_ 22 to o. to score. Michigan, taking the ball, the Boys in B...…

November 27, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 50) • Page Image 2

…I THE U. OF M. ,DAILY. the Michigan eleven has been defeat- Ofed not only by Minnesota, who ran up a large score against her, but also by Published Daily (Sunays excepted) durig the inferior team of the University of the Cllae year, by Wisconsin, this certainly does not ap- THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION pear except to those who see with the vision of the Michigan representa- tives. Cornell regrets as much as Min- .r U N . nesota or Mi...…

November 27, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 50) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. ORGANIZED 1880. INCORPORATED 1886 THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. LEW H. CLEMENT, 1i So. MooN ST. Director and Manager. EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY 20 EAST HURON STREET. Good Work Guaranteed. Goods called for and delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. 22 Years in the Business-.N' CITY LAUNDRY, M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. KEEP YOUR ACCOUNT WITH THE +$TATE $AVInG$ BAflK+ Cor. Main and Washington Streets. A. L. NOBLE, Pres. ROBEmr Pi LIPs, ...…

November 27, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 50) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. The proprietor graduated In '84 and the prescription clerk in '90. They hare lea-ned their hasiness hy hard study, Whsat they hnosr is at your disposal at 1Calkins' Pharmacy \GLOVE SALE!1 GLOVE SALE! Another 'o, of those Street Gloves receivedt, sold everyswhere for $1.75youar ch )ioe thswcek for x+1.25, all shorten and sizes, CHOICE OF ANY HIAT IN OUR WINDOW, X100 EO PISIILt MATTESI,-THE OUTFITTER, - 828. STATE. &W2M...…

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