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May 27, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-05-27

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1. 3.., ti V '


VOL. .III.-No. 17 2.

VOL. 11,-No 172. UNIVERSITY OF JCHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 271, 1393. iso'Tstc(3a.

Pitim Tm -i ,-E CENTS.

The U. of M. Minstrels Help the Ath-
letes.-ie African Choir
As sia la e uie t.of -M. asui-
ieet tred oitlalst n olit to sec
an erthe exponients of colleger
ins nd loes t: easity Miii-
strl. Tlhle pcirfoirmaIn cingg vi -
e fo "sweet ha iy' sake,'' For
!1e eneit f th baebal eaml, the

ed hiyiBilly 'Mcsathlian aid Dick
Between thceItwo parts of the per-
fiii cfe" tile auiecewis itreateil4
to a surprise. I lie Africinvi tivll
Chiirssliiehs appecr is vni
issen ltedIby the.mnagier 'aisd
5'il''o ceo -their swierd,1',,V rn s
Tire;)ii'iCrnal 0 eiiiia I-
s. t

OUr Teamn Goes Down Before
Minnesota. Unfavorable
s;n~e eeteel the leanifromi
t "he 'mee rily of M\ii sesola a fesw
week ag totheclasife Hoe iif '37
to ei, c c~oc tholzght stsaltsilic
we camieiii slay- a retarni game sithi
the ?iii i fr11111Sti. fPaul, siccoulid

eiy u aoiriouIiiortioce sias filleed iritlian ent - ' i vrit ,W sconin ces ei l
anti aflfprcctative amlteccc h cm t eil se e tie<.t It Tin lhI('s-
to laughciii laiigh aiiil iei irleci a'roist hl ie m e intheir 'ganiic withlie'I aeclc clriyatr
iiin satisfied. iiar boseso-iiy. FIimoneis~ sooiiin secriig srilrnsiwisleweis-c
tErers'onc kinowrswrlat '"our soiaiiof the Cariialie icclip h olw VvlIlt o isti we' sic s ai 61Set nsaiss stLyles
gahrn'i~ ikasli i Iiit10 r1Tlhfexole victory wsas due to seicral ofV, 4 or $i ho0c-; ciso 1.ia pair less
neceessary to enter into dletail. 'The gieafinic ftmsitinient at icrasoins, pricipally to the fact that tiiAmi5iiiele cilei'iiiieC
I gv arieao h eAi~nnesota found the ball oftener
end moien cie off the ihonors of Madison: tineddadt h atta
the evening aind Harry Rcese iwas "Let iio one have anivoilier engage- raH
''center riustiinstead of "Trinity" ineot for Satuirdtay ifteriioii tian the M\iclhigan omade ionic costly errors, l01, 183-185 ifi OiiiARDiiiAc.,
Porter. "Trinity'' resigned froni baseball game. It requires attencdaince though only six in comber. Min- DETROIT, - - MICIIIGAN.
th mntrl, ye isi. f every student of L. W."Isesota mad~e sixteen hIits off our
th intel,"yshcdd,' "Now or never," then bath tealm play- pitchers and had the game front the q.IQhmofld Straight Qat.
'The songs irere all newr 'nch cx-ersliresiiyitng to thiemsehves. "Anntscic nigi rihScoe i- No.I
ceedingly wrell selected, Dick LewisoAibor tmust be defeated."scn nig nwihfv e
tole occasion to get a "iwhack" at "If U. of W. 'inis the baisebaltgatue, crossed the plate, scoring by foCGA ETES
CigaretteS'mokers who
thc faculty in Ihis, "'Merely a Matter w1hell is played Saturday afteriiooii hits, tiwo bases on balls and a throiw -p n re sllie iiin tie vs hle
of aoc.mino opsnirls i st U. of Me. we will have in excel- hoise iwhich lilt thin base runte hrgdfr h riry~
letit chanee to secure thle pelliliant' 'fTlmy registered four more runsis r9 Tss tBRAiD sutielsist
niagi'iffi'e t bass voice, interpreted "Y'outimay eoiint ots vihi id n thdocrl enir-rrr 'ii \- s.. allothers.
song TheCatCameBac " he furt ontwo rros ad aThe Richeiond 51raiht
the sog teCtCn Bc thniaicuescenes t the hihlsehlhh lie HCne~Itie.1 ictsseslirn h eg
the aeiirie tes re mae' frin theiht-s
10 sulitIiniself ancl incideintallyit a ariiIhtet ot isvp di.eel '-esieiies ieiandthigshecost
soited eve ryonleIll the iidietice -- - '-- It is said lthatMinnlesota's pitchiet and Oriilr oMSraightist Cgaettes,
'eiiiitbelroSliiiiiiri Sensior Law Committees,. irho lpassed as a stitdent by thse j'wiry se iseietissead eisi nve that the
san asolg isi ~atl h o Ile nante of Stonekton, is us reality a VheALLN01G'NT rnchsu
sagrisngwichli usp'tlC Pesidlent Jefferiso tesenior iMi ihe American Tobaco iCs.,
hiis oiri, "'AFrre'ik of tHumsans Na iircashs llott ti oli-leagul tayer by' theiiariie of Fleet- isiiiiistarrs, - Rchmosd, Vircgisia.
lur,'' cisl swhichi trevokeed consic-ingcommittees:5 insitatiosnal IosJ. tu isyDb,.i
crabhleoierrimnt.sll r.Schieimer- 'w ,- bi ts ~ sas lilt siifreely in itefSft11, sixth
hiorni is one of te ma'inst'iys of thic! 'iken, 5-. 1B.1Tlcker, C.sM Howell;ailsse't' hstlei slkn01
msinstrels, aiiilhis tlents and ,ilill h pogrma ' I.iHS.Dcvi", J.N. tic of lteheaoxd benlhloinsustthedox
hsweesontruhuthpe-I hCalieyIiCiii heels leit in theGbor
tie sireili~siistlioceuot te iei- td' iyU I t 01hieiI(Cthiroughi the gae' thie resullt iiighit f
forhalice Ii1 iilh'teivet psirt lhe 'ail ia)- P.inoi sriseii'i-)' I e lie
nearedii ii'10iin i iin, s aaerc if ! I r 1Sa s lit h , ii hav beniffneI theii oi n
"'ThIomp1sn'i and ci iew tis ifat It,- IllJ. S liiiss, fir.} 3 ll; yn o l~tthihdurdltEn_
Aileri cancii is Ii aniiin iii Ii e eioratlotiluchioa. '11th thiels I i hia °
tlitin of ~ cgruplanttion nc o . , pl c a ilner, J...took. his ph il.?eI'iitooihiscliieind very'er "ogoo
iilo'!ifliti Iic'ewj iiorkotily ive hits 'iniclthre runs
Ypianwa loone o1 t 1 zei S. U.Jones'beie nchelios lii eli cr
mnistays of she shsowr, aan1iti H. , t beiigemae fomulhishodeiinr ut.
hsadnttieen for that cyclone irhih hi 'ne i'ixC iilu I tufitnely noeaivoe-ron, bust G HI N:.C,.
struck the toiwn some ireeks go5eufotuateyloneweepnhbse.y
the minstrel performance last n'ightI Minnisot's hits wverie ne'irly all
might not have been possible. M1eutbers of the senior lair class singles, only' two twro-baggei being
Nil Desperanduns, the celebratedf are requested to send a liostal card scored: MER11CHANTP"I
trick horse, woas brought out frons( iths tanie and nunmher of com- Th1crihc i r bet
Iis retreat and dusted up for the msencement invitations desired, to J. give only by ininings is as followrs:1
occasion, and upon him Mile. Fanny D. Spitzer, 2tt Cathserine street, be- Inniingfs ----- 1 1 0 3 54C"76s0NTA L R
milian -i --------,0 1 1 5 5 0 2 3
Reederiski showed what a fearless I fore May 30. Miniiests -----_--0 a5 04 ! 051i0i..-14ADI t~S I
and daring bareback rider she was.I The Young People's Clhristian +-- ND-1Io~ ~
Mr. Guy S. Reed swung the clubs 'Union held a most successful ban- William Emory Quinby, '58 lit,
aonly he can swing them, and he qoet last night in the parlors of the editor and proprietor of the Detroit -' 'T '7OO EN"
was followed by the comedy; "Old- Congregational clhurch. Mr. Walter Free Press, has been appointed
,est of Old Stories," from the Frenchs acted as toastmaster, and toasts minister plenipotentiary and envoy 55 'Wi. FORT I' SW,
of Grover Cleveland. Mr. Scher- wvere responded to by nmembers of extraordinary to the Netherlands,
merhorn was the star, ably support- each class, by President Cleveland. Detroit ih~n

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