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February 27, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-02-27

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. . I Ak .


VOL. III. -Nu. l t 5.

VOL.111-o. 105. UNIVERSITY 01? MICHIGAiN, MOND- AY, FEI3RUARY 27, 1893. tesTHE(ES.


WE ARE PROUD OP THEM!. treated in a practical, as well as THE SENIOR LITS ORATE..
The U. of M. Minstrels Give a Per- entertaining way, and many valnable Much Good Material Brought Out u~
tormiance Relecting Great Credit suggestions given. MNodels of the; by the Contest-A Result ofS'
evceswere exhibited antd functions of{ College Training.
oThmevsthe eifferent parts explainedt. After & naie '"
'lhe opera hotusewas cirowdted to ysoil ite intat seerortunitatoial lrllpoRTr1S~
Its utmlost capacity, Sattrdasnisgelt Is etr etpesai oilt epeet tte';ltoaoial~ xlf1~Flk15
'cithi stntdcuts sitd citizents to witne stas Held entit sit o'clock:. I contest in UniversityIHall, Salur- __________ H.
he firsitlociltpeformanice tiy the ;T B USINES MANAGCEMENT.ttdiy, swircctreatedl to i liiiliiaiitdis-
t.eers l t instrels. AlthoughI_ ltay of studeint oratoiry aisdwere l
great tiin'ssvere expected ot thein, j An Address of Creat iterest to agi"n~ rernined of the hounors thatd
temost sanun xettionts werei Prspective Jlournalistvs of the the I. of MIx . siue soon Cti win
lie Press Club.
excecicil ' eithset pains5n001 x-L----5i5505" gthe oratossotf the northwsest.
itense hadlbeeniioiiiittedsnakethe r. "C S.Moran, men ouer ofdthe It e firt sieae's5 S. (C. itzer,
lterfsirincc a snicisss.IThose swih o A vi.Aror IRiegister (iveekly), read Iselid liiiundeividedsttll.ntion of the
have wvitnsessedl theserfs oirmansue of a paper before thse 'ress Club, Sat- auiece wvhile lie pr esenstedl in. care-
past years united in common in rso10 urday afternoon, on '"Tile liusiness fully chosen wordlsansoil tleain's tins iiniss oitLasi srieittiiitSe
M ofie$2 , ,l5rcgi Sheen s SiUcte is S i r i s n
nonigthis years entert'sinmient IMainagemient iif a Weekly \Nenspa- mannser the tpossibilities andilrlities thissArasArtr pices, send i'ii rUtaltie t ii
far ahead of any tsrevioiis years. per.'' He spokec of the relatioii of coinectedl siths"Americais Citizeis R R
'Sm he music of the orchestra antI the neswspaper to its subscrihers in stills
te alslropiate andetnext costumes 1 egYartlto the l1aymenl of salsucrip- Mr. (.It3.Attest thens re- ON 1A 'p ) 101. 183-1sn85 WOeODWtArVE.,
of Itse troop addled muds to enlsven l ions in advance, anti discussed the sentedl the "Iifluence of Anmerica DETtROIT, - - MeICttIGiAN.
the entertasinmesnt. rate of subsscriptioii. He saitd it is on I_ nglishLiIiterature,"shxowng the
It wvoul heeiffistuslt to pinit out I riicsulous to furnish thirty or forty tprogress of I'nglisth literature antI qi~h 'nnd Sfraiqht Qal'.
sn eansesi's thxe performnice, cotlimns of readling matter per weekc what hart of it is due tii AnericanNoI
._seer ~y mn s'leid hisnself credisthot for $xi .00 per yeair. Ilie srsce cinterprise ant itntelltet. CIGAR E"TES.
lie wnork if Stessirs. IIones Schser- shouildSl .,5l o 5oor S 00, sisdl were IR. Sh lipp, i's aisosationus - sCgaete in ii 'v siii
nehtorsi, lit stit lats I ei, n t tfor the dsadsltantag"esiss con'tistleds"t a xi '' presenitedl the stel re 5, trt iihe ri
see( eiwa s espsecially tpraisworthy.s Ietitiotn amsong the h 5 l+sof tlhe ing" suaitles thtcl l1anve characteied.t rii is ii l ssisi
ITie song" s n'sgi';sscere unis fisrI xweekhlstnewssaipers, l S. loisistheSlotr'sons peo'ple 'suitthese faih-apls1 r
'x i 'i ls ( , u htte tissc piuir.' sillt I"l iii sesrsites a i ontessset5sitil([iinCi ties i5'ltts.i i is'i' ii
"l.is',t he. sl tl 1 £xC - i n >lci slnstees, t ~ i, it ,i titi Iis 'slits ii te tiiil
ls th trc hos is. stsan to- c i ly eiii Th ie cin iil lies iftti fn tin l cesiie, <t,0i,ufiuutic i cR", ~ciite
Ztrl titi ;lt C,' itt t ite
is'~l t' se.Ci acIt wtl' l e e 'i ts t ouf ieCt li~ )' "s crits teihit x ltii ." ISi ist d C+? hoziis ti it'eit~h; t'
PhlhIoweer suistainsedl Iislprev'ious scribers, M~r. :Moran ideprecatsedh te tianttiyndastIniviidlaismu."'' Ile
ecotridi asan idealciserlaitnerIis jtireismiilsystieni. I cthe etditorial iseesestedh Chinilsteniceiol Chirishiass-I
SMis gags, andshacssihatic fea'ts istaisageeet be the drawtintg hpower. ity Isis the socisialisti religiiouis
Bei"g cry' fine. s ith vertisers there shsostul be thought of the sworldt. Christisanity o
Sir. Scisernmerhsorni, atpie'sinus le-i so favoritisms. flighier rates shiosul is not a chutrchs sr us creeth, btisats
tore ass Sisns Arbor audciecsefor the certasinlyhe charged for stpecial iso- life. '
hurt timeuchatsadle forhismself as'ssilsons, butiMr. 'Moran thought tat J " rti ospietedtefro
enivithle recordt as a burnt cork in mnty cases the prevailiing extra gramss iithsats orsatioss on A Ness
aristaisdtchiarstcter impterson'stor, charge was tooi high. 'The business D~eclar'ation of hIndesendence."' The'
SI. seedshiowvedt seomuierful skIlni'sa'sger should imsist utpon shuar- declaration i5 anainist thie spoilt nys-
its cluib swinginsg. terly settleenits, aisc should give a tens and piarty' tyranny. After about
ITie tusmsbling euf iMessrs. Itotter,j cold sh'ouitder to the advertiser 'who ten minutes' consultation the judges
Reet,(Grochau, and Clark was very ivwishies to have his account taken out reported that Mir. Allen had received_
good. Olwing to an accident to Mr11. in trade. MSr. Moran hsad with tim first rank, Mr. SWalker second, and P J. KINNUCANJ,
Ptierce at Ypsilanti, the Chiniese act the advertising and suhscription Mr. Spitzer a chose third. MA r.
was omitteet. Performances havej books of thin Register, and showed Allen received first rank in bh
teems arranged for a liumber oflplaces Ishis system of keeping accounts with thought and delivery. Thie judges VER.CHA.NT
including Detroit, anid no doubt buit his patrons. At the comnclusion of of thought and composition were
ishit or bys wth e geetd byhisintresing apehe ~ , judge Cheever, Profs. 1Perry and
lageoudiencswasltheygdeseretoisvoteretas ythin Cperhitws.give's a Scott; delivery, Rev. Young, judne TAILOR
lag uine sthvvsretvteoihnsbsh Cu. KneadHo.A .Swe.erever they go. The semi-annual electioin of oft- -------_,.-:._
cers then, took place1 resulting as Thin photographing of interiors AND 111O~iTEI5 (10'
Fir. Carrow on the Eye, follows: President, C. AV. Ricketths' o xiiinateWrdsClm
--vice-president, Miss iMargarette C. bian exhibition, of laboratories, lee- J7 E . S
Saturday afternoon the chapel Shaw; secretary, H. H. Smiths; and turn rooms, etc., wits classes at N DD
seas 'well filled by msembers of thin treasurer, F. 1I. Willets. An in- work, wvill begin at onice if the
Woman'sLegetherD. ' formal discussion followed in regard 'ete sfvrbe
Crto the character of the programs for _ 0W, 'O_ S_
row discuss the care of thin eye. future mnetix~gs, and thin Chub ad- Law lecture room, tonight, at 8
-'is alt imsportant subject teas, journed. o'clock. Detroit, Michigan.

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