. . I Ak . tt* [An loom VOL. III. -Nu. l t 5. VOL.111-o. 105. UNIVERSITY 01? MICHIGAiN, MOND- AY, FEI3RUARY 27, 1893. tesTHE(ES. PIIICE, Tmm.F. CENTS. WE ARE PROUD OP THEM!. treated in a practical, as well as THE SENIOR LITS ORATE.. The U. of M. Minstrels Give a Per- entertaining way, and many valnable Much Good Material Brought Out u~ tormiance Relecting Great Credit suggestions given. MNodels of the; by the Contest-A Result ofS' evceswere exhibited antd functions of{ College Training. oThmevsthe eifferent parts explainedt. After & naie '" 'lhe opera hotusewas cirowdted to ysoil ite intat seerortunitatoial lrllpoRTr1S~ Its utmlost capacity, Sattrdasnisgelt Is etr etpesai oilt epeet tte';ltoaoial~ xlf1~Flk15 'cithi stntdcuts sitd citizents to witne stas Held entit sit o'clock:. I contest in UniversityIHall, Salur- __________ H. he firsitlociltpeformanice tiy the ;T B USINES MANAGCEMENT.ttdiy, swircctreatedl to i liiiliiaiitdis- t.eers l t instrels. AlthoughI_ ltay of studeint oratoiry aisdwere l great tiin'ssvere expected ot thein, j An Address of Creat iterest to agi"n~ rernined of the hounors thatd temost sanun xettionts werei Prspective Jlournalistvs of the the I. of MIx . siue soon Cti win lie Press Club. excecicil ' eithset pains5n001 x-L----5i5505" gthe oratossotf the northwsest. itense hadlbeeniioiiiittedsnakethe r. "C S.Moran, men ouer ofdthe It e firt sieae's5 S. (C. itzer, lterfsirincc a snicisss.IThose swih o A vi.Aror IRiegister (iveekly), read Iselid liiiundeividedsttll.ntion of the have wvitnsessedl theserfs oirmansue of a paper before thse 'ress Club, Sat- auiece wvhile lie pr esenstedl in. care- past years united in common in rso10 urday afternoon, on '"Tile liusiness fully chosen wordlsansoil tleain's tins iiniss oitLasi srieittiiitSe M ofie$2 , ,l5rcgi Sheen s SiUcte is S i r i s n nonigthis years entert'sinmient IMainagemient iif a Weekly \Nenspa- mannser the tpossibilities andilrlities thissArasArtr pices, send i'ii rUtaltie t ii far ahead of any tsrevioiis years. per.'' He spokec of the relatioii of coinectedl siths"Americais Citizeis R R 'Sm he music of the orchestra antI the neswspaper to its subscrihers in stills te alslropiate andetnext costumes 1 egYartlto the l1aymenl of salsucrip- Mr. (.It3.Attest thens re- ON 1A 'p ) 101. 183-1sn85 WOeODWtArVE., of Itse troop addled muds to enlsven l ions in advance, anti discussed the sentedl the "Iifluence of Anmerica DETtROIT, - - MeICttIGiAN. the entertasinmesnt. rate of subsscriptioii. He saitd it is on I_ nglishLiIiterature,"shxowng the It wvoul heeiffistuslt to pinit out I riicsulous to furnish thirty or forty tprogress of I'nglisth literature antI qi~h 'nnd Sfraiqht Qal'. sn eansesi's thxe performnice, cotlimns of readling matter per weekc what hart of it is due tii AnericanNoI ._seer ~y mn s'leid hisnself credisthot for $xi .00 per yeair. Ilie srsce cinterprise ant itntelltet. CIGAR E"TES. lie wnork if Stessirs. IIones Schser- shouildSl .,5l o 5oor S 00, sisdl were IR. Sh lipp, i's aisosationus - sCgaete in ii 'v siii nehtorsi, lit stit lats I ei, n t tfor the dsadsltantag"esiss con'tistleds"t a xi '' presenitedl the stel re 5, trt iihe ri see( eiwa s espsecially tpraisworthy.s Ietitiotn amsong the h 5 l+sof tlhe ing" suaitles thtcl l1anve characteied.t rii is ii l ssisi ITie song" s n'sgi';sscere unis fisrI xweekhlstnewssaipers, l S. loisistheSlotr'sons peo'ple 'suitthese faih-apls1 r 'x i 'i ls ( , u htte tissc piuir.' sillt I"l iii sesrsites a i ontessset5sitil([iinCi ties i5'ltts.i i is'i' ii "l.is',t he. sl tl 1 £xC - i n >lci slnstees, t ~ i, it ,i titi Iis 'slits ii te tiiil ls th trc hos is. stsan to- c i ly eiii Th ie cin iil lies iftti fn tin l cesiie,