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February 27, 1893 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1893-02-27

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'0W. of W. 'r., cat~.
Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during
the Collegre pear, by
Sutiscription lprice V2.50 per year, invariably
in ad aer Singrle copiea 3 cetc. Subacrip-
tiona may be left at the oflcer of the DAILY,
at Stofflet's, with stiy of the editors cc

'word of excusC. They ought
pronmptly to redeenm their promises.
We believe thu idelay is oot froni in-
tentiottal tdesire to prevent the trip,
but fron t houghtlessneso. ITe
University xiii bf benefitted grefatly
by tilt visit to Chicago, attd to up-
hold the high standing of the Choral
rtiions anl the 'University, no enm-

By Going to Wahr & Milleros anti save front 25c, 50c and 75c on every
pair of Shofs ao we moot reduce our otock to
make room for Spring Goodo.
Fine Footwear Dealers,.

authorized solicitors. barassmnttshlould be felt over te t4r~\1~hTU~ -A
nComi ions hudrahteofc yT O S R O O D R I 'lc. M. it they are to appear the neat matter of depositintg thte smtall jJIJ Y dl 1 JJIJ1J1I M DSCU'
lay. Address all matter intended foe publics- amount of mtoney retquired.
ticn to the Managing Editor. All businesas ___________ OR'THIWRY DAYS.
conaetions shoulil be sent to the Busi-
arts Manager. Preiiiuinary debatfe, tonight. _-- ~ ~ c
THE U. of M. DAILY, I ___________G___________=LO__
Ann Arbor, Xich. i________________________________
EDITORS. I * f$ X RY ' TldAnn Arbor and North
E. . oe'i.io is,SI t. 94iManatiEdeiitir. MichiganX Mchgnaiwy
*c, b ea.ts, SilMt. 94Assistant.
AVEO3) .5itileiAss9ist~.ait . 4AI1~l~S ci i t Riwy
. W C5 Itrise. '.£i.Lt., Bosiness Manaer.ptiS tiIlei. 1aild3,xsistat.tT
Itlis, e n iit. '4 i ta nt. 1)i it l'l ii tll iiT IAN 0Cear vi~rtle ofliTrinsiatiAn tAbor
cci.N. J.1.. 9. i , li
E .K.l iwe 9:3 I0E S otHorsford's Acid P os h te Iu1. ank'n,'1. 'AE)1" 1.cUl( o'9i
Oi NI. SEt , 21. (.0. N delte i i,' 3sithe LEADIGS CHseOOL OF BUSINEOSS. tlac- N.I x.tittilld e~x 'es '( . i
i'ii S lo('o,'Jt . ..Ii. Arcoitlt.'li. '1httie' lsedlit li for e talVl'yttird, S i eit ii ledinecinides ctrecr; large'atti'idane; 'h Ni; 9 .. astr n A bo Acoi*1: (t o
c ft il'AI';ii [lit'T. ' tli i i'A'itit'. i0(111} pracliiltice, - 1 iS lt il l ii nl 11 i- fooded isiline; s'upi'iiowoec;welsupliedreaodinig No . 9'r '01d A o"fciii'A;'iit l >(11 ii
'atie E.Mi arXt i' I '. '.. Stie i'it. ' 3. iirooimi;is' diatsiyi i l*tilwe'4 t uries; Sactudyeeingee pioeins;titlli ecc . ttc i
(l ld 'd(aetnl o siiritIki ra l e lenire year; eoimiii du dates is great c;ii sior"t
r -' ^1 r i1'i'tiiitttiiito (l(t Of Itie heS tiers ' iii'imandi sothi ndbee graduates all scecpositions;
M "? --- to~i1Su llttit 1"e iiitc 5.i ' '. tr Iil1tili - est.gI'or3viwCe02tC5%it'andiList of tudentf025 No 4. ut iitiExrsiiciip. c .
1liaiistiiii c 91r xxiirw rk i 1 Iiit tl-i ieerelieiii flees F. a. CEnART. Peas. NoG. 'l'itediiAci'toiiiiotiit ii . .. tttea. it
it) 'tti O'iL 'tisDa il:: xceitt 1111nndies.
______________---_ _ ___------ ii-iSf$2.00, $3.00, $4.003~5 TltoiolyesdSiiiil
Itt 159' stuldenot interested in good iA msAtexcelleiit x151(1 ilgti'l'ei iil ~ FrC Vtel l ii'eiiiitiidl ihi ,it'50b i1 9icit cl.a~ ~ rt
ilebate should be liresentt this even- ' <l l gppFirrstt luiCrlass itlandst- Warrant11edci9 SiS' -ii1tt
in' at te preliMinary contest. 'Te orates SIe ired brai ittl ody, l- E5. 15.LSLNNS2I l' P. 9. iPS NWilllil
lttfallrts reitexxed etnergy al itl itfy, tiimiEs Doty & Feiner. 1Gen. tas. Ageii. uoccalgent,.
m nsholtih avethe inlspiraltioni of t111f5't19Sitefuncltiotns.
ai crowidieid hiiuse' I s~'I QJV T a y" xis UVilclit AN Ar (fl i.t414t' 1 A 75.' ((1c

- Si~~~~~~~leseipsitis ie r ceiie apliiiiiii to ~ i~dl 59I~. i
Rmmford Chemical Workis, Provs-
'sitnliPlresideint-eiect Cieve- deceeRI. _SEC__- AN
ladsapitet a h l- n~aeo usiue cdIittoi.iversity of Miciiigaibeinch ionored; FOR THE SECC
firsti iiiihe narninig iof J. sterlilntg At the Stildents bookstore.
Nortoit for tteiporifliotiof agricul- HENRY' RAUG " 'intl htiy ofi us. NWe ure dlii
titr, anid mainliin tie a >tpointmlent '1''ticsiiteadslilst, (litler. llsiio n i aiiilItui seconid-hand t d 11 ii 's'it-ror
if~~us~' itiryrI.'ltttir f ttoi. WL it5959 115. 1',rt Estxshiciie90willufer at lits
fior Air. S let celanc's 11111 tte secre-5 1 i i . Z oo ilt "I)cilll'S I1T
tary. M.iorttiitwts'da Ii t of Elits''OSte)esFIDE Slilitst it
;,lr. 'iTurbeer ws f hc~lass Of'74 ' I SH E ?B S H EE HA N &
a1111 a ciaatandtl chin of Ihouor- L. GR U N E R, UiveriyBosles
attlc lieunI. ('attic, of -Illinois. 'both rsity Bookseller
S. S. Main Street, - Annm Arbor. SIEFIIAN & CO. SHElf112
applointmetstcltare aiccecitIto !tie
intitution ini swhichi these mn it ad "W J'Thuajttlity' of oulr is-. N R O
their edct'aion and schtolastictrin-l isotmtl lotf I ar;1 71
ing, whsichtihas int hart, at leot fitteti( p' c(, hob0jud~ged ST I-1L LA'1 'LD ,yr 00.
ttim for ste ositionsS thsey arc i A -9-, . . -,,

iv recoiing Sly'tlsi lti~nlills of f~"
'itllege Text hBoo~ks fromS thte'
«v pices. We keeps theo Frenchl
t' IMAioll51theity-.
State Street.
Nt (0 . SIIEElIIk- &CU0.



phobo grcpher,

calleid to oiccupy.
'I'x -', tariniess of tihe iteiibers of
Sth t Ctoral I 'nionin depic~ositiitg the
funds requtiredI of tieitoti secure
loxw hotel rates at Ciictgo ini jdene
is not at all chtaracetistic of that
society to say the least- As a usual
ting it is aisvays to thte fmontt ineve-
try tinit pertaininig tot its oswn gooid,
or that of tue University. 'lothttose
who make itolpronise of goig to
Chicago, or of depositing their cash,'
of course no conpainlt ian justly
tie made. Itut for those by whose
promiseslteUnionxvas ilid to give
its pledge of attendaicec at thte.
Wiord's lair festisal, aitd to cont-
plete arrangeentns for translborta-
tion and hotel facilities, there is no

1 1 toiiun tletactxxn 5 5li 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE.i.I IN5.55 tlS'l
Thi. ]7 "11'tificT E . S. SEt VISS, M1 XNnACER, PT
huitoi Yitu-, tut a firt-iN OTICE.--uiiNI' Lh r.m~ uu~c
ciGusandrtit i ensc'. Dn't send lutlSetttuti for
Avatc11 cla it Crice't candylwhen ccii can ueeuiistas gooiitiR5. -MONDAY EVE., FEBRUARY 27.
to-slav stuths ut csot a Jlyle d Co1 L. ''. 'cl iuitgie c 51'.tlbtasna l 1''elit of th C eheison. 'Sl i,'tt'it'il iu
gl~i "" t1O Cilleiititdiycuitanillhat ies otene-h 'lt.Hot adiimed'Drnia
itt thte pl1 fa lI i tc e vItj tecoliit Ih t 'al oste-idayiandIit.u iceisSuuci
cof uthi stanudamil 'and ni R. E. JOLLY & CO., No. 26 South0TI
tiuitepieltes l15tha1its
beent received exei-- S caltl. HOT LUNCHES. s T= 1IIT S
0111eWt h 1,1CS And tie very choicest Candles 'Creety presented by a cmpanyiofii'Artists
aiccmpaniedt 1y'their Supierbi Said iicd O'-
honIors,flue Stile ill thlese Utiuted -si--eiesteuuaniith u e igioal andt only 1Haysee'd
Irs aQe'' lar tette. 20CPEOPLEd.Watcheforitie pairade
Slates alontue heiuuu' seconid to nute I**i V 1 I L.S.., ofeuaiersuBeantuid, kniow'nias sue Parteri
Stebinucsi7ooeni. SeeC e starly at Watts*
oflier'. lx Sot "IIi St'S 1 ' S Eit. tewelry Stoe.
iL ilsPRICES, - 35, 50 and 75c.
T XC) '.s I-_, (,Vi . zL S TAEB3LEP. ,-
Woodwar'd F. G. Coal! GIBSON,
Ave. and SMITH, SONS ] 1 '
State Street. & CO. 11 W. Washington St P O O ~ A IE
171=03,7M NeO. e. NO, 12 W. IHURION ST.

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