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November 27, 1893 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-11-27

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the Michigan eleven has been defeat-
Ofed not only by Minnesota, who ran up
a large score against her, but also by
Published Daily (Sunays excepted) durig the inferior team of the University of
the Cllae year, by Wisconsin, this certainly does not ap-
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION pear except to those who see with the
vision of the Michigan representa-
tives. Cornell regrets as much as Min-
.r U N . nesota or Michigan can the misfor-
tunes and accidents that have made
OUR RECORD IS CLEAR,CORN ELL her' action necessary. The cancella-
tioi of the game was announced to
THE Cornell Sun in replying to the University of Minnesota well in
our recent editorials makes use of advance in order that she might. if
very mild language. We were cer- possible arrange a game with some
tain that our eastern neighbors other Eastern institution."
would take the failure of their team WE cannot agree with the editor-
to keep contracts with "dear sister ial taken from the Northwestern in
institutions," more to heart. If we regard to the U. of M.-Northwest-
would not be susceptible to the ern game which we give below.
charge of leing interested in legal "Brute strength," as the Northwest-
quibbles, we might give our neigh- ern gives as a reason for their defeat,
bor a curtain lecture on the viola- without scientific playing never won
tion of contracts. However we will a game. We must give the North-
spare them, and suggest that they western team credit for taking their
''size up" the situation and con- defeat so coolly and acting the part
sider well all the circumstances of gentinmen, but we prefer that
before making arrangements next they would use a more refined term
year for games with other "dear in accounting for the same. In the
sister institution." We have judgment of the Northwesternites,
thought from the first and hare no Michigan's eleven is the most for-
reason, in the light of recent de- midable in the West. We helieve
velopments, to change our opinion, the same thing, and point to the re-
that Cornell has felt the weakness of cent achievements of our team with
their team and taken advantage of no little satisfaction. The editorial
subsidiary matters to get released from the Northwestern referred to
from playing Michigan. If the edi- reads as follows:
ior of the Sun will take time to 'The defeat of last Saturday was
inform himself, he will discover that overwhelming; it was probably the
Michigan's team, since it has been most crushing defeat that Northwest-
thoroughly organized, has been win- ern has ever met on any athletic field.
ning from the strongest teams in the The reasons for it are obvious. The
Michigan men excelled our players in
West. As for the rccord of our weight by an average of twenty pounds
team, the DAiL has no reason to to the man. Besides, several of the
complain. best players on Northwestern's team
The editorial referred to from the were injured early in the game and
Sun reads as follows: forced to retire. Disinterestedobserv-
"Ever since the University of Michi- ers say that the two elevens showed
gan discovered that Cornell would not but litttle diference i team work,
and in their knowledge of the science
accede to her demands and py a of the gae but that Northwester
Thanksgiving game in Detroit withouto wthel spless before the superior
a larger giarintee than sue ls hereu-weight and brute strength of Michigan.
tofore received, the U. of M. Daily has The difference in the number of points
had its hatchet sharpened for Cornell
and as ilatd uon te prfid ofscored by each team is not to be takeir
and has dilated upon the perfidy of however, as a sure indication of their
Cornell's representatives in general .revec, as uridianoeir
pierelative sttrengtti; for it is ait easy
and her football management in par- matter to score against a team when
ticular. When it was announced that the opposing side once "gets it to ol-
on account of the great expense at- h"g.
tendant on keeping the men in train- ' .
ing for two weeks and then taking a should be discouraged. They have
journey to Minneapolis, and when as a lostuvery few games this year, ant
more cogent reason the impossibility
of keeping the team in training for have only two more to play before the
that length of time was admitted, the close of the season. Both of the teams
sturdy apostle of fair play that repre- yet to be met are less formidable than
sents the journalistic enterprise of the the Michigan eleven as it is now play-
University of Michigan grew exceed-
ing wroth at this unfair treatmenttof a THE attention of our interuniver-
dear sister institution. In fact they sity joint debate committee is called
made much more of a fuss over the
cancellation of the Minnesota game to the following editorial from the
than did Minnesota herself. The U. Cardinal in regard to Wisconsin's
of M. Daily announced that "Cornell's challenge:
Bluff is Up" and declared that the only "Some time ago the representatives
reason why Cornell refused to play the of U. W. sent a challenge to Michigan
University of Michigan was that she for an intercollegiate debate: No an-
was certain of defeat at the hands of swer has been received, not even any
the latter. Considering the fact that indication of Michigan's intentions in


the matter. A joint debate, like a
Rome, cannot be built in a day, and
some action ought to be speedily taken
by Michigan. The preliminaries should
be settled at once and the debaters giv-
en a chance to get to work. Wiscon- - -_L- L
siti is extremely anxious to meet U.
of M. again, but our debaters must
have time to prepare. Let Michigan's
representatives take some action that Is the LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS
anodSHORTHAND. Macarsienal baildina; alas
we may know what to expect." acher ar arianteac augrad ditcipin ape-
iorwork; welisuppliedireadinguroom;daily liectures
AND now Kansas bites the dust Eatc day eaenitgrpirin s;sop iteentir eyear
on the field of contest with Michi- n-s handgrduatesguarntedthem. Living
gan and adds the fourth successive For New Catalogue,ad re. CLEARY .
victory to our credit. Michigan's
stalwart team is fast gaining a repu- TOLEDO
tation and all an account of the fine
team work. Where would Cornell
have been "at," if the Thanksgiving Qf
game with us had not been declared
off? TiieTable taking e ect Sunday, Nov. 5, 155M,
Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central
ONCE again Yale's true blue trail- standard Time.
ed the crimson of Harvard in the 7:i a. m. *7:15ar.
*1i:15 p.M. 1:30ar. m
dust, and waves triumphantly. It 4:15 An . n9:00.sli
was a great contest and all honors oni w
All resins daiy except Sunrday.
to the victor! a S. GREENWOOD, Aaert AnniAribor
'. H. BENNETT,G.P A. Toledo.
FoLLOwING precedent the DAILY Ann Arbor Savings Bank
will suspend for the Thanksgiving Ann Arbor. Mich. Capital stock, $55,050.
Surplus, $150,000.
recess with tomorrow's issue. Oranized under tie General Banking Laws
of this state. Receives deposits, buys and
-- - - - sells exchange on the principal cities of the
United States. Orafts cashed upon proper
identification. safety deposit boxes to rent.
OFFICERs: Christian Mack, Pres.; w. D.
Rarriman, Vice Pres.; ias. E. Hiscock, Ca-
shier* M. J. Fritz Asst.Cashier.
ONE WEEK, NOV. 27 to DEC. 2.
Horsf'ord's Acid Phosphate ITT T TA T." TT 77.R

Is the most effective and agree-
able remedy in existence for
preventing indigestion, and re-
lieving those diseases arising
from a disordered stomach.
Dr. W. W. Gardner, Springfield,
Mass., says: "I value it as an excellent
preventative of indigestion, and a pleasant
acidulated drink when properly diluted with
water, and sweetened."
Descriptive pamphlet free on application to
Rumford ChemicalWorks, Providense,R.I.
Beware of Substitutes and Imitations.
For Sale by all Druggists.

Supported by Chas. C. Vaught's Company
of players in arepertoriee of standard
Peole' Ppular
r-tiie'sits . 0t 20 and 30 Cts,
MONDAY -AsWoman's Revenge.
TUESDAY.-Police Alarm.
WEDNESDAY.-Lady Audley's Secret.
rI'HIURSDAY.-sIachon, the Cricket.
FR IDAY.-Chip, the ierry Waif.
SATURDAY.-East Lynne.
Grand Tlianksgiving Matinee TIhursday.
As we are desirous of having ra full house
o uropeningtnigt every person uiyin
niteresestr eet ticket foe Monday ight,
still ire entitledi ts onie reserved seat ticket
admsittirng A LADY StaEE551- IARGE.
Rteserved seats on sale at Watte' Jewelry
aMES W. GooDIEw, Florist. Grower of
Roses, Carnations and Flowers of all vari-
ety. Floral designs made upon short notice.
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l I%2EEWashingtonstr


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TFhe Asin Arbor Organ Co., Sole Agents, AlNN ARBOR.

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