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February 27, 1893 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1893-02-27

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tlle 1n1 t( ll Niitll is 1camOer1.0. 1'e hoe lReceiedilte1/ic 7fsmi/, ('til-shtsJnd A ~~ilwhos Te/
IS m 1 1 1hIll5111PIN i oitLaded J'ad/s in f1'idoi0.
111 (1(1 5iI 11 c1LITLE F LLO~WS IN l'1OPION.'
34 Soth sfta teot-eel. 10STAtRS. j6y0
_____%ND COR1ER Of' STA N I 55(L) STEETS.
XEW A .ND I fC( IN) 1AN1.
Our Sock. will be found Complete and Our Prices as Low as the Lowest.
-R M M R'THATI YOU CAN BUY" Call on Win. Fulde. the
COYL IX S T] E E B R T Oa ilr, oploite the Law Bliui on01
1i , U ' uiiliaiost.,11rst ioor et of Stte-Nt.
I!), lipper 111rand1 Sliii met 1Tinmltos ot i,i 1t pr do.i), . teailira,1eli a dlael1i5iiigioieieitl.
' 1I iiipinj(" 1 1.i e i 511115oier a pecialty. All 1(1lit ca.-11ADA , avrie~L o
Pumpkin, -- _ '10i
Siuasih,-- - - - 1.10) SL<I'YOUAANT1T0
LABO11ATO1Y Q$UZPPLL~C$ p N= inso Cor, - -- - 1.5 Y3eaaetpsssengt
2" Lake Shmore" - - - " 1.51 - o aes eRparn on'ot
Gill-Al'AT And tall otier CnnledGoodapoptinatepieof WM I h
proortnat prce 1'~i~tArilc3 36 Min Stree
UNIVERSITY NOTES. Atilhe Inland League tonight I II
o W ityidea-tt~aProf. W. \F'. leman swiii react a a Cd), 5fiY.'Sur~arinaasofi,$lr,sia.
W ill Y II You. Lcookf(d tik lysgalks, ie xeriy hrI Doesl.11 ii eIeasi.Hi
h' p ts on00o1ur1 raro1d00.,general R(lming buiiness~l. Pays I-
2nd so-.totsow iiir 5illtiliieit-. DeositBoesi for (ent.
At OurltSliow W'lndO\i-1 ,It t 'ha . Ne it 5111)000(Ia them ihard.-hard Es atdit lbrais 1Davi llpa er 00 teil . itiMii', Prs. F.1 i. . Nl S , Cah i.
Lank 01110 Sturasay o ..
is ((P1 14(110 foill lection l ankstth mulst be illto- Great ibraries; of the 'World.________________________
I dayThe alcove tset i hx the sudents i 0THE' ARGUS-
- f9 ovar t atT ls sntc illI jN
013)TARS S r. isterdi ix- 110Oti) Owii oflt rlieatrlt7cietr Q lv~~~
Av11) I sl rsc,-, tas ain1 Cntered the i ' i -ti e eusedlby 1t1e'senior pitli reti s is ANIvry L Iii ES,00
PRICES. rattdeprltent. seter. 'ihe ooks twlie placid ( '° '-' M " s ^ a'- ro -' -
AnI exatitiriin io ell- t tero- Iupon011teele lviie 1as 0(10n1as1pios- PATRONIZE
TH AA11' al - ealrSiorSLti01tiWiesctn.lelIsihi. OWEN'S BARBER SHOP!I
Saturday-mornig.The seiior lassoaoi c a lIcooest INo. I5AT 11 leON 0-ram .
MICHIGA.N LET E L Tile le-,islattre irs decied to has eetn postpoied till tomorrow
--" postponte its visitI to the t liversity (ight 011 acount of tielota coo h D fIDIU!I
( 50i5 --- sp to tidas, 3arehlio. test to selet represettatises fo te ILD! WILD! Wjj ILD1!1
I r E.. __' - , )II tal- iSas __ 5hC. The hooks inllIaina literature xiii iner-aniaiersity ideate 111hih oc rs
'V. I1il -- 015b Miail- ill-
N.Z 5'. 1,i101i.1 SIIC In n 0. Li . I si 5ocupy two ases in tie left front tonigt.
Niac- ra iaiF a I pi itll . l.-
a.0 nsec a ithr-ewl lrea.-; 5L side of tie delivery dek. F. E. Jaete, formterly of tie IS SELLING HIS WINTER
stot st'r ,. s a101. 1101Et fleeovs h y51 rsrsei e t 0sosstaff, is to tke tie poiti~ton5A )4(r(~
ii. (I. ~ .._ Fsi s iI n Ci, N. .lt,-.l> Thee1 wll e n-reSTOCKsat
OW55. 11100cr0r-. H 5. AN lSa, for thle 1,. Whtlli ohRle- enter- iof telegraphIis < _oI lafi pu:;;Teitor of tie etrot S O K A E U E
2..01.Ain_'ia .A-.AilAta.1talneli, i 111109eseina Tribulne. lHe has ibeen tn te Wet PRICES WHICHI WILL
FIRST NATIONAL BANK Peliiuary ieiate tonigitlits las Superior Teegrant as eity editor,;I E A BARGAIN
('lia,(111li O pA N el t'rsin 5l~il leture room at S o'clock. First for soue tme.
catal -- gane rlusland fthsnest, ir apaaie f rslna l sto The yell of the theologues at De- I FOR tYOU AS
'ieteit caie.ao sl, lettrssoatcredit prcured tauws tniversity is as follows: ''Hor- 'TIE GOODS
,oretraveler,,iabroadl. Pehith lu .
Pre.sl.5i'1, (A H(1_ncores -rah!huiIrralh'.hurrah! Tie gospel
S.____.___________________Cashier. _ IBooks inthe Ihisory cussodoes sii ao
Prof. Spenser, fDr,-loes anti Mr. away wtte la; ere the M T
IN C OLf Dwhvebe lcduo h ogs of old A DePauw;grae colege 0.T
jnone ever saw! A men!'___
GRANGEdesk.AE'risTe Glee aid Banjo clubs were
G'Rplma nGer'SaC aDieY.rqare Ralph Haslet and IH. E. Hooker, greeted with a good house at Jack- No.2 E. Washington-St.. Near Main.
stalling frntn the da(lte fdmissn. office'92 law, of Charlotte, spent tie sn rdyeeig tIele
snd Residenee Center Entranceesn rdyeenn.A ele
6i MANAn S.,- ANAio past few days in tie city, guests of Stra night, the halal was full2]Yasite uie.
S'.MNNA iE.Clesoer, '9meiclndt . and standing room even was scarce. CITY LAUNDRY
ted sOs, or M505 r Sam- lle,~lt The Banjo clbh is especially good M. M. Seabolt. No. 4N. Fonrth St.
pnE Rtail JBx by eapress 0 cf o1'ta' .~ _______________
S th5ESTiANIn in nnotc. Prf.ene Pont ora nied0hils cass this ear. Atboto concers the
sEErNtl.xpreSsitabesoiencngon Saturday last, mwithm (5 oys were forced to respond to0.K.B R E SH P
PRESENd. Exrens shamsmembers.'Te class will meet dul noe.Tm nx rpi os O n. ABERaSn OP
Pm .. ry it once. Addrs, e 'ap Fn hwr ahNw ocli
C~IDU I. F. GUNTHER, Confectsonr, Wenesdayat5 p . .an ida agnwand By MyAarchFineShwe Bths. ocli
GH JAOmmeos. at 4p. u. echsweek. r and (5.a5h(laths n 5.00. ROA~w~l

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