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October 27, 1893 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-10-27

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StOt q-c1ol l lelo, leuXCELSIO0 LAUesD sY it
0tE ,\zi Iii '102 '-Ptitl Ei. Sacidly c I. 2 uciley-x cltas meejtin,
Good WoO . u rOticid ('tosi-ald ior IootoA 9,. ci.
and deiv-erct. A. .GOVEIT, Prof, SAdy Oct. C -Vic-~an -.I it ot t1
C~lF 0Jff Athetitcfield.
11? E.Wa-hi no tet ci (tot hicto -h-~ebicnclubelection, in
22Xetsin the Mn.Ee. ctu0.Erl Wlleennrmai
and cmic ecittion and caicte pr
A. M. eot, N.4N orthAve,- awlItooco ct tpo. n o- t
M. No 4 N.Gen. Ewing will be Here.
+$TATE $AV~flG$ 1A121{+ The Oratorical Association has
Cor. SMain anod washington Steets. heen casting about for some time to
A. . NOBLs, 'res. ItosicnoPILPnS, es h'r.g
obtain an orator of note to speak
The 13. & Mi. jprkg Sore hefore their clsub and the students
Isathe plato buy51 th01ig inthe Drug line.
Medicince Sos, sponsicuses, Etc. Etc.- of the University in general. Prof.
GO 'O ZBREWTruecblood has at last succeeded in
RX. E. JOLLIEY & Co.'s obtaining Con. AVW. EwRiing, who
wheni oyociant a ur, xoefitie iChocol-cie is a prime favorite tore. (Gen. Lw-
ta-tiics.Stitioniiii i c ost c . i0i-ic-, 'I ob co, p ao
(ligneoti, ocodiiic I inei thckicofi Pipes in t03 1s a most iinttit pakrand
LAIS'adENTS' LUNCH ROOM. c il~t rare power of carryiii3 hit
R. E. Jolly & Go., 26 S. State St dnesiit.oriItit to the~ very ecli.
Thfie stubject of his aiddroesxwiii be
DANCING asd D ELS A RT E I Wit is I loilutcec,'' a peculiarly
MRSANIE WAR~D FOSTER fitting one to dcliveor before sorts an
46 O Sp. ii.At cccii ut-ctooin-association. The date lies been
dlDY- .in.owl itinetlo for!-on
T dS 1 ies and Gtnti'ii-c foixo-. d iat Dec. 9th.
p0. i. eu iieii coic n lss - - --.-
SA'TUII.XY-Id a. nii. Gettemnn's iicncimc Co-Oneration In Colleges.
2 t.l.Childres daingioclass.
t ciliiLte dncing ti-. Inasmuchs as thecre has never been
Privtetlehson--by ynappointmnent.
Ann Arbor Saving: Bank any co-operative association at the
AtticArbor. Dtch. Capital Stnck, $0,00 U. of INT., such as have beeis so suc-
Surplns, 1005,0a. cessfuat at eastern cotlgs eci
cell-, eainernthe (eea akn aso hsSae eevsdeiiosits, bnys and i l xhneo hepicplcte ftethefolinwingregardingtestm
United Stoics. Drafix cashed aipon proaper from TeDrmuho atot
identification.OSfety deposit hate-, is rent. ThDatohfDrmuh
OFIES Chris~ctilan Mach, Pres.; as. o. Cleewihw hn fitrs
Harriman, Vii-e Pres.:('Ca. E. Hissc, Cn- Clcewihw hn fitrs
sier-' M. J.Fitz Asst. Cashier. t u edr


ULterary Uomm nc. W11' lii.-Prit~ cit filic -ciciol
Ti'e xnorb cof Th1occis tfiief ciN- IlOiul f rlll c1I~. 1)I."Viics,
iceccued noitrouct ion itc nlel tx~11 i i I cc - .Cc i ftoii 5 is 6
si llayIlcicts, irli xciiom hidic]slo l0citli m10
cicndi Icemls acecdxci pili al iEveicyceiI Full 1i. CtIntcl 1eI o odcc
xiii be gladto cckowc thact his Ictest styls, a - 0. i.\Ic. A - aI-c & C.
stool, icicits ust lapp 'fled roil1110 ')c le-ct ato irl cOlii Sl"
rthe press of Hloughitoni, ittdhit & Co., cfas
atider the suggetire titleofcit"Twiioh cltcli fiiy
ptesa tha Chllcy, tnd Other Itby,1ilog a tyle-siriter this 5yer' Then call
-fourierstoriks. g T he series xxdof b hshort oatctht AL 11,eIfyuws n e
-tales inciutdo thetalloitig: "Two Bites lo ot
at a Cherry," "For Bravery 00 tio See te $1.00 Undervvear we are sell-
Field of Battle,' "The Chevalier teinlg at 57c. E. A. Wcallacie & Co.
Itesseginer," "Goiath," "My Causiin, Bathss f0e at P. . Barber Shop.
the Clanel," "A Christmas F atasy," Ladies' and chirei's iaircutting aid
coitluding with "Her Dying Wods," sianmpooing at Jeromse A. Freeman.
mskiitg a collection of short stories Foot RENT--Parlors, or suite of
Swel worth a place in your library, rooms, with use of piano. Inqire at
t.+ 11 Jeferson. 22-24
GRAND OPERA HOUSE. atDour Dollar Underwear at $225 now
___it E. A. Wallaceo & Co's.
IIALtENT, NOVEMBERgit3. Yot ul get the U. of M.Dcily, re-
ccit aiid ack iuimbers, at F. Sttitiets.
As iihelieti, last ntilit the e1110Unshrellcas cap-ocily a tow
Union01 Squacre Thteatre, Mr. Watlker left. . A. Wciiacec & Co.
Whiteside, the aimbiticcsa xesterntrat
getdiccn, mctdeeiavery-taxorable imp 'liTe Old iSol" cigcar is is delicioucs
sinonictaslltidiencet sic h si-asdifs- smokcle.
losedIsto ritici liof tthug mansitlO A secctdinoi f ,RcitoncitccD erbys,
efforts.f ix impelcrsontiicttof tthpat drectflot i1,^n,i - c. t c ,oictssxrs.
tos is tIrked bhe ectil cistudycIn itthelO aixii i co - - - - 1tol, jus
siiuiatictonsi-hihlhave bcctn siad osalct opiecdctA.5.-Nb's
effietive-cyhil facimoslprede~csorsill For, ndSsoo-
1110 pasis renfOd~iditini tits rcticokcih Oea us l kRom -tici
frthieri cr it sclarly fitish, thanil, 1 c iiit's St1 focl x0 c-tlf
k us.=s1 i,)caspirantts tor listotcclhonors01ta
ill el:, rotles, lar the followring ot Jaros Utderwarc 250 ad lit111, nw
stalgeI - iitiols. Ills Jficheietiwals $150.I. -A. SWtllace. & C.
indtictc at brightfuture for him.-N. UnIlaldlici Shits 7tc qulity, nows
Y. Stiti. 43c. I. A. 55 all-ee C
Mr. Wliteside xwiii appear in Hamlet BRACE c-v wtth a god par of sioul-
it tile Granud Opera House, Nov. 3. dee braces. A lage stock at low prices
_. at Brown's Dug Stoe A fewv shop
Grangers Advanced Class. worni braces a5.
______Knox Sats-regular price, $.00-
Thte class in dancing for Ladeosliid ns 23.I.A cle o
Geltlemen will meet Tuesday even- For sale. Good Vieor Safety. $0.
logs as usuai. A Saturday evenilng . I. Butterfield, 41 Caterie sreet
ciass will he organized later in the sea- 19-43
son. Ai of the fashionabie dances wil All stiff Hacts at oie-alf price, at
he taught Tuesdasy evesinizzs, also some I.. A. Wallace & Co.'s.
niovelties in the German. The utmost
care is exercised in the admission of Have yti beein to Itaziewood's Bi-
pupils. Positively no visitors alowed. hiard Hall yet Everythinginice, pes-
ant and qaiet; ito histerausitess.
Notic. Black Htose, 2-c qiality, nan' li.
E. A. Wallace & C.
Siudents wishing typewriting dlone ieiiors it all depcrtmnts lre en-
titled to scir rates on phiotographic
call at J. R. fBach's law office, 16hE. stork ct dRandalls.
Huron street. Best rates. Lts of Wh'lite suit fancy-bordered
IlaitfherheictcitS. E. A. Wallace
Notice. "& Co.
-- (Ga to Bbtccaces D~e- STOuE for all
Do you wisii to rent yasreromsLaboriory stpplices. Dissectiigcases,
Why do't yots insert ii lite or two il apons atndilslevs-Loic P51c.
our local caiumii for a few duays? The "Old So I' cigar is hided by
More rooms have been rented throughs all dealers.
the DAILY than thtroitghiaiiy othier
ttedium, for the DAILY practiclly Choice Tobacco, Cigars and Pipes t
fails into every student's hlands. Sheldo's hilird Idl, No. 3 North
Main street. - 1-7
Notice. Youcaitugin have te Stylo Inde-
______ peiidein tPen it . Stotlt's, Opera
Cloiuse NewsaDepit. $1e00.
LioTe.-x30.00; Oil Satturdcay, Oct. 21, Abnln ieNcwa t1c
at or near athletic groundils. Please Ani lu i lteNesei t1c
retrilnsndreceive liberal rewacrid.E. A.- Wltlace1Co('.
E. V. Deanls, 600F.. Washiiigton street. Anii Arbocr Dye Works at 3 West
- -BIron street, Special attenioii given
BUSINESS LOCALS to cleaniing iandirepairig suits Iave
____your ight sits dyed. 17
[Natices inseriod in thiscoluttn at the rate All caitesawil l be sldc at oe-thid
of5cents pee line. Special snratae on-ge egua )l'.E .1a1c
tie n xr ie unse yayn tthe DAneYofitce.] New Landry'Try its for te best
Go to thce J. 5. Jscob's Co. aiid get wek yout ever saw. 5Work doie ini
yor underwvear. They have the eight ihors io extia charge. Office, hO
iargest and best assorted line in the E. lHuroi t sree:. Works 47-1 V.
city. Hluron. 'lelephoine 3.
Aul neckwseat at itaf price, goed Perriin best P. K. id Gloves, $1.7
patterns. E. A. Wallace & Co. now. E. A. Walace & Co.
Roas.-PIleasant and clheap. 25 ________
Lawrence street. 24-27 "A stitchin i time saves nine"
Full Dress Ties at half price-eight "Mals auid claites amaist as gue
styies. E. A. Wallace & Co. as new"
WANTED-A steward, 22 Thompon All wearing apparel neatly repaired.
street. it I MRS. IIYATT, 23 E. Anti St.

TiThabcile tRevised} )SEcut.24thc, i893.
Day xpes.. 1 00Day Entire-,-,-Ott81
N.S ecoitd... 608N.S.Limited....1954
N. YLimited.... 9h0 1. "
'R-. llsc 5ptc-inl. I 1IChicao Expes -.-ti5
N. Y. &-Chli. Lim..125t31. R.n&Kal. Ex.. 6c08
A. Mti. Ol. NExpess5...850
Atlantic Express. 653 ciic- Expres- l 2s
D. N. Espres-..... 6eo
G. R.H Espes-,-.10 44
O. W.ScRUGtiES, H. n'sssvci,
0. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agi., Ain Aroro.
Stndent Work a Specialty-
Best Workmen5ad LowestPicesintsCity.
CLASSES IN DANCING will meoet cos
followsc Gentlemnt, Sattirdayniornitngs 10
and Thursday evenings 8c00c Ladiei, Saturdcay
afternaas 4. Ladiet and Gcntlemes, ad-
vanced lassTuesdav evenings . Gounad
flaor, e Maynard street. Tuitioss. nne term
(ewelve wekso $5. Papils received at any

asocaiations have beeii started in many
colleges aiid preparatory sehools, anad
have been uniformly siuccessful. Te
oine fotuded at Dartimosth iast year
has proved iio exceptiona to (lie rule.
That it is regarded otside college as
being a staible businiess organiizaitioni is
sihowni by tue chiaracter of thle dealers
whtoim it hils on its list. Buisiness
firius of stainding are very giad of tise
eudorseiueiit of a college association
iincudiiig withinlitosiinubers many
youn~g meitwoi will in ai few years be
ill busitess thlemselves.
Thecy are willinug to pay for thus ein-
dorseumeint by a reductiois oiiatl cash
purchases, Tiue'co-operative ' is thus a
miutully b'tneficilil orgaisizationo, as its
uanme iplies.
She iarger the nunmber of stuideints
whto go its the associatioin, the great-
er thie conicessiotis -hichi cuii be oh-
tainecd froimithe dealers, and the larger
the niiiber of dealers who are glcid to
iave their namues on the list of th~e as-
sociatioiis. The ca-operative' has suc-
ceeded ini freeiing the studeists from
lice disadvailtage of paying high prices
for inferior goods, as they have ofteii
beens coumpelled to do in the past. The
redcitoits offered by the different
firnms are susbstantial ones, and enable
a student to make a very considerable
savinsg during his college course, as
those wxho have tried it know."
The faculty of Tale numbers u91

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