THE "HOOSIER' POET. ever he returns. Ilie is a story teller WILL MINNESOTA WIN? "WE'V/E COT lEM "s
Will Appear in the S. L. A. Course of marked power and command of Ian-
Together with Douglas gage, and a reader of a very high Every Indication Points to a Close A CAtL0AD 1)
Sherley. order, who cffers not a whit by cot- ame -Our Men Are - yq
erasn ma wilrcieatact with his more famous associate Confident. ERI E - + PJIAN OS
Pehp omnwl eev l~e won the admiration of the large JS EESB
heatie reepton t te hndsofadienee from the commencement of No one who can possibly attend, Cs sIo- taos ,Witse tak
the indnts hanthe enonedthe entertainiment,, ad his unaffected shonld fail to see the football game Tro Iester I Sale, hies ittt. Tat Eair.
"H1oosier Poet," Mr. James Whit- manner and vividly descriptive aid heeetomorrow, between lie Uni-
comb Riley whoappears in the S . en tertainfing stories were a genunse
treat. Tie Detroit Star Course asu , Y0'®G versities of Minnesota and Michi-o
A. Course in University Hall to- estyatrted nt its winter seaso of ga. Although coming thus early
night. ettertainmuents under the most sie- in tie season, no hotter game will 51Seeuth Main St.
Trhose who were fortunate enough cessful auspices." be played about here tis year. A
to lhear Mr. Riley last year wheu he - ' large attendance should be assured -
was in Anun Arbor will be glad of valuable Aquistions. anorlessioalhv ctui
ai opportunity to hear lim again. Nosy that the World's air is asic support to help it on. L at
peakingtieofarors ieywof Datoilrakinig up anal exibitors are un- year, it ciii be remembered, lMinne
peard i th Str corseof e r atecided swhat to do witli the tras- ots ouplayead our team, running
ccesthichs they hae guarded dr- up a score of t-6. Thleir victories
great niversties ofl the slatin lhave ofttledWest, tandtheyaare deter
I \tt whi tf s i tt atttif lte.t- i =ttrtrs ltslteves
1 ben sending delegates to obtain, if mined 1Itoiol it this year also siC s3i o ss elist -ai it eti
) Isossible, aaditions to their ouseus Although, not mcit is knosv a
- - at laboratories The U. o i . has present cocerting their tans it in
7 ~ aaislu ihti eto le. sat- to say that it o sweak one
a? --~ ./Ior somise iaest, negoiatonss their metod of play differs this RA D tO- tO iosstsAt
ae- bettcarried ons withi various seasonsfriisthtiat of last, its ots Inii 1 UtRIll fill I ii N
1 g~.exh 5 iittors, wvho siosed a tensdency porant iarictlar. Last year they - NOTfIC E !t-
i-ruii -i-aitciiita1doiate. Secretary asle sas at tmtdelctheir best sains trosughlithe si ats
balra.in-tulttsr if lvsslyis is bea shiort tine ao otal resi rush le, ands it is sal that t P tte ysttsit esi e Is- es soese Lct tae
fild popi~list sveektitheredent t newe nt -isdaosnthis sseet aresworking the endsitchnsmorn tisiaIteeye:I tee -si, sis 1a', r
arss savss:s onetr e aied Scesse. They aeheewever, a v y i, -e a,1 _:toan
I iees 1Whitcomsiesiles vs ill tneverci1 hs atenehseif-oas. stoneg line, anth areseli knowsi Sfor 7n
asil titter ttiroeeflisteninto lthim re- tProiablly-te musualvaluablse ofthe their roegh, stronug plasyiig. '1hluy 5Xs/tRE-S71
cite thisetuitt, drleliliuutterois pith 5a-juisitiats iii be one of te Ain-eefeaedl Gritnell college, a s-ry
touchituglyheathetiec reitiossote his Os ia 1etrified trees which excitedl soa sir tait, last Saturaay, by- a score
poetic brain. his verses are wantinttg nmucha iteres tad atriaion. 'fle of 36-6, sositguit very strong at
its those loffyyflights of imattginattiontte astucusladdssta oteam sork.
whics are its greatstpalrt iseonprehei- thu a ucaedaddntdt
Bible to tiesmid of the commssons ae- te University by Regent Iebarth Notwithstanading our defeat by
ple. Ile is simple, phin, lomelike asid atdditn value can hardly be overesti- Chicago last Saturday, Capt. Dygert
trite to sature as he fides his themes mated. So far, nmost of thec other las great hops for success toisor- Aritic Phtohgsrapher S E. HURON S.
in this everydtay wtalks of ife; lie is a collections acquired are minerooi- row. olls the line men and backs Jj ''L1INCHESP
poet of the cotsmons people,se-Io ler- cat in characer, and consist of por- are determined to redem the de-1asmrthnayohrAmrcnin ftevrousaeexbt.fcsofSudy'pligndllL Y7y $aOOIe,
lispststr tsasu iycthrkmriteslinsofteearodsstteelsbindfdsofStuda'spayngonnsalLonve hcoa-~
ATchord its the earts of this lower taisd Prof. Pettee left last night to make who attenad the gane tomorrowt will -T T L '
lmiddle classes. They love Riey ttill the final arrangements in regard to have the +as'alina lasof 48 S. STATE St.
tilsy loyes themntid this mutual iad- their selection and transference, seeing Meichigan's honor wetlch1se -___________________
siration itsuers thisftsmed Hloosier The University also epects to gel a fended.
pot lrg ad ppecatveauieceOu lneupisno yt efnielSW EAj TERS
-herever is travehs its this counltry. goodly share of the state nmining ex- Ou iensi o e eiiey-
"Its is par excellence this peer of all hibit. fn addition to the above, we decided upon, but will be abou he o AT
platform attractions ii this country to- sill probably e able to obtain same as in last Saturday's game. -
day. Ite is a genius-s poet tsdin other curiosities to adal to our al- Let no loyl student fail to attend, T E R Si
actor. TIhsere is a charm tabut his ready excelent musus. and help on our eans with Ithe
personality thstt is msagnetie and it- proper encouragement.
tectious. There is otiyote i liey, tand A Mistake Reotifed. - ,+.- STATE STREET
lie hsails from n dianta.lif hs lus eft alsti
indelible imprint upon American liter- Ogo a hnmnlpae
tar, adhs oeydialet verse is ing oasih iudrtn- and when he eent to the University BOOKSTORE7_-'-""-
one of the sweetest grains in the store- g bt h ohmr n fPnslai hr a ra
hose of the poetry of the Ameriea juirn lseshveametn frmourning in the camp of the Itha-
continent. Saturday morning in Roonm A. Tocas Thsyr, owvte
"Mr. Riley was assisted by Doug- obviate any clashing the following ga.T hf-back refuses ornth
lass Sherley, a southern author, who arrangements have been made. '95 gehisinterfereesdthernisthg
came to Detroit unheralded, hthiinefrceadtresabg
whose sfforts last night won for him will meet at half past nine and '96 chance of his not playing half for Headnquate's 1foi Gvnina.
the highest encomioms and the assur- at half past ten. Please call your the red and blue against Princeton
snce of appreciative audiences when room mate's atention. and Yale. iuu Goods.