G : j ~At 42h S stte' ., !- I IC I
fie iniStroh wilt itt fine
You Iii t s iti dater i ci ti~e
Strop wewili gladly re itiitour
niunct.LEveybodiyissattisfiedtso fit
octt ccmiretantioourtcthase..
Calkin's Pharmacy. i
Gtar5, axjos3
Naoigs,5 Vtio irsEtc.
All Eleii ap tly Fini thed iant Richitni
WVilIthitonguc fortuter woear. Xou rait()tte.
WILSEY, - The Music Dealer.1 ~E L E :'~~JV
inbe founid Complte ad Our ascc Low as the Lowest.
y1REMEMBER THAT YOU CAN B Y Call on Wi. Fulde. tie
a vid an Ttilot~r, Oppipete tlt Ltiw Ittuliti, ott
,iX.1),.Clipiper ],rtidti Sotittiil meat Toitoties for ft1,10i ic-per o. 1 tetii t,ptIc it iiiac).do t p ouSeiti iesty.
1 * ~ i Dt iii - - 1 << Suits ito urder a siectalty-. Alwurk fict-etass.
~~~~~ R~ \ ~ e iversuide 1.i2t0
Mjakep ,Pmkn
Squash,----------- - - ----------1.1(111YOU WANT TO
WrircoZ" A inslow Citric, ' i Ci
iLake Shiore, - - " ,ci cor asmessiRiepaiiigdoiteoiu
And all ittler Ctanned Gioosct liroplortiontite pirice itof ~ 6MiuSre
811C iE. +j~'~~ 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY.
I UNIVERSITY NOTES. Prof. H. S.CatS-in will take tine J4XIRJG -11O1$1,
WI[ill You LookETHE NAY electrical engineers t Detritit, Mitn-WIHSXLT
There sre tittintha iii ryt iiiiy t day, to isettevaiu lcria "/ .- -J
At itir Show Winditw? It tfes in iditurbh aci ii icc ci,inpclcevroslctca
ito ait i ouoryabot ic to flu Cci stes ove cvrks ant.Ilightiu0 siatinc.
( Thie ticO ieis tc.. luck. Justice Browni, of tie C. S. Sc- A (iite house witiiibtitii n ty iu
GUITRSPci Upsilitn gave a hiiuse party iprence Court, wiii begin his tentures lIniceocfhneic- v:t o nc i ver o1y lcute nj,
tact night. to lice p. g. andc sieiior lacws, ton- i!loonilordmweihiliO o ii illt ii olii . Woult d
AiD r m k i e i ci-iiicit tiptla ce orScityi houe.
The Iiclandler boaril sat for a Pict- rday, at i9 a. in. instead of 4 p. mi. Easy ptncet-. (cii11cc
PRICES. tire a fete days ago. The Sunday evening tecture itic 115 West Liberty Street,
'TiE ANN ARBiORS ORGAN CO., The High Schools dlefeatetd the IThe Atpile, tine Serpetit or the tail S. N IIAtSE, ANN Aitilte. Meco.
Sohuth Mainctreet. Normcals yesterday, 17 to a. of Mtian," in thne it . U.chunrch illvi
iss Blount has Seen called hoice hegin at 7:45 P-i. . instead of 8 p.
JOHICA N G NT oLn account of tine sickness of tier on., hecauise of tlce Uitioic Voting ti.t tht t
hhn''b. Reie}Noener , 189it. Inothici.lPeoplte'smceetiitg.
Mal --------t 5 ~a-ro t ice ,08 Di.Atatck gavehiiclact itectuire of iThe Miemorial Dnay sermcoic vilI - CALL ON-
N. s0. ic --- t.NtO cc -------- in tine sy ar inc inateria nceditca latil be iprecedc at the Ft BaItptist
'iz 'pti.eenn chutrchttoniorroweiorining by thne c'
in, niiii. 2i t>Ss -+u ~Oscar R-obertsu'c liii.left last pastor, ®-.A 5 "ai ie_ Jj '/ L .
,a ain t :>t ,h i 1 Fci ug tit Ile , wit'e te wcv iii llviigivein ecaccont, gathneredc fronu
- ii~t, - t. t ,ti~i t act as assistatnt to IProf. iDavis.
- Abtait ltly-fiveeoithtirty Ucti-
FIRa 1D NATIO10NAL 134NAK voroity utieelonilitiride tolie-
Ott AtNN ALitOC. troit, Tuesday, to atteind tine gamci.
nit2 . n n, i- bt 0 iii i si ittS, t ori P Of. hitecinc will close tine ciii
ot iii. e snit, [tters of creuldi rcedju ccl ofBilts aind Notes next wet. ci tas, C Pres- . wntha geineral .jquztnn itthe cintire
DANCING and DEPORTMENT. Beginning next week bollh junoi
GRAN ER' ACA EMY and nenior laces will he given twct
- - section quizzes a week instead of oni
The tiutitdieg secially builttby Mr.Grager a5 heretofore.
includes his amily home, adectins theI Prof. Pattengill has not nmet his
fiet cud heel arraniged scums ear instructions
is be Cound in the Stale. classes for aseeral days on account
Office.OCentsr Entrance, 6 MAYNARD ST. of being thrown from his horse ant
SS end $15, $ti, sr $i 50 Car Sami- seriously inj ured.
ei peRetail Hex byexpress s
I~llT thenBESTtCANIES in .America. The U. of M. Minstrels will gie
M~lV Pat upsan eegant boxes ad apromnea h ,c ha
strietly p use. Saitabie Car pronanea h ycemte
PEESENTS. Express charges T
p repaid. Refer toall Chieago. tre in Detroit, Tesday evening.
I.IllT 1.F T HER.t once-eAddaeer, This will be their last appearance
am2 Stale Sireet. I ti season.
tine official records, of the tartj
tekein hy Sictiigatn,hAitin.Arbor entil The Leading Tailor,
- the U. of ]\1. itn the war. j
(Oicaccocttnt of tineunitoti tieting ict -ti vtiii i c i u
of lice hottug teople's cocieties to- 11( r ii ile 'to('!; itilt, cit.a
miorrow evening, the Youtng lien.
e pie's Vesiero of St. Aindrecw's 4N-' E. Washinagton-St., Near Mai:
church wiii he ontted. The final
ncmeeting ciii be held on Sundcay, _x
1June 4, to be followed during, the
e week by a social in H arris H~all.
Thomas J. Doughty, of class of rVIn ~n
s'96 of the medical department, is ________
ti very seriously ill with pneumonia at Capital, S5t,10. Surplusand Proits,$17,
Dos a geaerai Bankiag business. Paysi
Ithe home of his uncle, R. M. Wood- tereat en Saving Deposits. Has safty
Deposit Sexes Car Neat.
in. His father, Dr. Jolhn H. E. KEMPF, Pree. F. H. BELSER, Cashio
-Doughty, of Mattawan, N. Y., Beet spar Saturdav evening.
came on Friday, May is, to care O. K. BARBER SHOF
for his son. Dr. Doughty is a grad- IC NNE CsTeIO,
enate of the medical department, Fine Shower Bathbo New Porcelai
I clas of z86 30E. Washiarton Si. J, R.TEOJAIOWSS