THEf L1.ATEI'.IST A ..ND BEST !J~ We have Just Ikec-ioved sfir Thirdi Shipment of
l.sortasent of NEGLIGEE SHJIRTS in the City. SPRING SUMM1~ER{ ECKW1IAR
it isa SplendidiShowinsgofSuits and OvercoatsEt't\tV a tltto Pice.
WadlhamS 4.Ryan 4. & 4. Reines
Wih are nlow Open fog. Inspection . See themn They are
Ann Arbor Savings Bank j PATRONIZEW RDSFIR E clir audrv
An Abr viet.Cpia soc, ,o,1OWEN'S BARBER SHOP! ,Nl HJJS x EAS11 o Laundry,11
Ann rpluat s , ($150.t000. t~lttt No. 4 ESTat's SutON ScRE's. . Secure Rooms through t.5 t'ttttttttt ( t- tltIo
organized sunderitseCeneral tBankingtaLasj L.0. 9 cindoeivet. A. F. COVERT, Propt
ot this state. Receives Deposttts, buys and N ATWATERMD.SCOO, 4
seltlsexchangeon thettetn cititestfthe { )T1 1"f ~('IIX T 0 ' . w.rUun Maeo Sascans, 04
detifieatica. OGicter: - .J'NMake Preparations Early!,
CatutttjANttI Cca, Pees.,15 MGR.COL.DaE's.HaOTEEsAVua.
«. .HHA.H F t HI'setledes,)el i Dst oit W et ietthe"" " Atttassea ta'. moa,1 '
2526 CALUMIETVe.cicap,
t"ft J.FB. rt, Astt.aCashierr
55.. ~t'taAcs. acic. LJTO -lOUSE~
N Ia ia . :. -. WHJDI TMORE. LAKE" ~ .de' ;,< A>
' }? 1 h ineI~ow<nd.,4A Bots. heNew Shape
"r? :. DANCE HALL with PIANO. ' Silaay
Sate iisconfor't atd IDartisg.
4 'Spciisl Iate, t Socieie,. Ot =Mas's, 25e., 35e., 50e. /asent see. tices izeshoe. Hlt lapy Pai. Te l eadwn rto
j/ P. !~~~ . SMI11TI - PtcOt 'tts oit. WAUKENSQSE COMPANY, 76 Chassay Ste Bostson, Mass -tClib il b l-etil etany-Cinba r
U 05 .(AL N)i.BUSINESS A.LOCALS. hichae citg ,byal frtotoN etsaus
tat Astat t'-Psttihticttat ~POLIIE M ,'Sjsustostis of these t- ____________________
______________________ Slie, lsst e st Stacks.,ttt.5g55~r~ , A
it. ~ts'tttttt tttttl t ttttttt' anssd ihorses its the city. Ity hil.ts. ft
V5' L L Fi. p. tt. 'ap L t s a tttttsity mneets Bicycle for Stsie- 'S2 Cesstsssy Colill- 551 5 t.tctths
FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, tit rotm tsc i 4 . n.btt'st1() ',lciol o. "
MILLINERY AND ART GOODS tUsct t at 1 ' titNties tt 0 2 .itety s
30ECas esronStreet. tall, It):ti5. t. T'Itt e tttce n is o tf tt Nt''tt-ietheRe nnot'tle's witth oit Sltos
Empie o therot' -I h fC hritt'tst ttn i tty." tltt "y,, iti se ttirect t Il~lit, 23
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Notet( ' inthescity fot'c is.
Ltit1,in tt coutr seconds-11"s3ti.1
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