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March 20, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 127) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL.., XVIII. Fzr. _ . A*7AR 3O T-. fJTrANRfI)AY, NARCH :2, 1908 0. 1 27. __._._. ..w,_..._,-..._..._..... . r.. FITZPATRICK NOT QYBRGONFIDIENT- Only Hopes to Win First Regi* mgnt Meet-Chicago Squad to Arrive- Tomorrow. I The team wvhich the First Regiment t will send -to represent it tomorrow is an dark horse. The Chicagoans are verya reticent about lettinig their opponenots know what they nmnst face, bitt it is a t...…

March 20, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 124) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL.. XVII. Ntt . r .. _ _... _ _ t _ __ - I NUMERAL QUESTION IS FINALLY DECIDED Jn y'1iiis in Semi-Finals Will Get Insignia-Sets Cut Down From 600 to 160. Drstc imtaio soil thteaward igt the boardiof di rctior of te -Aheti Underla thent 1 ethoda abolit- sxhn andl sixt sts iwill h gient oit. lThe egulaions cntain io retratvtea- tue nd aiise litv taliilra tla-e u liii-rals iiaytgearatthre inIpea. The onlylvlimit titist ...…

March 20, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 121) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail AN ARBOR, \lIII(0VN TIAISDAN, 1I \RCII 20. 1906. trOL. XVI. MIHIANTAMCHSN m lenefit Concert T 'hursdaty NightRUETAMCON RULES GOVERNING ANNUAL BIG SHOW TRYOUTS TO FOR WISCONSIN MEET MICHIGANENSIAN ELECTION' BE HELD WEDNESDAY Dunlap, Waldeck and Marker Are the R legulations Which Govern the Eflec- Anybody and Everybody Is Eligibe Additional Entries-Bishop tion of Business Manager and -All to be Givena Thor . - - ,...... M nai...…

March 20, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 129) • Page Image 1

… of S tr- !1 VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, TMARCH 20, 1900 No. 129. Sprin~g Announcement 0. H. WILD & Co. We have jst received) our ine of spring woolens for men's wear t incluides eirth ing i staples ticat 5re siaile sd ds- sirible for the Saor . is ar also shiow igful at s in-n n oo-i eties in qiiality ndstyolei.t) suit the mst cexacting- tati, consioting(ofITopiCotsitoSuit ings linc es\sre iiil (Gol T eri I s . Weo i noite syoii t...…

March 20, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 129) • Page Image 1

…Cn of O h t VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, MARCH I20 1901. No. 129 ..Our Special Line of.... Foreign and Domestic FABRICS FOR SPRING has arrived and is ar- ranged for insiection. We have the largest a- sor nent in the city, 6. H. WILD CO.1 wo8 E. Washington St. ADAMS' SALTED PEANUTS received fresh every day: .. . WI LDER'S PHARMACY YOU KNOW where to get.. A GOOD LUNCH AND SMOKE~ K. E. Jolly, 308 S State Street. IA GENUINE BOON A...…

March 20, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

…THE 0.01F N. DAILY. V OL. XIII. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, AIRCII'20, 1903 No. 1263 OUTDOOR RECORDS A Football Disagreement HAIR-CUTTING STRIFE A New Magazine Thle break in foni all betiwen Pari- A Wnli, on pond largely of Hleston and Maddock are Doing rood doeailldai wllieynwent Friendly War of Freshmen and Sopho- rleegaoi~,inie uybe WrWihHmeanDics il the ;;iitoe inest yriiibiililiyed Ifrmed io pbilish a weekly illstraei WokWthHmeradDics at li...…

March 20, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 124) • Page Image 1

…h f t 5*: t d ". 6 : .. ... SEARS-TO RUN Battle Royal Betweenztahn and Sears in 140 Yd. to he 1,ost Excitin; E'vent of'ou 'N1 1i 3;j ttxiC i + t 'i t " ii i j t I t t , i ' tt . +l!1in 1inr}:jle;l 1 tit \i: ii}1"it:~1it ]t ,j v ANN ARB3OR, :MICH., THURSDAY, MARCH 20O OFFICIAL CORNELL TEAM PLUNKETT GREE I>) o Iit i i. t iino i) 0) tuncuished Irish Befit 111--Nin itili-i 014,t I o in. l e iz,' It . 1 :at 1Y+ IIt t 50n_ 4 Re ta Etlend Aus ...…

March 20, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 122) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 1904. No. 122 [RESMEN WON. TUIOMPSON WINS. ANNUAL TOURNAMENT. "PARSIWAL." Defeat D. U. S. Track Team 45 to 18- Whole Ticket Pulls Through by, a Fencers Club Will Hold Their Annual Prof. Stanley's Lecture Repeated-lI Rose Breaks World's 12-lb. Shot Large Vote-Office of Secretary Tournament April 2-New Men lustrations From the Score-A Record-1906 Engineers Win Contested-Large Vote C...…

March 20, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 122) • Page Image 1

…The MichiganDaily 1: \ A \RiMI 011C uG N\, S.N ' l ) \N N1 v~tI N Ii( I20. 10. Nuof-.1X1X. DULL AND MAY WILL; LEAD RIVAL TEAMS5 Records Will Suffer in Tonight's G Mect--Dull Expected to Lower Mark in Mile Event. i the yeir lbefoe thei Varsity inet cc l-tt riiiti-at- %iit ouiittside teamstt Te ic 1 il alts clitati(ii in this- meect may piay a large par t in diatcriiail i thetakec. ip of tihe -ea thtat wiill faceath l f- Cli *kio tlciic *kAss...…

March 20, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 127) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAYLA G. H. Wild Comfpany Our Spring 198 line of fine Imported and Doiestc.o IWOOLENSI Is now ready It incdes all the latest Novelties, Shades and UptoDate Patterns in Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, Leather Shade, Grays and Fancy Blues. Your patronage respetfully solicited. G. H. Wild Company 31I South Stae Stret Our First Shipment* of 'Mcp hist o' (the new game craze) was quickly sold and we have just received a second aid larger oi...…

March 20, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 124) • Page Image 2

… New New oft Base Bal HlEHAN &CO S ontiey Loaned THE MICliI iAN )AIL.Y. 122 St el i 011 so s 1.'2.rr. J. Earl OIl e Jr Ha'rol .1dI'Sr tl. WVilli'amnA 'M jlhern 1 I l Janoes' ... 1 11 ) '5 > lake Your, Spalding 'and Reach Baseball l ; t 53f50 Stt( 2,2 1 5 11 <iilt #t't'ti 2 1.11.c u t~ t r1 ; We larry the urost QC"Ot" pleeassortment 'Af (Pox s, Base Bails, Mitlts, Bats. Masks, ts..d oohesr supplies in it h hcPrices Always the 111 f . WAU...…

March 20, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 121) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ITHE LEADING Tailors IMakers of Men's Clothes. All the latest London styes and fabrics for sy and all occasions. FUILL DRSS SUIS A SPEICIAL.TY A11 S. State t. i AnArbor, Mich. Fountain Pen FOR REAL SERVICE One that c~obiines utiit with cood looks oi Sheehan's Leader for $1.00 AT Sheehan & Co's Students' Bookstore Football Pillow miade upi complete for $1.50 this week at DARLING & fIALLEAUX 224226 S. State St THE MICHIGAN D...…

March 20, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 129) • Page Image 2

…2 o 0f#t+ (%dhi Pobiiehed Daily (Sunday s eepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, (orrimtTiloe 0andPresse, enning Btock Both Phones 1t7. MRANAG'INGEI~TORt. F. ENGELtooce, '0t L. B3USINESS TMAN AGERi. 0,t. 11. hNS. '00 L. ATHLETI'i, .tG. 1. Itoeo'r, '01 iE. T. R. Woomotoo '00 tL. A.11. McDOO't00.(,'01iE A. 0. Boo s '. '0..02-. ,WOOD, 1t, L. J. MONTaOtO'e. R '00, W01. Ii. itoto. '00 M. H.JIN A,'00L.1V.i'A.KNIGHT,'01lL. Ti...…

March 20, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 129) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY: - ~~ any Iecreek tions of sahinery isRA OI R 0 SPH5I N F Ijt.. o ___ . ?-'IJ.I.~J, Oteestn different kis of business. I/ _______________________________ 'Iottrak n te etrit Ypitsst & The'0' $3.00 Shoe is the shoe Published Dily (M dass"e~teddrieg AoAt alsaywl ltlt 5 to wear when the weather is under- '* folinjeseor, asillen onehalf ai aott trs, as 115t a A ltterindes'ihnt t / will, the lpreselt tII ig ars ...…

March 20, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 126) • Page Image 2

…'[THE UNIV\ERSILTY 01" M ICHIioA NDAILY. AnBnouncemenl (' Il i l" 11144: o m4 A144li: 44'xvr illie full El. \l': 'hi .,t,,: *-t. (4 :':I t1he '144444411 of 411 "lit- 2 tr l '01444.1 t , e- Co,44444fo7 this.v ~ l '1401. TIL U. OF MA DAILY1 4.41.11 . 11441 -1:>.. 444 04U147G4EDTOAGR, Athletics Assgnmen4t E'ditor' GELNERAL NEWS 17 4 '. .:i ik10: rt 041.?.,4 V .4' 7 cy 1 . : 7 '4r,'0.. "r~ 1 1 ::o l" ci' 4 :':: 44 44.4'.. ft j ~; 7144 :i4.:iwi l "...…

March 20, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 124) • Page Image 2

…THE I (N OLY-NEWS z.No ZA j w U5 0 -. Avv4H I7.)N, a0- Qr" DILY4NwS PB.CO TMIhIB'AN 'I c .. . INT2'' 1' ''l. TI ON : INI hI' IN' " N14, 1 I I~i'C ltfl ih : 1 111 liT-NI 'NINN IIt. II 3i~t ll E 3 a I 111 NIl,' lN I ( ) lt' i 1'' F tt i 11 ' II+> ttt 1 '; II rv t ;I' l I '};~ lil tl,.II Il I I . II It Isc 'i t .. - . I l i S ( 1 ' ; r ' I+ ' II i ',l I: l i l. 'l } It . : ; I: .I ?ll i>l "il: \ iI .l IN,'-NNt; 2. N II +1t 'f * l iI' 511+ ' t]:lf...…

March 20, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 122) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE11 MICHIGAN DAILY Entered .as second class mtterat the An Red uction ' Arbor PostOffice. IPablished daiy (Mndayexce pied) during the coil eeyeaat li17IE. Washington street, (aeetforsieetac)Poe823Sa eMANAGING EDITOR: SEMORY TIIOMASON BUSINESS MANAGER: ROSCOE B1. RUtSTtON As we have too large a.._ EDITORS: stock of fancy JAtetics, - - ROBsERK.WaLTas News, - - - - - J. S. BALsa ASSOCIATES: SITINOS AND Clifford Stevenson, Ro...…

March 20, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 122) • Page Image 2

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY TiHEL 1MICHIGA~1N DAI LY'.aitilthiifeliiig hti ieii thet andtail t-- _ I ~~tiientithed\iirilettr0t aniha bee m eal r Th ie a godsig fo G ii .Wild tCompany lV li:ig aI ditr-ARcuieI F. Rrct Mcnl npn RAslm ta ley Li' Vaai er *Jaix F \Vci, fealAEeBAL :. MERCHANT TAILORS --lie awhat iteougt ltoiihe. TtiHEAL ir. Ni OTH. S AONIHi Etitep ST hesnostes v ig IBeatieeP reitice, wlio trill le seein ii Ad W e Are Prposed News.i ........ ...…

March 20, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 127) • Page Image 3

….... .... . - - - - ---- ----..C. ...AN ..D...... Sam Burchfield's Fne ;'ailoring. Trade Can Deliver The Goods, Sam Burchfiel ca i0 6 & C.EAST HURON ST.. BEST STOCK OF ICIVGARW.S IN THlE CITY AT BROWN'S Drug Store 120 E.'Liberty St. We have Pipes to sell too-lots of 'em at low prices. CLASSES- UNITE .TO AID :UNFORTUNATES Stuidentts Iespond .Liberally to Call for Money-=Business Men Thanked. +Aimeeting of the class presidents of thte differen...…

March 20, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 124) • Page Image 3

…:damf Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver the Goods SAM BURCHFIELD & CO. 106 EAST HVIION STREET NEW SPRING SHIRTS AT MACK'S?. Cluiett &. ih yCtldy's [amoius line isanow displayed and int- cludeN cc ery new anid natty fad of the seasoni to white ,1nd X11lnrcd Men's Dress Shirts with Cuffs attached or detached 4k, $1.00, $1.50 MACK (a CO. IL + ww r ra r rsw w n s ro rriiiii rw r o Ammunition and Fire Arms MEILIG &SCIIMID'S HA...…

March 20, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 121) • Page Image 3

…THlE MICII lEAN DAILY HlA L FTiONEi"2 a S and ~JA'7 ZINC ETCHINGS a*+vv ~Y'4 Lower in Price F ~ or BetteroginoQitlitill Ask A. M. SMITH a;- >gs t dd Bette in Qality-bongt5 ora ltsge tt >*' t top Mote riet. th hip.-t 11Ann Arbor Savings Bank Block ,, itdxiIittehp ; « t tlors price. FRAT MEN ATTENTION!'eaeects\cs He l teca pa ndttintlevctery t edJutill 1ltlec tt fr i tl'ittity udus. is- 4 -lnt heiti 0 Is it la ) r s " ~ m +College ;Old wit i 0 ...…

March 20, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 129) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY 01' MICHIGAN DAILY.3 i~aD[~ fIO~ do OXFRDSALL NEW AND UP TO DATE OODo5PFJ"'-i IQ Have You Seem Our New Dorcais Sboes? 11 SOUTH MAIN ST. j MjICHIGAN CENTRAL, 'The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Taking L'flectNovmber 7- 9, 1899. Detroit Night Rxpres......., 55 .a., Atlantic Express .. ...... 7 43 Grand Rapide Noproso.........11 10 Mai and Exprs............... 347. - N. Y.BotonSpecil ........ 1.. 345 Mail and Expes.....…

March 20, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 129) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY 0/7 ' f6 RIrx HAT y SPRING. STYLES UNEQUALED, 4 nd $ G O O PEED 11 A NS R E 3?i ?3?'.3'? ?3 3' ?= '?sJ3?'ps";:=.E3c ??=.X33!?Es3? ; 2s33??s333' 4 i h n c e t a483: c E i "" 3 r 3 ". "3I J " "s."I " 3 T e J E I o l M N .g i MNOIS&GIAS TA LR4 eevdFrtPeima h ai p NIGR FAL OTi.O F M hyaefo aea h * is- TH SHRiIEsSheel MscSoe $4PRNGIMORndON hv$3r AN RO Orvdadaerayfrisetin 0I .LbryS. n roM4 CHDIPCADO GB117ALAIDenTalET...…

March 20, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 126) • Page Image 3

…THE tU- IERS-TY 0,' ,T' ':=IlxN\ DAILY. I " ' : . .w . : F,... ;, THE RIGHT THINGS AND ENOUH F TE } Suits, ()vercoats, flats t . E uIsllt ? C L ' m i t 1 4 I? s it Al1u Furl'ihii alrlFy \'.C I' c x'11t t,'i xl ' .; ?1'f- 'i 1. ,. " x - Liena ridut ercale Wagne*'S -*r & o. WADHAMS', RY AN &HE VIE -77 S-as ,n joy Vsgreat at the -re-.ti afiCalculus. Like-wise atthe ceThatm of a MOGiUL Cigarette. But the knd oficyiinas:,._..":g ut muakes .y u vwan...…

March 20, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 124) • Page Image 3

…THE MICJIHxA DAILY--NEWS Th 1 MopA Gun IGGiHlO TWII that we (odd1r do that would tend to induce you to b,y +4 STEIN-BLOCK CLOTHES 4+ 'ot .0 tontrodur s yogi to a rman who has worn them. 'e ar o:tcrr.::_nd tire ian~gtaewith whhch to tein voa hoax + fodta ®ous are-. thre rarataaihrtheirrlabel ha- + nea:)filar of th'-cr a s, anti} -s a>a r OPrord lof .+y .,,. te rjr btotat -rot r eir e 1 e t .L:-ther of s~t ' T C Of :l ror t he r ; o -ty2 v t t.:...…

March 20, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 122) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ST' A new lot of the famous HI. S. & IM. Black Suits, a3 flLTL55 IITUN J U in Vicunas, Thibets, Cheviots and Worstedo, made * JJU DoohJ od HE in stogie or double breasted. Varsity and Regular Sack Styles $300 [OUADTS $30 e aeal$15, $1t8,o$2UTZ + The only shoe in the world designed by a We niceiy.l sines in stock now and can mfCithiryou wme---frwmn ncl.Call and inspect themi. M fACK & CO., - - Sole Aqents 217 South Mlain Stre...…

March 20, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 122) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SpEtCIAL CHOICE Hot Water Bottles AT Quarry's Molney -Loaned -Wacesndx Jnewelry re cpaired. Harogain- in Watcen & Diamonds Office al.'resience 331 Ec. Libety 5ti Ann Arhnr. Houns. 3 t 11::0:,in., Iito l:30n 'to JOSEPH C. WATTS THEF FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND tII2RON STREETS Cipitalin50,ll0 Surpus dnd Profits $90,000 Genneral Banicn Businss. 3percnt cpaid onTine and navna" llcnncicn dSafety De- posi Bnxc" tn cent at...…

March 20, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 127) • Page Image 4

…Ice Cream Soda 5 cents All flavors except Chocolate Chocolate 'SodaslO0 with 4'shole portion of Ice Cream 13.13. CAL K INS t Druggist. 324 South State Street. AMU5EiMiNT MAJESTI'C All This Weelk Enthusiasm Demanded l i Re=engagement. Have You seer Her? Then she has you guessing 5-rOther igh Cldss Attractions-. PR.ICISr-venings 13c. 25e..40. 34c. Box.Seats3. SO..Mttne Wednesday and Saturdays at :3.AdmisisioAdults 25.Children 15c. T1 H~MICIG4N ...…

March 20, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 124) • Page Image 4

…THE 3 (i S7 tS 15 CLOSING THEM OUT Wat? Schleede's Note Books To too this Nve otfer them at 2 5 / lDiscount, tt HIAG'S 201-203 SOUTH MAIN ST. Occidental Hotel NWe Cater to Btanquets, Etc. Wvalnut Chocolate Candy The 40c Kind for 20c per 1b. DEAN (U CO., Ltd., 214 S. Mai St. .... .., PmRICE AmCUTTING I ~SPIECIAL Hiceeare a few of thecver good things we hare left for you: Lo'13ico rer pice- 2.00, n 110W ---------- $19.50 Lot 2----ormter pri...…

March 20, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 121) • Page Image 4

…TlE MICHIGAN DAILY Hocking Valley Ry. (ONTfI t; ES IT'S Et-Atl-.5LLN TRAIN SF'RV LSE You will find Pour Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depots in 'Toindo ,nd od - Imrbu's S. E. CLARK, 32- Campus Martius Detroit, Mich. F. J. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBING Gas and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J. F. SCHIUH, 207 E. Washington St. MADVt-JO-ORDER STYLES IIEGA[ SBO[S- College Men r...…

March 20, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 129) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. H~~ST8BENTS D. 4:1 TINKER &6 SON HlATTERS AND FURNISHIES Headquarters for I. l~1JiXIII*1 1 Smith's Works Caleb West, Master 1Driver. Toen Grogan. The- Other F ellotw, Short Storie A G ertieman Vagabond, andt Other. D ay at I ,agiiewes, and(1 Davs. Col onel Carter (of Cartersville. A Wthite CUmbrelia in Mexico. Welci-W\orntt Roadl'rof Spaitt, latnd, atnl Italy, 'Travxel( a lainter 0in Sarch of aii \t t I ...…

March 20, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 129) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY SPECIAL SALE ONE WEEK ONLY mne.... Writing Paper y he pound at 25C Azure andC ream Wie Envelopes to match Or tper package,8itacages 25c POSTER BOARD, PmITO Mo UNTS, TYPEWRITER SUP?LIES Sheehan &Co. 320 S. STATE STREET. You can get a HIOT LUNCH AT TUTTLE'S 38 South State St. Lectures Printed lectures for all depart- ments of the University. Type- writing and Mimeographing. EDWAROS BROS. Over Sheehnst State Seie...…

March 20, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 126) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF 'MICHIGAN DAILY. K~rf HN'O W ttv 1 wll' t~' a 'tt'1tC r l}T ilt' tllItf ta\4tI{'i ,2 1 ( 22I1 tll tFII' to1 lCLEA R LY Cutt nR r& Co. G. .J. BUSSMg.9y 1911ES-WHIGOST University Tea RoomsRETCL, AT PHOTOGRAPH{ER. LOVELL'S Cor. Main and Huron S&a. CORNER STORE. ~pn from 8Ba. m. to 8. p. m. Other Colleges Tea, Coffee, Chocolates, OC T'ePiel'nnsylv'ana lalseblatllsquad has bteen reducetd to 22 mien. Lampsl [5 Hazing hats been modt...…

March 20, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 124) • Page Image 4

…THIE '4fjCjj(-AN DAILY NEWt HOE CREAMI ,SOA WATE R b C ~bINS' Fresh Strawberries for Crushes and Sundays. CALKN'PHAIRMAC Y 324 SOJ. S~TAT S-t. riGkwIGKBiIIard rarlors find BowIinUa 707 NCORTIH L N(\RS ix XV-U'- THE HOCKING VALLEY Y. ii 'glt(Gr TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS 'ft, ie . W.IANIIAN" eneral-i r el e ~ nt, LINEN PAPER 15, 20.,15 ,and 3()c ,a Ih. SOHALLER'S ;BOOKSTORE, 1 16 S MAIN STREET FULDE ,iq S. M~ain -it. Amn Arbor CA LENDAR AND READING NOT...…

March 20, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 122) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Notice to the Public:. TPwRee~ ~. Drop us aecrd too323 S. Maien t. and hves call fo your work We, the undersigned, will continue the Clothing and Furnishing Goods business known as the Cut- A. [[fr1BLYL, ting, Reyer & Co., at og-o olo H. Washington St.,+ Ann Arbor. 1 Mr. Truman Wadhamis, who has Frs eieMa akt entered upon his fourteenths year in connection FoetA n Ma Mrk. with the store, will have charge of the Clothing Poul...…

March 20, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 122) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN !DAILY . ". M A J I ^~ O " lvk LNT1PI< I NI NIlI' THE ARTISTIC DECORATORS, CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ti~re notce Neu r t-ierro ate an ORIGINA] 'HE1A"IEST AND MOST UP-TO=DATE WALL PAPER, PLATE .mee in- n itrinrcnt in N\e b _____________ NSNI IN SHELVES, PHOTO RAILS, BURLAPS, PAINTS, OILS till. rielat ruining, for the NCA. 'ANI NI IES, BRUSHES, GLASS WINDOW SHADES, ETC., ETC. \atc irnr eos aridmnnetr tcrc i- Oittir s 'tialty is fine lDe...…

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