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March 20, 1906 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1906-03-20

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The Michigan Dail

trOL. XVI.

Dunlap, Waldeck and Marker Are the R legulations Which Govern the Eflec- Anybody and Everybody Is Eligibe
Additional Entries-Bishop tion of Business Manager and -All to be Givena Thor
. - - ,...... M nain dito. o n H,-n-

Will iNot .ompete.

ialaanti Xscosin nxtSaura
wh optdin the 15(15ina mitCtI)nm-
ccc in ~ l-theisthiput Wldeckiiinterhalf
cml. -iete lit ici n sit l isof tieis.
MarerNvllsuced ihop111in te iipole
am t int he pi ia iraitid i f te, it y
nieii andlst 1iititn te ttoidecadeiich
Oulpshingtltered Iilltt e sot pt ut
iae t etity~thaticltitan iiillt
and Dnlap ian dobtles defa itriny-
thing satcthe ittsfcninats.Ilnc the.
varsi tay itmee t it ci \ilisdefeated Diilapi
by a fw i iths on ilt atiitilptbut
Dtllp ad nthud eeniitittittg ioXX til
ics prev t iout~ stincht-tIaccoi u t itrtilt
Th i sconut in mii et itwill 11111kXthe
tin chttit-e. In ste vi tyii meeti
Ramey beingcnfie dlioiihe aouseith
citic it ti tthet-t i tti . AC- i nne de
fc~ttd \V lde~k in te itrlimiary iiet
W it t ci changes tieivatsXXitytillit
prest th ii low gtem ilht -yard

littictic it i scc i it Ntituatt l N i I ii c L a l I lsi till ii
tut ) ingtt he fac i hts tatthge liltre iminy cci cisici isacft-snoonalifoul- itititc ci
itde ts i ts st isstilts stits scissisicti sit otsomicC, Uitssit ci 11x11, the "iii
-its slecs sti siorticih sstcsis rng shes i ly s t.sissl rst lc est.lc hut ilt, iii i s
pttu liss below tti iitthe ltelu ios io tsd c nd niisit is etics oupei c i n the
byteuo tis sub ioasic oits ontrolitiiit it worcld iitit s litXmleior th firsIttm
(21sit111 tiltpbication.istsis iperai tiveAl h hnyteycnd)ayhlta hoewohv n siainss crtesiwlcoms ytheii ciiMiciganlitsi's i
sicn sthi i osevstee eulto suommittteis s; asytbodycandi elte -stiohytil
carefully. urdu tiltry frcacla ic.Ifi h tdlt
frtitit iiiivo luteer te i ericet °s
Arcle 1-,I St-c.- .-Thet-contsrcol cf sts it-ill lit a igan~csstic sctcess. 'f'lt- cciii-
Ni icliganscssicssi salli heI sc itid inthe ii it it ic-dsirto met ics-c i icc if Ccckii I -ic--
iiittiaccisili hocardi cO fiControl cul-n si- id i ci ittin sthe u iverssity \\.11(,i s sip-
sistiig sif itelve itt-nil it-ic.two fitiis lte this- iii o isdiig asstingci- citsin e dcclitic
facuty.i ltso fruitm lte Stlifitc ci allste lists Its o e pcs-slit-i ee I a ciii ccc
frslcl pitis t ciiing jo ilt- istws fromss ste is it i-uttt-- itilctt tif cl l e riii cccIii at.
seniot tiltses in ah f tilt Still il tit he i rst t randss ccicIsisly
deai et,) :si 1I teisitis list nd (2]-]i - - i str Jokesc sic'}12' i(n)
t' t'11g; 1l hfrnt the tlste tiiiorc h o lt, arb ts 5555 csc 11cc Iar)( ,*t
medlt iiju ica l tsien ii s lts ifrm thes ndiii icciii cc ac a] ede y tihs
se ios f hss othert- psit-it enititiit 'lit managtsisismen istt t. C me " iltsii ult i llii
h its cisisssi mensist-i d cig- jo it tl it eiwlc tced itsiwel as the ititic liii olls
all ofi iiim5511 ll1 srve ithut com-11 itnd stots twill cnotibei turnedci awayi bc-
pensation. cau~~~~~ise the r atoientl orat
ie. . Tse 5facultts meti rssi s hattll sK ut1ck- ineed ior sindl-,on ediA
Ilit appitedi bys) lte LUivsts entics isa-scsiesiceti t he shiss cil becdcidedcisc
Stc. : t lt tiiict s titudn me be, sitllini tlt re pat im nteia deil
blctei Iii ist sss itlthe ist eekit Apil anditfaceadabodfiivI ~
ofti r u ntiori year.t byi the bis ies thalit offrdfoss r I asii soirt ofi iii t
lists repre stiln t u nd frosmss am1s1 suc - till
puittte 15 site csmmsite ii i stat lics i dS XiiI 111I[ (
orgiation liitss s sl dy-s sisdi approvsed IFOR 1-sIfSO) 'SI
its sid 5 tcommli c ite t lea lst -ttre as
befotie stih lt eciition. Ali lections shill \its'ticsit u I ius isuda al

fisnT hrsdayti itgstil i of tlilts ittis<
it-scnef iti cet wsill ishse itedered i lst
l nists rcit ol gis siitis ll tion of hi 5srei ciiias
lemt- e prora iitclude theitWeter
cti Abr L cw o sitcisostlo itist n
lium nst "Two- Grensicdiertus s i t sb
ti-til t h rh es I tais cc opa imntti by
X iiii ins oIlst nd.itu Nit. lt-st's fa-iisotis
Strasitsariutstillbi s ed on-ti his lts ctias-
Fo-w easM.Fii his laboredc

fatls fill W ih ti1Cs W Isit-its ( ha
liii 555 d iici ge ssting si-ilict -s iatbody tf
55 5515ts whose cwork is lnot o111y an
hocci()th mslv s cnd to Ni-lr. t-ti,
bu t i ci ll t iltd ui verscc'sity. 'iThe
me br ofitiis theiii c hestac prcii 11tsitiveit
ofi tilt cirlI % sit sctiline tltfor ci t uead
tic- -itnt of i woirtilk 55lh i itIs tke
to bin du thn p tic o ii c te i tret-c i tan555-
dard, iciss i desire to tdo ist stillsubisttial
firts ei wolid ycondutor. 1- - - - d
it is list recepts iftlist cocert, ablint-
l stilacul ii t s s ofii thec- orchetstra,
isw ii se tivtuld "Ito al paymtitis onit
Mr r' io tsaivi , ti siisis t-
scurits cinit New ci iOtw tlt iss st cim s

SEMI-FINAL BASKETBALL tics titiatsccideithe re itiie ed o
GAME WON BY JUNIORS iiiiitlftiittt
- - hotclwciiiby severaleilovableiiselcttit1tQs
1907 Team Defeats Freshmani Girls in it ti th sla~its cl hs \Vtisttistnsiii 1-
Weird (Game--Foul Decides sits stsafter theiecs ts stlt-cei ilst-e
the Contest- tcciisshlfI issit CadNitt ea bsket.
- I.Cautaisits octll si-iis ct ntli t ile rc ue~-tc
Ins a fasstasn ppy-15tgiste st-eJuior and tcied ssi tie cr cser afosil]


it- uhl ssun sse st-e sit-rs-ssis cif lit-e
commsisteec of inont-tlefti rgansizasstios
ill somest busiiliig tlttltn -1 thca p s ciftercst
leaist itt- 1d11y silulic.sitits cf the timei
ifg ciisi- ssci i cc n
ri cit-ciTheitiiilit his nussit-cs stilt
shallicbehialcmeifbec sot5tics factysdh
lTh duititi tiesoftesever111ficeritshtilt-i
bethe sull-llc-iespirstaistningtoithir
sh l ca iicssn tst u iig cmisitt ciis-
stirt to5 ste commistteei 1f nsuits-si i
pubiicaicitin is. st s ci is st
.X jri t- o f litsisthoard tsh l con- ui
ltios-preset- shallsidciidt allliquestions,
ecept thalita isjsit y if tiltetiri
is-hithoar tsallihaveiptwerito ass-
lcilst aus assinssmanagerc t aniiiitassistn
4bsit-s-ss-man-gc-r. a mitsitsging edsitor
andtu dihaisssantis-sitaginig eitor, frons
amongutifits tics it embtrsilot-ceIlitwheitt

hto liest- udenstss fist- a gla-ss meet iltoi
sltrc it ts cshe-s s s necii g W llb
evnng egnin ilmlc t i ,it seveni
sit- ndls-s t shIc tings lit onec I n r
ilist is Rawliss wsill la .a d sig
the ttWis til len ll h titlst c lsoi
litsp akiii t t icthei s tis oii-
ifutii sunits ticr tiec lu h o11
T ios Tilte h hs toff is ascc ay
cut wheneverlis hi Icf ncomscoi n
trbtu iits icc XXets a royal recep55t in.fsti
iss ilist tuetu Xcin tea wentt ip u
ti lt sotliil, a t i I 1StiC 11-' 1e'l
Nt-i tiedoors.sit-hhiailhssi reit mbcuss
tunsh t ouss u tdhiss iX c onct sin ciligoti fel
ohis - itt tli t hct-s p-i oos eds lus cstiulti t
I sis y nt- i gh-cdd-t. csti 11 11 ii
It-suit I sit s X Itoot, 11 TR

III UK, wes t: u shrie Wst rninteru s I ils c t ti~-ii4 i c i
ru]r ia ha pin cnth qu tsr-ilthud huts itll tts tm chifea t itlist 5515 hits
shutsid «f tesuss s Susiencit -tle isiusus usuis n yi 1a4 1i11bysc or oi - ts3iBsvi-
Xi i i i i thus- msiecep tt he i tsii its.of tisit orycitil 5t 111111w i t
thr stltSp ttea , icitsdefetedtitit i gan r ~ igtid tucu eth 1ic s l itils ctosli-rrow1
ls yer i s atilI slthe stiel t ; i~g t als siut?1 s li sucss I tc
fits, iiiit iitith h t ciithu of tiuic 1t ii ss ogsci Nu wtsits it c
ccItii cu ttchc-c cii ittttu team 1iinls - I'hijis ors1 5 V icr iyst rdats wag
tw l, itost h t n I 55ii ti ii. t-iti-i s t-it, hid i t i ch a e te uioi rsiicc ftrcchi
uS ite atisi n hterNcailthe- os i alstsist stsrow f us agoa uct-Miss -ilerthei
littit a ibad tln clont s u ffing ts baskli t jusit-i cis thec referee55s "-luis(
it ossbl th t 1icigat k llmee Iefr smei t er u I- cu tis 5c isceii situme.
fea wh'l il(,tea (c; p gai~t Thewok o bt teasits it cardlyi
I N ii lnii.l Xi (fItXiiio if campioshipca lire, s b u heilld it-
ifht81111 XX uailsi wi orkucotfu s am e ciii ile paetNa
CO 1t-s'''~ ih cls hts ic hitsf cties uhf sit -tubaseball
cii foteill iit-s itar, hho is srobblyt htc
fuss' , is tiittu ststil ist at suKit-i s t ttoit-o ak talltte u
sverissimdc ccihei s)ollw i i c at centins
'iT-etilt tilt -, liicmmuuuitt tte s rwh I its'reg slitoiiit - s it usa Cslt i Ics-
ills--tas of ic cii ai stleistthl titus 0ea s alt cciio utlsse h u ir,]u
'Ch chiceof he ommttes hs nr- ihe ouest-eofe g amtcs ctw us isptisnSilt -
sushaw iid itdow hnst tau y i s ro ot insane oft heC t freshmei.i t ick isclst itt-sic-
tasis clopetore-th aiconct-tisiont-is asodi-go511k.
situkcio liiir'go fdtthelisthort- ,tu-his s ae
on ofint terel us 1 t t nli tilassi-ill whoii mcu lst o g fuciiseeor hecls
lisal iea. te tcomittee sc stilt wel-t .fit 7i t- ltsot-discs tok hlt-fluor
wine;ts's siilst citttis -dcii otic nout shosuldi sste ls-S7 iI N csiius ts ihcu
hst icc to buits fist-stdct- i 1115 btitts "Tihe Ntics. lice 5i two tims spe'tt
abotuculu'ive inlutes practicitg psscing lt-e
''ls t- I utu ocut tics 1at- Puofessot-hall,1af1cr ssichci tegamnet besgcan. Afit-r
-fill erti 1sPttch iin tascedct c te some spirits'dipassinigNiiss Ccarey scort-ed
residit-tc's' sit Itilt sireet t 3:30o cc'clock fis thlst- uiors. fliss Feaurmui eut-it-s
ct-st-rutaus tit-sriconis Rtv. Thomsis upts hesc scor uuim ediictely, imaisfing it
N auccu uicialtill .Interen-itcw s smsade iti. A-Nssi' 1bpNiss Palimierfor
atl te FcitclHull ctmetery. jtheuitors santione icy Caplain; Lowell

\'L \Il i L' Illllt'i l Il1I() N\ 10 :ilJctl,

hidhshe ade w itingtit tei5gamy. hiss
lisetsp :i
huc-shcccuci': Fora Arsc -uass Calii
tiu arXiiltist -:c-nsuiccSlitt-,cG(ct-t
houcuse,- Xi l bsccc s.su is i,,tr-t
l c cil. ii lts ci.
Jun555551: 15555 StiltRizser,.1 cquc
XX c enesWlticucI convo, listris;
iskei~ts, Palmecuss a.cs XMosr.
Ihlt'gitte hitwillciiitis iuniors ccind
555555 55555tomo55r55w55ig5ht scll dlit-cuthlst
class i chmionuttshillsprot-ded hatS tscshiel
stnorwiu t hwiselltcthhiole tiseies
still haivei to iisplaydcvessi teju- or5ete vthlis-ilh-
nuirc. liftesentiortin iii twill lie
hercdctccii issilhuss camiiouts hitp
ccii this) still onct- tmoare ht-e 55giventhis
isA iitti reara ltfeatics oftthescciiiorteami
ithtths sameul-nt:tup thai st-n tisu
tomorrsow5 ciihi sstgh t cbeini at7:30, cud
iniain huh 5 5cc5e iven ohtst t tthet sis
NI)lif' ?fill Ni -DU.S
Xliii iTHISfiYiiAR
The propouacis-duindotsicsdualtrIaIct-meset
betteentshut- all-ft-est traccct-dullsmccciii.
L'. S. Iucu, 1itt-usccalledt cff. lice recasont
fits this is larcvhtt-i-cihssretommsueindac-
ushadopts' byihe il'ontferenuce recenltIV
dhisaretd'hdprttdlsicof ft-esismancstecaiss
comscpetingugatcinust ohusihdc schooluus. Ccci-y
sdieqetl-yDi rector ii cut houghtgit bst
ht Cacelstihie meite. IHoust-rsct-Shut-inlet-
class gtil''w cillbehuteil s cacrranuigeud, cii
fMaustcit31,thissmsitcl cosinaglt-einidoor


ht ix luhircompsti actilis 'tlhte iitbu ts i ses 11 t husence if issi sll-c isc'' litor 5an-
tiasgt-t-shl aIlt on 0 c u suit-e rniii subsitllltl ilttut, ite itopomoe,; c I tliii
cuet- th e i-iii ciittreaurr l t-udthecied rtitcasdhliste tsof tsi wntscsi cii si
No bills shallhue pidst-nisseasis- Iisuu s-' plininsg ftreshimen whou sthi sll retincc huts
met-ss nmadeitcpt byi)St htesue.eveteiiesast te t-ttc n
aufiutesspioval cisctheucbusness- maagecupt's hn cussof thud 191Sfprolitshichdciii c cc
us tiltdtig omitee hvebensccutactcksits its tlhuseci
'lit-isari icittis tissus cccuctcwilsadsoitry noticc csleft behs n
rushes for it governsmenth sush.uiconisi-steti Nocseilts ft-ccais hisSsd S enplacc swi
sthl tile fotregoingiprovuissnsuit-i sichaillth tsses s , cyth lutthistschisvu
ice subhjesuct i t ll thig s lst iie isif htapprot siu litvialsi ci s cci
of lice ccmssitee ofccciiathleicutcitgall cosnflicisseena imminent.cc
icahiotis.sieu c' suh iid f lit iccliti
uas stc.is tlist sackig oi a troomiihcccii
follinig thts'plan5 (f ihsvincg sic' Isisdi isyLawsiwccc t fs rs ae
sfitcs of businsiess manhuager situdcianug-oomingh if at67 'ash I.,shuty t)rsict:.
tug sdtor rotatdeleteenice hisss, tits Trest-c pshomoretucss tilt ci dhss os
tutu firterit mnt eisiusinss )tn c testedy ifste5555o55.ccind ''cing 5ti
agesip tlissystatrccisiucpsnsiotshi as Sieittis room.us siacutit escuds I cc
sit e lis- na~ging tditorsitip ho thisPrit- t ia ofiii oldtinii abotti Suit t es ct it
ettilt- It is very prtobcable ttah new suit-of thss'protests cciadish cci-rutsgist
ofice- of tit-rat-)'atitiiorstillice cteat- lefitiaid atgtheritt- hetfitilgiti res-si
ct-I usliish witlgo tiiyear hoolice justice celied alessosnishich te stilluprobhaly
ills. long remembier-.

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