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March 20, 1909 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1909-03-20

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TiHEL 1MICHIGA~1N DAI LY'.aitilthiifeliiig hti ieii thet andtail t--
_ I ~~tiientithed\iirilettr0t aniha
bee m eal r Th ie a godsig fo
G ii .Wild tCompany lV li:ig aI ditr-ARcuieI F. Rrct Mcnl npn RAslm ta ley
Li' Vaai er *Jaix F \Vci, fealAEeBAL
:. MERCHANT TAILORS --lie awhat iteougt ltoiihe. TtiHEAL ir. Ni OTH. S AONIHi
Etitep ST hesnostes v ig IBeatieeP reitice, wlio trill le seein ii Ad W e Are Prposed
News.i ........ . . Lee A t huite rhp cmian morthilanitoiaroelrrs. esupprta f Rol e e c itfthie________Herr______________
Athletis.a . . .... . . BEdridge! Ft r tha raonathle till le expected play. "The' (all cf the \iitli,- at t
Have received a large ineat Gxi liege ... Roertfi.oert Monserl ti do lieulk of the iiwrk it keeiing ea \\ i'h hne itaft eroonandatit ie Our Stock of
waolens for SPRING and SUM- MIusic ....... ..iallin S. Baker lti go gig, bit cit wiv ol d acii11gt l_ t-i i i tcifletei ei
MER ii (Ieniam, Light, and Dark tn1 is siitul Vsie Ifti iefatiteii uildite hit' eca idtat r<uetoi the tat liecB a s e
Art Leathert Silver Drab, Grecian \ flt'' Nfitr. .. i se VanVii oo-eris-ola. cenurt h isngts ut s
DKings Ttnloearya n eprat ivtf ner StSS SCNNNI(RY SI-OWN hrteens\i lete leinto iti Goods
We have the Blarney, Hudsan, O ,, cft'it N ct r Leonart C. teil I N FNEN LANTERN NSI.INLS triinieice i a -ittle itfeit It e
Cumberland, Chester, Orient, Pe- A.tb an. hirilry iproain of Jle i o pet n etrta
antAusralia, Cymric, Bullion, . Tfi 1heti-aiSivtfi-eltitl' a iste 1e auii t he lie York ulrtf-ptralfiig ever befoe We have any
Federal, Emapire, Raebrn, Inish NiNii i iii it f i-t littrtedilIettie tinc c olhfitert- ifce f ieirk thing you need from a Pitcher's
BaufigT ee, n LndnWoe- bic htel B . Mlcligh ree l. Gootdtg irieiin t. II .Shmitzitthe ee nI cit lii in roi ai)iseattti. Toe Plate worth
td\\'tihr IK_ 'Tewera Loisii~Nrft i ifi v icteii elat fit'co tkitS(anCas elt ' - - - Z
teitt.D n . foic, Anbigell hall lteht],gfiveitc tueially SxNl \i f IA\bb 'IfI lSi5S
--- -Riocrc o e b r of le Ieitteehir bfrrrft -to a Catcher's Plitt sortha
Feetl seet Stititel II bhortis :iiifdt' e ttimcleit offtle fG. riini lepait- HfkIiaiclit" v it t thel t' l e i t 0
Pletase came early and have me.e.b Bt.'' t c tthle' i a a eituhle tee oriah~ll ,-ft " fi ourIh I .r ii' e 611 ee l'afi 8 0
[. , C iliam' aith Letd '
your Suit reserved. f.heIhjike trd I. Iel ito ttd. if, c( i lm . ll' atIfeiiief
a 'iut i lit tiiucilie Ii t ii IOr el tut' 310 S utl Stati S. f eu1 ASK FOR GA ALOItth,
. 'C.onkauleini\\ii . Ii N la e t ht-'u i ii -i li.iiuiI___ ___
ie itii i kall i t h areft i till l i iii i i -iifleiati ii e eltS.wih41ctitlt--- i
heI i ltliiJ.l cr i l 1 f fiit ie tittifav 'dinct: ttul nd ewehisite idesinat i i lllera
ii- i e Snit ctee d c r 'ui eiel r- Site,. 216tS. \lttftSi. Cil if
G. I.Wild Comipally II\:ci. If ec1.If j \eith Iet.if1 a e i fte tfe ifti l -i A TI '
3ffSooh tat.SteeABUINES0TAF il \si" i afte - It i-liht ter, it Ioag c.,6 etd University Bookstore
Ioi , f ta l or dhlI I r hal ~ ',k- -
C. -.B- mn -r a . eiluritlo l i ferdtlcNI pti n___ho_______________________________Colle__
lais tiihei titer Srgent. llIficnB th pfihtiti1i7ti1, Indit1t07t-SMile.
Aduress: MICuH eaIG N ste, Press Bldg.,ihi wi f ith uth te-ct prc-ile Ire tc -C II~~H
,Maynard Street. e ire- ed c r Il cde y ,f Spig lte - t ic k Iintih ift-iplese-- C . aaeftfors -I. t,78 .i.=d ne f c ] il-iii Lh avc < al n Afan cag t 8
feaaerAiestuSE.tt. p oBALeLe,'te i lIii N u S._t
daily, except Suday. Both phones - et he ldsdta IL :r a---
H A E A RI Ed ,a aneitln e milec atu e rIt o f\t aeorotclw r I1
S bIt 'RI) Y , NIRH 20, 1I 0,- astr aueledl ifrugch Stt'ht Icit-n fou ttti lrutiill e ifed.ltet aIli
ive tic Ie, Iti' cturedf ost ciiieti I (, ,itt ft toIJ26&.IaijStted a w )
OIur line is complete, itmr1t t ttIni.tpea fitehie' Colt, ee i etititute- Iffgt M etdtcai
C \\ttf te 'tifcii ,pr fitit'a t't, tt ol f te poead t hei'itiri'tea''tCft egc,'~e altuifop tr ~ed
Gloves rangling? from 25C ftlc tfce f t t ii thle jitthlt Ift lhianti n I oc Itit init e it r lr_ pir, hahre& t i \al Sciitt i i
to $3.00, Mitts from 25C it iifccmpsIft b liiitiisibn t'iti 'e Ifiite trill flttitite Iiai uft le SCi.iiicf eiUtl
J ct111cii no ut ,- w tiseceiii , f:riptossanth f lea cturtee cit thitthiec - -_ .-- -
up. Base Balls at all :tiacat ciiil cesurefey ';prigtt- t-- i i etienittitit iciftgrupsfie onht Mct he v- htitti tlii bba~datie
t ;; ~n e t 1i til-cthti lhibetcttti b- ii Ma cttt r . cnd le iii'i ecrrt. T ti l to srb athr, ol ts i to yet uetct Lartget Stck tun ichgant
prices. Spalding 's ff- plft o ccaluhf tc iitit i fto nt . rue\illh frnetinvl ablef toi hoea salift futf b If H le JaSeo dIad a ok
Cial League Balls $1.25. bees cit ae thueintetieutf1th i'ettrouni IV riieiev if in te l-fto ititt t I n, i c,?IaS.:B i u.edtf
ti\ i ift''lake 'a c hi li--lutii tch ciu utiit t i tll ttose'whot' l r c It'-ii 1t.tgot avi a tulIldc l ic Hieuuai
each's American League tI c ii andhte tc tuhiu-to the rtee Justthlere. r. Shitzit soyhs "'on s1at oehterulc a ldM ca )Q i okec
B~all. at thtis itie o eartv f\ ais te tu ti' t cit uuht idedsupon ittet l t :le tcii 1sCl th",Se opl ain b t ~ o kec
ci tt- fi''uttt ti uhu uta iiIff itf e u i u ttut i t omtpleteoline Netu-ha d. anducISee-
h i itti. c\ o tic tofie i afuttif ci I nciii h ut t tltiftuu'ctt tt uu\'hufh tu' he tri-ouh-lin-
a fet\ di 's pth utf tfiteic tlp' 1barrenis i ll it h wu uei fuicia t hemutori'uttt. 5ffN ff1 - S hy Itt I Iill-,1gees
itc-t- uctuti ati-e-ftc ula -it ecu - uhtcaps ti e cc if; - cl C N0)'. IDon'tt OldIbooks takent in Exc auge-
seaon o ri uttr. 'T atutd this 1Fbi lI'"N S IN Ni) lII ' 'TiO elci. 1 ',
Students' lBokstoue i ttieruite liehs u itiewait lsefitii fClNl\' P'FSIDENTl' CE. BARTHELL,
e"evcn cI;hcd~ i. but.uthehu t tit- -"-bl fue- tte f ih 'fci'
cc 0.... o . util ntc u ntu tet barnutall Cou-it e up. t utu def tKuttppi, tubf(Gravuuid Rapis.ad tutu itei 'u utiuce t 1 f " l l N ui' 326 . IATE STREET
bell UiA, ea eut icte hatutitathetetrutog e te Icirmattun iio f t e 'uuuttuutee ta ffuit-l lct ees. tit1upeutu t a copy. i21-23 Second Floor Tel. 761
s ii l f felks t ut e e t o oltoe ec i eatucestect'futi' Prefidentit--- -
________ _______________thc looks___of__the__c ampt'usiethaneti eututhec bngef, elite thatuthetiuiit e rtitumos f n bl C NOiS-f PhonfucutII K. NuCf, 45
I er v t c u etediteuf sc''iyofaci tc ttralt ;if nuutuet einIcftg tal e ta ma e re purtey IIHamiton pitifcr ncrccuutitl ni an Girfuu (lul -
iA, (! i dl l r& Bl'O tutu cu Alil m e t gtulnbessetton the ;eu a e -uft'itC cluif~t hu. 'ill nt chlitith
~i__BskeBl fude____pen "I)u.Aigell a tiigna
tlutt ruck \ nudt n is il d Sports. ;Iutui 'xe 'ufu't. tttu tiol , a u e tecel, lavte tut i iefec i Nny, lcau, to t' lcu ucth'tt, i-uttt cuu uett hiu il cier i t't, u ettt.f tt 1Ieuuue t eu ce'icttu ii u tt ti i batt l tte'urIih UasO tia okSeU
itl e tutu tut.. titi Stiuttct' ucttteoorco ncetticdufig't'eft i of timl O tb1 oteeeisn eeuo 'l i ft u d so c:t:Alint ifufc
ll loit Idt utify.cu cghttfor huBgee t tlt ICueassuttutOtetieucaluehtJoilkhxuSee- - Us_
- 1 cci i fa S u ntutt ee mo th aciiilsttobeiteliy. Afer h rn'.Sh p,:IRitSe
A. G. SPALDIN~G & BROS. 1if t i eit. 1uh tttrgetifutiticahuve' enuitt he'otillrte mbetuher eintug NMr tututtuin t-ialtet imce itdace andtch ARNOLD'S, Jewelry Store
bccn c alltut u pprtedt durttt i n uutg' t' ye ii Flether, MNI. IHill citafn h uhfaye. anutcucurln a l n ecu

why Pay More?
Cents. 15 Cents
Va - THE - VP P LY





Sprin~g Suits are niow on disp
Always the right thing, at the r

Phoit 598


& C


.11Washngton . The Randall Studio, Randall & Pa c-k Props.

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