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March 20, 1907 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1907-03-20

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The Michigan Daily


Ntt . r ..

_ _... _
_ t _ __ -


Jn y'1iiis in Semi-Finals Will Get
Insignia-Sets Cut Down
From 600 to 160.
Drstc imtaio soil thteaward igt
the boardiof di rctior of te -Aheti
Underla thent 1 ethoda abolit- sxhn
andl sixt sts iwill h gient oit. lThe
egulaions cntain io retratvtea-
tue nd aiise litv taliilra tla-e u
liii-rals iiaytgearatthre inIpea.
The onlylvlimit titist ruin of
nnnnerals has formil y beeniil -ahiliti
i t h-aea m ciiil -is ir the lasss to
paly forthlem. It has nt aI at all
niineen tlofnneasingft;all
and sevteen sisillnbasebalilI.iOftall
atiulsite nmbetoftumeltl ha bee
grantiedto italetat wit nhadibeenlit-iai-
featdl in its tst cnstiiit li -s ilattgli
that ci~ilins l~ttn r s r t1u, c c -
tothir posessor.lTt erisohtaoI
regtlar mab11o1 se,1 n ae ot at
nts.,,such as hset thleltarsit olttll
tamtasta sll I stli csan sappeals
lizthecxta se ts o nmras
The board haI lststaeti deci ietio
regardlig tist -sa-i 'liiigamest . I lc'
a baniill sll gameicheueda thu
its lpiermissaion. siieal atltic tamt,
th 'itcrsity b latsying ii smaill toweit,
trsughottheitstai te ndin Iictrlit sini
nfietli eti lfeta d-ti heliresuslt list
as aitlefeai t Itfo niltersit-,tiamstit
'Tiletreslitins aies follos:-
of the Univieistutf ic\thiga salitllIt
allowteid t wearithe lIkrtits toftich-it
ganinasgn11111or Varit "ti."uls
lit-libaetitlier of te V u1 ersity is
Se. 2, , 4 Tefoothailbaseba
sidtu rackttls sall Ihe t tcompo sdil
Sec Th'Ittitaitg,i of rle st- batltl
batsiebtall, track aidts1 niadine
stchtlastic ldeprtenits shall1behs cit hlt-
tswa-teiimontoigratmls iof te-iits lit
ine- separtmetitotnsit 1cap.
Sec. 6. 'Mecmbes stf t Atleti
tlsard shall lit entitldl tee-i-r tt
Artil II
-Sit. . IThe iicpt11n1111thittista
shall sleti the ILitrat- rtprstnts
tires in atllinter-colle-gii-e-ntldealten
th Ai-i i-it etiill ite frstIlla ssn l
Orefhet-ilass douletis ii in titerill aetmi eta err ft
ttinis '
Article Ill,
Se. I. 'flit follatwitgimenionly- alta
1se alloiwed tnoia-ar the \Vasity °M"o
their sweaters or jerseys: te capta
andil aembes uofthe footbalill,baea
rack adttienis teamistrsetvely.
Sec . .Te mntbers attdlmanaage
toly of the foar departments, Varsi
footall, aseall, track anti tennis, slit
Itt allowei tosnearmosntgrtas itnthe
ntttttA-TiONtS FRtLASnSa ATtttet1C.

Article IV.
Sec. i. Na unduergratduteat alitant
otf the Univers itt ofi Micltigntshalll

atsIwIed to n lausn erasun
ls i mmr fa N c1111 , I Is ~ dt
lit-de ittiorst initaitfgllowringsctos
footbll, bses llf tIasktantilt st til
Sea-c qualifigfthsls lssllItt-astr
th st t itiquaify ing forlita th ,cutlt-(uim tt
in te sliteti f thtlis aricla re an
ths ta sre anig c i ssuclfor t It
toth arou ls teamts acorisg t o i
te floi ng- tt els l-t itms
Sitfotbal, nt mort(hat 15iet
,hall abe tl t s ti tshi s tittgm sittsit
S ittic tl ttit alt.tilte, itmanagerIs
2lvsA tlistend int ss-tt tto ls cs reVat
a it soflt-tral tan is tiltitt
ill d tehnas is~thlthe si tItt-i ofh
he shard oftirtrs ost f tiletliteic
\-olstit hi granti suchIa mlts ait stilt
tititit sa Iitid ttsardssg ti -sfully :It1tsl
cc -so is aor tt1the lqu st a ttt i
it. ( sl otl sttst-s ittlini s-aonts i
he A ua l tittitt gt-t Itt ndoo5tlr Meetutuall
Itt-~ait~ tllhi -itt itt5- nnmcrait-
uidscIsiitis its listtltl
See.ti.s ant~ atstinig p it l
;al It ; ardcdl t hetl i ir ls tlle
si . 7. sits it erary I Itlat s ,a eeo
( Ifor -, sh llus lasitt-sss erl Ito- ti r
st lteaswetiis.ih the earmn
t cm ha lt,theiiti l t te oI tei
3 n 33 s s cr itittitiprovifed ls oy
JMte nmtral s helitiaSuch poi-sitionit
e -eterin he onAr . i proidI
s ha l title dia l att sitt- si lir l )I(tn
v ilntedcalgettclsse -andteta s.li T he lstt
Vast aaritechdearIIn. o
tth et.i . sh lle trietwhterlttititis
ign prilgis assiist gtttretie metll.i
ni tR. l tett ttashalcasts. r
Alotba l ttss gtttiissl Ittorn lat

sthe lIstnterclaiss amanager.
tel (Conitinnedl on Page Twss.)

Is Th Itlitct th tlloctitiit llt 1list
Programs of Michigan Union Con- pItt i 1 Ilt ii st t I :11its Ill Isar the
certs Made lUp of Light Ciassics hl( - t ohetItsVI It\1,krlutist x
-Seat Saie Tomorrow. It-Ii aivevct is-- It iw tIstuke lat tl
litas tt I~ ait- tt ill Ihe tu tSale t1t)Isi a1111 it'It s the itso-Y
Itm st \ hu a fott helpst ulartttt l ttut iii It r4)fsilt saul he 1:\ ep r
at11i C tuts Irts i1)tt ; l s t t ii t I 11 11 vII aett li ts satllt s 1"t'I 1141T r h.
lipc; tfte\l icligstu tultu - l'c ~ aIst sli tc1 ~;111r t
-'1tiur- seiie ils t s thr e)lititIs 1tu1h e it T )11 I.Jt Ititstit 4I CV stulutIt

en -

sodfo I -eah hilt- >igte- li
iaill ey t. I re til t I thel i ,
ittaily tutlicsttts hvethe tl t a(It
11111 ititilI o ici r tl t hi let
sttto a -.a listllits-e tis s sil
sui itsi pr a mtsss wi sll al h f : ih
11111 st 1 11. ( le f t e he t fa
titu' utfutheitialprogram is tshtprot
dcstncsOfIsseveraltc sl stius- ofits e
igett-itnktlsttguu befotrelipatylt i5ns
p ic. T heil se a re t stt th \ Iti h tuttltt-
itsIII " ' it raild. lrofe ss ls iii
ass listIstill like of 1i liti Vuits
voat n 'el, \%il pay ac o
neie beoebeI atingturteit Itoli
inepe hllii ITIhe It il1 Ibe lutishI
itt lightsandlcathy ~ st~cth stuit (ii-
ronad I- ugist I) Vhs,(Georgi I Is-
adtilt I atliot iet oIsdexhiestheai btut
lifta tti e itstott aougeiidwill hbt
hnlis I l trtus sltan) ill s c is tidis
iop llrit
ilt litp Situa - - --il( irt o cetis/l
Ias ufolustuw utsI:
tiii -V sits ul-tiltsilt ti
(s-titgalon , ... It...s . ..lls i itI
I ) ~ s ittVhsl It'. tltuIs.
Da, Irusamt-ts lisusi
Mrs, Gerge I Iatre sse t
Vra, Getrte usttr
I VIilin ISi-sit)isulm s isn ha sd
\lous c ntnu tl.... ., ist
usSernade t.., . ...l.st ..I Hayd
IIVIIIt t 51N1(tttiSc
Ill111,VIVISI I Rh 5th IIN
I, list i,. assisusire ideto ithss 17 a
1 I il a n Itt t I is t his- o ' l'h
ulChse l iithe Lawiasit Pritesilts"kwit
I- t V ill uis till ciu ts itr VV to h
Ii istas is had itsal dptmensts, sti
-- in I oth ini isncetetireas it
wh itush tirtiussusthie itsit sirethiI en o
,e uheiu s pectilt proes-sio si.II Jttuhnla it
it Dei Viascr, e, w7-iill bIsthesakesssur is
- Atpril , sandl si twel-knowntx '07ar siuli
s ill siudsress it-efri-lls-e nt h e l lowls
'e ing Monidaty
'Iliast-tries ismeutstigsgis dsiagne-
I ttlit freshmnwhtilitart t si lsa
toswhat 1prfessain Iofollwto'co
to it decision.uT he 'ists ecitive commutitte
it of thie- lVre tsin us bl, uwhicihas t his
Ig metinigs i casigue, is desiousaftutv
tui g ailarg's tuumisis-nfsfist-yea iseitut

I - I is il ;n 'e bs i nglt e i i
bm ultdpr st. I aty tsis cou c
frm oldotahttiife fitittist "s
Tikt r it .:Ie a s~ a l i sit
is:tws ,ns ntil rsli aSIlts ," lst tor
lests sss wll hIts suliced ssslalt. 1
FAVNIttt'S ltSTOIht -N V-Ill
II (ha i i VhiIII iVmto(Nit - V
crican biIog . ItIsttvtrs I suicrityI
tiill Itctiuss s "lut-t:issbTlsltuS eamen" tuus in
sterisis Ia 1:,J0 stltsk. I'l"his istorysus
deatitli t, u ndsits i IIs au lspils IPr- f
iesaI- Chsssmonug ituts is Its ti cosidet,,
it(Iflilt si scringit im. Hiisat,
ti hilts hereIlls mhatipssiltontly c
b th fatthat tltI uus l is bo t t list l
Ir ilsutet. ts hu
me istolianluinthesucst tg t-efist
le -t' it V t a sts In 55 i itul, h isst
sad to Ilhesasmist eateita i ing sussus I
fctititit' at i is-t rtsn ists it m rl
I titlis fort ivss sitlulecture he foreit
Scis slug's'lit t st s trnonill'ap-
grildsated frImstilleislteray is its it
ist year and IsisatIpuesuit tgigtbIt
fhli lit tigliza51totu foistworkinia i
(hitity.It ltal, c',isas tr isusud T .sl
iI lls til l iiiFrnt .m iii lilutit tit oit
r ,ow, ,a, oe mn, 'si. Crny list
chanuged (IsIre I' Vs tils HouItils itoIta
r- srl hImtitlist- gi.s
iTwo years Igsthlil ittitttSiolt-
h gy clubitstilt rny t Cicgto i
V is ustiss andtotu invti at gthiss-ruanculy
sicd plnistetnIvsi one a til i ablst
srdcits stir gulleIts-y V sltulsusa
l coar fcis tur utwitstcsit lrmputly
ao inioor ti few sdys lonugr A stststa
it h is(tgont-sha senimprtisetuitlh-
isgusts-By ItbIis inausgsuationu, ti it-ittkh
liss bhitstimalultd andsislehits aduhalst
slitoppotuitsto Is Ittat teushstl to irlst
Visittisti lissoweuutas be alto I' s
i tltn ia, toitlisfth tilts thtio f ai resa-
7e, is tutu will ihavet-rturnedsi iin itleiti
tilsc' Iit slia itutse Iitisthe --
siout msiii liiias patie
le tiu ss titat CitchtSanugetlr wihy
ve lihtarg f this work. a ~uisu~itt
Vdrssioty"tilrcular ihts it-t the-ttu
till is hits1 Attrit.

Maria Stuart" wili be Payed In
ietroit Under Auspices of thej
(lerman Department.
ith t1i th - l~ct; -s 'i isu t till
-i-ali uiills-t; alVIiritiss lushFr
usy sifttnittApisl 1i2,s;t lt-eDrit
I isdcatmc sts I f th-sit a ursi I
f Vlislsigssss is pahtihtititi, ill thus
o rpic tits, hssstITthtg 111m hinit
stilts esuessasslii I tulu illheiss-
sn~rs t}will Isshusslul usn thi ss
I- plc-its.
The ni s s-ustii it I witiish isr
\ stlshustl\ VV-tt thu t itttl tittlil gis
i-siot il -ithu- I susis guternmttuh i aIt lii -
tgs. t'his umtu is-stigslit tiult~ro
li sai-liise t e A lia ulic i til
tial sins its huts iom i c s rso til
scte 1oinhi prop i usus t lutst ts-slt
--s-sthut lst t r eo h li sta his o
tiei, I-uls --lulls I hsl ls playedi
ta ag rind stiislc ad it
Vtha r~nh-t Il ti( rlparl l Islol
us-scnin ansir 1ssussshtu ust-s
shTs- h s Ii 55s v I 'r l ii ll tiltlit-itt
pt-rtormthishIse uts Ii> i
in t tilsits ltly fttd k, iifo
a11 5 hes 5pas t hiss i11s is ni"s 0lii
talenIut; an it Isicsvehis VV5 s h
its uacs st hs t-i sus s ti
Testilt s ostit- ti Ii Il-i th~
hs lirst gret sits I sr.Wcvc 1 ro
ist oe i ll o is is it y t its t I i i T'stsill
Vieen isiig s ts it t is hutIs t hus -tutu usv
lust ilt- sni hi tuhiort pemautuhi
frqen itiit hel-s IlIesiso
Vllg o V vt is I is Itatte ;11100
orths- nterlis es-h us- s ti-I tush lists
Is-nsi otiittlrly ittei-sts-EIlI-
of this-es-etiatuIigh s aslhalst - shut
mu hi ts lirthties-ithi s-e-tutuiat- hit .thi
sitcshss o assliliuhelhighi shools hei
Scats ilt I srctssit hitsArbosr
and wtill rslugs-inicuiseuomSosi suts
idin thr is s trilutioo of tiktsta sut
thus,- iutu-us-sdt st st thn iirit s.ulTIhi
uts sitSuopporatuiy suhihtillhiss en- i
au-swnwin ius ep olsdtisalig,-
sit Vii -Vs-isn Arbr. Inusthis
iiufossnliain wilb Is- is ".d
I NSTVIlhJi i VYit liiiAVV
Ts-sit-li l -list s-scustieotiltrsI
of litsthe VoungtWoasiahii atsAsas-
cationshycirssfm st-ttthe oiingy is-wrein-t
scstnuoficrstint as llws:
l'rtisisn-l-Miss MartitlisDIowney
Vice-tpresideti--MIis Mnietu-ldin.i
'tssuasur- Vista Ruth Aitterson.
sesrtusry-VisasIHope Conkitlin.

I Nothwstertntiill tutu ut astuitur


Vitosr VanutAmeingten, '4uawsui Si
unminauisted eorjuistict sf this-ptact-atith
reubshlicn convent lin laist ight. I-
tiill s-utu against Juistice lily. -

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