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1 AitD Odireceis-esi First PratsChicagoifor St.s-IV-o
orwrtetoH.W HYE, .,n, nnAro U xta hageFr RsevigMusicrd Storet od r hh I N S
ANN ABOR 0 t+tivIIhepetd nd cre reay oinspec tltrtt i lo 'c Lbst t. nnAbo
BUFF lav AnAo y trltnd (orDentalt 1-1. htfle ~. "'e it,; o"oloeofI,,d,-
NEWTie. YORKe a § r(l.o fe r lroB intedWe sell dental goldoi and s solderoil
SOT i NRT oot ttrr~' tri1 sHl N ",10ite Yls , 0 Wt "i e el payO cash o oi ld d n
Loois, ThishsrtPolsstiewstil t Sae ,;For Sons ad e t tt-No lD1E W tlSION IN 1 ~ HOEVm0, Arn ld5 E.LelerT
Noe &,Is et ios odtiA. sisMioktNo, .1 l. i y it1t h noss n-houl as i - e fihl arly a rlesitog tu
orN i o. I83dP . I 1YS NO ooAos Eta rgForReserving6 6-r.*t.0 -i-o rt itI
ANN ARBORt Silleaptos, u rooodait ii eadi rolti l iiii cerfulEl
.8 ewenAn ro adTleooly salo o. i dt s o o i t( i"<l. 1(Is il ir ttis iptc(ls fote hioothe R IG 5
All rais dily xcet Snday I err e~ i i tli ofla~t 2( i rtt,\I', li s o ira lt tl sii bs' o \[c.hsi olils-
W.LT . ILSAgnt Sus ws hisrealtrot u111(1 oil 0hoot too o, ulnio- it iiulytoqu-lloo
died-n n TI- at n 1 te -sets 0 11 o s i i rltthe1 s ;li i s n t-ii-i tur o rntt-lit -lsi i
TIME TGABLEY S(ihoitl;iii11 tl -i l l s- ttl rrot 11 l i r-ti I lot ii Iu 0 IN ItIE CITY A
Taking la GtS ss.sayndy 5, 199 t il hO I ii toos iont heillitlo 1 110 i e l, toall it 1111 01 11 11111
Tris ts c n ro e ta tan - t ort oi s ti t. til. til a fi le i o, 0 j1 ti lo til rtsIs h il s 1 sS~o ." O ' E N Y
Th0alod h ttks th r i oi 1111 tII l 111 i ts ilts i ii't. ll ttii'i i isttlLl,
BuNo. s 0.- n aAnd out~bA.55 soltlt. t s slwcnatlil ied1i4)tte Otl t'is I NOTsI CE! ts PREIf no , y5oe 15Baks e flaw.
of Michigan. nut lltaIllran: to c tl etyettl andt T herii IN-ilttiit l be mettt-ing t reesI Ittlil lilty'fes ad ad t
OL SI BL s Ep TRINd S 111 t o iir tii la tt thelutstlliiinattital' tilti itl lst i toat itn 1therphi es e h otttcinratn . 5o
D IY .B T WI S.Agen .XSosittoofIll901tot l a s tow.t r ' Y o u t i 1o nl t erItui nrii g. a1tlt ,t o e htilltee ve u chs a d
The Railroad hat Cakes dthe e ll l s o1511 horit s, iIn,.,ll for~
auinssd n anAutTHENS.110lit IttltIi1Il ttllit s I RlEiOf117,tr 01r f iaio' fnee's
Ae-.PA..TrvAg. c I i tsl' Irs-I- 11 tniI titet-ire olnllarf o t ll- 'ltilt h- ot iieiiiait. V t
Coub SOio.VSTBU e trAiNSMc. a etr,(ao fTe Sua I;id I I NO~)B AP
Der iY sln ia dA n A - ltidTaul11 :3rd11, nldicllud tt,.160 dfltt I tt i litrt:E -stiio :2 t e h ot ieree esle n
TarsleefD, tCo iand BYp s i tan tiiti 11 n rtf I c I r-tlnt hoit itsIrs- -1 ilrttsrto sn. -2(9I ~ssistll30S.Snc
eve . ouP. A. igat7:0 . inA. u - sI),p("ed. iSo -s O i~it. h iv-es-ll r S U E T O I
til 9:15 p. i.. After that to Detroit at s(,A 1no elies (Iiso osoissi has oil - The best laHHdry is tie Toleedo Laui-
11:15 p. im. Waiting room corner Ann gitsgs'twoIt-ti rultiig yosutg holysoli-dsy. Try i. ISork called for and d-p Blir g pn li t. eri~'lGiwl ssd c uaytebn i or. lvrd ev orodra 2 . Pcwc alr
Cars every half honr Saturdays and ________Bain t. -Rg)to So ois
on Fridays from 2:1-to 501 p, n. UNiVAEIIThY OF MtIC~iIIIAN IAND tultinSzTaes
PE LONDAND ORC OESTRtA If you see the work of tte Toedg Monarch CushIons-
onWthMOs foNdsWEYLOand erD e.frihmsi o ocrsEveryti eng
Watees, iamods~hrss nd oher er- nl-sls~i111011- iii -sstrrst. parties, Laundsiry Co. you will e convincedNe an
sonal Property. Office at residence 331 E etc BURITON C. POSTON, lit you nant no oher. Aency 121 S. Strictly Up-tstetol-usnsOate.nit Hus o113 .ian 1t :3 n oIt 1051C~tlc t ian ygN U iest ve n ro
p M, JOSEPH C. WATTS __________________
U ® j 8'e acsta ing an 613East William Street
sage a FunER E rlDrsrJ ofla building. All kinds
ShpmndB th ods. beBlth q j }afrepairing Lea ony as1R
Rooms, and Paris i1la) 22sjFuthM stButrhlONS Shoe Shop ofE.Lambert ht;-a d