February 20, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 103) • Page Image 1
… o c VOL. IX, NO. 103., ANN ARBOR, MICH., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1 899. THREE CENTS VOL. IX, No. 103. ANN AILBOR, i'aLJCH., MONDAY, FEBRUAI~Y 20, 1899. THREE CENTS WIW L T H E T I 0 R G. H. WILD CO., THE TAILORS 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. Have jest received a large line of Fancy Vestings for Spring and Summer. They are Importations direct from London. Please call and see them. T H E, T I L 0 R Allegretti's Chocolates Fresh Today. WILDR'S ...…