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February 20, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-02-20

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Ije iVI. of

Al. Wla il


VOL. III.-No. 99.


A Brief Sketch of the Grand Work
Accomplished by the S. C. A.
During Its Career.
The opening event of the celebra-
tion of the thirty-fifth anniversary of
the organization of the Students'
Christian Association occurred Sat-
urday evening, in the reception ten-
dered Mrs. Alice Freeman Palmer
at Newberry Hall.
The Association was fortunate
enough to have Dr. and Mrs. An-
gell, Dr. and Mrs. D'Ooge, Mrs.
Cheever and Miss Andrews to re-
ceive the five hundred who assem-
bled to greet one of the first women
to graduate from the U. of M.
The entire lower floor was ar-
ranged for the use of the guests and
artistic floral decorations added
much to the beauty of the scene.
This reception is pronounced by
many to be one of the most enjoy-
able given by the S. C. A.
The second feature in this cele-
bration occurred at 9:15 Sunday
morning, which proved to be an in-
teresting meeting.
Professor Barbour, of Vpsilanti,
president of the association in 1878,
gave a description of the work at
that time and of the earnestness and
spiritual greatness of some of his
fellow-students, warmly commend-
ing them, the Association, and the
University, for what they had done
for him.
Dr. D'Ooge told of how the S. C.
A. had come to be organized, of
chapel exereises in 1857, at which
attendance was compulsory, and
gave reminiscences of the first pres..
ident of the S. C. A., Mr. Little, of
Dr. Ford and Daniel Moss. These1
gentlemen were all active workers in
the organization of the Association,
but especially so were Adam K.
Spence, now on the faculty at Fisk,
and his brother, who at the sugges-
tion of their mother worked for the
formation of a society in the Uni-
versity, which should correspond to
the Y. M. C. A. in cities.
Mrs. Palmer briefly compared life
in the University and Association in
1872-'76, to that of the present
time; maintaining that opportunities
now witheld, were then offered for
the formation of a grand character,
but adding that another sort of ad-
vantages were now offered from

which one might gain quite as fine SENATOR CLARK'S SPEECH.
results. Washtenaw Senator's Plea for the
The decorations were quite as at- One-fifth Mill Bill in the
tractive as those of the evening be- Senate, on Friday.
fore. In addition to the regular We have received Senator Clark's
music by the choir and congrega- speech on Friday last, advocating
tion, Mr. Reed sang a solo in a the passage of the one-fifth mill bill. [
manner which gave pleasure to all. Believing it will be of interest to our
The annual meeting of the S. C. readers, we quote it verbatim as
A. at University hall last evening follows.
was interesting in every particular. I regret that this discussion took
About eighteen hundred people were just the turn it did on Friday last. I
III prsent.fully agree with Senator Burt that not
ipresent quite all the great men come from the
The service was opened by the University. Further, that not quite
rendition of one of the choruses all the men coiniig from the U iver-
from St. Paul by the Choral Union. sity are Great men. I venture this as-
This was followed by scripture read- sertion, nothwithstanding it may notI
tie eiidoised hy all imy euuistitiieiits. Wheii
ing and prayer, when the Uion You see I am reckless of my future o f5, $
sanig "Happy and Blessed are They,' pereferient. Ann A
giving it such fine shading and per- The enthusiasm of Senator Me-
feet expression as to maie it excep- Laughlin led him out from under
cover, where he had to submit to pun-
tionally pleasing. ishment from Senator Burt. Senator
Dr. Angell spoke of the Associ- McLaughlin did not meaii to be inder- t
ation being the first of its kind in stood that his one hundred thousand DETF
the vorld of its moulding constit -art gallery should be built out of -
n wa ,to ait somig shnsc these proposed funds before the whole
tion so as to admit women when the requirements of the mechanical de-13i(
University was made coeducational, partment had been fully met; but that
and introduced one of the first out of the savings to be accumulated
women to enter it, one whose career from this fund, later on, after all the
has been brilliant, useful varied, moretrget seednswee supplierected. These
Mrs. Alice Freeman Palmer. little tilts lead to mischief where great
Mrs. Palmer is a woman of fine interests are involved. We all agree
appearance and easy in address, that the University of Michigan is the
.no trouble in filling the hal prideof Michigan. 'lhere is not a
having senator on this fioor that is not proud Cut So
and retaining the attention of her of it. Therefore, let us consider its estmt
audience. She gave a sketch of needs candidly, reserving our oaitory a or
work and benefits of the society for political questions, where it not and wa
that "a book written twenty expeetei we will igree, and w dcon--
saying Y cells are expetted. ls
five years ago had become an old No one will expect of me, a granger,
edition, but thirty-five years of a Democratic granger, to encourage banus
prayer and help by the S. C. A. extravagance in any appropriations.
: ' ' wil no dothus, evell fou instututionus
hiad only brought it tu its beginning in my own district, knowing by sad
and that many hearts gave God experience the backache required to
thanks that the fire had been kept earn a dollar in this avocation. But
burning on the alters of the S. C. the amount of this appropriation an-
tieipated in this bill before is is treat-
A.th h nine generations of stu- e as secondary in the course of the
dents. " argument the other day. The plan of
"In the past thirty-five years ideals it seeming to disturb the honorable
konon earths whiy the regenits sihould come
hian-e cliaisgetd, college ideals have senaltors more thanl the smout. I
today, did not then exist, for in before this body each session, to secure
that time men and women have funds to run this institution.I ft is
poured out their millions at the feet right that they accolt for their
of boys and girls. stewardship by making their report in
detail, and submit it to the criticism
The business of the university is of the Legislature, if you please, or to
to train leaders, the business of the some authority, who will carefully
S. C. A. is to train spiritual leaders. scrutinize their doings.
This bill does not, it seem to me
lrs. Palmer drew vivid pictures place them any farther away from the
of needy women and children who people or less responsibl efor their do-
are in want of aid of enlightened ings. If it did, then I would oppose it.
men and women. in want of the as- It seems that if te grant a sufticient
sistance, their views of social mat-- amount to economically administer the
affairs of the University, by so doing
ters and economics can bring, and we avoid the waste of twice in the
urges that in the present time, in all legislature, of providing for it at each
time to come, the members of the session. That a certain fund limited
Students' Christian Association will to their needs, secure, not fluctuating,
nor subject to the whims of differing
"reach out warm hands and hold minds of this legislative body, liable
open doors to young men and to cripple without previous notice the
women, of whatever belief, who efficiency of this great instititioii is
eagely sek rghteusnes." right. If thin law' wers repealed it a
eagerly seek righteousness. future session, coitroled by members
The doxology, followed by a having a spasm of economy, the funds
chorus from St. Paul was sung. for a year would be in hand, and
Rev. Mr. Bradshaw pronounced the would be equivalent to a year's notice
benediction, and the service closed of a change of pohiey; in the mean-
by an evening hsym by the union. time the board of regents could trim
(Continuecasonthird page.) De

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