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February 20, 1893 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1893-02-20

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J1C. of J.~~{~ A. Harmon, '92 law, and A- LIKE FINDING MONEY.
b et Nicholson, formerly '93 engi-
eer, are renewing acquaintances in By Going to Wahr & Miller's and save from 25e, oc and 75C on eery
Published Daily (undays excepted) during .Ann Arbor. pair of Shoes as we mst reduce our stock to
the Cllege year. bymaerofrSpigG ds
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION There is a bill before the lgisla- mk on o pigGos
lure of Illinois to lengthen the lwv-
___________________courses of lawe schools ins that state Fine Footwear Dealers,
THE Students' Christian Associa- to three ears. 48 SOUrH mAIN STREET.
tion has completed its thirty-five AsrE~rcs - Course 22. The
years of usefulness. Thegood work class will teet for assignment of Tr tIS _ p A --
that it has accomplished in years work, 'Tuesday, at 9:30, in roonm 4.J2r OUSERS 7)0UORDERJI1GDISCOUNT
past can not be estimated. Msay its F .Sn-.FRTIT AS
usefulness ever continue as Ionig asthgrnintttoudrwse'S GN ;CO -2 = R _
thedo gr and s isttnes hoe.~C .
s -ads -itstnd, --its Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
iE fate of the one-fifth nill tat o f icit I .1a Michigan Rf~y
bill hangs suspended in the balance. Ralwy
When the bill came at) for consider- lItCEi J'SĀ°tStiMN ctitdil
ationi in Ithe senate, Friday, it re- N. J., 5iivS oh r fI t C ~1 G Time atd tn ft Sniday, astats t
ceivedl a good tmajority, bit after- Hosiord S Actd Phosphate.tc ttii tthtsltAii1Sti
ward ias tablet) pending a recrn- I htietsetIit foriiiseveriaiiyeat itoriti -n
sideratioti. It nay tever bc taketi itnly ini uypi i irC itt t it my ott nin-Is theLEADING SCeOof 0BUSNSS.ax .Nt . 1. Itld andEx se c*. .. -,20 . m.
iivicultease, andilCotsiert sit ieratll iicent ticilnR i e ii c ti-a i txce stexincet s3 Ct. niAbrAus'.2iitta
tt gii-ere.Ulsta nCe'S otte f the tbesttire caaro ia-iitgfic t urxday cinica ecetn;N o.5.Nit a~i liind itiscne i2 l?5 . i I.
It is to be hoped for te wlfare tiitisOthat swecptosess. For itiettal ex- c hun-clticai cr;'c, airacitassiii eab lC o:n
tin tctiiti ti itsi-rssick t gisi~c <el ii-cirit;siortndigd udaxtesit tseepstins;i B t1
of tlte IU- of M\. that this bill siill ti-Ksi iutii-actti.tn2.tiiyre i-,r ivxtufnl o . tiln~ P~e"
tot be defeated Otiire technaciali- tent. grto.' ci irerq-. C s agisfrmcax aktc geek ,a ts s aNit: s: Mcii iii SreeA i iim
P. R. CLEAR. Pes. No.ati Toleidii Aecitiscicta ci. W ca. ni
tics. (V'ith thefift-mill tax, the AtCs xelttati gcttl oi entiI Stasdar imei.
uiestwilieswell tprideidclfor Iasditappetmzer. It n 'Inil ndin- 8~ $200 $,3.0, 400, 5 taiealy
1 oestysiiI nons ts ill i- "a ins-, ulcdi iitin miia tii rbor an
in the future.; orates the tiredt btiin and otly, im-It. d1% First Cass andI WaratntedilIie tunstlt, dtil crrimt adas.
pittts reincweedlenergy titit italily, ndl N 0PI Every Wa.ihsci-ii ntu i
TiE ii-Inrersity of Michigan will enliventhe funtctitons. EW & ~ S. i. iEN Vib;T, . S. otiyNstion.
celebrate lashington's birthday Ini Descriptie npamphilet fret-cn appietiio~ .oy xie. tet.tn.Acl. Ie et
a anerunurasedbyan ui-doeRufrdChemiat Works. Provi- SHEEHAN & CO. SHEERAN & ('. SHIEEH.AN A--(C.
versity iin the country. Front the Bicware at Sustitutses anIittioniic~s. r D H ND T X 1O K
arrangements now nmaking by the FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. ZS C N - A D T X O K
various coutmittees it is clear to the - FOR THE SECOND SEMESTER
casual olbserver that tie celebration HENRY HAUG,
'racee cd sclisit, iuitta, R BantilatStt- At the Sttilen1rtS' I3oiksf oe. Students, sine half stul' n i ties-
will not fall below the standard ,lio. Saudit at ant iivtt tf ti. Wetre dtily receiving coisigiuietts of :-/
establisthed by previous years. To WCILSEY'S5 lUtSit. ROOMS seconid-bandtu td slop wot-t College Te'xt Books front the ;p
thec lawc students, having thte matter Rnitis 711S Stte St- Eatl which we will ifer at lose price. We ~ee~ep the Ft-enchj
ini charge, great praise is cue for the Z ad Gertianis 1ictioniitmrec-otmtmediedl hi the Facultyll. \We !
efficient and able manner in which GFUAIV F .~lIREIiSi E H lhare (le best tnd clealtst Nue ILiok in the city.h
they hare performed their dutie. L. GRUNER, SH E EH AN & COMPANY,
Wasthington's birthday furnish-en a UnierityBoksllers - State Stet
suitable occasion to renesw attil8. S. Mi Street, - Aunn Arbor. uy --s-a~r
strengthen our patriotismt and lore SITEELEIAN & CO. SHJEEHIAN &- CO. SHEEHAN & CO.
of coutntry, and thin oniversity is R N SH E
preeninettly the place where such I il itae tierti uit. tieortil ANN ARBOR R T C L R
results should be attained, for where I - ~TL--L l~~'p oto gctphneP,
is there a class of men and women STi- LUNRY .j
eiqually fitted to appreciate the 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE.. ititiNEitItN AND ItUSON S-cS.
great sacrifices made for the attain- Ntnt netgbititaiehr iE SSSEP5VISS, MANAGERI
Noewelytin tngs ar abitinicall tr __________________
ment of our present social and poll- Jcar.yc ac welrve sih and~t
tia reo.duts se can sitewstiunassieci a- IN OT ICE _-Pi Sct10 c
ha freo .srtieeet itt andtitizeecs. Dcccitosed ato tuitc t a r
DgeMeinMdclDprmn. DIAMONDS Catudywbehoc ynccatgetutas Cacti atSR.
DgeMeinMdctDarmn. OPALS jltCo'. we dt't chare forccstyle. bt
EMERALDS givec it tiynandatsisu o-nechelr. Htandt
There are enrolled in the medical PEARLS ccildtibhs alt atlitects cf te dar aet ihtit
RUBIES tN dSELF ORt R. E. JOLLY & CO., No. 26 South
department 337 students. Of this TURHQUOISES f)UIATIN State Street- GRAND P OEA HOUSE
numn-ter 46i are seniors, 7fl are ETC., ETC. c~iI~l
juniors, 58 are sophomores, i23 are - - HOT LUNCHES
freshmten, atnd 4 are taking post waTcIiESaaysihave ournmtc And the very choicest Candies
graduate work. Thec degrees are ocnlytthe mosit perecett tiepieces the -AT-
wolpeedue. Is eitteiaca llte T TT ES
apportioned as follows: Seniors, y; ramu,s maes wte antiksuel attenctin * TT4, ~ .~S
tcitercoini-pecia F. G0 ., S. & Cit'
juniors, t3; soptonmores, t, and ceovemet. Te mist peeeii-tiy-toi- 4 SOsUH ScAE STT
freshmne, . Sereral hare two auiicic-tttetai___________________
degrees. It is reported also by good WOOh5SAtlF.G
AVNER .G- S i 'r ' '-authority ADS that quite a nuniber of AND T'. ATE SMITH, C j G B O
freshmen fronm the homueopathic te- DEOIiT. SONS '-'y a ! 0*
partment hare recently entered the me & 00. 11 W. Wxashington St PHlOT OGRAPHlER
regular school. I ____________Is o. a. NO. 11 W. HURON ST.

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