THlE U. OF' M. I)AlY.
Cj ,
Hobart Guild Lectures.
'be lt. It. :N lscn A. I tljol. 1).
I'lbli-h.Daiily (Sunday e'ceptedIduring I).ISistailt b ishop ~tof CentralIlEn- ! Vtt(A.Ili)t I 1'Clt,(Jos a
the College6 year, by sy«na st eie'l illll Six Love Songs''
THE U. Of M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION, 1100 ithe S. C. A. next Sunda" t Joi }.YliFr'tk F '.ooye 1 Iio ..t Six Eed Prce
(lei~o T i bildagN. ai e., ppnie . i~i'i i~ti. 11'of lrxfn le Istyiie .rtyiitolotica
po"7 ig stbuiling . Mi .osto ig i ' vrsitly h ll.Dnring; te !Itttigs. Heavy Paper. 7b cents.U *111psofce
folwn w ek t il'onnIICMACOLLEGE SONGS'AR H 1S,185
l[. C (,. '57, OnsegiegIhllne. itr. iln Ami tAilco' 11111 ciiwil etlivori'sr a e --u~. .,i+ ons
Gi. 1.Ii lesos, LIns 'il.Anoint ant. I1iseo t' 1(11 ll 1ari 111 1 h'ovTi00,00 .in ni Hne eavPaer,5 1ocostAC,,) BS . Il t A1 V
A. W. SMITH. Lit.Oel.. Assiets,, cents; Cloth. Git. $1.00.
It 1. 'AIMe:iL., Lit. '98,.Anitnti. 011sttP' f"'li'el'.'Sahitn111 r
.1. . Le, Lit. '9, Aielic Editoer. Il ll1sl. (5ii i; l1l COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS. P. .-Th'incmludes all our Fine,'Pat-
It. «'. le,1 Law s ti, Assistant. i. ' dayc, li p WkdueneavetLthr1dRustho.
GtOnly (bnckof the kt'td loinl+i. Tihe etLahranRustSo.
Associate Editors. t1llolt It''followtillg lottellg stil) xlS:s ngog f the 'lt 1ti1 (i , lle('5(5. 101110(0(. j.,t
Heavy Paper. $1.00. 111k(;RtAk 1) OPE RA .HOLUIF
S. 11. Shiley,. ill.'9i. II. A. Dincerbs, L}i (;'i' EsIOSIIrlall111 lilosoill of'(If n-i;l R
&. L. Eras Law '9>. ElR Sultnt'land lLit'96. .. .ni ONE INIGHT ONLY
Carrie.Ssnth Lit 9O.711. L lanotlen :.aa i, nite a.I1'tnlls'' 1(ilen ,Slo'i'ic'. + OYAL CULLECTIONINSTRUMENTAL SVITA4 U.( O tM N A E .2 9
1I. Gilibert, Engr. 17. ltIlGaninte ,Met 91(. "' ' I.. 1 Eighll''l S~l~ 17 b t -t r opesfr . An t ('(111(1 ('1 1fromw York's ig-l- lt
Si nii5. limnnn.Ll '7. 'o e' c. 50 centsl.I~
Subscnription pride 12.50 lper yetar',invariablly Any'boo: sent'pstp(If tlrecl"p.o'lp'iclC' . (II Ollltit's'
in advatie. Single co it s n.. Obetip- Ij ottOfficte' (f (Coscileto'..,) . Slill" Il' 1,1 o 011t;t (t it N pe ia D li er
(.ions may be left at the (Ifle'of tl the Aii.y, (Iy f ('llneil'IoC'e. ()0t 'I11' t lti; L' R "-T O L " Eltit Prets o tttIreit, sys
at toltet's, at State st. tnews tatid, withtany~
If the tlitore or(Ithoiedoet alicitor:;e. ttne'tli llttlAuthority. 41-463 Was0ihington Ct., lJmstti. GREAT PLAY,
(ommunicatiotis eshtoul etielithe olice'by Itet'witi i t'1 11.ll t 'risnli'll t'" IItt .n &. C R tN C S '
o'itloelc p. te. if they are tto appetiltthenet p AVPS IN E SCENERY.
lay. Aeldel's..ali mattt'r ititended for poblh- att 8 1). Ill. I'xI'tlllilgSttttltyoit~ichti THE ANN ARBOR SAIG HANK -~tectltiettI olni
'eiont the tlllsegitlgEdittlr. All busnties will Itt.ill'llt..Xtnd('191's (-111imo 'llat 7:8(30 titStet .Mol Ceplt i Sttoi, 00.004 to ~xilerinht 1
Oged'enl tdet thelGeneral Btiking Laiwn
THE U2. OF Me. DAILY, of thin State. lieleicen ndeposits, buy's ied PRICES, - 3c507.
Constitution to be Revsed. nelln exnt'lge theti'printipal c'ities .tf the - Se ~.7c
AtttiArbor, 31.. un__t'itetd Staten. lDtrafts ('ishen upn roprl ape
identtifica.tion Sa'fetytlt'posit boeten t. ! EVERETT 0. F ISK & CO.
the editorsndottnt ioldthemtlvnnl'' epeson till' Ilbeirl oIf Directors'e of the11' lit. 0 Frt. bis(tl l M3ack, Pres'n.:W.Di
Bible for thte opiniotn or statementsof coere- llat'rimae, V'e-P en.; ('has. E. lll'oel., "THlE
letstentn. eppearittg is the DAILY. ltil' IIII'iliie l a lst 't(iti t itd Cashiiet: . . F'itz, As'sistnt C(astiet.
' -i --ix oetol tiatg'lltt rt't't'ived tl:'replorl t. filt lll( o)iill t"1 etro 9htan Cafe FISKTECHES 'AGENCIES ,
wih'l Vie ~s~ Daily- ia (lal'atlueinftr lillted t01"1' 'llilt' tClielitt.tiOti. tt tt iilt iltl ~ N Chicago, 1ll.' 355 Wabash Ave.,
1sihteN'sosi al adnlfrThe proptosed't tnewtllliltlitil 910s5'twntt'tAtrlitngton tet i 'Ho01 teltag;ee
aw eek l etter fioni iltlat inteliltioltital et5051 i t91( eerd .tladCity O(lice Butiling. Opett altl Pl ee 'ti11't t''o' yttii h
!.lour.l'tUited lStatic.
'19'eiing all impelortatscialI, atbilt'tic ttitil 1itl llet'eg. A.0 ollilltllttlitltii i Mr. and DMes. Edwsard Lewis, Props. $r ovne10011poiitiotl'.Ilbt'l inil1l88.
atid geineral enlhigo eseteotf Il t't'eek. was. re'ceive 'ell ftlii esl','ol'ary(If J '~L "UTJE telt ~t'clI
'l'ittn Iaily 99i11 11so ftuit'lll lil t' ('li-thie111'A nleanti lllsi'olll'giot' I5i1BoisIlton, Chienit. Wattliingeen,[..
Illl it are''i'a tf tlt ieee 1711'liu i'ilireltrt ~(nI( S^50( " tiei FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING I.n.lre 'tas.
tliototo eteg.entitritig n frildlJy ft. r°' d ta--. Thlee'.er'"' inistrutieto i(itt ' cttlltStudCenlts Recreation ea -
beteeotl~' ooiiellttioie i i 1111 it'lilll eii ' ,MIND READING 'pivate)bI ro. ln- quarters.
btiee t ti t o isitt3niti rely twill.'ltl7n+l t tecuen '. nsltationt ffret'. 705e . ift2h ' a ct'Na.1en'-ott 0t
hopecd that. inulti valutable informnationtier lll' llt'1llit.
wili bebeereividefrfrets which leitittealal . _ --i, __ __ ___ _y_ -7__ -yam '"ysysr'1__ t7__ ,w' -r.* 4WV4' ____ 44M 4qn _jC. - s
11e11)cain it' re'ilhIrEtlt. Enlern col- ____
lt'ge popes h1lael'y introiuesiti tisue We'l.. lFe'b. 20.-Juniotr 11nd11sophlo-
ties'feare roof;jotirnalismul and i th eir© lit ortoical contets.
rteut;ehave been highly .slilisf;rtnt,'We\d., F eb. 20.--Metling tof hegenlo.
_______________Thu's., F~eb. 21.-M3i'. atnd Mrs.'Max
Speaker Secured for Feb. 22. H~einrthtSoitg ricilol at i'eivercity
Thle lac'stuetttsiehacvs'filnll' se- Fui.18Fe. 22. -1'islzitlgltllr'e Ilirtil-
('trella.speeh~~lr for lt'eWlasliitoii's 110a' txetrcieelitlieit iauspices (If
Blirthudiay e'eisesC in theitpeoni tf the 11199'studtsh.
loin. Johits..Lett, of ICottubus, Iliti', Fri., Felt. 22.-.Si'tior lit. cloass(ra'
a prmnn laCwyer' 11111poliiian offtorical contest.
lhat llacs'. Ie gt'suot'stfrom tt.e to Foecb. -sno accaso
iit(,rary tlflil1m5'it tf this 1'iiive-sity' Sat., Febl. 23.-"Senior lit teceliii t
itt '82, and toolk his diegree of Bach-li- 'rives SlMeitioriol hail.
law 'school. XbliIb'O''
Mlr. Lenin is lilt 'ittlit Cospea~ker' antt' Suit. Fon. 21.---Protf'. 1. L. 111.101'
soit's lig tent siell hound olnr sev.eial Stin., 'nil. 21.--lit'' IlsIJn Bishoptl's;
hoot's. His itnftie an''_ ieet nutttl addttri'ssit ft' S. I'. A. li
C ithizship- is iprobtabhl is i' itst (,f-'ttivo'eiI 25)hail. r
fort, lid of it P'rtf. IBoughton, of (hiollaet.,bel.2re - ro.h'e'isinit tle.-
teire ht'rt' ile 'i elteotn "'I1lue
--- val intirlltigero hull.
Y. M. C. A. Concert. F'ri., Muiar. 8.-Finaul ('.lrtltto lxo t'.
'Ihe Ileiroit ill:;' qtltrtetlwill lr atet's to iii'et'Nort'licslerii.
e'ontcrt at theit'iptusf e'ltti'elt iii tihis \ NI (C:'11 1'fOt'li IE 711IAS
city' Thursday e veninig, i'll. 2S. fttr Oliii lft:ifof tht-greet difflt ill it
lie beinefit of tile Y. ICI. A. 'liii0 obtainting Ilia cl'l'h'ltf tclii'e of all
qnatet Comees hiere fi-nill Kaillaazoo iheihtiei' of* the s. iiio'rclass, iti s
tnittithighily t'.'.'ondiielh '..Albett.qu1ite possible 111111soimellm10y'ot 1(119''
II.Peryzclo'e arizni5 trochiireceived thteir ilrc'iftlion, t he,510r'ct'p-
to Saudyn nn .Trciii-gives recilttionso frotms latties V'Whit- tee wish if ho be ttilerlitoll, liowevrl.j
cotmb Riley in a mtiierly -990 3;11tlthat all tOie~tlli a oftfhio clon e nt- I
.always takes with the audiencec. yitedl . (O5IIT TEE.
j ,Edited by ALBERT SHAW
'~RVIWPTIE5WASi pin Apl, 181,thtlhe first uber
of the Americatn Review of Reviews was
Iteti' printfd The new idea of giving the beel that wan in
the other ttagaozinsein addiiioo i0lt ownbrilliant, o0g.
inab articles, look America by storm, ai it tad haken
se aOt Ill England -htough the tmagazine itself teal not at all a
tl~t~ reprint of the English edition., It deals most largeilycewit
American affar, anud ta edited writh perfect independence, in iiits w0ofic.
The Review of Reviews is a monthly, timely inu illustration atid teal,
and instantly alive to lue, newest ovoyments of te day, to a degree nevee
before dreamed of. Thtousands of readers who offer thetr commendations.
amonthem lue greahest names in the woorld, say that the Review of
Reviews giees thuem exacil-hysial ltuey should know shout politics, litera-
here, econonmics and social progress. The nest infloential nten asd women
of all creeds and aUl partics hare agreed thtat no family can afford to lose is
educational value, whlehfor profen.
sional and busunes men, itlls aumply e~4ih~o A
indispensable Thi-?departmentsarae.
conducted by carefu~l specialists, tn ' THlE REGULAR DEPARTM::NTS
stead of mere rci',stirs-ielders, and 1i 'Besides thte tpecial atiesi ianud ebs-
scrsof imomediately interesting par. aeter skthehsftriltiline intereet and
scorestimeiinettlie Review of Reviews
trails and pictres are inu cactit nieher. has these reguar depurtentst
All this eaplainss shty thte Review The Pope.. li the Warl.-An Mhanoi.
of Reviews has come to a probably te eiorialeiew oftemncth'seets
unprecedented success io the first three lsold undertad intaeirpptertllge
years of ita existence. For 1895 itt L.eitiles o theIeMlothl.-This de-
sill be mniee invaluable than ever. e tIReieemythe iea
te~onwihthe mzntje ws foudedtand
nasmed. A ll lt sbesiteiocher
Agentsaeea~ping itandsoe eprofts.We e gaices, Anerica antd foeign,.is
gume libealcommisin.lend foerems. .Quote fhetom. lee
CuretHistor nictur~elechrbonictes
Annual Subscripte.i~n, -othe mnct'sihilstorytheoughthet pictur-
5e~ledltpn eesqIuela m~eans otitle scesflat ton
R } {{f t "Ohedeprtensneview caeflttlyenew
ZZIRETOW eeREVISWS'* ibn bgil 101,0 d ieel(.aliartiles
t3 Ashor Piece, New York Itailytrweed'od ofIeusent~enu trs
'{, '....... - '"r teta" ',, °" "' "',+ lil f 7F, !I '_ IIS'M "' "rE1b.'4a Me ' rA , " 1 .' .° " eAja' "«." a4! «' ~'i ?' :'