VOL. VII. No. 108.
4 i) [y 'hPWA AGRATSUC of Chifago, chaperones; Mises Nellie Frank lark, ofNotvle'Mc-rs
1I.I, ' a W S R ATs~;- Acsloiy, Norton, Day, Regard, Of ('h- F. A. Baker, of Detroit, elaperoes;
Le 7 l~a T ilor BALL WAS ATTENDED BY 264 eigo; Misses Newbery and Loois, Mises osian, Wodard, Green, of
U-! LCOULE. oUl.1Jon ises Ailo. Mi t (wsoc, isss Dora Wooweird, May
II JUaL1V lPLUI____ Hoalo, S~en so ad eting, of Ann Polis, essi MCo. Faraild, inch.
AND 1IPORTER. Dancing Untl4:300O'Clock-Wom- Ailer. o Detroit. M~sses Jeanete Smith and
Novelty in Electrical Decorations Altitis. Dela Ph1sTt-Ms. F". B. Sow, K enlnedy of ay 'City, Mss ae
q pplUES UTSAS FW LY -List of the Guests. esft'Detroit, laperore; Misses ild Ktidder of Kalamazoo, Miss Stamp,
HES S 6+S4 abl ield, Charlotte Sibleyi sh (of Cleveland O)., iss Hiael Clark, of_
- - °file Junistr 101H o iiiomiiite lift Siley.arf Dtoi; Mises Cleiey slid oti-le, AMici,,AMises Serwoti
$10. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN.iiiihing unidoni iaking te bll as5 Slidler, of (Grniitiaids; Mifsses Lraw- soil Gilbet, of Aiii Artr, iss Mfar-
great a sceess as possibl. ll te rar[-and Co)sra Lawrence of S ainas-; shall, of (ornos. Mii.;Aesr. E.
WNN O BYA $iiTO"OTH BRUSgHi'ns icr sil-Misses Hl,Iltlleuilie and Ptteogil, B P iiicii.of Detied, anseslliott ad
WHN} U UY TOH fuU$1 tlls lookeid lfter iiiil tseri - isnoili-of kii Aleic;iss aoise, of Byv [ tealge k am~iltoi, of Cicoi,
yo# wn oetenwo' al s lrin o ae hebp seec Ci thatNAilim, fi seen'Sin hiIsi-i allA.Gtt f erot
goSopecsisasheoSan. i,,lckngtciieslii11)in' ai-I cy isshortiofPildlittatime.s--r. LA.G t-f erot
1 e sell the ind we c war- esvsfl affair it desried toi lbe. adsi iss Georgeif li'tailaiti, sn iiirs. E. C. Ijnan, of Battle
at to hld their hisles. Pl, 1at ~rl b.t.a :5 e
They ct 15 ents. 1f yen dnt heerculisaih egas t I, es Ms. C. . iiinreili Crek, ciaperoies'5hiss Fish, of Port
'em ackand et our one. Ili, of Granid Iaidsaiiilhiss Msitiil ciiutub ens; AMss -11a1io f Ok Park Ann Arbr, iss Styesnt, of ~lit,
PALMER'S PHARM1AC~Y- Field, of D-troi.. Miss lield irs-is t., iss-sle Dasas, tPapiaind 'Ite-MiCi,. , iss Bsset'of 1ay-Cit.
46 S. STATE ST. 0 wilull'sutingwii. tiiiiiii wit~h Ilee. lalff, of 7-al cso; isas Brber FIt Delta Theta -rs. Mri tres-
0 Towenty regularnumosbrs illdltin ex 1tiniikns.Inseg. Btirse 2s1d1 Al-- toil, off Detit, Mrs. A- BTayeir, of
teais isre ilalyod'f'r li thedacing pro- iitlir, sitAiiiAror. I Cu toir. C.A. Tredwsa-y, of
C losing Out a le -;;iriani yscliiiiiies Detroit bhandl lelta 1-psielluiA-Mi. . Il tu, Of Grnd Itaits, Mrs. M1. . Bushnell, of
iiiiorceiilisr, ansd fr the eleentl Ibis-agi rs. M',M. t7..Bi1i-Is, f IlI n i artir, ciateroiis;Misses Prs-
S TILL ON' iiuiii thelii- 'icigii I iis''sty li., Mrs. .tiisi'ili N. trale utfSumill - Ar ii, Ellrd, ,iss autSimonos, (f
Ii t is siehioseit tby tiretr hbi, chalpernes; Misses Prnmles' turitDtroitAises Bmrie, Otto ai,
PRICES CUT DEEPER THAN s i rmerwas plsyeit ters- orfie lii neofse. s eikegsis, Miet.. Missy'Ily-icHart5nd Edia Cook, of Sg-
EVER . , . nlerls 15 1e loc iittDLcki', o 13 ttle t i , iss On- Grand lRapid,Mss Bushnell, of n
__________________sappeis isssrv-cit st12:53b i ite' is-slotof Lansinig, Miss White, ositcNu rbiii, Mtiste, of Doundee, Mieh,
JAI1 1lL A 1 prs I olif',thelii'Woimenms' ts lg, iui tlssi'nii, tuis., iss Baar rtmiuof Iss Mnitage, of risers City,
JACOBS & ALL~~IAND iii sigiliss iiieely hicil iois' s-nvings-n-d aiitpids sAli" le tl Poudlof _Mic.,Ais sulght, of dacsoni.
WASHINGTON STREET soet thai'nithe old planof uisig theiiilintls ' iis AoiiaIhrnariof if 's-- Dll-s Kulhia I silu-irs James E.
u111ers lls Il ie gay'miiiasisum roii tea us', ilis lKil. f thiseso is-s tDais. of Detroit, lire, P.C. Freer, of
F. J. Schleede, o e Womaniiii'5siliding was alshaiis'Stii-kn"aositGrandhutvIl -is, I mtAr borbuc. shicioes; Misses Wet-
2S.STATE STREET thowopen fos' uiiTii her-) Mis (hushiisildr, sitDevr.l, ore,, Alaimiii' X'sisser, acour, IHik-
Sells a Slid Gd ounine Pen at $.01 264 ceulsiou lfloos, tilt heu'liul us Gertruehi' Sulnil l f XAiinI lsai, T 'l)'iistuiuh',erIsuw, tiss-te sou
Beeks Bend 25 ents nd pward.
U. f 5. Scnes and Peeoeseens 34tbs. Li-uitioual -suioml lre-sesils-ilny cwd-u- aSror, 'lltse Clarttis. sit ln'i1,11-i1iConaIt's of stDeroit,lises Welch ansI
en Paer fee 50 cents.
Ntoeon 5 cents and upwards. ing. Aiiss AliceItsBrown, sit ('idummbus . s, Silsie, of IBay ily, Aises hoit-
-sS hisiovlty in dills' sloritr . miii- uliipi ihtiPsi-Alil G, I.litDIavis. I ouluym ulishndiPotr, f S+ighilinMiss
')urud llii i ll' seOf this'elsilcri- lightsis.of .1.ustiii Il111 lire,.N, s. SImnisiis, 5uist it liscissehiali-MisBarnilisit, of
Bbyien Gal Is THEF BEST 'wisahrgstamr,.witihi-9" l theiie tAureism. 11 Mrs. A.Ne'al. i rsuuud Ihmshspiil MssSadsers, of Yisi-
All gaden ef hrd nd sell Cal.
Camel Cot n ,id Coe o. crteis-r' lhuugvat hes'enhd.,iof iii':AlisrbAfrls. 'sill Clh, iufChicagoit I, multi,lis Wright, of Pourtoni,
M. STAEBLER, hal dl"hiM'of u'lecric hiusbs'Aiogchaplueoines; lisises'sSterer'~i', liis.Aiiss Stsrrisaii of Ahhi Au-toar
Telephoe No. 8e.OneoEs Rt f Assol-05 i this scaperones' bsit. The'hi- Welch,. sitAsurra. Ill., SI iss s them Iet 'Ileltti-lArs A, . pts..,
151hosetesbothi wai decoeul ihyellow ndenemi tiuts siut IDsrtIh'alim,'.oftofCliamg, lire., Blaaulus, atDeroit,
'UNVERSITY SCHOOL I liii 'aushset siithl illlseanspit l~hs, Austis.11,ll.,Ais C'are, of l'licg. irs. W. -It Wit, -irs. J. E. Besl,
OF DANCING id furiishiesdiswithwhie' suitgohsd llies ennis' liun, of Ilae Grang, Il. litre. ICBel ml rs. J.1. Gooyear,
D N I G furniture'. 'lhe decoiations Of theis' iss 'Claii's' lrlns, of thicago, sMrs V. I'.Vmssigb'n sidtMrs. N1. F
tppnsito hew IBuilding 55.0 n semester feer
tio esissons a wek. other booths si-re masts' froimi fi' ti- iss ~cllsusu .of 'ayItyh tsliutss's Ssa, sit AllisArbior, ehuarases;
27 Thom22pson Stree"@ t. terity eunblerms amdiislrs.la'N-"IiuitasnHsiw t iad hiitli olie set Msses Csoley mil-stDisster, atToledo,
The hpatronesses wsere 51Alva .. Arll- AA.Sroir, Sissar Ying, of tDariilis Iolmura, of Chiago, isses
---AT- gesl l isP. IR.Ii'desual, . rVS . F iills, ill. lilis Greemn, osf (hiaga mSavge,'Smith, Hicks, Kowltonu, Be-
W 1 I AHRS OOK STORE. DogsMis.C . .Greenehis'. itr . -MissoS SC. W1ilt~aos. ,I irsPh man. Bse and tHoert o as A
Now is the best timo to buy C.tdalsMs Srs. A . e. assgilii'of ('hieme . uago, tiess tlekisili, Of Detroit
Ais.s G. AF-PattesoiiilfSre, P1'. . Zoa Ps-Slrs,.11MII o' f Di~c, i i-Sigilmas hi-Altre, SmisI, Page, of
IFeelMs.heJ.,C', Knowltoi,AIre, E. 1). tri, .im s NW .Ile(muuhensitfBy h iea'sgo, ir, A. G. Buynn, sag Dc.
Campell, C 'bell, rs. Deli'B, Dtrilirseoin, Cit, caerosisnes hsses ostg, Ihist, dirisGeorge Dock of AhnhAboer,
We have the best quality and SMr. F. E. Sise-, Mhr,. J. E. Davis, 'T'isneyIturrow'n;, 'Bnus, Saion Bt, hn alperanes; Bssees Lia Taft,a'uner.
at the lowest price. irs. A. UG. Boyntn Ath-s GII, Ires- SIaros, at ay Ciy, Sh'ics W hie- F'nnie Wdhrheh, Log, I hel Page.
Sporting Goods and Gymna- lsq, Shis. "B. B. Fay, is,i7,EIC Ieal, head mihd Olds, of Lassihg, MSSs AyI irnsses Keyes hallelPoler, of Cicag,
siumn Supplies a Specialty. I~rs. G., Si,'Davis, SMrs. S. IL. Bakekwrth, sit Clenelansd, 0., iss Moore, Miss Abel, of Dbque0, 1a.Masse
-irs. Marvin Preston, Mis. . Hors- o lAlean, .Biehls, l ~ithey, of Brodhlead Winifred Wendell, R7dth
on Su, 'basS. T. Stlehes, S .A . .l+int, is. Ielen Bennett Nhu'hi- es, SMay Sift, Alice Ive, lEtse
W AHR'S BOOK STORE mn L. anpo JalePqute n MIy
The guests fosinthe 'trap uweie: stodKyI mlp.oSire iqeean hca
15. Tatwn DOponT ow lnsePsi Ups1ilo-Alms. S. B. Anley,Sr. Sigma AIhl ia s iieo-s-Puss, . . o Dertet Miss Pomeoy, f og-
2AnnArhr ~Siflainr llet I Nortn,'SMrs. B B. Fe'ty, Mrs. Hlugruj, Horomon. f Owets. e Mih,. rs. (Continued on Second Page.)