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December 16, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

… Stories of Ten Most Inportant Campus Events During 195 i4 Retold, By JIM DYGERT' As the end of the year draws close, it behooves us to look back ever 1954, at what the year added to the University's history. Although it is certainly impossible to review everything that happened during the year (for 1954 was beyond question eventful), a few events stand out. To pick; any number of them as the most outstanding is an arbitrary way, but the onl...…

December 16, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 71) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1601954 Year of '54 Reviewed (Continued from Page 1) ideas." Later, she claimed in an af- fidavit, she went to the FBI on the advice of Robert Klinger, As- sistant Counselor of the Inter- national Center, who denied urg- ing her to do so. On the same day the coed-FBI story ran in The Daily, a bigger headline announced the appoint- ment of James A. Lewis, as the new Vice-President in charge of Student A...…

December 16, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 71) • Page Image 3

… THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1954 TV'" V W-2 f" t2 1 f_' l 1\7 Ilk A 9 2 V i r~e . u~e tUi DILYj r _. PAGE THREE Adams Swimmers Top Hber, 33-24, To Capture I-M Residece Hall Title Wolverines Slip Late i Second Half; Barron Scores 18 Points o ace' Track Squad To Run First Meet Tonight Michigan's 1954-55 track season opens tonight at 7:00 when Coach Don Canham's cindermen compete in the annual intrasquad track meet in Yost Fieldhouse. This ye...…

December 16, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 71) • Page Image 4

…I THE M1.t1.liHl MAIN RAIL V T HUR$DAY, DECEMBER 16, 1954 EK FOUR C~E OUR III ftICIIGAN ~it ...... NEW YALE 'CELL' A Club for 'Conservatives': Island in a Sea of Pink? TT SEEMS that in today's society the only way youth can rebel against present trends is by adopting a "conservative" attitude. A recent editorial in The Chicago Tribune quotes Felix Morley, former president of Haver- ford college, as saying "Students are naturally revolut...…

December 16, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 71) • Page Image 5

… THURSDAY, DECEMBER Y6, 1954 4o PAGE1 I" THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1954 IRE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIYU _ _.. v ,. _ , ,.,, 'Bali Hal' Atmosphere Will Prevail at J-Hop 'A WOMEN'S TOUCH' Fraternity House Directors Enjoy Work Winter wirds may blow around the Intramural Building on Friday, Feb. 4, but palm trees and tropical fountains will take over inside, as members of the junior class pre- sent "Bali Hai," the 1955 J-Hop. A South Sea island...…

December 16, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 71) • Page Image 6

…SIX THE IMICIhIGAN' bDAIrLY THUIRSTAY, T 1E R 1f.19'x ,A ixR.i LL ti. nfa2 a _ Yi x t: A1.iv 22LxAUAV .4 V 2 /aA'8 OME-LIKE: Veteran Center Treats Emotional Disturbances By JANE HOWARD rhey're all veterans of World Wr II or of the Korean conflict, and they all have emotional prob- lems. They've been referred, these 45 men, by agencies and individuals all over the state to the Veterans' Readjustment Center, a sprawling and comfortable bui...…

November 16, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 49) • Page Image 1

… NEW CONGRESS SHOULD STOP THIS GIVE-AWAY See Page 4 Y L Latest Deadline in the State 144OO&F :43 a t I t~J VOL. LXV, No. 49 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1954 FAIR, WARMER SIX PAGES Lane Hall Stages Dances Plan SG -_ __ i C Poll. MeCart by 4" } -Daily-Dean Morton tending the dance, students have the opportunity to meet and min- gle with people of other national- ities. The square dance, held Tuesday nights, is called...…

November 16, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 49) • Page Image 2

…TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 193 PAGE TWO TILE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TWO FIlE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, IOM Campus Calendar Speech Contest . . Speakers for the speech depart- ment demonstration at 4:00 p.m. tomorrow in Aud. A, Angell Hall were selected in a preliminary contest yesterday. The contestants for the prelim- inary contest were chosen by their respective Speech 31 classes. Out of the 21 contestants, six speakers and six peopl...…

November 16, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 49) • Page Image 3

… TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1954 TUF MICN9M tUP CUA NUn.VA rr.W TUai. lWaaaIrf~t! t Nb A1L PAGE THREE 1-M SPORTLIGHT ... by Jack Horwitz With the crowning of four touch football champions last Wednes- day evening, the intramural program swings into its winter sports season after completing activities in three sports. The point standing thus far finds Sigma Alpha Mu and Gom- berg House leading the pack with 327 and 331 points respectively. The S...…

November 16, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 49) • Page Image 4

…FOUR TBE MICHIGAN DAILY" TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, FOUR TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1954 s, FREE ENTERPRISE': New Congress Should Stop This Give-away OUR COUNTRY'S foes of creeping socialism issued one last gasp Saturday. With the help of a straight Republican Party line vote, the Joint Congressional Committee on Atomic Energy cleared the Dixon-Yates private power contract. The Administration obtained a waiv- er on a provisio...…

November 16, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 49) • Page Image 5

… TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 0 A *14I Z+TWV TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1954 THE MTCHIGAN BAIT.V U~ A U ~qww, PAGE FIaVE~ jr Accident Prevention Week Begins Men Receive Most Injuries On Campus By DEDE ROBERTSON Accident Prevention Week, a time set aside annually by the National Safety Council to bring about an awareness of common accident causes and thus prevent their occurrence, is being observed this week. Statistics compi...…

November 16, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 49) • Page Image 6

…1.1 PAGE SIX I THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 36, 3954 PAGE SIX TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1954 Pirates, Dog Shatter Quiet On Diagonal Breaking the noon-time tranquili- ty of the diag yesterday with the screams of women and the barking of a Great Dane, the Gilbert and Sullivan Society was preparing for the opening of its production, "Pi-. rates of Panzance," at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre at 8:00 to- morrow. Pirat'...…

October 16, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

… 7; DIXON-YATES TVA CONTRACT See Page 2 C, r Latest Deadline in the State 4Iaiitj d 4 , # . *G , VOL. LXV, No. 2 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1954 CLOUDY, SHOWERS FOUR PAGES i i AFL, CIO Plan To Merge Soon 15 Million Union Members To Join To Increase Labor Unions' Power WASHINGTON (A)-AFL and CIO leaders agreed yesterday to put aside organizing rivalries for the time being and work out a merger of the two big labor gr...…

October 16, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 23) • Page Image 2

…TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1954 TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1954 DEMOCRAT CAMPAIGN ISSUE: Dixon-Yates TVA Contract: "Yoo Hoo - charlie" D RAMA A Republican Scandal T FIRST GLANCE it appeared to be just anoth- er of the Eisenhower administration's public land giveaways; another attempt to put an end to the 'creeping socialism' that had been sweeping the country for the past twejity years. Forests, gr...…

October 16, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 23) • Page Image 3

… SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATUDAY OCTBER16, 954THE ICHGAN AIL 'AL:AXXAV# - A ZRJMr, EA New Syndicate Makes Bid To Keep A's in Philadelphia PHILADELPHIA UP)-A band of "last-minute" men plunked their check books on the line yesterday and Joined a cross-country tug-of- war with Chicago's Arnold Johnson for the suddenly much sought aft- er Philadelphia Atheltics' fran- chise. Through a spokesman, 10 prom- inent Philadelph...…

October 16, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 23) • Page Image 4

…III MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY. A Sft X 19.44 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~ATTTftflAY. nr~'PnW3!u 1a~ ie~ wsassW aN W&JLy iF%; JL VLi lk" +LVS iaa-W 9 '1 'U' Exhibits Excavations From Egypt (Continued from Page 1) water finally brought about their downfall," Peterson said. "The people wandered away to the valley where water was plentiful. How were these lost cities redis- covered? "By the nineteenth cen- tury constant irrigation had cut off the supp...…

July 16, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 19) • Page Image 1

…THE CONDUCT OF THE COLD W'AR See Page 2 I ,a 4c it iau Latest Deadline in the State Di4444bv FAIR AND PLEASANT VOL. LXIV, No. 19S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1954 FOUR PAGES Vaccine Survey Underway at 'U' Center To Check 1,800,000 Children in Study Of Salk Anti-Polio Shots Given This Spring By ALLEN SILVER The Poliomyelitis Vaccine Evaluation Center at the University, engaged in a study of the Salk anti-polio vaccine, will mai...…

July 16, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 19) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY FR IL A Y. JULY'' 16, 1954 PAGE TWO TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1954 The Conduct of the Cold War: Democrats vs. Republicans "Sometimes We Almost Feel Like Giving The Kids a Break" EMERGING FROM VOCAL STAGE: McCarthy Oppositon Appears More Defined DURING THE 1952 election campaign, Adlai Ste- venson remarked, "I have always agreed with Winston Churchill that if the present tries to sit in judgment ...…

July 16, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 19) • Page Image 3

…I, FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TIMER FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1~54 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE Giants, Indians Enlarge New York Beats St. Louis; Cleveland[ Downs A thletics; Ilosox, Tigers Split Leads i . _ . _ " , / a -,, -' PORT SHORTS by the Associated Press 1 i I 'i ST. LOUIS O)-The red-hot New York Giants rightened their grip on the National League lead Thurs- day night as lefty Don Liddle shut out the St. Louis C...…

July 16, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 19) • Page Image 4

…rAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JMY 16, 1954 PAGE POUl~ THE MICHIGAN BAILY FRIDAY. .IULY iS. i!i~4 u--- ..."$ iVVZ Z State Board Says Bingo PetitionsVoid Rule Out 40,000 Invalid Names LANSING tP'-The State Elec- tions Division held yesterday that not enough valid signatures were collected to place the proposal to legalize bingo on the November ballot. After completing a check of 326,000 signatures, the division said approximately 40...…

May 16, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 159) • Page Image 1

…THE RIGHT TRACK See Page 4 Y Latest Deadline in the State 74kit ij CLOUD, CONTINUED WARM VOL. LXIV, No. 159 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 16, 1954 SIX PAGES U' Plans $7,000,000 Construction Project -Daily-Dean Mgrton PLANNING-Newly appointed members of the 1954 Union Opera student committee talk over plans for next fall's production. Seated from left to right are Bob Hoffman, '56E, production chairman; Jay Grant, '55, general cha...…

May 16, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 159) • Page Image 2

… PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 16, 1954 DAILY OFFICIAL' BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publication (before 11 ...…

May 16, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 159) • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, MAY 16, 1954 TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY PAr., TTM x.LLZE'z4: r. Intrasquad Game'M'Netters Wolverine Baseball Team GainSecond Splits With MSC, 8-4,9-8 Continued from3 Page I ! R o w__-__ - ping out of Cline's outstret ning. Tony Branoff, pinch-hitting glove. 7 Tr _Sea to h Dayf i,. 'ri..r n..;a,, ,-,,a. i~_ The WNlvepinesc ame clos I Buckeyes Down Golfers; MSC Loses Twice Here In the United States there are 1,312,000 broken or d...…

May 16, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 159) • Page Image 4

…PAGE F+dUit. THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, YVIAY 16, 1954 PAGE FOU1~ THE MTCUIGAI'I DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 16, 1954 TheRight Track A T THE 1952 Olympic games in Helsinki, Finland, Western athletes long before the beginning of games, had formed a men- tal barrier between themselves and the na- tions who supported Red ideals. These young men were told stories about the boys from Russia, and because these tales were told with such conviction, the re...…

May 16, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 159) • Page Image 5

…St "AY, MAY 16, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGN FIV SUNDAY, MAY 16, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY I'A flU! I1WU! . r eas.,xc. r a x 9 Trip, Semi-Annual Bluebook Ball Girls' State Scheduled for Campus by Neds coeds UnioAs Advisrs V1/eddiC ,} C)RUC i (7' CAi a<.en1,entJ C}. A 24-hour police patrol has be- gun along the Lake Michigan shoreline, where residents com- plained that vibrations caused by speeding cars and trucks are caus- ing cliffs to...…

May 16, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 159) • Page Image 6

…a , OE W! THE MICIGAN DIAILY i Book Fair -Daily-Dean Morton The Detrott Electric, one of the earliest of electric cars, was one of the features of the Book Fair held yesterday by the Friends of the Library. Proceeds from the fair will go to a library which will be built on Williams and Fifth. Union Will Hold Executive Party Instead of its customary rec- ord dance open to the entire cam- pus, the Union will give a party for old and new m...…

April 16, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 133) • Page Image 1

…Yl r e SCRATCH PAD See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State D43ait t SHOWERS, COOLER VOL. LXIV, No. 133 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1954 SIX PAGES Seniors May lBe Excused From Exams ILS&A Considers Proposed Plans By JON SOBELOFF Faculty suggestions to excuse all seniors, or those with high grades, from spring final exams t are being considered by the lit- erary college, Assistant Dean James H. Robertson said yester- day. D...…

April 16, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 133) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1954 PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1954 SURVEY SHOWS: Small Schools Turn Out Most Sientists-Terman The small liberal arts college, not the large university, has the best record for turning out sci- entists, said Prof. Lewis M. Ter- man of Stanford University, in the Walter VanDyke BinghaIn memorial lecture at the Univer- sity of California. A study of 18,000 scientists list- e...…

April 16, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 133) • Page Image 3

…PWDAY, APRIL 113, 1954 THE MICRIGAN DAILY PAGE TIFMEE P~RIDAY, APRIL 1~, 1954 THE MI~ffIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE 'M' Nine Out To Even Series At Western Michigan Today Indiana Net Hopes High; MSC Team Lacks Depth (EDITOR'S NOTE: First of a series of articles reviewing the Big Ten ten- nis teams. Today's story covers In- diana and Michigan State.) By AL EISENBERG OF THE lettermen returning Captain Duane Gomer has the -n- side track for the n...…

April 16, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 133) • Page Image 4

…WAGE FOUR Tr H~a ui i X6-1A IAlit S The City Editor's_ SCRATCH PAD By ERIC VETTER Daily City Editor JOINT JUDICIARY'S "secrecy" policy has started the organization on the road backward. A product of recent years, Judiciary ap- peared to have reached full maturity at the beginning of the school year. The young struggling years were behind and It no longer needed the aid and coopera- tion of other groups to stand on its own. Now, however, ...…

April 16, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 133) • Page Image 5

…FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIIVE FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FTVE Frosh Weekend Scheduled To Begin Maize, Blue Teams To Vie In Traditional Competition Freshman women will bring their traditional rivalry to a cli- max tonight and tomorrow night, as the Maize and Blue teams of Frosh Weekend present their dances and floorshows. Tickets for both nights, priced at $1.50 per couple, may be pur- chased ...…

April 16, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 133) • Page Image 6

…-1 PAGE Sim THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, APRIL 16,;1954 A oft- Ji REDUCED PRICE! Student Group To Sponsor Sojourns in Foreign Lands SL Honors Outstanding Fni~io It v v CRIME PREVENTION: New Quarters, Head Advance Plans For Police Department Youth Bureau a w a r u s UA .e =raa v _ Ittl f (I AOl+61iI S *-four fiat ^ s R / a SRO h + n h b 6o ' 35mm Caunoiera The Argus A-four is the most exciting 35mm Camera value in years, with all es...…

March 16, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 113) • Page Image 1

…Y "IT SEEMS TO ME" See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State D4aitP FAIR, COLD VOL. LXIV, No. 113 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 1954 SIX P Berlin Student LifeDiscusseld (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is the first of two articles concerning attitudes of students in Germany by a former student at the Free Univer- sity of Berlin. He is now studying on canTpus.) By KLAUS LIEPELT Americans have a standard, almost mechanical query...…

March 16, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 113) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MARCHI 16, 2954 LECTION ISSUE: Local Officials Express Views on City Hall, Site Local voters will find on the Ap- . 5 ballot the question "Do you is:disgraceful" knd pointed out vor issuance of $1,250,000 in ob- that present crowding causes gation bonds for construction unnecessary expense for the ld equipping of a new city hall." city. Accompanying the ballot will be The Mayor has proposed the general advisory ...…

March 16, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 113) • Page Image 3

… i f TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 1954 THE MICHIGAN UAILV W.. palm mw -- TUESDAY,, MARH 16a 195ayTWiaa V IdVALr 'flJ.V aurl' rsa.. PE ITHRES Sigma Chi Routs SAETo Enter Basketbal 1 Finals -4 RPI's Upset is Greatest In Ice. Tourney History Maentz's 13 Points Sparks' Winners to 64-46 Triumph Reeves, Taylor, Kelsey, Williams, Winchell Grab Victories in Residence Hall Contests HARD LUCK KID: Fessenden Plagues Scrug frs in 440 / By HANLEY GU...…

March 16, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 113) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 1954 PAGE POUR TUE MICHIGAN IAILI ~l UESDAY, MAItCH 16, 1954 IT SEEMS TO ME: The New Anti-McCarthy roup . . . It's Chief A By ALICE B. SILVER crats were in. His Associate Editorial Director then only the Den REW PEARSON isn't lonely any more. The GOP said li He has good respectable company now tacked Acheson a in his anti-McCarthy fight, Pearson told his seldom a word ab radio audience Sun...…

March 16, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 113) • Page Image 5

…1I 16, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAOIC ,l THE MICHIGAN DAILY WAGE U U _________________________________________________________________________________ - w Union Plans Studnt T To~eP 'New Faces of 1952' To Be Seen Monday With Broadway Cast Students will have an oppor- tunity to see the Broadway come- dy "New Faces of 1952" at a bud-3 get price by taking advantage of the Union-sponsored trip sched- uled for next Monday evening. Priced at $4....…

March 16, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 113) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 19~4 IZFA Talk Gabe Glazer, national presi- dent of the Intercollegiate Zion- ist Federation of America, will speak at 7: 30 p.m. today on campus Zionism and the role of IZFA at the Hillel Founda- tion, 1429 Hill St. The meeting is open to the public. EXPERTS SUSPECT: 11 Smokers May Inhale TT 7- -' 1 SL To Hold Oper o ue SThe dooars of the tudent Legis- { ...…

February 16, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 90) • Page Image 1

…THE MOITeV PIOPeOSALS See Page 4 L ae ediha Latest Deadline in the State DaiIpr COLDER, SHOWERS TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, VOL. LXIV, No. 90 EIGHT PAGES Butter Price Supports Cut Eight Cents Move Designed To Reduce Costs WASHINGTON - (1) - The government yesterday announced a slash of about eight cents a pound in the federal price sup- ports for butter, which it expects will be passed on to the housewife some time af...…

February 16, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 90) • Page Image 2

…PP K TWO THE MICHIGAN% DAILY TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1954 DA ILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The :Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publication (befo...…

February 16, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 90) • Page Image 3

…TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Pwr. m--w~ L ()JI L 1ZLLr ' I (PAID ADVERTISEMENT). cCarthyism Is the Clear and Present Danger Hearings to outlaw the LYL under the McCarran Act are being resumed today in New York. In a previous session, the LYL, invoking the First Amendment, moved to terminate the proceedings, and offered to prove that McCarthyism, rather than the League, presented a clear and present danger to Ameri...…

February 16, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 90) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY ' T7Pl' Y. FF8RtTA3v1 OI-. . ...a.ak. 14_gSt PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY L k, r: i'lei)ibvL]iY 1Dr lyt7 The Molotov Proposals By WALTER LIPPMANN L AST WEDNESDAY Mr. Molotov gave the Berlin Conference two documents. The one is a plan for four power rule of the two Germanies until that unknown time when the Germans are reunited and sov- ereign. The other is the draft of a treaty of European security which would...…

February 16, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 90) • Page Image 5

…TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DATIV 1nAP_*v ZWVWW .vial lCH t is lpIf1.TLV PAGE., ruxF IVL u Paul Bunyan To Appear at Dance Special Acts ToBe Held At Halftime Paul Bunyan will make his an- nual appearance in Ann Arbor from 8 p.m. to midnight Saturday, Feb. 27, at the all-campus dance to be given in his honor in the Un- ion Ballroom. Sponsored by the Foresters' Club, the traditional ball will fea- ture a north-woods atmospher...…

February 16, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 90) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SM THE MICHIGAN 4°DAILY TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 38, 1954 PAGE ~!X THE MICHIGAN DAILY NU Gagers DUMTIOWI luichivan, 34-73 Grant Sparks Fired-Up Wildcats with 21 Points 41,, SPIRITS LIFTED: Gymnasts Bounce Back After LosingTwo Meets *r -Daily-Chuck Kelsey MICHIGAN CENTER HARVEY WILLIAMS DUNKS ONE IN A LOSING CAUSE, AS NORTHWESTERN TRIUMPHS, 84-73 Wol veries' Big Ten Swim Hopes Rest on Team Depth By DON LINDMAN Michigan's chances...…

February 16, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 90) • Page Image 7

…TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1954 Raidets ,THE MICHIGAN DAILY V A rtr Q rvvv THE MICHIGAN flAHYL W aA 91 v 'y'v N Win In I-M 00p Battle BIG TEN SPLASHES: ____ f q .by Paul Greenberg CHEDDY THOMPSON, Colorado College's handsome young hockey coachhas always said that he'd rather beat Michigan than any other team on his schedule. The hockey fans down at Colorado Springs feel the same way about the home-town Bengals ice oppon- ents-they're tire...…

February 16, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 90) • Page Image 8

…PAGE ETGAT THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1954 J PA(~V ~T~T THE MICHIGAN DAILY , J TEI rl 7 l: I A4I I b. - -j f, 100% Wool Men's Slacks GABARDINES and FLANNELS $10.95 Assorted Colors SAM'S STORE, 122 E. Washington Sam J. Benjamin, '27 Lit., owner Today and Tomorrow ONLY MAN TAILORED SHIRTS Watch for our End-of-Month SALE PAGE on February 23, 1 your 954. Bargains galore for every need. I Today and Tomo...…

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