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November 16, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-11-16

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Latest Deadline in the State

:43 a t I




Lane Hall Stages Dances

Plan SG

-_ __


C Poll.



-Daily-Dean Morton
tending the dance, students have
the opportunity to meet and min-
gle with people of other national-
The square dance, held Tuesday
nights, is called by Grey Austin,
program assistant at Lane Hall.
According to Austin, the aims of
these groups are "to provide
wholesome recreation on campus
and to provide a kind of recrea-
tion which allows people to par-
ticipate in group activities."

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Du . . ec ~oc-acOU.st
During Elections 'Suggested'
Results of Student Opinion Poll Will Case Announces
Be Submitted To Regents for Action Switch of Side
Daily Managing Editor debated Irving Peress case churn-
Campus opinion on the Student Government Council plan will ed up a couple of upheavals in the
be polled during all-campus elections Dec. 8-9, it was decided yester- McCarthy censure row yesterday
day. -followed by a Democratic state-
Results of the student opinion poll, authorized by the Regents ment that Sen. Joseph McCarthy
Friday, will be transmitted to the Board for final consideration at (RWs ought to be thrown out of
their Dec. 17 meeting.
Decision to conduct the poll in conncetion with all-campus elec- the Senate.
tions was reached at a special meeting of leaders of seven major ac- The expulsion suggestion was
tivities, Student Legislature cab- made by Sen. Samuel Ervin (D-NC)
idet and faculty and alumni mem-ers who accused McCarthy of making
bers of the SGC study committee. S kL L d ersUU1 "foul and fantastic charges"
The meeting was called by Stu-d
dent Affairs Vice-President James I W against the committee that recomn-
A. Lewis to work out the most mended he be censured. But Sen.
feasible plan for the poll. Ervin said he would not formally
Spring Semester Election O move that McCarthy be ousted.
Assuming Regental approval Dec. Inaction Sen. Ervin spoke out on the Sen-
17, the timetable set up at yes- ate floor after Sen. Francis Case
terday's meeting calls for election (R-SD), a fellow member of the
of SGC members as early as pos- By MURRY FRYMER I six-man committee that recom-
sible in the second semester.Ofmended censure of the Wisconsin
sibl inthesecod smeser.Officers at the Student Legisla- Republican, announced he will
Meanwhile Student Legislature ture open cabinet meeting yester- switch idesand otedagain r
would continue to function as a day expressed bitterness at the Re- ich sdeand vote against re-
"caretaker" government until the gents failure to approve the Stu- beningMcharghy on one oftwo
transition to SGC could be effect- dent Government Council plan pending charges.
ed Fridav but mixed it with Notes New Evidence

U.S. Gives Fissionable
'Material for Global
Use in Atom Research


"SWING your partner and alle-
mand left."
This call and many others can
be heard at Lane Hall's weekly
square dances. Jud McGehee,
grad, who directed the Stanford
University folk dance group, di-
rects a similar group at Lane Hall.
At this folk dance which is held
each Monday night, students may
participate in the various tradi-
tional European dances. By at-

Organizations represented at the
meeting, including the Union,
League, Interfraternity Council,
A s s e m b 1 y, Panhellenic, Inter-
House Council and The Daily
pledged themselves to continue in
an advisory capacity during the

Supreme Court Splits
On Cemetery Suit Case
WASHINGTON, (W-The Supreme Court divided 4-4 yesterday on
S whether a cemetery may be sued for damages for refusing burial to
an American Indian killed in army service in Korea.
The tie vote upheld a decision of the Iowa Supreme Court that
Mrs. Evelyn Rice, white widow of Sgt. John Rice, had no right to sue
the Sioux City Memorial Park Cemetery for $180,000.
After graveside services, the cemetery notified Mrs. Rice that her

World News
By The Associated Press
Naguib Out...
CAIRO, Egypt -- The Revolu-
tion Council charged yesterday thai
Maj. Gen. Mohamed Naguib, new
ly ousted from the presidency, had
cooperated with Communists anc
Moslem Brotherhood fanatics in ar
effort to overthrow Premier Ga-
mal Abdel Nasser's government.
A figurehead chief executive for
seven months until his fall Sun-
day, Naguib was pictured as seek-
ing to reclaim power for himself
with the aid of troops.
In Khartoum, Sudan, police us-
ing teargas bombs yesterday dis-
persed a crowd of Sudanese high
s c h o o 1 students demonstrating
against the dismissal of President
Naguib of Egypt.
Seven students were arrested.
The relieving of Naguib from his
post was a blow to Sudanese polit-
ical leaders who have been advo-
cating some sort of union with
Egypt. Naguib is a popular figure
in Sudan.
Barrymore dies ...
HQLLYWOOD - Lionel Barry-
1 more, 76, veteran stage, screen
and radio actor, died yesterday aft-
er a long illness. Death apparently
was due to a heart attack.
He was taken to Valley Hospital
in the San Fernando Valley Sun-
day night and shortly afterward
lapsed into a coma.
Plane Crashes ...
NORFOLK, Va. - Two Navy
planes and one Marine plane
crashed along the Atlantic Coast
Sunday in separate accidents, kill-
ing one airman and leaving three
others missing and presumed dead.
Seven other men were rescued.
S* 0 *
tSegregation Delay .. .
WASHINGTON - Attorneys for
Negro parents told the Supreme
Court yesterday they would acceptj
a slight delay in the wiping out

husband's body would not be lower-
ed into the grave. Burial was re-
fused on the ground the widow had
signed a contract which restricted
use of the cemetery to Caucasians.
Buried in Arlington
The case attracted widespread at-
tention and former President Tru-
man invited the widow to send the
body to Arlington NationaleCeme-
tery, where lie many of the nation's
heroes. Full military honors accom-
panied the. Arlington burial of Sgt.
The tie vote in the Supreme Court
was madepossible by the death of
Justice Robert H. Jackson, which
reduced the court's membership
from 9 to 8. It was not announced
how the eight justices voted indi-
Mrs. Rice has 25 days in which
to ask for recosideration. It is
conceivable that by that time the
Senate may have confirmed Presi-
dent Eisenhower's nomination of
John Marshall Harlan of New York
to fill the court vacancy.
Loyalty Test Case
In another action yesterday, the
high court agreed to hear another
test case of the government's loyal-
ty program. This case involves Dr.
John Peters, senior professor of
medicine at Yale University, who
was fired from his government ad-
visory post in June, 1 953.
The Washingtonelaw firm of Ar-
nold, Fortas & Porter, which rep-
resents Dr. Peters, says the case
has circumstances similar to those
the Dorothy Bailey case of 1951.

Volunteer Pollmen
In addition IFC and IHC volun-
teered personnel to help man the
Dec. 8-9 election, if notified three
weeks in advance of the needs for
It was also agreed that SL elec-
tions director David Levy, '57,
would cooperate with Vice-Presi-
dent Lewis' office in working out
details of the poll half of the elec-
Following a Regents' decision on
SGC, Vice-President Lewis has
agreed to call together the group
which met yesterday to map out
the next steps.
The voter will probably be pre-
sented with two ballots in the all-
campus election. On one he will
have the opportunity to vote "yes"
or "no" on the SOC plan. The oth-'
er will be the slate of candidates
running for SL, not SGC, and may
be marked in order of preference
as in past elections.
Final Approval Needed
A campus vote in favor of SGC
will not mean the new form comes
immediately into existence and
SL goes out. It will still be neces-
sary for the Regents to give final
approval before new elections can
be held for SGC members. These
could probably not take place un-
til late February or early March.
Present SL members and can-
didates in the December elections
would continue to serve on the
Legislature until SGC comes into
existence, presumably early next
Consensus at yesterday's meet-
ing was reached following thor-
ough discussion of the problems
posed by the poll and elections.
LUCEDALE, Miss. (P)-Burg-
lars who removed a steel safe
from the Gulf, Mobile & Ohio
Railroad station Sunday night
are really stuck with it. All it
contained was a gallon of glue.


, p~ay UU 111LU l 11 1 Is
and hopes for the future.
President Steve Jelin, '55, said,
"This is not just another month's
delay. This is the fifth month since
the plan was submitted and comes
at a time when present student
government must know Regental
intentions in order to conduct its"
Jelin added that he "did not be-
lieve the implications of delay
was made sufficiently clear to the
Regents by Vice-President (of stu-
dent affairs) Lewis who under-
stood particularily well the situa-
tion called for .at least a statement
of Regents' intentions to the SGC
Lack of Acknowledgment
Joan Bryan, '55, chairman of
SL's Culture and Education com-
mittee, said that if the Regents
did not understand the effect that
"virtual lack of acknowledgement"
would have on student government
on campus, "they are not ade-
quately informed about campus
affairs, and do not deserve to be
"If they were cognizant of the
intolerable situation they were
putting SL in, and still did not
take a stand one way or the other,"
she added, "they do not have the
interests of student government at
Dave Levy, '57, director of the
much-disputed coming elections,
said "Current circumstances are,
unfortunately strangling SL's be-
ing. We can only hope that if the
SGC student poll is favorable in
the December elections, the Re-,
gents will take immediate action
in either voting their support up,
or down for SGC, and eliminate
the otherwise certain ruin of stu-
dent government."
Need SL Candidates
Looking to the problems that lie
ahead, Member-at-large Ruth
Rossner cautioned, "The import-
ant thing now is for SL to get
enough candidates to hold elec-
"If SGC is going to strengthen
student government on campus,
it must have something to
strengthen. If we don't get 35 to
40 candidates for this election, SLr
may go out of existence."t
She added that "there is no as-
surance when and if the Regents]
will ever vote on SGC."

Case said new evidence supplied
by Secreary of the Army Stevens
convinces him McCarthy should
not be censured for alleged abu-
sive treatment of Brig. Gen.
Ralph W. Zwicker when Zwicker
testified on thesArmy's handling
of the Peress case.
The South Dakota senator said
it is now evident that high Army
officials "let Peress slip out of
their grasp," and gave him an
honorable discharge instead of a
court-martial, even after a court-
martial demand from McCarthy
was delivered to the "responsible
Army staff."
In the wake of Sen. Case's an-
nouncement, Sen. Ervin took the
floor and said he came to the Sen-
ate opposed to expelling McCar-
thy, or stripping him of his com-
mittee chairmanships, but he de-
clared: "I'm willing to admit I
have changed my mind in both
No Expulsion Now
Sen. Ervin, who succeeded the
late Sen. Clyde Hoey (D-N.C.)
last June, added, however, he does
not intend to propose expulsion
of McCarthy during the present
debate which is on a recommenda-
tion by Sen. Ervin, Sen. Case and
four other senators that Sen. Mc-
Carthy be censured on two counts
of unbecoming and contemptuous
The chairman of the censure
committee, Sen. Arthur Watkins'
(R-Utah), sought meanwhile to
pull the rug from under McCar-
thy's "who proposed Peress?"
campaign. Sen. Watkins said Sen.
McCarthy himself can readily dig
out the answer on th basis of in-
formation already supplied by the
Denying this, Sen. McCarthy
declared the Pentagon is still
shielding "the secret master" who
promoted Peress - a New York
dettist who had refused to say
whether he was a Communist-and
then rushed through the discharge
which made a court-martial im-
Clash Often
Sen. McCarthy and Sen. Wat-
kins clashed often and heatedly at -
a hearing called by Sen. McCar-
thy, who still heads the Senate
Investigations subcommittee, just
before debate on the censure reso-
lution resumed on the Senate floor.
Sen. Watkins, appearing as the
sole witness, told Sen. McCarthy
it may well be nobody is "crimi-
nally" guilty in the Army's hand-
ling of Peress.
Sternly, Sen. McCarthy replied
any senator who holds that view
is "derelict in his duty."
The forenoon Senate debate wasc
chiefly a speech by Sen. WilliamI
Jenner (R-Ind.), a supporter ofs
Sen. McCarthy in the controversy,E
who said the Watkins committee'sc
report "comes close to asking thec
Senate to punish a public official
who has defied this (Communist)x
Sen. Jenner said the Commu-
nists are trying to "sabotage" leg-v
islative, judicial and executive ac-n
tions in the government.

Sixteen representatives from the
International Student Association of
Japan arrived at the University'
yesterday for a four-day visit as
part of the 15th annual Japan-'
America Conference.
An unofficial, nonpartisan stu-
dent organization which promotes
cultural exchanges with other coun-
tries through student activities, the
ISA cooperates with the Confer-
ence to advance mutual under-
standing between the United States
and Japan.
Part of a six-week tour of six uni-
versities 'and colleges represent-
ing a cross-section of American
life, the visit to Michigan will be
highlighted by discussions with fac-
ulty and students on social, eco-
nomic and political topics.
Economics, Culture, Arts
Firistndiscussion conference on
economics, culture and the arts is.
scheduled from 10 to 12 a.m. today
in the Michigan Union. Hugh Pat-
rick, Grad., will lead the economics
discussion and Scott Cole, Grad.,
will chair the discussion on culture
and the arts.
A discussion of political science
and social relations relating to
present Japanese-American prob-
lems will be held from 1:30 to 3:30
p.m. tomorrow in the League. Ul-
rich Straus of the political science
department will moderate the po-
City Council Votes
On New Personnel
City Council last night voted to
hire an additional assistant hous-
ing inspector on a full-time basis.
In addition, the juvenile bureau
of the police department was voted
an increase in personnel, bringing
the total to three officers.

-Daily-Dean Morton
16 Japanese Students
Here for Conference

4 .------- ----.------.

litical discussion while Samuel
Nicholson will lead the talk on so-
cial relations.
Japanese Education
Education in Japan will be the
topic for group discussion from 9
to 11 a.m. Thursday at the League.
All meetings are open to Universi-
ty students and faculty.
The tour is sponsored bv- the ISA
and the Japan-America Conference
Committee in conjunction with the
Universities of Stanford, Michigan,
Cornell, Georgetown and California
and Berea College as well as sev-
eral service organizations.
'Vest Pocket'
War Foreseen
In Formosa
TAIPEH, Formosa (Tuesday) 0P)
-An intensified vest pocket war
today seemed likely as the Na-
tionalists pledged the "severest
blows possible" for the sinking of
a destroyer escort by Red torpedo
The pledge was made in the De-
fense Ministry's communique. It
confirmed that 28 of the 180 offi-
cers and men of the 1,800-ton Tai-
ping perished Sunday in the en-
gagement off the Tachon Islands,
215 miles north of Formosa.
Nationalist warplanes flew cover
while rescue ships picked up sur-
vivors, but no Chinese Communist
planes tried to interfere. Of those
rescued, 28 were wounded, nine
High level Nationalist officials
conferred for hours yesterday and
there was speculation that the Na-
tionalists would launch a massive
retaliation attack.

Move Checks
Soviet Attack
On U.S. Plan
Precedent Set by
Surprise Action
The United States dramatically in-
formed the UN yesterday it has
set aside 220 pounds of fissionable
materials to activate atomic reac-
tors for peaceful purposes through
the world.
It was the first time in the atom-
ic age that this country has offered
to ship so much atomic materials,
estimated to be enough for oie
atomic bomb, outside its borders
on a mission of peace.
Closing his second big speech to
the UN political committee on Pres-
ident Eisenhower's plan for using
atoms for peace, Henry Cabot
Lodge Jr. said to the suddenly-
alert delegates:
Is Scope. Narrowed
"There is one final matter which
I would like to lay before you,
and I hope it will once and for all
remove from the minds of all any
confusion as to how specific the
United States 'atoms for peace'
proposition is, whether or not the
scope of our proposal has been
"I am authorized by the Presi-
dent of the United States to say
that the Atomic Energy Commis-
sion has allocated 100 kilograms
(220 pounds) of fissionable mate-
rial to serve as fuel in the experi-
mental reactors to which the sec-
retary of state and I have previous-
ly referred. This amount of fis-
sionable material is enough to ac-
tivate a considerable number of
these reactors throughout the
Answers to Vishinsky
This was the answer of the chief
American delegate to cmplaints
by Russia's Andrei Y. Vishinsky
that Lodge had "narrowed down"
the program put before the UN
Assembly last year by President
Eisenhower and that the U.S. Is
"delaying" the matter.
This was also Lodge's answer to
a proposal by Carlos P. Romulo,
Philippine delegate and former
president of the U.N. assembly,
that the United States and other
atomic powers chip in 220 pounds
of atomic materials-enough, Ro-
mulo said, to make one bomb-to
an atomic reactor to be set up un-
der the UN.
In his speech Lodge made it
clear to the Soviet Union that the
West will not accept any veto on
operations of a proposed interna-
tional atomic agency supervising
the atoms-for-peace program.
Of New Treaty
Asked by Ike
WASHINGTON (-President Ei-
senhower yesterday called on the
Senate to ratify the treaty binding
a sovereign Germany closer to
Western defense as a boon to
"peace and freedom in the world
as a whole."
The President sent to Capitol
Hill, for action by the Senate next
January, a stack of agreements
resulting from the nine-power con-
ference and the North Atlantic
Treaty session in London and Par-
is this fall. He asked the Senate to

study them carefully and ratify
them at the regular session.
His letter of transmittal ap-
peared aimed not only at quieting
any qualms the Senate might have
about the pace but also to do away
with misgivings voiced abroad by
Germany, France, and even Rus-

Gargoyle Is Iccumrin Out Manana

Merrie Men Send Soap,
Messages to Senators.
By LOUISE TYOR censure was described by members
About 2,000 bars of soap attach- of the Merrie Men: "It must be
ed to baggage tags saying "Don't realized that if the censure is not
Whitewash McCarthy-Vote Cen- effected, McCarthy's political life'
sure" are being sent to the U.S. will not only be extended, but pos-
Senate by the Robin Hood Asso- sibly strengthened. He will be con-
ciation of the University of Chi- sidered vindicated . . . If the cen-
cago. sure if effected, his claims of vin-
The tags are signed personally dication, his power and the very
by University of Chicago students. restrictive forces which he repre-
They are being sent in care of sents will surely be weakened.
Sen. Ralph Flanders (R-Vt.) with ".,. . McCarthy's whitewash
whom arrangements have been would be disastrous, and there is
made to distribute the tags. a strong possibility of the white-
50 Schools Contacted wash."
Although the Merrie Men con- The opinion of the Robin Hood
J- ._- ... CA . ._ -..:,,, .,.,. roui s ithat the only way cnreri


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