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October 16, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-10-16

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To Merge Soon
15 Million Union Members To Join
To Increase Labor Unions' Power

WASHINGTON (A)-AFL and CIO leaders agreed yesterday to
put aside organizing rivalries for the time being and work out a
merger of the two big labor groups as "fast as possible."
Presidents George Meany of the AFL and Walter Reuther of the
CIO talked optimistically of completing an actual merger plan
within the next few months.
They said special AFL and CIO ratifying conventions may then
be called, followed by a joint AFL-CIO convention to complete the
proposed amalgamation.
Reuther conceded, however, that "we still have a great deal
r of work to do." But both he and
a ' Meany maintained the AFL and
U ncertainty CIO leadership is determined to
gonahead with the merger.
It would bring nearly 15 million
are union members under a single ban-
~J I Uner-with the idea of strengthen-
ing union labor's economic and
v Paypolitical power.
issues eTwodecisions were made Fri-
day by nine man committees rep-
Sresentingthe two organizations:
By JIM DYGERT New Constitution
Uncertainty continued to sur- 1. Each is to name a three-mem-
round the issue of severance pay ber subcommittee to work out a
for Prof. Mark Nickerson and H. proposed new constitution for the
Chandler Davis yesterday. merged setup. This would include
Director of University Relations machinery for settling rivalries
Arthur L. Brandon said yesterday over which union should represent
that there was nothing in the min- various types of workers.
utes of the August or September 2. Such existing organizing ri-
meetings of the Regents to indicate valries will be held in abeyance
they had discussed severance pay untilesfterlthe merger. Theyain-
In the dismissal cases. until after the merger. The in-
A day earlier, Secretary of the tegrity" of each union under the
Regents Herbert O. Watkins said merged arrangement would be
the "Regents had decided against guaranteed. This was explained to
severance pay. It was A closed is- mean that no AFL or CIO union
sue, he emphasized. would lose part of its present
No Record of Discussion membership.
"We don't contemplate trying to
Brandon commented that the is- resolve the conflicts that now
sue may have been discussed dur- exist," Reuther said. "What we are
ing the time he was not present at to do is work out machinery
the August meeting, but that there goingfor a merger and a method for
was no record of such a discussion.
Watkins had sent a letter t resolving problems after the mer-
vis telling him that the Regents ger comes about."
had "indicated" tere would be no It was reported that the three-
severance pay. man AFL subcommittee to work1
That the Regents did not provide out merger details will include
for severance pay, Brandon said Meany, secretary-treasurer Wil-
indicated that there was to be am Schnitzler and vice president
none. His office has issued no of- Matthew Wol, and the CIO group
fical tatmen enthemater e-will include Reuther, secretary-
ficial statement on the matter be- treasurer James B. Carey, and
cause the minutes of the meetings
made no mention of severance pay. president David J. McDonald of
n, vty ri the CIO Steelworkers union.

... power-packed

... rugged tackle

... flashy runner
British Strike
Parley Fails
LONDON (P)-Efforts to settle
the strike of 24,000 dockers which
has shut down London's busy port
collapsed last night and the gov-
ernment warned that Britain's
food supplies and export trade were
Coupled with a spreading bus-
men's walkout and an order for a
mass strike by Thames River tug-
men, the dock stoppage confront-
ed Prime Minister Churchill's gov-
ernment with the most serious la-
bor crisis since it came to power
three years ago.
"The Stoppage in the London
docks is having a serious effect on
the country's export trade, is en-
dangering food supplies and
threatens to cause unemployment
in other industries," the Ministry
of Labor said in a statement after
an emergency Cabinet meeting and
urgent efforts by the government
to negotiate a back-to-work agree-

-Daily-Chuck Kelsey
year's game where an unidentified Michigan player closes in on
Northwestern back in the Stadium. The Wolverines won 20-12.
Michigan Eyes Focused
On Northwestern Clash
Wolverine gridiron fans will be looking for the second straight
Western Conference victory as the Maize and Blue faces the North-
western Wildcats at Dyche Stadium in Evanston, Illinois today.
A crowd of 40,000 is expected to witness the 29th meeting be-
tween the long time rivals, who first met in 1892 before a meager
crowd of 800 fans.
Over 1,000 students and many hundreds of Michigan supporters
have traveled to Northwestern for the game. Included in the Michi-
gan delegation is the Michigan Marching Band, almost 160 strongs,
Marching Band Gives Performance
The Marching Band, under the direction of Prof. William D.
Revelli, left early yesterday for Wheaton, Illinois, where they put
on a show for high school bandsmen in that area last night. Today
they will participate in the pre-game and half-time ceremonies inj
Dyche Stadium.
The Wolverine grid squad arrived in Chicago at noon yesterday,
and went directly to Dyche Stadium where they worked out during
the afternoon.
The weatherman has predicted rain for the Chicago area this3
morning but it is expected to end before- noon. The temperaturel
is expected to drop and the game will be played in temperatures
around the low 40's.

rr cuagetry rovisons
Brandon also pointed out that
there are no budgetary provisions
for severance pay, no funds avail-
able for that purpose. He could re-
member no instances in the past
that would be available as prece-
dents on the question.
Several of the faculty have said
the severance issue will be dis-
cussed at the special University
Faculty Senate meeting called Mon-
day by the Senate Advisory Com-
Davis said Thursday that his
severance pay and that of Prof.
Nickerson was "not a closed is-
sue," calling attention to a policy
statement of the American Associ-
ation of University Professors on
Brandon said the University was
not bound by the AAUP's state-
City Auctions
Bikes Today
Students who would like to ride
to class can find just the thing at
10 a.m. today in the parking lot
next to City Hall, when more than
40 bicycles will be auctioned off.
Bikes in the sale range from thin-
tired English models to American
bicycles of doubtful ancestry. -The
police have picked them up after
local residents informed them that
the bikes had been abandoned.
According to the police depart-
ment, several abandoned bikes
have been claimed by their owners
since the date of the auction was
Anyone whose bike has been
listed as abandoned may claim it
by presenting proof of ownership

'M' Seeks Second
Big Ten Triumph
Corey Draws Halfback Assignment
As Oosterbaan Re-shuffles Backfield
Michigan's rebpunding football team, having found its potential
against highly-favored Iowa last Saturday, now turns to North-
western and the business of a second Big Ten win at Evanston today.
The injury-riddled Wolverines will be at full strength in the line,
although the backfield situation is a problem. Third and fourth
stringers are now playing in the starting and second-string right
halfback positions due to the injuries to Tony Branoff, and a weok
later his substitute, Ed Hickey. George Corey and Ed Shannon will
take their places.
Baldacci May Return
Lou Baldacci is another large question mark. He may see action
today for the first time since the Washington game. If Baldacci.
does get into the game, Michigan spirits should get a big lift.
Coach Bennie Oosterbaan haso

Ike Lauds GOP Agricultural
Program; Draws Comment

Bretton Calls
Step to Unity
"By rearming Germany under
the present plan, we are removing
one of the main deterents to fur-
ther European unity," Prof. Henry
L. Bretton of the political science
department said at a discussion on
the rearmament of West Germany
Speaking at the International Cen-
ter, Prof. Bretton explained that
small-scaled plans for economic
unification have failed to produce
desired results because some coun-
tries could not be assured that Ger-
many would nothrearm itself and
Germans felt they were getting
nothing in return for their efforts.
"The functional approach to Eu-
ropean unity-to unite where the
people are ready to unite-is best,"
he explained.

By The Associated Press
Eisenhower said last night his ad-,
ministration has gone far toward
building a "foundation of epduring1

Hurricane Hazel Wanes

NEW YORK (R) - Hurricane
Hazel, one of the century's most
dangerously erratic storms, rocked
New York with 100 miles per hour;
winds last night.
Far to the west of the city, the
hurricane spent its waning strength
against the immovable barrier of
Pennsylvania's mountains. Then it
died and its force was absorbed in
part by a new storm center in
southwestern New York.
Hazel's death toll stood at 18 in
continental United States. It swept
into the Carolinas from sea early

today, battering its way into the
Northeastern states after grazing
Washington with unsurpassed fury.
It was the third hurricane to hit
the Northeast in six weeks.
Hazel. weather experts said, held
its overland power longer than
most hurricanes because it built
up great energy during its long,
leisurely passage across the sea.
When it roared past New York,
its tremendous winds had fallen
off sharply from the 130 mile per
hour peak that ravaged the Caro-

prosperity" for American agricul-
ture, and he asked for a Republi-
can Congress to help him carry
out his policies.
The President talked at a meet-
ing at Butler Field House, spon-
sored by the National Institute of
Animal Agriculture.
Eisenhower jabbed at the Tru-
man administration, saying that in
its last two years in office "our
farmers suffered a serious loss in#
buying power."
In Bluffton, Ind., Former Secre-
tary of Agriculture Claude E. Wick-
ard charged last night that farm
prices have fallen to a new low.
Wickard, who will deliver a
point-by-point reply today at New'
Castle to President Eisenhower's
farm speech at Indianapolis, said
the 14-point drop in farm prices
must come either from farmers'
net income or from savings or


... hard-working end
World News
By the Associated Press
CHICAGO - Adm. Arthur Rad-
ford said last night that Ameri-
can air power is second to none
and "we can make the unequivo
cable promise of fearsome ,retal-
iation" to aggression.
But the chairman of the strategy-
making Joint Chiefs of Staff em-
phasized that plans are not pinned
to retaliation alone, saying that
when the nation's military forces
are built to desired strength they
must be maintained in readiness.
* * *
AMMAN, Jordan -- Authorized
political parties will take part in a
Jordan general election for the first
time today.
The election is regarded as a
milestone in .Jordanian political de-'
velopment. Candidates previously
campaigned as individuals, unaf-I
fillated with any group.
* * *
BERLIN - A single list of candi-
dates picked by the Communists
and their collaborators will be
placed before 12 million eligible
voters tomorrow in the Soviet Zone
of Germany to approve as their
W* * *
OAKVILLE, Ont. - About 800
hourly-rated production workers at
the big Ford of Canada assembly
plant went on strike yesterday,
joining 7,500 other Ford employes
who struck at the Windsor plant
As the Oakville employes walk-
ed off their jobs, George Burt, Ca-
nadian director of the CIO United
Auto Workers, requested the entire
Canadian labor movement to give
the strike its "full moral and fi-
nancial backing."

warned his charges however,
about taking Northwestern as an
"easy game." He cited the 1949
game when the Wildcats upset a
highly favored Michigan team, 21-
20,. and the surprise win in 1951
when the Northwestern squad up-
set the Maize and Blue, 6-0.
Last year Michigan won 20-12,
on three touchdown passes by
quarterback Duncan McDonald.
Today, although McDonald is back
to face Northwestern again, he
may give way to sophomore Jim
Maddock, who sparked the Michi-
gan upset last week.
Four Miss Trip .
In addition to Branoff and
Hickey, center John Peckham and
halfback Tom Hendricks were om-
mitted from the traveling roster.,
Branoff has been working out of
uniform for the last few days to,
jogging around the field. Hickey
hasn't been beyond the training
room since he sustained his rib;
injury against Iowa.
Northwestern's hope of breaking
into the Conference win column
depends on how successfully the
Wildcats have plugged the hole
that Minnesota backs poured
through last Saturday. The Goph-
ers won that game, 26-7 relying
mostly on a running game.
That fact shines as a ray of
optimism on the Michigan hopes,:
Starting Lineup
Michigan Pos. N'western]
Kramer......LE.... Niepokoij
Walker ......LT....... Sacks
Cachey ,....LG.. «....Higley
Bates........C...... Damore
Meads ...... RG........ Riba
Morrow......RT...... Roche
Williams ....RE.......Nosal
Maddock ....QB..., Rearden
Cline........LH.... Troglio
Corey .......RH.... Ranicke
Hill .........FB...... Lauter

Board Moves
For Reduced
School Funds
Last w e e k the Washtenaw
County Board of Supervisors made
a move which may lower the
county's school budgets as much
as $123,700. Ypsilanti Federation
of Teachers vice-president James
Osterbert said yesterday.
Explaining a protest made by
the teachers' group against the
supervisors action, Osterberg point-
ed out that in July the county
School Administrators Association
was informed that the state equal-
ized valuation tax base would be
used for school taxation.
Working on this assumption, he
commented, the administrators
put budgets for this school year
into operation. Last week the
board of supervisors voted to place
the taxation for schools back on
the county valuation which meant
lower taxes.
Budgets Out of Kilter
This lower tax base threw the
budgets of schools in the county
out of kilter, Osterberg main-
tained. With $123,700 tax cut, one
of two things will have to be done,
he continued.
Either the number of teachers
will have to be cut down or oper-
ating expenses will have to be
pared, Osterberg said. At present,
about 70 per cent of the budget
goes for teachers' salaries.
Yesterday the executive boards
of the Ypsilanti teachers' group,
together with the Ann Arbor Fed-
eration of Teachers, approved .a
joint resolution giving full support
of the administrators and the
county SchooltBoard Officers As-
sociation in their protest to the
Majority Wishes Disregarded
The resolution stated that the
executive boards of the teachers'
organizations "feel that the deci-
sion of the supervisors to revert
to a tax base which will not meet
the needs of the schools shows a
disregard for the real wishes of the
vast majority of our citizens."
This majority "fully recognize
the crisis facing their schools to-
day and would prefer to meet the
situation with concrete action rath-
er than lip service," the resolution
According to Osterberg, the
County School Board Officers As-
sociation "may take legal action
on the cutting of the tax base."
Nothing definite has been done in
this regard yet, however.
If the change to the copty equal-
ized valuation had been made prior
to July, he asserted, the schools
could have arranged special elec-
tions for school millage increases.
However, it is now too late for
township millage increases to be
effective, Osterberg continued,
Probably the small school dis-
tricts have been hardest hit by the
supervisors' a c t i o n, Osterberg
pointed out. As they must carry
specialized courses in which only

for the Wolverine win over Iowa
came as a result of hard running
also. Fullback Dave Hill and Fred
Baer stood out in the backfield.
Lauter Leads Wildcats
Fullback Bobby Lauter is North-
western's principle ground gainer.
He' is sporting a 4.1 yard per carry
average for running attempts this
At quarterback John Reardon
will start but he is being pushed
by sophomore Dale Pienta. The
sophomore has completed three
out of 10 passes while Reardon has
a record of 12 for 23 for the sea-
son. Last week they shared the
signal-calling duties.
Coach Bob Voigts has a fine end
to boast of in Fred Nosal. Last
year Nosal was a first string right
guard for the Wildcats but has
been converted to an end this sea-
son and leads all Wildcat pass re-
ceivers. "He'd do a good job at
any position," Voights said of the
198-pound junior.
Wolverines Work in Rain
The Michigan team has been
working out in the rain all week
long, practicing both offensive and
defensive plays. The return of Bal-
dacci at fullbackscould lead to a
more extensive use of the single
wing, if Oosterbaan chooses to
ntil'v the mpr,, nunm er,.ek' .

Peterson Discusses U' Egyptian Excavations

"The story behind the ancient Egyptian cities which were exca-
vated by the University, goes back more than 2,000 years," Enoch
E. Peterson, director of the Kelsey Museum of Archeology, com-
"When Alexander the Great died in 323 B.C. his empire was
divided up among his generals. A young fellow named Ptolemy
was given Egypt. No one else wanted it, but Ptolemy understood

.:. .,...



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