Dixon-Yates TVA Contract:
"Yoo Hoo - charlie"
A Republican Scandal
T FIRST GLANCE it appeared to be just anoth-
er of the Eisenhower administration's public
land giveaways; another attempt to put an end to
the 'creeping socialism' that had been sweeping the
country for the past twejity years. Forests, grazing
lands and offshore oil fields had already been
transferred to non-national interests so the hand,
ling of a contract for Tennessee Valley Authority
power to a private group didn't raise too many eye-
brows around the United States.
. In fact first reports indicated the private or-
ganization involved, the Dixon-Yates Syndicate,
would be able to supply the power needed cheap-
er than a government agency could. President
Dwight D. Eisenhower had backed the plan in-
Pcating apparently that there was nothing un-
savory about the issuing of the contract.
However shortly there were intimations that some
Irregularities might be involved. This possibility
could be gathered from a scrutinization of the
background of the situation.
While President Eisenhower was successfully
campaigning during the fall of 1952, he pledged
himself to the support of TVA. The pledge undoubt-
edly helped make possible his fine showing in the
exclusiyely Democratic states of Kentucky and Ten-
nessee. The initial test of his campaign statements
was his awarding this power contract to private
To meet expanding power needs in its terri-
tory, TVA sought a 600,000 kilowatt plant to
supply electricity to the Memphis area. The Au-
thority asked for government funds and Army
Engineers, after surveying several areas, chose
a spot in Fulton, Missouri, for the new TVA
plant. Things seemed to be moving in the same
channels that were followed during the days of
Harry S. Truman and Franklin D. Roosevelt.
* * * *
BUT A NEW administration was now in Wash-
ington and new opportunities for private en-
terprise existed. Two financiers, Edgar Dixon and
E. A. Yates associated with an organization known
as the Electric Bond and Share Company proposed
to construct a private plant across the river in West
Memphis, Arkansas.
There were six things that apparently eliminated
the private offer from consideration.
1. Its proposed site was 200 miles from the area
to be served.
2. The site was below flood level.
3. While it was called private enterprise, the
government was to pay all construction costs, to
repay the syndicate for all state, local and fed-
eral taxes. If this was not enough the federal
government was to guarantee monetary profits
for the company for 25 years.
4. The Atomic Energy Commission which was
called in to act as contracting agent opposed by 3
to 2 the. Dixon-Yates proposal.
5. From the TVA's point of view It appeared to
be a deliberate attempt to infiltrate the organiza-
tion with private enterprise thereby ultimately
transforming the project initiated in New Deal
a. TVA administrators maintained that during
the life of the contract the Dixon-Yates scheme
would cost taxpayers $140 million more than the
TVA proposed plant in Fulton.
Despite these arguments against Dixon-Yates
President Eisenhower intervened and ordered AEC
to conclude the contract with the private power
company. Apparently the only reason for Eisen-
hower's action was the backing that his aides were
giving Dixon-Yates. Stephen A. Mitchell, Democra-
tic National Chairman, has intimated that possibly
Eisenhower's friendship with former amateur golf-
ing star Bobby Jones had something to do with his
approval of the contract. (Jones is a member of
the Board of Directors of Electric Bond and Share.)
This has been vehemently denied by President Eis-
enhower and since then the issue hasn't been
The Bureau of the Budget has claimed since
that TVA's estimate of the extra cost of the
project has been exaggerated and actually the
excess cost would only amount to $90 million.
The Atomic Energy Commission General Man-
ager, Gen. K. D. Nichols has tried to ease the
Administration's position by a discrediting of
past TVA performances and an attempted im-
pugning of the integrity and good faith of TVA
* * * *
MEANWHILE, the nation's press, which Adla
Stevenson called 90% in favor of one party
in the fall of 1952, has concentrated on such things
as Mitchell's blast at President Eisenhower and the
consequent retorts. One magazine after extolling
the virtues and 'integrity of President Eisenhower
for. several paragraphs concluded by asking how
the citizenry of Georgia, (where Jones lives and
where the President quite often plays golf) could
still be proud of the political party it had so long
* * * *
NOW IT appears that revelation of new aspects
of the situation may show that scandal can
even creep into the Republican Administration.
First Walter von Treschkow, in charge of another
private syndicate interested in supplying power to
the TVA, charged that the Bureau of Budget
figures had been deliberately misleading. He claim-
ed that the contract hadn't even been awarded to
the lowest private bidder. Von Treschkow's com-
ments were somewhat passed off as those of a dis-
gruntled loser in a battle of private enterprise.
However, early this month Senator William
Langer (R-N.D.), chairman of the Senate Judi-
ciary Committee called before his sub-commit-
tee on monopoly James Stietenroth, former see-
retary-treasurer of Mississippi Power and Light.
Dixon is a principle shareholder in the company.
Stietenroth rebelled against the company a short
time ago for what he termed the use of absen-
tee power by Dixon involving excessive exploita-
tion of customers, possible violations of the
Holding Company Act and doubtful accounting
Stietenroth's moral integrity finally caused him
to quit the company, he says. He accused the com-
pany'specifically of maintaining two sets of books
thereby concealing its oversized profits amounting
to $2 to $3 million a year in excessive rates.
Sen. Langer and Sen. Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn.),
a member of his committee, want funds to conduct
the probe of the Dixon-Yates contract. Thus far
their desire has been stymied. The anti-Monopoly
sub-committee is holding hearings without finan-
cial backing of Congress. It faces Administrative
opposition when the vote for funds goes before
Congress, Nov. 8. In fact Sen. John Butler (R-
Md.) told the sub-committee while Stietenroth was
testifying that it was useless to hold the hearings
since the Dixon-Yates contract had already been
approved by Congress and the sub-committee could
in no way expedite change or a stoppage of the
* * * *
ACTUALLY President Eisenhower finds himself
in a precarious position. He and his Republi-
can followers campaigned vigorously two years ago
against the "mess" in Washington. The United
States was reminded continually of the great
scandals that had rocked the country during the
Truman administration. GOP leaders were proud
to point to their candidate as the representative of
extreme integrity, one who would restore honor
in the nation's capital.
Revelations concerning Dixon-Yates will shake
this symbol of integrity. If President Eisenhower
pleads ignorance of the situation as a defense,
slanders on his integrity may be removed. He
has used this defense before and the President's
great record of service to the United States makes
it difficult to level any charges that would im-
pugn his honesty.
However as an attempt to evade responsibility
for the contract it is not sufficient. Before he de-
cided to pressure AEC the President should have
investigated the facts of the case rather than de-
pend on advisors.
The Dixon-Yates scandal could hurt the already
shaky Republican congressional campaign. GOP
candidates need the great personal prestige of
President Eisenhower. The facts behind the Dixon-
Yates contract may tarnish this prestige.
-Dave Baad
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The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
lbelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
- 1
Noel Coward's Tonight at 8:30
TAKING THREE of the plays
Noel Coward wrote under the
title of Tonight at 8:30, this British
film version has done a slick job
of transferring stage onto screen.
With an all-star cast, the three
pomedies often seem better here.
than reading or seeing them.
Beginning with the farcial "Red
Peppers," while the weakest of the
one-acts, it sets the mood for the
latter plays. The story of a vaude-
ville team similar to "Mother and
Dad's" loses something in its at-i
tempt to be broadly funny but af
good performance by its star, Kay1
Walsh, as well as a terrific char-
acter portrayal by Martita Hunt,
makes up for it.
The best part of the picture
"Fumed Oak" is theh"unpleas-
ant comedy."
Telling the story of a hen-pecked
husband who finally rebels, Cow-
ard is at his best as is the acting.
Stanley Holloway gives a perform-
ance that is a gem of underplaying,
as he tells his wife, "witch of a
mother-in-law" and sniffling daugh-
ter how he hates their London sub-
urb home with its respectability-
its "fumed oak" furniture.
Played to the hilt by literally
"hamming it up" the players of
the third part of "Ways and
Means" seem to be having a whale
of a time.
A young couple on the Riviera,
flat broke, decide to have the chauf-
fer and part-time burglar, steal
money from their hostess and then
split it fifty-fifty.
The natural little twist at the
end makes this part of the tril-
ogy even more hilarious. Jessie
Royce Landis as the vociferous
hostess comes close to being a
laugh riot. Equally good perform-
ances are given by Valerie Hob-
son and Nigel Patrick as the
young couple and a subtly effec-
tive job is done by Jack Warner
as their cohort in crime.
On the whole the picture is an en-
joyable one with many laughs. The
direction is brisk and the settings
are well done. These plays are not
like the "usual" Coward for there is
less sharp wit ;and warm humor
in these three plays than in most
of his works.
-Harry Strauss
WOMAN'S WORLD, with Clif-
ton Webb, June Allyson, Van
Heflin, Arlene Dahl, and others.
[ DON'T know why Hollywood
constantly lavishes great sums
of money and an array of its best
talent oninferior scripts. I can't
forget the twenty-four carat fi-
asco The Egyptian which last
month spoiled Ann Arbor evenings.
While Woman's World doesn't
sink low enough to be classed with
The Egyptian, it does lack an ef-
fective enough story line to jus-
tify the assembly of high echelon
performers and writers that take
part in the film's presentation.
The primary fault of this movie
is in the unsuccessful attempt to
blend the serious question of what-
makes-a-good-executive with a sa-
tirical slap at the calibre of people
who occupy these important exe-
cutive positions.
The story line concerns itself
with the efforts of an automo-
bile magnate (Clifton Webb) to
select a man to assume the po-
sition second in command of
the firm from a trio of his fin-
est district executives (Van Hef-
lin, Fred MacMurray, and Cor-
nel Wilde). To see more clearly
who is the best suited for the
job, the magnate invites the
three candidates and their wives
to the New York office, in order
to scrutinize the candidates more
thoroughly. Here the wives have
a chance to pick up the cudgel
for their respective spouses and
give the film its title.
The, miserable plot is compen-
sated for by some excellent dia-
logue conjured up by the talented
team of Howard Lindsay and Rus-
sell Crouse. The acting, too, far
outshines the script as Clifton
Webb, June Allyson, and the oth-
ers turn in first-rate perform-
The cinematography is well-
handled; the Cinemascope lens
capturing the highlights of the
New York skyline as well as it
does the Arlene Dahl skyline. The
latter is a feat that together with
the dialogue and the acting, af-
fords the audience some degree of
There are numerous funny
scenes. scattered throughout the
film. Unfortunately, isolated in-
cidents, no matter how well exe-
cuted, canot be successful if link-
ed to an inferior plot. It is too
bad that a Woman's World has
that kind of plot.
---Burton K. Beerman
SAINT JOAN, starring Jean
GEORGE Bernard Shaw, set de-
signer Mordecai Gorelik and a
consistently fine cast of support-
ing actors are the stars of the
Producers' Theater production now
at the Cass.
The play itself is excellent en-
tertainment, with England, Eng-
lishmen and the Clergy sharing
Shaw's satirical jabs.
An uncluttered stage with a
minimum of setting provides a
much richer and more vivid back-
ground than the most elaborate
trappings the prop man could pos-
sibly whip up. Instead of detailed,
painstaking reproduction of the
castles and throne rooms of 15th
Century France, the staging is ac-
complished with the sureness and
subtlety of a simple line drawing.
The power of such understatement
is especially evident in the scene at
Rheims Cathedral where the
length of the stage is cut by a ser-
ies of slender soaring arches with
a group of tiny dolls high upon a
platform of one arch, representing
all the crucifixions and Pietas of
all the Churches in all of France.
The actors rolic" and squirm
and cringe wonderfully through
Shaw'schronicle of the upstart
peasant girl who was naive
enough to expect men whom she
thought fools "to be obliged to
her for setting them right and
keeping them out of mischief."
(And though she abandoned the
female things of life, she suf-
fered the fate of woman. Poor
Joan was burned by Man, and
those modern women who feel
themselves saints and martyrs
for bearing the vagaries and
fickleness of men may perhaps
be consoled somewhat by Joan's
belated canonization.)
Jean Arthur is ostensibly the
star of the show but she plays a
shaky second to her supporting
cast. She is as sexless as Shaw
tells us Joan was. She is young
and alive and even emits a cow-
boyish yip at one point and her
voice has that exciting throati-
ness and unexpected delight which
does so well for Joan Greenwood.
But when she is given a speech
which involves more complex emo-
tion than impatience or enthusi-
asm, she throws it away. Shaw has
apologized to the critics for the
epilogue. "It was necessary by
hook or by crook to show the can-
onized Joan as well as the inciner-
ated one; for many a woman has
got herself burnt by carelessly
whisking a muslin skirt into the
drawing room fireplace, but get-
ting canonized is a different mat-
ter and a more important one," he
wrote. Miss Arthur owes Shaw an
apology for her failure to rise to
martyrdIom as soaringly as do the
Gothic arches.
Wyndham Goldie as the Earl
of Warwick is frightfully Bri-
tish and terribly funny and Paul
Richards has something reminis-
cent of Jerry Lewis in his par-
anoic and persecuted Dauphin
which doesn't detract one laugh
from his weak-kneed Charlie.
Lou Povan as gravel-voiced
Captain La Hire was especially
fine as was Sam Jaffe's Inquisi-
tor. Even the minor parts-
pages and stewards-were ex-
tremely well cast.
"The Producers Theater," guid-
ed by Ann Arbor's Roger L. Stev-
ens among others, is a fairly new
Ward Clarification...
To the Editor:
MAY I PROTEST against the dis-
torted impression of my re-~
marks before a meeting of the
Young Democrats conveyed by the
article in Friday's Daily.
I went to some pains to make,
clear the fact that I was not rec-l
ommending at present either the
cessation of American support to
Formosa or the recognition of the
Chinese Peoples Republic. What I,
did suggest was:
1. T h a t American diplomacy
avoid any permanent commitment
to the support of the Formosan
2. That there is no significant
difference in ethical principle be-'
tween recognition of Red China]
and recognition of the USSR or the
satellite states of central Europe;1
3. That it is difficult and prob-
ably unwise over the long run to
ignore the fact that the Peking
Government actually and legally
represents China; and
4. If in the future it seems pos-
sible to negotiate with the Commu-
nist Government a general settle-
ment which seems to us both de-
sirable and reliable, that we would
be foolish to sacrifice such an op-
portunity in favor of continuing
our present national stand against
the recognition of Red China and
its admission to the UN. I further
made the point that in altering our
policies in these respects in return
for such a settlement, we would be
sacrificing little of practical value
to U.S. foreign policy.
I submit that there are impor-
tant differences in emphasis and
timing between these views and
those attributed by the Daily's ar-
ticle and request that you make
these clear by publishing the pres-
ent letter.
--Robert E. Ward
* * *
CYL Query...
To the Editor:
rpE ARTICLE in your October
13th issue on the formation of a
new club having as its object the
study of the capitalist system, is
so ambiguous that I would like a
little editorial light on it.
Does this club intend to study
only the capitalist system without
comparisons to other alternate eco-
nomic structures? Such a proceed-
ing is no study at all. Controversy
is the essence of true valuation and
that requires a many-sided inves-
tigation. The statement that this or-
ganization is devoted to furthering
the capitalist program as outlined
by the late W. R. Hearst shows
the complete bias this study club
is starting on. This is no longer a
study-it is pure propaganda.
Then the lecture by an unan-
nounced speaker on the subject of
"the regrettable tendencies of the
Lower class toward self-expres-
sion" is so ridiculous that one sus-
pects this article to be really a
fine piece of irony. As such it de-
serves the admiration of all think-
ing people. We know that in a real
democracy there is no question of
class in our society-much less is
and successful merging of theat-
rical men and businessmen deter-
mined to revitalize repertory the-
ater. Their Saint Joan is certain-
ly more than worth the agonies
of a bus-trip to Detroit.
-Gayle Greene
it regrettable that any segmen
of our society should seek self-ex
>ression. Furthermore, the state
ment that this club assures one the
membership list is kept safely se
cret, gives support to the suspicioi
that this added safeguArd is a slat
at the treatment the editor got ii
Wisconsin for keeping his anti
McCarthy list secret.
As a bit of ridicule, this articli
should get a big chuckle from al
who appreciate a bit of clever
-Alma E. Meyer
* *
CYL Doubts...
To the Editor:
SO MANY THINGS have bees
happening recently here on camp
pus and across the nation that w4
feel something should be done t
prevent it.
Weehave read about the forma.
tion of the CYL (Capitalist Youttl
League) and we have grave and
serious doubts about their loyalt3
and wish to do something to pro
tect our interests. Since going ou
and foraging for ourselves has
been rather rough, particularly in
the kind of weather we have been
having recently, we would like ttt
call for the formation of the Bird
dog Youth League. The BYL's aslo
gan is "Back to the Kennels."
-Blue Carsfenson and
Sherry Stone
(Bird Dog Watchers)
Fido, Rickey, Pepper,
and Faithful Rover,
(Canines at Large)
Bermuda Sheep...
%ANKYOU, Miss Houghton, for
saying something we have been
afraid no Michigan coed would ever
say. We agree with you on the
hideousness of long socks and short
hair, and with Mr. Dawson on the
ugliness of the average adolescent
knee. If the Bermuda-attired sheep
could see themselves through the
eyes of "their common foe, Man,"'
they would immediately realize
they are in no danger from wolves.
If your non-conformity is con-
fined to "modern" ideas of femi-
nine apparel and appearance, and
otherwise you are a "good, old-
fashioned girl," the undersigned
await with eager anticipation the
publication of your telephone num-
ber in the Student Directory, but
would value more highly the op-
portunity to express personally
their discerning mile opinions!
-Dick Putney, Grad.
-Al Emery, Grad.
-H. Alul, Grad.
and 14 others
*Rft * *R *e
SL Congratulations...
dent Steve Jelin saw "bad faith"
in the administration's attempt to
block Davis's appearances before
SL on the question of severance
pay, and had the courage to say
so. He also asserted the right of
student government to concern it-
self with any matter affecting stu-
dents as students (The Michigan y,
Daily, Oct. 14).
Warmest congratulations, Jelin!
Let there be real issues and a man-
ly stand on them; and you need
not fear student "apathy" toward
SL. Remember too, for everyone
who writes to the editor thousands
silently nod in approval.
--Stefan Vail
Secretary Wilson's 'Dog' Reveals
His Peculiar Economics
THE GREAT sport of hunting has done little for
thle Republicans this election year.
Secretary of Defense Charles E. Wilson has
burst a political bombshell with his "Bird dog-
kennel dog" remark at a Detroit news confer-
ence Monday. Quite unwittingly Secretary Wil-
son handed his Democratic rivals the juciest is-
sue yet in the young campaign.
Uttered while speaking of the employment situ-
ation, Wilson's now ill-famed remark was that he
had always "liked bird dogs better than kennel-fed
dogs. You know, one who'll get out and hunt for
food rather than sit on his fanny and yell."
Republicans and Democrats alike pounced on
the out-spoken defense secretary in a barrage of
criticism. Republican Gov. William G. Stratton of
Illinois even refused to attend a $100-a-plate din-
ner at which he and the secretary were to speak if
Wilson appeared. However, at the insistence of the
Republican Citizens Finance Committee who spon-
sored the affair, Gov. Stratton rescinded his ob-
Nationally, however, criticism has not abated.
Labor leaders and Democrats have taken the re-
mark as a direct slap at the American worker
and GOP spokesmen declare that Wilson's com-
ment is "unrepresentative of the Eisenhower ad-
he had meant no slur against .the unemployed.
True, the recording of the fatal news conference
upheld his protest that he had had reference
to boys who would rather be drafted for war
than go a hundred miles for a job.
BUT THE damage had already been done.
Neither his protest of distortion nor his later
apology can rectify the damage his remark has
done to the Republican Party. Sadder but wiser,
Secretary Wilson has learned the hard way the
effects that can come from one revealing comment.
This does not lessen the merits of initiative.
Wilson's comment reveals an inherent trait
in his character and it is reflected in the Repub-
lican Party as a whole. This is the way he thinks.
A man with his background in big business is
bound to place the full burden of unemployment
on the worker.
Why shouldn't the unemployed pick up and move
his family a hundred miles so he may seek a new
Should friendship, family ties, lack of money or
uncertainty in future employment deter a person?
Wilson doesn't seem to think so.
Secretary Wilson should remember that all the
unemployed are not as talented or aggressive as he
Societa Corelli, in a program of
music for string ensemble.
speaking recently on campus,
talked of music as a way by which
we discover the ultimate reality of
things, expressed in beautiful
sounds. Last evening's concert by
the Societa Corelli was certainly
one of the most convincing and sat-
isfying expressions of beauty in
musical form that has been heard
here for some time; we will prob-
ably remember the intellectual
and, may I say, spiritual perfect-
ness of last night's music as one of
this season's rare occurences, even
as we include the visit of a similar
organization, the Virtuosi di Roma,
among the three or four memor-
able evenings of last season.
From a technical point of view,
the .evening seemed .virtually
night, as well as the necessary
values of mature understanding
of styles and idioms, of the indi-
vidual expression of each compo-
sition, and the ability to project
.that understanding in perform-
There seemed to be no drop or
"low" in the entire evening, which
concluded all too suddenly. Each
piece seemed to be approached
with an honesty and a freshness, as
though for the moment that one
composition were the most beauti-
ful part of the program. The G Mi-
nor Cello Concerto of Vivaldi, with
Silvano Zuccarini as soloist, ap-
pealed to me the most. The inten-
sity of its lyric expression was
beautifully projected. The Simple
Symphony for Strings, of Benjamin
Britten, a charming but rather un-
even work, and the familiar Sara-
banda, Giga and Bandinerie of Cor-
elli were most favorably receoived.
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication (be-
fore 10 a.m. on Saturday).
Vol. LXV, No. 22
Lecture by Dr. Roger W. Jeanloz, in-
ternationally known biochemist, of the
Harvard Medical School. Sat., Oct. 16,
at 11:00 a.m. in Room 1300 Chemistry.
The topic is, "Amino Sugars."
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Harry Pal-
mer Sharp; Sociology; thesis: "Migra-
tion and Social Participation in the De-
troit Area," Mon., Oct. 18, 5615 Haven
Hail, at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, Ronald
Biological Chemistry Seminar: Dr.
Dominic Dziewiatkowski, an Associate
Fellow of the Rockefeller Institute, will
give a seminar at 4:30 p.m., Mon., Oct.
18 in Room 319 West Medical Building;
the title will be: "Fate of Sulfate-Sul-
fur in Animals."
Events Today
WCBN-East Ouad. All members are
attend a Sukkos Open House at Hillel,
Sun., 4:00-5:30 p.m. Refreshments will
be served. 6:00 p.m.-Supper Club fol-
lowed by record dance.
The Congregational-Disciples Guild:
A student panel will present "Apprais-
ing and Using My Religious Heritage"
at the 7:00 p.mi meeting of the Student
Guild in the Mayflower Room, Sun.,
Oct. 17. Panel members are: Margue-
rite Loang,Lois Nowak, Gershom Morn-
ingstar, and Pete Vandervoort. All stu-
dents are welcome.
7:00 p.m., meeting at the Congrega-
tional Church. Marilyn Mason Brown
will present a program on "Sacred Mu-
sic in Perspective" including selections
from Jewish, Catholic, and Protestant
Tues., Oct. 19-4:30-6:00 p.m., Infor-
mal tea at the Guild House.]
Episcopal Student Foundation, Sun.,]
Oct. 17. Canterbury House breakfasts1
following both the 8:00 and 9:00 a.m.]
services. "Faith of the Church" lec-]
ture series at 4:30 p.m., at Canterbury '
House. Student Supper Club, 6:30 p.m.,
at Canterbury House. Coffee hour at]
the Student Center following 8:00 p.m.
Wesleyan Guild. Sun., Oct. 17. 9:30
a.m. Discussion, "Basic Christian Be-
liefs;" 10:30 a.m. Discussion, "Great
Ideas of the Bible;" 5:30 p.m. Fellow-
ship Supper; 6:45 p.m. Worship and
Program. We will meet in Wesley
Lounge and go together to the Baptist
Church to hear Benjamin Mays, one of
the speakers at the world Council of
Informal Folk Sing at Muriel Les-
ter Co-op, on Sun., Oct. 17 at 8:00 p.m.
Everybody invited!
Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited ,and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig. Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers...............City Editor
Jon Sobeloff..........Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs........Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad..........Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart.........Associate Editor
Dave Livingston........Sports Editor
Hanley Gurwin. Assoc. Sports Editor
Warren Wertheimer
..............Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shlimovitz. ....Women's Editor
Joy Squires... . Associate Women's Editor
Janet Smith. .Associate Women's Editor
Dean Morton.......Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pollak........,Business Manager
Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager
Bill Wise .....Advertising Manager
Mary Jean Monkoski Finance Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1