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July 16, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-07-16

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Latest Deadline in the State





Vaccine Survey
Underway at 'U'
Center To Check 1,800,000 Children in Study
Of Salk Anti-Polio Shots Given This Spring
The Poliomyelitis Vaccine Evaluation Center at the University,
engaged in a study of the Salk anti-polio vaccine, will maintain ob-
servations on 1,800,000 children, according to Dr. Thomas Francis,
Jr., Director of the Center.-
Of these children, about 440,000breceived injections of the
vaccine while about 211,000 got placebo, a neutral control sub-
stance, during mass administrations of the Salk vaccine last springs
Half Got Vaccine
In 11 states, each half of the subjects received the vaccine or
placebo, but in 33 states the vaccine was given to all the children in
the second grade. A total of 119,000 Michigan children participated,
45 per cent of them received the Salk vaccine.
The Evaluation Center will receive reports of suspected polio
and deaths from all causes among 1,150,000 additional children who
received no injections, together with reports on those who did.
Altogether, 14,000 schools in 217 test areas-most of them coun-
ties-are involved in the evaluation program. The test areas were
chosen on the basis of having had
a high incidence of polio during gram not to use gamma globulin in
the last five years. the test areas. Other public health
150J T n AA - +

t,u 1'0ssist.,
A total of 150,000 persons will
assist in the evaluationprogram,
while over 100 staff members in
Ann Arbor will serve as clerk,
coding experts and statisticians.
Advisory groups of clinicians, phy-
sical therapists, epidemiologists
and other experts are available to
the Center for 'consultation.
Dr. Francis, chairman of the
department of epidemiology in the
University's School of Public
Health, expects the results of the
evaluation to be announced "not
before the early part of 1955."
"We are issuing no interim re-;
ports to anybody, not even to our-
selves," Dr. Francis said. "The ac-
curacy of our evaluation depends
entirely on a completely con-
trolled study of the new prophy-
laxis against poliomyelitis, and it
has been agreed that no results
will be published until all con-*
nected with the Center feel that
it is 'justified."

departments have promised to
"discourage" its use during the
test period.
Produces Anti-body
"It is known that the Salk vac-
cine does produce a higher anti-
body level than gamma globulin,"
Dr. Francis observed.
The National Foundation for
Infantile Paralysis will make
grants of over $850,000 to the
University before the Center's

Backs Sen.
'Thumbs Down'
On Ousting Move
Republican P ol1i cy Committee
turned thumbs down Thursday on
a move to oust Sen. McCarthy (R-
Wis) from his committee chair-
manships, while McCarthy himself
blocked an attempt to shake up his
investigations staff.
At a stormy, closed-door session
of his inquiry subcommittee, Mc-
Carthy refused to accept a proxy
for the absent Sen. McClellan (D-
Ark) when it came time to vote
on a motion to terminate all staff
appointments by July 31 except for
those employes especially confirm-
ed in their jobs.
Angry Exchange
The proxy was presented by Sen.
Symington (D-Mo). It was learned
there was an angry exchange in
which McCarthy accused Syming-
ton of playing politics and Sy-
mington hotly denied it.
Earlier the GOP Policy Commit-
tee moved in to try to kill a reso-
lution aimed at ousting McCarthy
from his chairmanships or at least
censuring him publicly.
The committee announced it had
voted unanimously - any absent
members being polled - to author-
ize Majority Leader Knowland of
California to move to table any
effort to discharge the Senate
Rules Committee from considera-
tion of any matter relating to the
organization or operation of the
Author of Resolution
The announcement did not men-
tion McCarthy or Sen. Fland-
ers (R-Vt), author of a resolution
to strip the Wisconsin senator of
his chairmanships for alleged
"contempt" of the Senate.
But it was plain that the policy
group had decided to try to thwart
Flanders when he moves next
Tuesday to pry his resolution loose
from the Rules Committee and
bring it back to the Senate floor
for a straight vote on the issue.
Another development Thursday
was an announcement by McCar-
thy that he will launch in Boston
Saturday public hearings on his
charges of Communist infiltration
of defense plants "unless some
senator wants to move to deny us
the right to investigate commu-
nism in defense plants."
Potter's Move
Thursday's meeting of the Inves-
tigations subcommittee was the
first one McCarthy has presided
over since its 36-day hearing on
his row with top Arniy officials.
McCarthy stepped aside during this
investigation. Demands for a staff
shakeup arose from the McCar-
thy-Army hearings.
Sen. Potter (R-Mich) moved
"that as of July 31, 1954, all pres-
ent staff appointments shall auto-
matically terminate except in
those individual instances where a
subcommittee majority in formal
session shall have voted for specif-
ic confirmation prior to that date.







Viet Nam
Asked View
on Partition
Meets Leaders
GENEVA (P)-French Premier
Pierre Mendes-France asked Viet
Nam leaders Thursday whether
they would accept the dismember-
ment of their country as the price
of ending the 8-year-old Indochina
Mendes-France talked for over
an hour 'with Viet Nam Foreign
Minister Trang Van Do and his
advisers and spelled out for them
the details of the peace settlement
France is prepared to accept.
Can Reject
The proposed settlement was
known to include the partition-in
fact, if not in name-of the coastal
state of Viet Nam and the neutral-
ization of the two other two Asso-
ciated States of Indochina-Laos
and Cambodia.
The Viet Nam government of
Chief of State Bao Dai was suffi-
ciently independent to be able to
reject, if it wished, the partition
solution which has been laboriously
hammered out in 11 weeks of nego-
Rejection by Viet Nam would
upset all chances of meeting the
July 20 deadline which Mendes-
France has set himself to achieve
a ceasefire or resign.
Decline To Comment
French and Vietnamese spokes-
men declined to give any indication
of the Vietnamese attitude to the
proposed partition.
There was still considerable un-
certainty over the lines by which
Viet Nam was to be divided, and
one conferencehsource said the
talks between the two sides were
now concentrated entirely on terri-
torial questions. The most import-
ant of these was the fate of Viet
Nam's war capital, Hanoi, already
dangerously threatened by Com-
munist forces.rTe eCommunists
were believed to be demanding
Hanoi as the price for a partition
line which would leave a larger
part of Viet Nam under French
Union control.
Harold G. Shane, professor of
education at Northwestern Univer-
sity, will speak on "Human Values
10 a.m. in Schorling Aud. The talk
is under the auspices of the School
of Education.
* * *
"Arabic Historiography: With
Special Reference to Ibn Khal-
dun," will be the topic of a speech
by Franz Rosenthal, professor or
Arabic at the University of Penn-

DETROIT ()-Mrs. Frank
Marshall had a word of rebuke
and a word of caution yester-
day for a thief who stole her
family's rowboat.
"I never thought anyone
would stoop so low," she wrote
in a letter published in the let-
ter box column of the Detroit
She added, "Also a word of
warning to the thief who is
cruising somewhere in our boat.
The bottom is going to fall out
for you some day, just as it did
for us."

Comments on Reports
Commenting on conflicting re-
ports of the absence or occurence
of polio among vaccinated chil-
dren in particular localities, Dr.
Francis declared, "We have no
information on that score. The
number of cases to be expected in
any given county is small, and we
need a large number for purposes
of evaluation."
Only the Center knows which
children received the vaccine and
which got placebo, Dr. Francis
said. The code by which informa-
tion received by the Center is en-
tered onIBM cards is kept secret,
- and is known only to three mem-
bers of the Center's staff. Dr.
Francis, remarking that he had
helped devise the code, added that
he had since attempted to forget
Clinical records on each case
of suspected polio occuring in the
total study group, together with
reports of cooperating laborator-
ies which test for polio virus, are
forwarded to the Center, Dr.
Francis said. Such cases will be
examined by a staff of 67 special-
ly trained physical therapists, who
will report on the patients' mus-
cular strength at intervals of from
10 to 20 and from 60 to 70 days
after the onset of disease.
Provisions Made
In addition, the Center will re-
ceive a physician's interpretation
of each case. "Provision is made
in each community for a person
skilled in the clinical aspects of
7' polio to make this diagnosis," Dr.
Francis said.
polio substances-produced by the
The use of gamma globulin, an-
other recently developed anti-po-
lio substance, will not interfere
with the Center's evaluation, Dr.
Francis said. If gamma globulin
is used on a child in the test pop-
ulation, he pointed out, the fact
will be recorded at the Center. Ar-
rangements have been made with
amany state public health depart-
ments participating in the pro-
Pilots Postpone
A Threatened Strike
CHICAGO (R -The AFL Air Line
Pilots Assn. Thursday night post-
poned its threatened strike against
American Air Lines.
The union agreed to meet Fri-
day with a government mediation
board and company representa-
tives in an attempt to settlet he

... Directs Work

study is completed. Dr. Francis
stressed the complete independ-
ence of the Center, noting that
this money is contributed to and
accepted by the University.
Dr. Francis is assisted by Dr.
Robert F. Korns, on leave from
the New York State Department
of Health, and Robert B. Voight
and Morton Boisen, statisticians
on leave from the U.S. Census
The Center, in addition to its
own facilities, is utilizing the
services of the University's tabu-
lating department, the Institute
for Social Research and the Sur-
vey Research Center.



Group Votes
Bill To Punish
Would Remove
Citizenship Rights
WASHINGTON (f - A congres-
sional committee Thursday ap-
proved a bill to strip citizenship
rights from Americans convicted
of conspiring to advocate over-
throwR of the government by force
or violence.
The measure, sent to the House
by the House Judiciary Committee,
amends the Naturalization Act by
providing automatic loss of citizen-
ship to anyone convicted of viola-
tion of the Smith Act.
The Smith Act outlaws any con-
spiracy to teach and advocate the
violent overthrow of the U. S.
Simultaneously, the committee
definitely shelved two administra-
tion proposals vesting powers in
the president, or in the attotney
general and the Subversive Activ-
ities Control Board to:
1. Bar from defense facilities
anyone there was reason to be-
lieve was a spy or saboteur.
2. Dissolve any organization,
labor union or business firm found
to be "Communist infiltrated."
The citizenship measure was ad-
vocated by President Eisenhower
and is part of the anti-subversive
program sent to Capitol Hill by
Atty. Gen. Brownell.
It applies to both naturalized
and native-born citizens.
Lowest Bridge
Bid announced
A Lansing construction firm was
low bidder on the new US 23 bridge
out of Ann Arbor, State Highway
Commissioner Charles Ziegler an-
nounced yesterday.
The firm's bid on the bridge,
which will carry both US 23 and
later US 12 traffic, was $1,238,328.
Completion date for the structure
has been set for Aug. 15, 1955.
The bridge will be located just
east of the present span and will
have two roadways, in addition
to a sidewalk on each side. Al-
though the -bid has been submitted,
the contract has not yet been let
and no date for the start of con-
struction has been set.
Recreation . .
Co-recreation night will be held
tonight at the Intramural Building
from 7:30 to 10 p.m. for all Uni-
versity students, faculty members,
their families and guest.
All general sports facilities of
the building will be available dur-
ing the evening.

Red Forces
At Hanoi
HANOI, Indochina (P) - The
rains came to the Red River Delta
in torrential force Thursday. But
the Vietminh kept boring in to-
ward Hanoi and plucked off two
more of the dwindling French Un-
ion outposts.
Communist-led rebels overran a
small Vietnamese post 35 miles
northwest of Hanoi, a French
briefing officer said. At Chiqhan,'
25 miles west of Hanoi, the Viet-
namese garrison withdrew after a
brief fight against 400 to 500 at-
tacking Vietminh.
Troops from both posts were re-
ported cutting through guerrila-
infiltrated territory inside the
French lines toward Son Tay,
French post 25 miles northwest of
The French reported some suc-
cesses elsewhere. A garrison of
fewer than 100 men at Camp of
planes that strafed the attackers
and hit them with napalm bombs.
French bombers blasted three
guerrilla bases north of the vital
Hanoi - Haiphong supply line,
dumping 50 to 70 tons of high ex-
plosives on rebel concentrations in
the northern Delta.
The heavy rains, which oldtim-
ers said marked the real begin-
ning of the delayed monsoon sea-
son, may slow the fighting. In past
engagements, however, the rebels
sometimes have found an ally in
rains which bogged down heavy
French armor and grounded the
air force.

Panel Discusses- Dane
A s Combination of Arts
Modern dance is not only an exposition of energy channeled into
rhythmic form but has elements of drama, can create its own music
and uses three dimensional decor, commented Walter Terry, dance
critic for the New York Herald Tribune, in a panel discussion yes-
Entitled "Modern Dance--A Synthesis" the program was a part
of the special Summer Session ser-

Viewpoint Changed
After Paris Visit
Formerly Opposed Any Partition
Settlement for Indochina Struggle
WASHINGTON (P)-Secretary of State Dulles reported to Presi-
dent Eisenhower yesterday that France's Premier has assured him
he will not agree to a surrender peace in order to end the Indochina
Highly placed informants who disclosed this said Dulles, heart-
ened by France's views, has recommended that the United States
associate itself with any reasonable Indochina settlement, even
though it may not like it.
This new Dulles attitude represents a change in policy because
until his conferences in Paris with Premier Mendes-France he favored
denouncing any partition settle-
ment and refusing to associate in stood to believe it may be neces-
any way with it. sary for the United States to join
The secretary after two days of 'other non-Communist nations in


secret talks with the French leader
and British Foreign Secretary An-I
thony Eden, however, has decided
the U.S. should go along with a
settlement if it is deemed reason-
able. But he -has made it clear the
U.S. will continue to refuse to lend
formal backing in writing to any
likely truce, since it would mean
Red domination of millions of
Dulles is reported to have made
these points in reporting to the
White House and the National Se-
curity Council on his flying visit to
Urges Caution
Dulles has cautioned the Presi-
dent and top advisors that even
though Mendes-France is optimis-
tic over prospects for negotiating
an honorable truce, negotiations
could break down in disagreement.
In such an event, he is under-

Acceptance Problem Still
Acute fo N egro: Jones

ies "Woman in the World of Man."
Stands Alone
"Because the instrucent of danc-
ing is in the body itself, it can
stand nude, in essence, without
the dressing of the other arts, the
author of "Invitation to Dance"
Dance need not depend on the
other arts but it is better with
them, pointed out Esther E. Pease,
associate superivsor in the pro-
gram of physical education for
women, who has done much chor-
eography at the University.
New York Composer and chore-
ographer, Manuel Galea, pointed
out, "the synthesis between tone
and body movement has always
"The finest synthesis results
when the musician sees emotional
quality rather than something con-
crete in dancing," he continued.
The ideal would be a synthesis
of the arts, agreed Terry. Because
of its desire to show independence,
modern dance became overly
stark, he explained.
Whether dance can be a pure
abstraction was discussed by the
panel at length.
It is easier for the painter or
musician to be abstract for they
are dealing with foreign or neutral

objects, pointed out Myra Kinch,
a modern dancer from New York
who will be arranging the chore-
ography for the "Festival of Faith"
sponsored by the World Council of
"Theoretically, abstraction in
dance is impossible," asserted Ter-
Audience Necessary
Unlike the musician, an aud-
ience is necessary to the dancer,
commentedt Prof. Marvin Felheim
of the Eiesh department. He
does not dance for, or appreciate
the performance himself, he said.
Prof. Oliver A. Edel of the School
of Music and celloist in the Stan-
ley Quartet, interjected, "Though
it is commonly thought otherwise,
music is an art of communication,
not self-appreciation."
Terry also disagreed. The art of
experience of dancing can be felt
without an audience. "The in-
hibitions of our age stop us from
dancing around the house. Child-
ren dance without audiences."
"Dancing is within us, just like
singing and reciting," he conclud-
Moderator of the panel was
Prof. Irving M. Copi, of the phil-
osophy department.

quick action aimed at protecting
the rest of strategic Southeast Asia.
Dulles has emphasized to Men-
des-France, it was said, that the
United States will never intervene
in Southeast Asia alone, but only
with other nations and after prior
congressional approval.
Improved Relations
He takes the view that the emer-
gency conferences with Mendes-
France have averted a potentially
disastrous split in the Western
front and has greatly improved
... Home from Paris
French-American relations at a
critical time in dealings with the
The talks with the new French
leader, who has said he would re-
sign unless he succeeds in negotiat-
ing an Indochina truce by Tues-
day, persuaded Dulles that Mendes-
France is not a "peace at any
price" advocate but one who would
insist on honorable terms.
Mendes-France, it is believed by
officials here, would continue to
fight on in Indochina rather than
agree to disastrous concessions
and would recommend that French
conscripts be sent into the battle.
So far French draftees have not
been used.
Official Attitude
The official U.S. government at-
titude toward any partion ar-
rangement which might be nego-
tiated to halt the bloody 8-year-old
war can be summed up as follows:
The United States is not happy
over the terms because it enslaves
millions of Indochinese. But, as the
same time, it will not go to war
to upset such a settlement or en-
courage other countries to fight to
block it.
It is argued that such a peace,
while far from perfect, does halt
the actual fighting lessening the
chance that it will explode into a
worldwide atomic war.
Mendes-France reportedly gave
Dulles a full account of the maxi-
mum concessions his government
is prepared to make to the Reds.
But Dulles is reported not to have
pressed him for specific pledges
since the secretary felt France
must do what is best in her own
national interest.
President Eisenhower and the
National Security Council, it was
reported, have advi~ed Dulles that
the understandings reached are
satisfactory from the American

By PAT ROELOFS sylvania, at 4 p.m. in Aud. B., An-
Although the Supreme Court outlawed segregation in schools gell Hall, as part of the Near,
in a decision this spring, the Negro still has the acute problem of East lecture series presented by
being accepted as an American citizen, members and guests of the the department of Near Eastern
campus chapter of the National Association for the Advancement series.
** *
of Colored People were told last night. A student recital of John King,
John Jones, instructor at Alabama State Teachers College, asked tenor, will be heard at 8:30 p.m.
the audience "How long will the Negro have to face this problem in Aud. A, Angell Hall.
of being considered something other than an American?"
Jones and John Zimmerman, former Kansas and Colorado school A seminar on "Trends and Op-
teacher and now a Ph.D. candidate at the University, agreed that portunities in Speech Education"
the high Court decision was a tangible move toward improvement will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the West
of internal conditions in the United States. Bldg., with five qualified persons
Negroes can look toward higher professions than teaching in h s h
the South as a result of the decision, Jones predicted. Both men The Fifth Summer Biological
felt that it will be only a matter of time before Negroes do receive Symposium, under the auspicesof
better treatment in this country. the Division of Biological Sciences,
'Political Expediency' will feature Sol Spiegelman, from
Panel members Jones and Zimmerman, and several members of the department of bacteriology of
the audience asserted that, although it cannot be proved, the Supreme the University of Illinois, in a
Court ruling against segregation in schools was probably a matter speech on "Properties of the En-
of political expediency. Russian propaganda reporting Negroes re- zyme Synthesizing Mechanism." at
ceive poor treatment in this country may ,have strongly influenced 4:15 p.m. in Aud. C, Angell Hall.
the decision when it came, several persons surmised.
However, the moral issue of segregation must have played a part Postponenent
in the thinking of the judges on the Court, according to some NAACP
members.Municipal court examination of
members. Floyd C. Zimmerman, 19-year-old
Panel members observed that, "By looking at history, we can see student charged with trying to kill
that changes in religious and racial discrimination have taken place his two-month-old daughter, was


Anna Russell Concert at Hill Monday

International c o n c e r t come-
dienne, Anna Russell, will make
her first Detroit area appearance
on Monday, July 19, when she pre-
sents a program at 8:30 p.m. at
Hill Auditorium.
The coneert will he given in con-

musical scores for her shows, in-
cluding that for each individual
musician in the orchestra. Among
the varied roles Miss Russell as-
sumes are: a powerful Wagnerian
soprano dying on a funeral pyre;

tive London, specializing in voice,
piano, composition and cello.
She turned to her present field
upon discovering the audience re-
action to such accidents as break-
ing up a performance of "Cavaller-
ia Rusticana" by sliding into and


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