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March 16, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-03-16

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The New Anti-McCarthy
roup . . . It's Chief A
By ALICE B. SILVER crats were in. His
Associate Editorial Director then only the Den
REW PEARSON isn't lonely any more. The GOP said li
He has good respectable company now tacked Acheson a
in his anti-McCarthy fight, Pearson told his seldom a word ab
radio audience Sunday night, thy and company
er liberal organiz
Actually Pearson should never have and ACLU, encou
been lonely. There have always been Am- teachers and indu
ericans in the anti-McCarthy camp. But truth orgies which
now "respectable" Republicans like Eis- And even now,
enhower, Nixon, Mundt, Knowland, Hall, leaders are begin
Stevens, Flanders etc. have come into line down, they have
within the last few weeks. about the condit
The picture which seems to emerge is a which the Senator
group of strong leaders concerned with fair The Jenner's, I
play and truth battling against the lies and de's still remain.
smear tactics of McCarthy. continue to "try
This is so much hocus pocus. ment employees
As pointed out before in this column, Mc- hearsay evidence
Carthy cannot run wild with the Republican The Republican
Administration as he did with the Demo- sh ielct
crats because he is a power threat. The problems. For th
GOP is no longer willing to move over and terested only in c
:make room for the Senator. In short, no er drive.
one -likes to be a punching bag for a rival If by squeezing
power. publicans create t
It follows from this that the new anti- in dedication to1
McCarthy forces are more concerned with of fair play, it w
the man than the 'ism'. This is not hard to political hoaxes ev(
see. people.


s means were odious, but
-mocrats held their noses.
ttle when the Senator at-
nd Marshall. There was
out fair play when McCar-
"burned books," went aft-
ations such as the ADA
uraged loyalty oaths for
alged in all the other half
h made McCarthyism.
when the Administration
nning to push McCarthy
not said one strong word
ions of fear and smear
r helped to create.
the Clardy's and the Vel.-
Congressional committees
y" individuals. Govern-
are still dismissed on
e. And so on.
n Administration has not
be concerned with these
he moment, they are in-
checking McCarthy's pow-
the Senator out the Re-
the myth that they did so
the traditional standards
ill be one of the greatest
ver played on the American

McCarthy rose to power when the Demo-

November will1

Sidelights on L'af faire McCarthy

City Editor's
Daily City Editor
IN THE past two weeks, newspaper editors
have been confronted with an almost in-
soluble problem. The naisy Washington-
McCarthy controversy has placed newspap-
ers in the position of giving considerable
time and space to a subject distasteful to
the general public and personally repre-
hensible to the editors. By running mater-
ial on McCarthy a paper spreads his fame
and notoriety and inadvertently the lies and
distortions he often makes public.
A paper fails in its responsibility, how-
ever, if it does not cover the news and re-
port as many sides as possible.
The New York Times has followed a policy
of playing down McCarthy's verbal blasts
and noisy charges. Traditionally, they fol-
low a policy of a conservative format and
small headlines. McCarthy is assigned a
relatively minor news spot generally, and
the final effect is rather subdued news play
for the Wisconsin Senator. At times, how-
ever, McCarthy occasionally draws the top
news spot and The Times has provided in-
side page space to transcripts of hearings
and documents made public during Mc-
Carthy incidents.
In Kansas yesterday, the Manhattan Mer-
cury-Chronicle announced in a front page
editorial that "just for a change of pace
and as kind of a damper on the yakkety
yak" their readers would find McCarthy
news on page 3 for a week unless something
unexpected developed. The new policy
change came, the editors said, after talking
to readers who were sick of the Senator and
McCarthy's own plea that he was tired of
the "yakkety yak."
The Daily has maintained a policy of giv-
ing rather prominent coverage to McCarthy
for several reasons. First, the very serious
nature of the conflict makes it imperative
for The Daily to provide its readers with de-
tails of the controversy. Many Daily read-
ers do not have regular access to other news-
papers, and radio accounts are necessarily
brief because of time limitations.
Due to our own space limitations we
are not able to relegate McCarthy to in-
side pages as other newspapers do. We
try to make up for abbreviated account
on page 1 by giving the stories more pro-
minent play. And finally, in a University
community where a great amount of keen
interest is maintained in political and
social affairs, The Daily serves the great
bulk of its readers by giving space to this
type of news.
But at the same time The Daily would like
to hear from its readers on this subject. We
ask you what the role of the newspaper
should be in this controversy? Where should
the newspaper draw a line in its coverage?
Should we play down the news as the Kan-
sas paper has decided? We welcome your
thoughts on this subject and ask you to
write letters to the editor so we can con-
sider your opinions.

CHIEF AMONG the sidelights of l'affaire
McCarthy seems to be the emergence of
a split within the right-wing of the Repub-
lican Party. Such men as Senator Dirksen
of Illinois, and Senators Potter and Fergu-
son of Michigan seem to have warmed up
to the project of curtailing the powers of
the Senator from Wisconsin.
Potter has demanded a full investigation
into McCarthy's tiff with the Army, Fer-
geson has expressed disapproval with sev-
eral procedural matters of the Wisconsin
Senator's committee and Sen. Dirksen
has become publicly annoyed at an al-
t~ged betrayal of a trust by the Senator
in question.
In other words there seems to be a gen-
eral jockeying for position to fill the gap
to the right of the party which the Senator
from Wisconsin is beginning to find diffi-
cult to maintain.
A TELEVISION reviewer for The New
York - Times has pointed up another
problem which has stemmed from the Mc-
Carthy furor-namely, the tremendous pro-
paganda potentials to which the medium can
be put. According to this reviewer, the Ed
ward Murrow shov (which relied heavily
upon filmed excerpts from the career of
the Wisconsin Senator) demonstrated just
how powerful the infant communications
media ,can be for influencing the public
While praising Murrow for the decorous
manner in which his material was selected
and used, this reviewer is quick to point
out that if the same technique were used
by a less cautious commentator, the re-
sults could be frightening. If Murrow
was able Ito arouse the public's indignation
in so little time what could the dema-
gogue do? the Times reporter asks.
From this source also comes general praise
for the stand taken by NBC and CBS net-
works in refusing to give McCarthy free air
time to answer Adlai Stevenson. This he
At the Michigan . .
film version of W. Somerset Maugh-
am's famous short story, "Rain." However,
a discussion of the film with reference to
the original source is impossible, since any
resemblance between this movie and "Rain"
is purely co-incidental. The film writers
have decided to bring the story up to date;
but in so doing they have destroyed Maugh-
am's Freudian theme and have produced a
thoroughly unbelievable tale.
Rita Hayworth is Sadie, the only white
woman stranded on a lush, tropical island
with a company of marines. Mr. Davidson, a
self-styled missionary played by Jose Ferrer,
is visiting the island to inspect native me-
dical supplies. When Davidson sees Sadie
singing and dancing to "The Heat is On."
he realizes that he must save her soul. He
remembers Sadie from a raid he and the
police made on a Honolulu brothel and dis-
covers that she's also wanted for a gang-
land crime in the U.S. What Davidson ap-
parently does not know is that Sadie is now
a good girl. She sings Sunday school les-
sons to the native children and has gotten
the marines to give up intoxicants in favor
of pineapple juice.
The main flaw in the film is the char-
acterization of Davidson; and a good deal
of the blame rests upon the script writers
who have made all of his actions implaus-

views as an advance for the medium in free-
ing itself from unwarranted censorship by
the public.
* * *
IT MAY BE interesting to note that the
Murrow show is sponsored by the Am-
erican Aluminum Company which hereto-
fore has been one of the most reactionary
groups in the country. Few can forget its
use of the phrase "stop creeping socialism"
in the recent presidential campaign via the
medium of television.
However, the company seems to have
adopted a hands-off policy toward Murrow
-all to the public's advantage.
ANOTHER UPSHOT of the affair may
mean that the Senator from Wisconsin
is in for a bit of a shake-up in the manner
in which he conducts his committee hear-
ings. Leaders of the Republican Party seem
to feel that it is about time that the one-
man committee hearing is put by the boards.
Although this is the expressed sentiment a
debate is in the offing on just whom should
tell the committee how to operate. McCarthy
has said that no other member of the Sen-
ate can tell him how to operate his com-
mittee and In this respect he may be on
sound ground. However, it still is necessary
that a revision of the methods of conduct-
ing McCarthy's hearings is drastically need-
*s * *
One final note. In the past the news-
papers of the country have relied heavily on
McCarthy's word for reports of what has
gone on behind the closed doors of commit-
tee sessions and instead of attributing their
information to the Senator as a source-
the papers have been guilty of 'running his
word of the proceedings as if reporters had
been on hand to witness the event. This is
still being done to a great degree, but it can
be hoped with the newspapers' sudden turn
against the Senator a more stringent test
of validity may be applied before running
the Senator's word as an accomplished fact.
-Mark Reader
the islands is never made clear, nor is
there any explanation for his attacking
Sadie and committing suicide. However,
much of the faul lies in actor Ferrer's bad
performance. His acting will be a shock
to those who remember him as Cyrano.
Rita's Sadie is probably the best portray-
al of her career. Her hip swinging is up to
its usual level and she coos her songs in
much the same manner that one expects of
her. The big surprise, however, is her fine
acting throughout much of the film. She
seems more than adequate in most scenes,
but it may be that this appears so only be-
cause of Ferrer's inadequacy.
Aldo Ray, as the marine who loves Sadie,
appears to have been added at the last min-
ute to provide romantic interest. The sup-
porting cast consists mainly of wise-crack-
ing marines. Evidently, they have no com-
manding officers and no duties. The most
strenuous thing they do is to jitterbug with
The island photography was done in the
Hawaiian Islands and is excellent. The mu-
sical background and the songs for Miss
Hayworth are likewise well done. However,
the only good reason for seeing this film is
Rita-and for those who don't particularly
like the lady, Miss Sadie Thompson offers
little in the way of worth while entertain-
-Ernest Theodossin

Middle Easterners - .- -
To The Editor:
IN THURSDAY'S article about
the International Center there
appeared the following statement:
Middle Easterners accept the Cen-
ter because many wealthy stu-
dents from their countries are gen-
erally favorable to rightest bias
in this country.
The exact meaning of this state-
ment is not altogether clear, but
if the writer means by being (fa- '
vorable to rightest bias) that the -
Arab Students-whose countries ,
comprise the major part of the
Middle East-are in favor of any:
kind of discrimination, then I feel I
bound to state that this is a most #
irresponsible and malicious accu-
The Arabs throughout their longE
history were never guilty of any
discrimination, be it on the basis
of color, race, or religion.
The accusation is all the more
fantastic since the Arab World
includes different races and re-
ligions who live harmoniously to-

G k

By referring to the Arab Stu-j
dents in this country as being
wealthy, the writer betrays a deep
ignorance of the facts over and
above his misleading interpreta-
It is very strange indeed that
the writer did not interview a is to further the mutual under-
Middle Easterner but rather re- standing of different peoples of
lied on wild guess or hearsay. he earth, the subject of interest
Throughout his article the writ- should be the study of the cul-
er portrayed a definite lack of tures of various peoples, of which
knowledge, many unfair charges religion is only a part of a much
were leveled on staff members more encompassing world.
while the main fault of the Center Mr. Robinson's statement that
was never mentioned. The Center "Every man has some kind of re-
is suffering from an acute handi- ligion" is false in that it is not
cap, this is obvious when one rea- true that every man chooses to
lizes that the facilities as well as E accept a supernatural reality. It
the capacity of the Center has not is my opinion that man will better
increased appreciably since it was understand others when he con-
founded, while the number of Ietae i fot nrltn
foreign students has quadrupled. :entrates his efforts on ,relating
f sh dto the world about him instead of
-Anastas Farjo, wasting his efforts in trying to
President of Arab Club relate to a world of which he has
no knowledge. For these reasons
Und ergrad Course . . . I think that time would be morei
To The Editor: constructively spent in a course
WJE WERE very pleased to read in Anthropology and that a re-
the interesting and timely let- quired course in religion would
ter of Edwin S. Robinson which only be superfluous and unnec-
appeared in The Daily yesterday. essary.
He suggested that the University -Victor Bloom
offer a required course in Compar-
ative Religion in order to further Newsletter . ..
tolerance and understanding. To the Editor:
We believe that this is a valu- RECENTLY received from the
able suggestion, but it does not e Student Committee On Aca-
go far enough; it would stillsleave demic Freedom at the Univ. of
the education of the undergrad- Chicago an Academic Freedom
uate highly incomplete. There- Newsletter. I have arranged to
fore we offer the following modest Newsletterputar ne
proosas.have thi Newsletter putb in te
proposals. periodical room of the library.
If a course in Comparative Re- eThe Newsletter tells of an Aca-
ligion is to be required, surely we demic Freedom Conference at the
should make American History a Univ. of Chicago, listing the reso-
requisite. And, in order to remove lutions passed there. It also tells
misunderstandings, etc., we should of Academic Freedom activities at
also require students to take at Swathmore and Columbia. The
least one course in World History. Newsletter discusses various cases
However, even this does not fulfill relating to AcademicFreedom.
the need for an intelligent under- I hope that many students will
standing of history. Another re- find the time to read the News-
quired course, based on Spengler letter and that it will be interest-
and Toynbee's theories is also ing to them.


\ 4f~~.~ -0~

that the Democrats of the Senate,
fearing that Democratic Alaska
would not be admitted to the
Union on its own merits, succeed-
ed in combining the Hawaii and
Alaska statehood bills? The Dem-
ocrats would refuse statehood to
both territories unless assured of
the Democratic Alaskan seats.
This is clearly an evasion of the
issue, which is: Is this territory
or that one ready for statehood?
Why should the unreadiness of
one territory block the statehood
of the other? Who will say that
this is not a desperate partisan
attempt on the part of the Demo-
crats to keep their slim Senate ma-
-J. C. Beatty
* * *
Detroit 'U' Project . .
To the Editor:
AT A LEVEL which we ironically
label "higher learning," un-
questionably a certain amount of
original thought should be striv-
en for. The word "education," even
though it is parried about today in
the most irreverent manner, still
evokes from a few of us the feel-
ing that there exists "someplace"
an imposing, a meaningful . . . a
grand value. Clearly, that value
has become overshadowed and dis
torted by the institutions which
were optimistically erected in or-
der to secure and reinforce it. The
present state of the spirit that
purposed to apprehend some cer-
tain and meaningful principles
about the universe and the nature
of its inhabitants, after having
kindled in the great contemplative
world of Greece, and burned into
history a fructuous nineteenth
century intelectual tradition, now
flickers ... almost OUT.
Education, long the womb of
knowledge, has in twentieth cen-
tury America been grossly barren.
The result: a university system
that requires one to learn by rote
lecture notes that consist in a jum-
ble of brute, disconnected facts; a
situation that excludes any chance
to wonder, to question, to achieve
a sense of original thought by the
student qua individual. These con-
sequences are understandable.
Through such media as Arthur
Godfrey and his friends, newsreels
that depict supposedly significant
people putting their time away on

golf greens, and second-rate bour-
geois magazines that devote space
to third-rate feminine lobbyists,
the American consciousness has
taken on a middling quality. Edu-
cational institutions come to re-
flect this mediocrity and even de-
mnand it. At this level the medioc-
rity gets reinforced and thrown
back out into society in the form
of what we ludicrously call edu-
cated citizens.
The cycle is viscious and the re-
sults obnoxious. Politicians that
mouth their high school valedic-
tory speeches to believing mass
media audiences, a chimeric world
view in philosophy that would
have us discover truth by defining
words precisely and demonstrat-
ing relations among numbers, and
a consumer taste that vividly re-
flects the abhorrent materialism
of our decadent way of life, are but
several varied manifestations of
these consequences.
I applaud the intentions of the
Detroit University project.
-Norman Starr
Dimmer Wits«.
To the Editor:
ON READING the articles, "U of
D Exempts Top Students from
Classes," and "Unlimited Cuts
Granted to Upperclassmen at
NYU," I wept at the cruel irony
imposed once again by the cold
heads of the academic world. It
seems that certain superior stu-
dents have the option of attend-
ing classes or not. If the paradox
escapes your minds, allow me to
illumine the distressing scene.
Imbedded in this obfuscating
action is the noble seed of Know-
ledge, however, certain persons
were judicious enough to cover it
with the earth of- practicality. Not
that it may prosper, but that it
may be hidden. The action im-
plies that getting grades and at-
tending classes is not the same as
getting knowledge. With this I
agree. However, the favored few
are first to be subjected to the
concept that grades are important
before they are allowed to seek
The proponents of this act may
question, "Is it not so that these
same who received "A's" have been
seeking knowledge already and on
their own time, how else to ex-
plain the good grades?" I say why
free them from the good discipline
of grade getting and class going,
unless it limits their search for
knowledge? And if this is so, why
not free us all?
However, if these superior stu-
dents received their marks by con-
centrating on the grade getting
and class going, why free them to
lose what little they have?
It seems to me that if a student
has to concentrate on getting "A's"
to be allowed to freely pursue
knowledge, by the time he suc-
ceeds in his mark getting and is
freed, he will have forgotten what
he seeks. Or if he truely sought
knowledge all the time, he would
soon give up in the grading race
and consequently jeopardize his
Let us not step down into a
compromise. If the value of an
educational institution is the dis-
seminating of knowledge, then do
not feather the caps of those that
place the greater emphasis on
achieving good grades. This action
by the U of D and NYU is not a
step toward better education, but
it is a compromise where the
bright lights are dimmed to har-
monize with the dimmer. I woulp
say if you truely seek a better,
freer educational system, look



IT IS SOMEWHAT amusing to picture
Army ROTC graduate who will enter
Army under certain rules set by theI
partment of the Army.


Because of a slim budget, the Army has
said it may commission only part of the
graduating class of 1955. The balance of
the group will get "certificate of comple-
tion" which will enable the students to ap-
ply for non-commissioned posts when they
are drafted. It is to these unfortunates we
The brand new second lieutenant has al-
ways been accepted with a condescending
grin by non-com and officer alike in the
Army. But those who would be taken into
the service and given non-commissioned
posts on the basis of "certificates of com-
pletion" of ROTC work would be in an en-
tirely different category.
The Army non-com must at least have a
solid background of technical skills to per-
form most of the Army's jobs. Leadership
may come natural to many men, but one
doesn't learn the operation and care of a
Walker tank or a 105 howitzer overnight. It
is the noncom who is responsible for car-
rying out the details of any operation, be it
the digging of a gun pit or moving a divi-
There is bound to be a humorous side to
this plan: picture the expression of a career
sergeant wearing several hash marks and
half a dozen stripes, when J. College, late
of the University of Michigan, steps into
the orderly room to apply for "one of those
non-com positions."
-Wally Eberhard
TWO YEARS ago a Japanese student and
an American student who had just re-
turned from a year's study in Berlin sat down
together to explore the possibilities of mak-
ing the relationship between foreign students
and their college.- Swarthmore - a morej
personal one. Both felt that more could be
done, and that the college frequently was
unaare nf nrnhlms n fa nrsonal nature

vital. j
History is not the only field that
has been neglected. To further
interpersonal relations we should
require general Psychology, Soc-
iology, and Marriage courses. Any
reasonable person will admit that
American students do not have an
intelligent background with which'
to appreciate the arts. Therefore
the Fine Arts and Music Appre-
ciation courses should become re-
Now,., if we wish to increase in-
ternational understanding, what
better method is there than to
learn foreign languages. The re-
quirement now is too low. If the
citizens of Switzerland can speak
four languages, why can't we?
In our modern world an under-
standing of the physical and
biological sciences is imperative.
Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry,
Physics, Geology, and Zoology are
but examples of the many courses
needed in this field.
Some might think that such a
program would be too overwhelm-
ing for the average student. Of
course the tradition of the four
year education is strictly passe.
Our humbly suggested program
would call for no more than six
years of distribution requirements.
Of course if the student wished to
study something in detail with
which to earn a living he could
spend an extra two or three years.
Eight years of undergraduate
college work would have one final
advantage, Mr. Robinson. It could
easily keep one draft exempt till
he passed the legal maximum age.
-Robert Stewart
John Somers

Etta Gluckstein
Chairman Academic Freedom
Sub-Commission -
* * *
Another Coincidence ..
To the Editor:
ARTHUR Cornfield's enlighten-
ing revelation in Friday's
Daily, entitled "Strange Coinci-
dence," is merely another good
sample of the bias so frequently
found on the editorial page of this
paper. How can anyone be so hyp-
ocritical as to impute to the Re-
publicans a "low, partisan attempt
. to gain another vote" when we-
see on page one of the same issue



(Continued from Page 2)

Room of the Rackham Building. Dr.
Leslie A. White will speak on "Facts
and Theories in Culturology." The
meeting will begin at 7:45 and re-
freshments will be served. Everyone is
Westminster Student Fellowship. Bi-
ble Study of II Corinthians in the se-
ries "Christ Through the Eyes of Paul."
Meeting from 7 to 8 p.m. in 205 at the
Presbyterian Church. Everybody wel-
Square and Folk Dancing. Everyone
welcome. Lane Hall, tonight, 7:30-10:00.
S.R.A. Workshop Committee will meet
at 7 p.m., Lane Hall.
Epscopal Student Foundation. Tea
from 4 to 5:15 at Canterbury House fol-
Slowedby Student-Faculty led Evensong,
Chapel of St. Michael and All Angels.
The Congregational-Disciples Guild.
Tea at Guild this afternoon from 4:30
to 6.
Museum Movie. "Horsemen of the

Presentation: :"What Does Research
Show About Effective Teaching Meth-
ods?" John E. Milholland, Assistant
Professor of Psychology.
Chairman: Algo D. Henderson, Profes-
sor of Higher Education.
Le Cercle Francais will meet Wed.,
Mar.17, at 8 p.m. in the Michigan
League. Mr. C. G. Christofides, of the
French Department, will speak on
"Modern French Painting" with the aid
of a group of slides he has prepared.
Dancing, singing, and refreshments will
complete the program. All interested are
invited. Members are urged to attend!
American society for Public Admin-
istration Social Seminar. You are in-
vited to a special Social Seminar on
Mar. 17 at 7:30 p.m. in the West Con-
ference Room of the Rackham Building.
Our guest for therevening will be Dr.
Henry Reining, Jr., Dean, School of
Public Administration, University of
Southern California.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
dent Breakfast at Canterbury House
following 7 a.m. service of Holy Com-
munion, Wed., Mar. 17.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Silent
Luncheon for students and faculty
members, Canterbury House, 12:10 p.m.,

-John Erickson
Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and' managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harry Lunn............Managing Editor
Erie Vetter. ..... .....City Editor
Virginia Voss.........Editorial Director
Mike Wolff...... Associate City Editor,
Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director!
Diane D. AuWerter.....Associate Editor
Helene Simon..........Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye.................Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell......women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler.... Assoc. Women's Editor
Chuck Kelsey ......Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Thomas Treeger......Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin. ..Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Seiden......Finance Manager
Don Chisholm. ...Circulation Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-i
4 . 3 3t__. 1 T __ A__ ... aJ D - -

Religion Course . .
To The Editor:
THIS IS IN answer to Mr.I
inson's request in the 'Le
column of The Daily for opi


in regard to his suggestion that Pampa," free movie shown at 3 p.m.
the University sponsor a requiredI daily including Sat. and Sun. and at
couhe Unisusspansrxparirthed112:30 Wed., 4th floor movie alcove, Mu-
course to discuss and explain the seums Building, Mar. 16-22.

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