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May 16, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-05-16

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SUNDAY, YVIAY 16, 1954


A T THE 1952 Olympic games in Helsinki,
Finland, Western athletes long before
the beginning of games, had formed a men-
tal barrier between themselves and the na-
tions who supported Red ideals.
These young men were told stories about
the boys from Russia, and because these
tales were told with such conviction, the
reaction among these intelligent athletes
was most unfortunate.
A Russian was a vicious animal, and they
were not to associate with the Red athletes.
Imagine six foot sons of democracy afraid
that if they dared to converse with a Rus-
sian, they might be kidnapped and smuggled
into the inner sanctums of the iron curtain,
never again to see a friendly face.
The Mascow competitors were supposed to
be under strict orders from Stalin not to
tour picturesque Helsinki, but rather to stay
by themselves. Russian trackmen were
agents of the secret police, and their only in-
terest in the Olympics was to see if they
could lessen the foundations of democracy
by influencing the Western athletes towards
following the commy line.
They were vicious looking men these Rus-
sians. Big bearded monsters out of physical
proportion when compared to normal hu-
man beings. Soviet female competitors were
all described as crude Amazons with little
intelligence and much muscle.
It sounds fantastic that such ridiculous
stories could be told, much less believed!
But even today members of the University
of Michigan track team are apathetic
about accepting an invitation to run in a
meet to be held this summer behind the
iron curtain. Some of the boys are ac-
tually afraid of being swallowed up by
some Red organization of intrigue.
The Red athletes have this same atti-
tude toward capitalistic and liberal nations,
because they too have been snowed with lies
of ridiculous measure. However, fortunately
one Canadin Olympic team member refused
to be taken in by the falsehoods he had
heard so many times.
"I was practicing my event on one of
the off days," relates this Maple Leaf
star. "Then this guy comes up to me and
asks me about my technique. We had a
pleasant chat, and he seemed like a de-
cent guy. I can speak in French and Ital-
ian so I communicated with him in one
of those languages, I don't remember
which one.
"When he left some fella came up and
told me that my new friend was a member
of the Russian team. I didn't know what
to think. The Russian was such a regular
fella, and hardly fit the evil frame he was
supposed to fit into.
"When I got back to the Canadian tean
headquarters my thoughts couldn't leave
that Russian athlete. A while later I saw
some Russian boys touring the city, free to
go as they pleased, and not contained in a
private cell as we were led to believe.
"Finally I got curious. I had heard that
+ the American shot put champion Jim Fuchs
had visited the Russian camp, and I sug-
gested to some of my teammates that we
should do the same thing. Most of the boys
were plenty scared, myself included, but I
finally convinced a few of them to come
"As our bus neared the place where the
Russians were staying my knees were
knocking like castanets. We weren't sure
if we would ever get out of the Red area
without difficulty, but we were inquisi-
tive enough to force down our stupid
fears and go through with the intended
"When we arrived we found a tremendous
picture of Stalin posted up near the en-
trance, but that was all that we saw in a
pro Commy vein. Coke machines were com-

mon, and everybody seemed to be enjoying
themselves talking and laughing.
"We met quite a few of the Russian boys,
and believe me they weren't any different
from the Americans or the Canadians. The
barbaric Russian strong women turned out
to be as nice as any gal from home. As far
as being uneducated, I met one soviet gal
who could speak ten languages.
"I became such good friends with one of
the Russian boys that we exchanged team
pins. I gave him my Canadian olympic pin,
and he compensated me with his Russian
olympic lapel pin. Many times I have
thought back to my experience in Helsinki,
especially with all these hearings going on.
"I realized that some day I might be call-
ed on to kill some of the fellas I had be-
come friendly with at the '52 games. It is
a sad state of affairs when distorted stories
are told to draw people, who could other-
wise be compatable into different factions of
hate and fear.
"I am sure that the guys I had met went
back home to Russia feeling the same
way as I did, and still do. If only nations
can get together on peaceful terms, as
we at the Olympics did, maybe the fruit-
lessness of war will finally be realized.
I. only wish every American and Canadian
could have shared my experience at the
last Olympics.
"Then maybe we could face all the bull
thrust at us, and begin to think of the Rus-
sians as humans just like we are. If we
can acquire a sensible attitude about our
enemies, we may at least get something con-
structive accomplished."
7Tn rlf-s ~ .7-1 -4. mns

A Century of Walden

"I Have Here In My Hand--"

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Russell C. Gregory, author
of the following essay, contributed book reviews
to The Daily in 1952-53. Now at Fort Knox, he
writes "If it strikes you as too much of a para-
dox for a soldier to be writing about Thoreau,
you may chalk it up to the fact that I have been
a student of Thoreau since high school days, and
a soldier only since last July. Things are rough all
ANNO DOMINI 1954, now one quarter
spent, leaves little time for remembrance
of things past. The present is much with
us. Our nation faces a domestic economic
situation of unknown character and pro-
portions; scientists have mixed a potion
whose lethal effects frighten all; an uneasy
truce in Korea could erupt into war again,
but even an uneasy truce might be welcomed
in Indo-China. Indeed, 1954 seems a year
each will consider himself fortunate to get
through unscathed.
A backward look, could it be arranged,
might be directed toward a book celebrat-
ig its centenary this year: Henry David
Thoreau's "Walden," published in 1854
from Ticknor and Fields, Boston. The ex-
act publication date is unknown; schol-
arship reveals only that it happened after
March 1854.
That no exact date can be named is for-
tunate in this instance. "Walden" is too
long, too fine, too important for commemor-
ation by gubernatorial, presidential, or aca-
demic proclamation. Any value it might
have in directing one toward greater sanity
would be lost or obscured were public cere-
monies attendant on the anniversary. Could
anything be more inappropriate or ludicrous
than a Henry David Thoreau Day, or worse
still, Week? No. The centenary will be ob-
served best in a private way, with the cere-
mony-so unceremonious and wonderful-
of reading.
Thoreau lived at Walden Pond for two
years, two months, and two days, moving
into his cabin on July 4, 1845. There he
kept the journal from which "Walden"
was mined. The book was published seven
years after Thoreau again became sou-
journer in conventional society. It made
no best-seller lists that year, or any other
year, for that matter. Still, a strong case
can be made for its having been one of
the first American books to be regarded
as a world classic.
Americans who pause now to ask why
Thoreau should have prevailed against the
international ear, mind, and heart, will find
their answer by reading. .Why Thoreau was
relegated to obscurity and regarded as some-
thing read only by poets or professors may
also be known.
Thoreau thought a man the potential re-
capitulation of all human experience, and
the beginning of wisdom was knowing one-
self. Knowing one's self does not mean
knowing only one's mental and physical
potentialities, as the Greeks had suggested,
although that is a part. Knowing what
things are necessary to maintain life, and
how they may most easily be obtained;
knowing Nature upon which and by which
man exists; these are other parts. Essential-
ly it is knowing the Nature of Life itself. Ex-
plaining the reason for his Walden experi-
ment, he says:
"I went to the woods because I wished
to live deliberately, to front only the es-
sential facts of life, and see if I could
not learn what it had to teach, and not,
when I came to die, discover that I had
not lived. I did not wish to live what was
not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish
to practice resignation, unless it was
quite necessary. I wanted to live deep
Architecture Auditorium
ALL ABOUT EVE, with Bette Davis, Anne
Baxter, George Sanders

HOW DOES a star become a star? This
film gives us the lowdown on the more
sordid method, which has undoubtedly been
used by many in the past. This time it is
Anne Baxter who makes the journey from
the bottom to the top, letting no obstacle
stand in her way and using and discarding
friends as they come along.
Bette Davis is a fortyish star who is at
the peak of her profession. She has a di-
rector (Gary Merrill) who loves her, a
husband-and-wife team (Hugh Marlowe
and Celeste Holm) to write plays for her,
and Gregory Ratoff to produce. And since
she has all she could ask for, she tenderly
takes in a "stage-struck" young girl, Miss
Baxter, after having been moved to tears
by her pitiful tale of woe. Miss Baxter takes
advantage of her new position, a sort of
general secretary, to become Miss Davis'
understudy. No-one but Thelma Ritter sees
thru her and she has a devil of a time con-
vincing Miss Davis, but she finally does,
Coming. of Age
In Congress
RUMOR HAS IT that with the St. Laxv-
rence Seaway discussion out of the way,
Congress will once again devote its energies
to tackling the Hawaii-Alaska statehood

and suck out all the marrow of life, to
live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to
put to rout all that was not life, to cut
a broad swath and shave close, to drive
life into a corner, and reduce it to its
lowest terms, and, if it proved to be mean,
why then to publish its meanness to the
world; or if it were sublime, to know it by
experience, and be able to give a true ac-
count of it in my next excursion."
Many who read "Walden" overlook that
Thoreau did.not regard his experiment as
perfect, or the only, answer to the questions
he considered vitally important. "Walden"
is experimentation which Thoreau recorded
because he had performed it, and found suc-
cess. Thoreau never urged anyone else to
do as he had done, but he recommended that
every man consider life with as much seri-
ous thought as had he. If; and the word
looms large, if he did that. Thoreau reason-
ed man would learn to strip life to its es-
sentials, discarding all baggage not needed.
In short, it would lead to simplicity, and
eventually to greater fulfillment of man as
The estate of individual man has been
damaged considerably by forces that were
spawned by warped minds during Thoreau's
lifetime, or since. Such diagnosis is not new;
it's been made repeatedly for years now.
As an eminent educator wrote recently in
making a plea for education for privacy,
"Never have there been so many people
making a good living by showing the other
fellow how to make a better one." The diag-
nosis has prompted a rash of panaceas, some
of which appear worse than the ills they are
intended to cure. And, the ills are still in
our midst. No one has suggested what might
have been Thoreau's antidote-that man,
each man, might do well to start with him-
self. After that, perhaps progress will be
"Everyone has heard the story which
has gone the rounds of New England, of
a strong and beautiful bug which came
out of the dry leaf of an old table of apple-
tree wood, which had stood in a farmer's
kitchen for sixty years, first in Connecti-
cut, and afterward in Massachusetts,-
from an egg desposited in the living tree
many years earlier still, as appeared by
counting the annual layers beyond it;
which was heard gnawing out for several
weeks, hatched perchance by the heat of
an urn. Who does not feel his faith in a
ressurrection and immortality strength-
ened by hearing of this? Who knows what
beautiful and winged life, whose egg has
been buried for ages under many concen-
tric layers of woodenness in the dead dry
life of society, deposited at first in the al-
burnum of the green and living tree,
which has been gradually converted into
the semblance of its well-seasoned tomb,-
heard perchance gnawing out now for
years by the astonished family of man, as
they sat round the festive board,-may
unexpectedly come forth from amidst
society's most trivial and handselled fur-
niture, to enjoy its perfect summer life
at last?"
Could man expect to live in a peaceful
world, friendly toward all his neighbors and
recipient of their friendship in return, if he
did not know himself?
It is not to be suggested that Thoreau has
all the answers; he has not, but he does
raise the pertinent questions. And he pro-
vides hope because he remembered his dig-
nity and manhood, and in his own, that of
all men..
-Russell C. Gregory
and fireworks ensue. Nothing daunted, on
goes Miss Baxter. She arranges with gul-
lible Miss Holm to keep Miss Davis from
a performance by draining the gas from
her car, and on she goes in the part, wow-
ing everyone in the theatre, including the

most vitriolic theatre critic you ever saw,
George Sanders. He immediately writes a
column praising her to the skies, and cast-
ing barbed aspersions right and left about
whether or not Miss Davis is too old to play
the sort of parts she does.
By this time nobody loves Miss Baxter.
As a matter of fact, everybody hates Miss
Baxter. But by a sly bit of blackmail towards
the writer's wife, she gets cast in Miss Da-
vis' place in his new play, and finally is
shown triumphantly accepting something
called the Sarah Siddons award and mak-
ing a speech about how humble she feels,
and how much she owes her friends. Her
"Friends" look on, to say the least, skeptical-
You may have gathered by this time that
there are dozens of name stars in the pic-
ture. There are, and I haven't even men-
tioned Marilyn Monroe yet. She has a
brief. appearance as one of Mr. Sanders'
acquaintances at a party. We are given to
understand that this was her first film
appearance, and that she rose to greater
things afterwards. Her bit in this picture is
the best thing she's done yet, nonetheless.
And ertainly all the other stars shine in
great style. Bette Davis is funny, appealing
and a bit pathetic as the aging star, and
she strides about with some of the finest
catty insults ever. She is, to put it mildly,
wonderful. Miss Baxter's determined young
actress is a bit too obviously sweet. It asks
overmuch of the audience at times to be-

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The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
Tag Day Thanks ... tors will attack any or all profes-.
sors whose opinions they dislike."
To The Editor: During the course of the hear-
WE WOULD like to take this ings, I have seen a parade of wit-
opportunity to express our ap- nesses subjected to every kind of
preciation to all who worked with indignity without recourse of re-
us on Tag Day. ply. This constitutes a torment
The Fresh Air Camp Drive could which in some respects is worse
have only been a success with co- than a physical beating. A per-
operation from everyone on cam- son's whole life, the sense and
pus. We would like to give a spe- meaning of his existence, is put
cial thank you to those who helped into question, and any effort to
with the preliminary plans, and to reply is characterized as insolence
those who manned the buckets. by the Committee.
-Sonnie Orenstein Right and wrong, truth and
Jan Lofgren falsehood, cannot be distinguished
* * *under such conformity. I do deeply
The Best Alternative * , believe that the kind of petty des-
potism in that hearing room is a
To the Editor: warning to us of what will hap-
QATURDAY was by proclamation pen if it is allowed to pervade the
of the President Armed Forces entire country.
Day. In the absence of a Disarm- When I was called to testify,
ament Day or Week or Year (Arm- foreboding overtones were fresh in
istice Day hardly counts any long- my mind. I saw three eminent pro-
er, 212 wars later) this day seems fessors and a fellow student and
as good as any to consider one of friend so scornfully treated, that,
the key questions asked in Steps contrary to my intention to testi-
to Peace: "Is there no answer to fy calmly and dispassionately (and
coercive communism other than I believe it would have been bet-
coercive militarism?" If the ans- ter if I had), I testified with agi-
wer is no, we have little to hope tation and indignation, and with
for but vaporization. If yes, then anxiety over the outcome of what
we must immediately weigh the I had seen.
alternatives to our present "pol- Why should the University act
icy." the part of executioner after
We are being led into a final teachers and students are subject-
war: a war to end all worlds. We ed to all this? Why should it sur-
must insist that this policy be render its independence and be-
changed, that the alternatives to come an auxiliary of the Commit-
massive retaliation (read: total ex- tee, ushering in political tests as
termination) be openly and wide- the basis for belonging to the aca-
ly discussed, that the voices of the demic community? Once again,
victims be heard. the political suspension of teachers
Lewis Mumford recently said urges upon us the tragic parallel
that the best of our alternatives, with Hitler Germany. Once again,
"a policy of working firmly to- we have to refresh our memories.
ward justice and cooperation, and The price of acquiescence because
free intercourse with all other peo- of fear for personal security, or
ples, in the faith that love begets for any other reason, is very, very
love as surely as hatred begets high. It is impossible to be on the
hatred-would, in all probability, sidelines. Only the most concert-
be the one instrument capable of ed and unified effort against re-
piercing the strong political armor prisals and for reinstatement of
of our present enemies." He goes thianeri stbemenisiv
on to say that "Once the facts of the teachers will be of decisive






-- --= - --~"
WASHINGTON-A significant thing is happening at the Atomic
Energy Commission since the investigation of Dr. J. Robert Qp-
Not only are scientists frightened, but Adm. Lewis Strauss,
the man who initiated the Oppenheimer hearing, appears fright-
ened too. He has lost the respect of America's top scientists, and
can't see his way out of the situation he has created. Today
Strauss is a lonely, unhappy man.
A person with a tremendous ego who likes to be liked, Strauss
doesn't have too many friends in the atomic world today. He's impos-
ed a total news-blackout on his fellow commissioners at the AEC.
None of them is permitted to talk to the press, or see the press, or even
make speeches. Nor will Admiral Strauss tell his fellow commissioners
what his plans are. They have to learn developments by reading them
in the newspapers.
This is understood to be a contributing reason to the resignation
of Commissioner Henry D. Smythe, one of the original scientists with
the commission. His resignation will be announced soon.
In addition, several of America's foremost scientists are resigning
next month, largely because of the resentment against the highhanded
attitude of the Wall Street Admiral-banker who now heads the Atomic
Energy Commission.
"History will record," remarked one scientists, "That the Am-
erican people are paying a terrific price for the Strauss ego."
NOTE-It was Hitler-Mussolini restrictions on the right to think
that caused Einstein, Szilard, Fermi and other physicists to flee Eu-
rope for the United States, thereby paving the way for the first atom
bomb. How ironic if similar restrictions on the right to think are now
adoped here!
WHEN CHARLES WILLIS of the White House staff telephoned
Congressman Dewey Short of Missouri the other day to say
that Charles Vhittaker, attorney for the indicted Kansas City Star,
was to be made a U.S. District Judge for Western Missouri, Short ex-
ploded: "You'll do it over my dead body."
Later he told friends that A. D. Welsh of St. Louis, Repub-
lican National Committeeman, had threatened to resign if Whit-
taker was appointed.
Thus was climaxed one of the hottest backstage hassles between
the White House and capitol hill Republicans in recent weeks, with
every Missouri Congressman opposed to the judge the President has
now appointed.
The backstage figure who really won out over the Republicans is
one of Eisenhower's close newspaper friends, now under indictment;,
Roy Roberts, Publisher of the Kansas City Star. On Feb. 19, the Star
had announced that Whittaker would be named to the judgeship,
only to be met with an official Justice Department denial.
What happened was that Roy Roberts had been to dinner at the
White House and got the President's nod on Whittaker, but the Jus-
ice Department didn' know about the nod. When it did find out about
it, the Justice Department bucked-on the ground that Roberts and
the Star are under criminal indictment and that Whittaker, as their
attorney, was not the man to become a Federal Judge in Kansas City.
Politicians generally had expected that after Brownell took
over the Justice Department the indictments against Roberts and
the Star would be dropped. However, Justice Department attor-
neys say that the discriminatory tactics used by the Star on ad-
vertising competitors were so highhanded it would be difficult
to drop the indictments-at least for the time being.
That was one reason why the Justice Department delayed so long
in OK'ing Whittaker for the judgeship. In fact, he was not OK'd until
it was made clear at the White House that the President wanted his
close friend, Roy Roberts, to get his man-and no one else-in this
key spot.
(Copyright 1954, by the Bell Syndicate)

our policy of total extermination
are publicly canvassed, and the
final outcome, mass suicide, is
faced, I believe that the American
people are t still sane enough to
come to a wiser decision than our
Government has yet made. They
will realize that retaliation is not
protection; that total extermina-
tion of both sides is no victory;
that a constant sate of morbid
fear, suspension and hatred is not
security; that, in short, what
seems like unlimited power has be-
come impotence." (NY Times,
March 28, 1954).
Why should we be satisfied with
less than a full exploration of the
possibilities of this, the best alter-
native? The time has come for a
shift to a courageous, constructive,
creative policy. The way of Gand.
hian non-violence contains within
it many hints.
-Robert Hughes
* *
Bull Fight ...
To the Editor:
THE description which Mrs. Ag-
nes E. Meyer, a director of the
National Citizens Commission for{
Public Schools, gave to the Jen-
ner hearings, aptly applies to the
Clardy hearings as well. She wrote:
"I have been present at the Jen-
ner hearings. They are of a char-
acter to make any, honest Ameri-
can sick to his stomach regardless
of whether he thinks the victim
may be or may have been a fel-
low-traveler. I have seen only one
sight to be compared with it-a
Spanish bull fight where half a
dozen men stick sharp knives into
the bull to enrage him before the
matador-in this case, the com-
mittee chairman-closes in for the
kill. . . Our Congressional inquisi-

-Mike Sharpe, Chairman
Labor Youth League
Mrs. F. and The Greeks
To the Editor:

BEING a former ,employee of
Mrs. Freeman's, Itbecame quite
interested in a clipping of the let-
ter of Misses Halpern and Marani,
which provides the only facts I
have about the dispute.
Most mothers, justly or . not,
would have an unfavorable reac-
tion toward the dating by their
daughters by members of another
race. I suspect that the "policy"
of Mrs. Freeman consists of lit-
tle more than an immediate emo-
tion of this sort. She is not famed
for a capacity to keep such Judg-
ments quietly to herself.
,She certainly should not have
a right to exclude any callers on
such arbitrary grounds. But should
the Crusade gather to march down
Washtenaw, let some of its forces
converge on other targets; within
recent memory is a survey made of
private rooming houses to show
segregation, barbershop refusal to
cut Negro hair, and discriminatory
questions on applications to certain
University schools. President
Ruthven vetoed the anti-bias
clause action; surely Mrs. F. should
have the same prerogatives as the
Greeks. Misses Halpern and Mar-
ani have laudable objectives. I
shall be convinced of the sincerity
of all the indignant young ladies
of 1811 when a list of all sorori-
ties and fraternities with bias
clauses is posted in the front hall,
that they may be protected from
joining the former and attending
the functions or dating members
of the latter.
-E. W. Rothe, '53
Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harry Lunn..........Managing Editor
Eric Vetter................City Editor
Virginia Voss.......Editorial Director
Mike Wolff ........ Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver. Assoc. Editorial Director
Diane D. AuWerter ....Associate Editor
Helene Simon..........Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye............... Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell. .. Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler .,Assoc. Women's Editor
Chuck Kelsey ....Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Thomas Treeger .Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin ..Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Seiden ... Finance Manager
Anita Sigesmund. Circulation Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1





(Continued from Page 2)A Arbor." Feature: "The History of Beth-
lehem Church" on film. Guest leader,
lie. Mr. McGrath is a pupil of Harold Miss Jean Henne, of Bethlehem Church..
Haugh. Bethlehem Church, 7 p.m.
Student Recital. Perry Daniels, Bari- Lutheran Student Association. The
tone, will sing a program in lieu of Rev. Robert E. Van Deusen, Washing-
thesis for the degree of Master of Music ton, D.C., secretary to the Department
at 8:30 Monday evening, May 17, in of Public Relations on the National
the Rackham Assembly Hall. It will- in- Lutheran Council, will speak on "Cur-
clude compositions by Handel, Mozart, rent Issues As They Affect the
Hugo Wolf, Duparc, Debussy, Franck, Church," 7 p.m., at the Student Cen-
and Barber and will be open to the pub- ter.
lic, Mr. Daniels is a pupil of Thelma


Student Recital. Mary Jo Kohl, so-
prano, will be heard at 8:30 Tuesday
evening, May 18, in Auditorium A, An-
gell Hall, singing a recital in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree of Bachelor of Music degree. Miss
Kohl is a pupil of Harold Haugh and
her recital will be open to the general
Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial
Hall. Student Exhibition. College of Ar-
chitectirea nd nsign. May 6-26. Mu-

discussing the morning sermon, 10:20
a.m. Fellowship supper, 5:30 p.m. Wor-
ship and program (senior panel), 6:45
p.m. Fireside Forum, 7:30 p.m. Lester
McCoy will speak on "Church Music-
Its Planning and Performance."
Roger Williams Guild. Student Class
continues its discussion of the Psalms,
9:45 a.m. The Guild will meet for the
evening program at the Guild House,
6:45 p.m.
Grace Bible Guild. Sunday School
class meets at 10 a.m. with Dr. Pike
1P-in a ~ udvmi n Rmas.Gil cs-

Hillel Foundation. Outing on the Is-
Alpha Phi Omega invites all its broth-
ers with dates and guests, to attend a
"Steak-Fry" this Sun., May 16, at 5
p.m. at Bear Mt. Transportation will
be furnished at the side-door of the
Union, and in front of Alice Lloyd Dorm
at 5 p.m.
Newman Club will sponsor a Student-
Faculty Tea Sun., May 16, from 3-5
p.m., in honor of FatherMcPhillips.
Father is leaving to lead a Marion Year
Pilgrimage soon; everyone is welcome
to to stop at the Father Richard Center
and wish Father a "Bon voyage."
Unitarian Student Group. Combined
meeting with adult group at the church
at 8 p.m. for a discussion of Smith Act
trials. A week from today election of
officers will be held.
Coming Events
La p'tite causete will meet tomorrow
afternoon from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the
wing of the Michigan Union Cafeteria.
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