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March 19, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 123) • Page Image 17

…"TILE EVOLUTION OF CIVILIZA- TION" , i By Joseph McCabe (A Review by R. D. S.) Joseph McCabe, in his well-informed little book, "The Evolution of Civiliza- tion" (Putnam), has boiled down the subject matter of such works as "The Outline of History" and "The Story of Mankind" to 138 brief pages, in which he follows the story of civiliza- tion from the days of the squat Pith- eanthropus up to the present stage of cultural life. His general aim i...…

March 19, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 123) • Page Image 18

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, MARCH 19, 1922 Bo ks a'd Authors But it doesn't matter. Father prob- I TUE TIMES HAVE CIIANOIEIJ Such was the case ten years ago; ably went to school himself. the real (By E. 8. I.) Since then the times have changed, (Continued from Page ?) point is-the why of this ceremony of The times have changed in many ways, And styles have had an awful blow, The book is evenly written-never -semester marks. The styles ...…

February 19, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 99) • Page Image 1

…OF, w 'I x I Ut'i AiUf I ~va a ar a aa a+aa SXXTIC= i g ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1922 PRICE , HIG A SCORES DUAL VICTOR ml 3 ; RA B only other im i came before th was that pertainsi of certain footb -coming games an 4ter this year a I be on the same the home-coming is action was ta act that the des as home-coming preference to on it. The board w iat in order to pr( vith all of our of best to do away rse of favo...…

February 19, 1922 • Page Image 1

…e 1r41§an &u4y SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1922 A Dutch "Robinson Crusoe" (By Lops Elisabeth WhItcomb) '!ism, at a probable familiarity with the Lucius L. Hubbard, a regent of the Printed Eleven Y ears Before Defoe's; Dutch story on to part a Defoe, at- Lucus . Hbbr ,a rget atliogl te poafianot by any means University of Michigan, has translated Th k7 b Regent Hoclusive. The similarity between into English the Dut...…

February 19, 1922 • Page Image 1

…t Iian Iat SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANY ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1922 A Possible Medium of World Peace ---An International Court (By Paul Watzel) In December, 1920, the Assembly of has formed much of the existing inter- sentiment against warfare which is A step toward the assurance of the League unanimously approved of national law. When the judges at- shown to be growing year by year. more friendly relations between na the draft statute o...…

February 19, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 99) • Page Image 2

…dation for the etirhes even furnish the foun- ent professor's lecture notes, q 5e 'OitroL ;f dluring the Vaivsi Publicattam&. MEMBER B THE ASSOCIATKI PRASS Associated Press is exclusivelyieatitled to th ss for on of all news dipatches cred to it or not otherwise this paper and the local news pablished thersda, 4 at the postolice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as acos er. ription by carrer or manil, ajo Ann Arbor Press building,'Maynard Street. s:...…

February 19, 1922 • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SINDAY. TFEBRUARY2 6 1ss ^'- . -- n, v.vLll:lI. 1',rIJ.L1, V-A1,LZ Gi3 1.;?GG A Finnish'Colony In Northern Nichigan (By W. E. L.) A lead from the farm press, attrib- uting a scheme for home industries to he developed among the Finnish popu- lation on Lake Superior to Prof' C. O. Sauer of the University, sent the re- porter around to the geography offices. A leading question is half the inter- view, thought the r...…

February 19, 1922 • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1922 Balzac held before their eyes. By d' oeuvre s beautiful, so replete with B a l the dispassionate lens of realism that two pigments and the result is a chef § l l c - - 7 a i his bold and lucid portrayal of the soul, so poignantly touching, that one follies of this world, he waged a con- feels hands of steel tighten around stant war against vice, although fewi one's heart while reading. Old ...…

February 19, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 99) • Page Image 3

…"All Art Is Good," Says Professor; Declares America Active In field I We Carry, Trading I- ow 35 Cents. Every Passenger Insured Against Accident [ITNEY THEATRE NDAY, FEBRUARY 9 SAM H. HARRIS Presents Is I. COBMAS COMEDIAN the Biggest Musical it on Earth (By Associated Press) Des Moines, Ia., Feb. 19.-Pro- fessor Richard Enersti, head of the department of art of Drake Univers y here, is of the opinion that all art, whether it is considere...…

February 19, 1922 • Page Image 3

…S1,' DOAY, FEIULAIRY 26, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE 3 Our New Magazines --The Double Dealer (Editor's Note: This is the second Allow me to quote an editorial or two: go out-the lynching bee, Little Eva, Dunsany, John McClure, and Unter- of a series of articles written by G. "Let it be affirmed once and for all. Kentucky Colonel, beautiful kuadroon meyer. This poetry business in the D. E. on the new magazines. A third, The Double Deale...…

February 19, 1922 • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE Universities as one of the five French officers sent "We definitely avoid publicity in first move on receiving his application here to assist in the training of Amaeri- this matter," said he. "Our object is is simply to send him a number of FRENCH AND AMERIC AN can troops, and was assigned to Fort not so much to send many American French university catalogues, and (r Sill, Oklahoma. Since...…

February 19, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 99) • Page Image 4

… AIN Finishing Lantern Slides GROUPS Daylight or Flashlight Indoors or Outside 13 E. University Ave. N~EW SCHOOL OF EDUCATION~ SHOWS ENROLLMENT INCREASE An increased enrollment of 68 new members in the new School of Educa- tion was reported this semester in addition to the total enrollment of 147 students at the opening of the school last semester. There is now a total of 193 members, 62 men and 141 wo- men. In the department "of physical ...…

February 19, 1922 • Page Image 4

…4 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1922 W ho Will Succeed Caruso? (By T. E. D.) and received some new ideas and con- path of Muratore that he will find he bolt upright, rub their eyes, and ask The successor to Caruso! Who will ceptions. must overcome. He is erraticand his tIhemselves what is the meaning of the he be? Is he in this country or has Martinelli is facing this different au- very high notes are not good. On advent ...…

February 19, 1922 • Page Image 4

…THE -MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1922 January Whimsies--A Review (By G. D. E.) tremely good. The first is a bit of garet George Walker, wins my respect. Going back to the time of Chaucer, Following my criticism of Novemberl lofiy tosh, well worded. Except for a bothersome repetition I can find no use of "hungered' as a Whimsies I was accused by nearly "Road-Sides," a prize essay of For- of a word or- two, It is a fine bit of n...…

February 19, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 99) • Page Image 5

…-1-a 111-a aldtT .iuo grziof,' .:.; " ", ,. '. : yaw * Y .* s! ' ' '. iILi6M 'i ii i Faa<...u. z Ui yk k r.-- ,n,. . u w Y 11AM TUSDAi ILL PLAYT THEIR AWE FOR THE [JVERINES 1 wind up its hockey sday night, when Wis- re' for the final match eries. The contest will ock. The Wolverines eyed one game with the dison, in which they by a score of 6 to 5. nined to make a clean eries, especially since game in which some have a chance to d...…

February 19, 1922 • Page Image 5

…SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE A Statesman from Australia Smart Frocks (By W. B. Buler) time, Rocky mountain time, and Paci- Australian life that Mr. Gregory men- Washington had scarcely seen the tic time on their trip to the coast. tioned was the fact that more than Arms Conference end, when Senator Two or three o'clock is rather in one-half of the people live in the G. D. Pierce, one of the greatest fig-odd time to lan...…

February 19, 1922 • Page Image 5

…i UNDAY, FERIUARY 19, l922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE 6 you imply tise truth that solid citizens! ________ W ha m ! -F ro D et ostsould be protected fruns ideas so that they in, y be comfortable and'sat-° sted and unadisturbed! To the Editor of t1e Sunday Magazine: And thean lisere are those references Ruose, I wish that I could follow you, Sm r o s s My attention Is. lately tieen catted to irreverance and the absence ofjt do indeed. To be ab...…

February 19, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 99) • Page Image 6

…. . V'pngs if 5,177-181 (Contln4ed from Page One) ach Farrell called upon Walters, Is, Thomas, and Siemans to run eight lap relay as a finale to the t. Walters started out by giving Varsity a few yards -lead. .Davis ewed and added a few more. Thom- nan his man a little better then pi and Siemans finished the race r a comfortable margin. The time 2:45 2-5. 'Tean Well-Balanced .1 in all the showing of the Mich- track team in the opening meet...…

February 19, 1922 • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1922 lying out? The path of evolution is considered myself fairly content, and strewn with the most ghastly failures reasonably happy, to find that I have and mistakes, and man himself is get- not been happy, that, on the other otig ready to give up the struggle. hand, I have been extremely miser- In this connection, the author is able because I have not constantly T1 PAlLOi EGAT AMLS ' in a ...…

February 19, 1922 • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1922 . HE MI a couple of pages, Pearson went on and !will read Pearson's book with a deal similarly disposed of the Conrad en- of pleasure. Pearson is not as sound thusiast, H. G. Wells, Hall Caine, and a critic of literature as Mencken, but a half dozen other British bombasters, he seems to know the stage, and the He slit a half dozen or more actors fact that he is an actor seems in no "....…

February 19, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 99) • Page Image 7

… )israeli," in which George Arliss the role of the famous minister, .ere until Wednesday. This is the e part which Arliss has so sue- d$ully played on the legitimate e. The most interesting parts of career of Disraeli and of that pe- of English history are depicted i manner wholly admirable. The tire is -decidedly more educational 1 the general run of pictures. Lou- Huff and Henry Carvill head the porting cast. housands of huge logs whirling u...…

February 19, 1922 • Page Image 7

…SUNDAY, FEB3RUARY 26, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE proofs, and consequently_ he attempts ? !f Vita -necessary to health and growth, in 1 lIZ{)F. I l 1 tUE1 ibFINIR[f the impossible and mnakes an ass of '~l~f additton to and entirety apart front COLONY I'N 'NOR'1I'IIN IMI('MlBA himself. those factors previously recognized (t ontissued frons Page 2) If the book were reduced to 50 pages (Bay 31. II. Pryor) (fats, carbo-hydrates, proteins.mi...…

February 19, 1922 • Page Image 7

…SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE Z Galton who, it seems, was some sort is plainly evident when one compares James Elroy Flecker, whose "Col- ( In "The Critic and the Drama," to of a relative. Pearson then launches the new editions with the early ones. lected Poems" Alfred A. Knopf is be published next week by Alfred A. into a retailing of a lot of little char- Scarcely a page is unchanged. A dull bringing out next week,...…

February 19, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 99) • Page Image 8

…SET sociated Press) . 18.-Drastic measures n by the five judges for division of the circuit court of criminal cor- n order to prevent an ndsman from vouching of prisoners. A set of to the qualifications of e been agreed upon by and the police depart- s instructed to strictly es as a safeguard for e, a check will be kept Ian's financial standing e w1g he be permitted ext~eding the amount ty's value.sAssets on e of a bondsman may an no longer b...…

February 19, 1922 • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1922 NA-NY "ENOStS CANDI)ATES will probably become one of the popu- A DAY IN ANN ARBOR WITH AN Idealists of the practical type were FR THE CROWN OF CARIISO lar singers here, will contribute to AUSTRALIAN STATESMAN they. (Continued from Page 4) the good quality of grand opera in (Continued from Page 5) (.. E. I IEa<i S "TIlE DOUBLE to give us a glimpse of the glory of America, but his possibili...…

February 19, 1922 • Page Image 8

…= THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1922 Whm is -Iau r)I01 -iO ETROIT, "D ea " 1operation consists in makting an inei- A ('W)IMUICA'I Fri gin '1PCd ion throagh the neck jnst below the A Review by G. D. E. (Conltissed frem Page u)T AatAplsohttepten Coninud romPae f4) ially of ths h etthiaosn-GCK o Lie breathes thru the opening in the neck thos whoven ther pison toinstead oft as normally through the (Caninied tainPage4) os opinion...…

February 19, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 99) • Page Image 9

…group 5 at 5 o'clock Tues practices will be held in well Angell hall. ae 11 'A GEORGE COHEN PRODUCTION, WHICH WILL SHOW AT THE WHITNEY THEA- Try-outs for the pays to be given by the dramatic section of the Faculty Women's club will be held at 2 o'clock' Tuesday, Feb. 21, in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. All faculty women inter- ested in dramatic production are urged to be present at this time, so that the casts may be chosen as speedliy as p...…

February 19, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 99) • Page Image 10

…'UL TIN ARY 19, 1922 lumber 99 s Birthday Convocation:e vocation will begin promptly at 10 a. M. cial party, which includes the Deans of the schools and col- isemble at 9:45 a. m. in the first floor dressing room on the west Auditorium, entering through dear door No. 1, north side of the cademic costume will be worn. s of the faculties will enter the Auditorium through rear door oceed directly through the side passageway to the main floor ...…

February 19, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 99) • Page Image 11

…SUNDAY MAGAZINE I ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1922 A Possible edium of World Peace --An International Court (By Paul Watzel) In December, 1920, the Assembly of A step toward the assurance of the League unanimously approved of more friendly relations between na- the draft statute of the permanent court that was drawn up by ; com- tions,-that is how the permanent mission, and submitted by the Council court of International Justi...…

February 19, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 99) • Page Image 12

…Ilzacm- -7ealist (By Samuel L. Greenebasm) Philosophers, discoverers, and radi- cals have always been held in dis- repute. Socrates was cndemned to die, Columbus was imprisoned, Balzac was severely censured. Innovators are always frowned on, and Balzac did not escape without his share of criticim. His "Comedie Humaine" made him the object of many vicious attacks by the conservatives of the old regime. In spite of the tirade of criticism direc...…

February 19, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 99) • Page Image 13

…SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19, .1922. THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE 3 U * ** as one of the five French officers sent "We definitely avoid publicity in first move on receiving his application Universities here to assist in the training of Ameri- this matter," said he. "Our object is is simply to send him a number of FRENCH AND AMERICAN can troops, and was assigned to Fort not so much to send many American French university catalogues, and Sill, Oklahoma. S...…

February 19, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 99) • Page Image 14

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1922 JanuaryWhimsies-A Review (By G. D. E.) tremely good. The first is a'bit of garet George Walker, wins my respect. Going back to the time of Chaucer, Islofty tosh, well worded. Except for a bothersome repetition I can find no use of "hungered" as a Following my criticism of November Whimsies I was accused by nearly "Road-Sides," a prize essay of For- of a word or two, it is a fine bit of' nou...…

February 19, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 99) • Page Image 15

…ToteWlam!--Trom De'troit To the Editor of the Sunday Magazine: And then there are those references My attention has lately been called to irreverance and the absence of to a letter of protest which appears in chivalry in G. D. E. After this G. D. E. will surely cease his activity and be- your magazine for January 15, 1922. come as the rest of the decently dead. It decries the attempts of this G. D. E. And if these should prove unavail- person ...…

February 19, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 99) • Page Image 16

…Books and Authors "MODERN MEN AND MU"MERS" information on Frank Harris, one will- By Hesketh Pearson do well to consult this book of Pear- (A Ioelew by G. D. E.) son's. Harris is a man fully as much' combated as Heucken, hut he has not After a whole month of exceedingly the latter's grace of wit, and he has dull books I find one so good that it a far greater egotism. From what one makes up for all the bad ones I have ordinarily hears of Harris...…

February 19, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 99) • Page Image 17

…Galton who, it stems, was .some sort of a relative. Pearson then launches into a retailing of a lot of little char- acteristics which might belong to a bricklayer, ?all 'the while parading them as evidence of a greatly superior being, of, in brief, a veritable whale of a man. But I am running on at length. I urge that my readers buy this book and read it. If my personal friends don't do it within ten days I shall greet them with a mere nod; if...…

February 19, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 99) • Page Image 18

…WiWh' '*AX1-F1WM DETROIT, operation consists in making an inci- anuary iies-- A COMMUNICATION g ed sion through the neck just below the A Review by G. D. E. (Continued from Page 5) - "Adam's Apple," so that the patient 'ycially o those who 'ent their poison- ack to L fe rates thru the openig in the neck (Continued from Page 4) ous opinions through the press-are (By W. Bernard Butler) instead of as normally through the The above doubtless has, ...…

January 19, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 84) • Page Image 1


January 19, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 84) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPE 7OF THE UIVIR&ITY OF MICHIGAN Published every mornin except Monday during the Waiver sity year by the Board in Control of student Publications. MZMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The A.sociatea Press is exolus entitled to the use for- reblato of all newts ispatches cted to it er sot otherwise creditedin thispaprandthelocal news published therein. Entered at the postoce at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second clas...…

January 19, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 84) • Page Image 3

…WI DAIlY many bargains when you i Daily Ads.-Adv. eaa T H E GREY SHOP After a' skate come in for a cup of real coffee and a hot sandwich. I I I NUNNALLY'S SOUTHERN CANDIES SPDEHR'S- GI RADE BULK CANDIES 600 E. Liberty 1. T HOUSANDS of smokers have proved it-and now give the verdict to you-- Of all the other tobaccos NATURE has produced nonecan approach the finest varieties of pure Turkish for cigarettes-- None has the delicio...…

January 19, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 84) • Page Image 4

… P P. "- ~ -t-7 - ... - :. , .. , """""1. . r , .. ~ , 1 ' ' R + " * fw' t . Z . "' i "'"f , _ ," .... . .. ... Bits of Sport William T. Tilden, 2d, world's ten- 3 champion, will coach the Univer- ' of Pennsylvania tennis team this tson, according to an announcement the university athletic authorities den is a graduate of the university I former intercollegiate champion.' Edouard Roudil, the amateur balk- e champloin of Fra...…

January 19, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 84) • Page Image 5

…a avaa1.a a&%5Fa 1i a..I y I AKES TRIP 1I Play Two Games Series Against lieh. Igan College of limes at Houghton HOPE TO ais'TTrrx LIT OF LAST YEAR AD WIN BOTH Michigan's informal hockey team left yesterday afternoon for Houghton, Mich., where the Wolverine sextette will engage the speedy M. C. M. aggre- gation in a two game series. The first contest will be played today and the second Friday evening. Hockey is the chief sport at the Co...…

January 19, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 84) • Page Image 6

…THE aaa a aa i Why liuy Leftovers? TECHNIC HOLDS ANNUAL BANQUET Announce Staff- Appointments Year; Fobs Presented for Services forI As a .merchant buys 'so he sells and you i consequence reap- a two-fold benefit through his policy of careful buying. Spring 1922 Hats -Caps Polo Shirts W TAILORS HABEDASHERS HATTERS "INITIATIVE" IS SUBJECT OF SPEAKERS AT 34TH 'DINNER "Initiative" was the dominant tone of the speakers at the thirt...…

January 19, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 84) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHICA DAILY WITH' i offcers at 12:15 o'clock Friday at Dey's ;audio. 'I -I NEW.-AKEUP APPEARS (Continued from Page One) The article which the cover ilu- traces is written under the title of "Caribou Hydro-Electric Project," and tells of one outstanding example of California's effort to assist in the solu-. tion of the fuel and power problem. Major Willis Shippam, coast artillery corps, who is in charge of the coast artillery branch ...…

January 19, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 84) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY T: I DAILY OFICALBULLETIN Volume 2 THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1922 Number 84 Administrative Board, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: There will be a meeting of the Administrative Board in my office Fri- day, Jan. 20, at 4 p. m. JOHN R. EFFINGER. University Lecture: Professor Henry Chamard, Professor of French Literature of the Renais- sance in the University of Paris, will lecture in French Thursday evening, ...…

November 19, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 48) • Page Image 1


November 19, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 48) • Page Image 2

…&"~ £VAN-4 LA 4,L clusive test of prowess. On these occasions the I . - - 10 an UIVERSITY I J ii ing except Monday during tke Univer- Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS e Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for ation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise in this paper and the local news published therein. tered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second atter. scr...…

November 19, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 48) • Page Image 3

….BER 19, 1921 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MEASURE PROPOSES RETURN TO EASTERN STANDARD TIME A bill providing that Ann Arbor time be changed on Nov. 26 from central to eastern has been introduced into the City council, and will probably be passed at a. meeting of the council Monday night. This bill was drawn up as a result of the large number of petitions which have been sent to the mayor asking that the city return to the time used this summer. So far ...…

November 19, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 48) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY x;, :5: :.ICT CROSS COUNTRY TEAMS READY FOR CONFRE CRCETHIS A9FTERNOON Harrison as a nucleus, should offer good competition to the other schools.; Furnas has been going good this fall in the distance grinds, winning the mnsets with Michigan, Chicago, andI Indiana, although fourth was the bestt he could do against Illinois. In the' contests with Chicago and Indiana, the] Boilermakers had five men across the1 tape before ...…

November 19, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 48) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY GOPHER VICTORIES BALANCE DEFEATS Injuries Have Deprived Gophers Many Stars During Year; Oss Still Out of FAMOUS WILLIAMS' SHIFTS NOW WORK WITH PRECISION With a record of six games behind them, three resulting in victory and three in defeat, the University of Min- nesota eleven faces Michigan on Fer- ry field this afternoon. The trio of teams which the Gophers have defeat- ed are all known to be of comparative- ly lit...…

November 19, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 48) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, "21 I vill in son ar- her1 the ew tific ,ion 'tr- for The in ing >in the u- ili- >ne ma )wn en Erse "On led )J 1 z I j ii'i ORATORICAL BOARD SETS CONTEST DATE AS DEC. 6 PRELIMINARY EXTEMPORANEOUS TRIALS SATURDAY MORNING, DEC. 3 The University Oratorical board will direct the first extemporaneous speak- Ing contest of the year, under the sup- ervision of Edward Ramsdell, '23 chairman of the committee, and Ro- b...…

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