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February 19, 1922 - Image 1

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t Iian Iat
A Possible Medium of World Peace
---An International Court
(By Paul Watzel) In December, 1920, the Assembly of has formed much of the existing inter- sentiment against warfare which is
A step toward the assurance of the League unanimously approved of national law. When the judges at- shown to be growing year by year.
more friendly relations between na the draft statute of the permanent tempt decision, the rules of precedent The jurisdiction of the court is a
court that was drawn up by a com- will come into sharp conflict with the question that might arise. How far
tions,-that is how the permanent! mission, and submitted by the Council systems that do not base their deci- can it enforce its decision? Will it
court of International Justice, which; under the article in the covenant. sions upon previous cases. be effective? In the first place those
is now in the final stages of organiza- Shortly afterward the statute of the "The court, too, must decide early nations which have agreed to submit
lion could be characterizes. court was submitted in the form of tu its existence the rules which will their disputes to the decision of the
"The court msore nearly spprsachesa protocol to the members of the govern its actions. There has been no court cannot well refuse to abide by
Lhee, medium by whr swgod court corresponding to the one which is them when they are handed down.
Ise medium by which -ordipeace With The signing of a majority of the now being set up. The Hague Court There is nothing that requires na-
may be maintained than any other ar-f members, the draft came into effect of Arbitration is the nearest approach tiOns to submit their disputes to the
rangement that has yet been devised ," nd the judges of the court were cho- and that, as we know, is not a perma- tribunal, and in fact it is hoped that
said Prof. Robert T. Crane of thel sen. The court met at The Hague, rent body, but only a representative regular diplomatic negotiations will
political science department, in speak Jan. 30, for organization. This is now body from which a board of arbitra- take care of the majority of the minor
ing of the body which is now practical- practically effected. tion can be selected to settle any dis- differences which may arise from time
ly ready for its first session, which The court may sit in any dispute pute which may arise. to time, as they do now. However,
will begin in June. "Although it is between members of the League, and "And thers lies the greatest ad- a member of the League must either
set up by the League of Nations, any also in disputes arising between any vantage of the present court over the take its case before the Council or,
governments may submit to it disputes oTher nations which desire to other attempts that have been made with the other party to the dispute,
arising which they feel cannot be submit there. Eleven judges and four to assure peaceful settlements of dis- to the court. Having agreed to take
settled by any other means. This of- deputies, chosen from different na putes between states. The present its case before the court, a nation
fers the machinery for nations to avoid tions, but in no way representing court is permanent, it is lasting. It cannot well turn in an opposite direc-
needless warfare, and with present those nations,.have been selected. This is in existence s much as our own Sn- tion and refuse to recognize the juris-
day sentiment against plunging hastily number in the future may be raised to preme Court. It is not constructed diction of that body.
into a conflict, I believe that the court 15 judges and six deputies by action to deal with any particular case that "Of course, you could not have a
will do much to remedy the minor dis- of the court. The judges chosen are may arise but it is organized and, court with compulsory jurisdiction,"
putes that occur et ween states from prominent in international affairs and ready to meet at any time and take stated Professor Crane. "If that were
time to time." were picked because of their ability jurisdiction upon any question sub- to be the case, the international aspect
The permanent court of Internatiou- Ie jurists. mitted to it." would die-you would then have a
al Justice is founded on the belief "Although the men chosen are not to By the rules of the court it must world-state."
that lasting pOace is dependent upon represent the nations from which they meet in one session each year, but the In a way, then, the effectiveness of the
peaceful settlement of internationahi come, they have been chosen because president, who must reside at The court is dependent upon the opinion
differences, and that a peace based on they represent different systems of lague during the term of office, may of the other nations. "The court," as
force cannot be of long duration, for law," declared Professor Crane. "It i' call a special session of the court Doctor Moore states, "if it is t' fulfill
continual pressure must be exerted in the hopL of the court, taking cogu- whenever he thinks it necessary. its high mission, must have the sup-
its enforcement. The court is set up zance of the different types of law, Thus., it was pointed out by Profes- port of the governments of the world,
by Article XIV of the covenant of the to discover a juristic basis that will sor Crane, if a dispute arose during and of public opinion." And this it
League of Nations, which declares satisfy the public opinion of the the time when the court was not ac- had during the early days of organiza-
merely that the Council of the League world. tually in session, the president could tion. Whether it will stand a crisis,
shall formulate a permanent court "It will be interesting to note," he put the machinery of the court into such as the events of 1914 would have
with the power to "hear and determine continued, "the amount of weight that operation within three weeks. This caused for it, is still a matter of con-
any dispute of an international char- will be placed on precedent. Much of would have a decided influence on jecture.
acter which the parties thereto sub- international law now is a matter of the parties to the dispute. With the "The influence of the new court in
mit to it," and to "give an advisory precedent, due to the fact that English mnuachinery for peaceful settlement and keeping a lasting peace is as yet unde-
opinion upon any dispute or question law takes much account of what has arbitration so convenient, it would termined," concluded Professor Crane.
referred to it by the Council or Assem-f goue before, and that England, be- he doubtful if the most reckless power "Certainly, it will prevent many of
bly." cause of her position upon the sea, would attempt to go contrary to the (Cooiinsed on Page 3)
Fifty Years Ago
(By George E. Sloan) of the dependence of the University bitter complaints at having to build tion of the airplane. Dean's famous
It is hard for us to realize the dif- on the state and secondly, the resulls a new walk after such an "accident." coal-oil lamps were considered as quite
Terence between the University o of lhe . l.sission of. s somen upon the However, it was not until after the an invention, and the addition of tin
iiversily.' Indeed, for some years introduction of concrete walks that the reflectors behind the lamps gave the
Michigan of 50 years ago and the Unt- it was undecided by the male students practice was broken up. last magnificent touch to any evening
versity of. Michigan today. 'Way back whether the feminine "interlopers' Around the '70s and '80s the boys party. In 1892 the "Prohibition Club"
in'1872, when the first Junior dance should be accepted "gracelessly or got the "botting" habit. One fine occupied a prominent place in Michi-
was held, the male students viewed otherwise." In the intervening years, Spring day van Amberg's circus came gun's student life, and its meetings
however, most of the boys seem to to town and almost the entire student aroused much enthusiasm. All forms
the young ladies who dared to matricu- have overcome their aversion to tle body "butted" en masse to see the of oratory, "declamations," and "reci-
late at this emphatically "Man's"1 young ladies tin question. circus. This was too much and re- tations" flourished throughout the '70s
school with much misgiving. The old About this time the University itself suIlted in the notice in the University and '80s, and even in the '90s.
"University Chronicle," an eight-page was connected with Ann Arbor by1 catalogue the following year regard- It was only about 1894 that the stu-
fortnightly, said in December, 1871, board walks, the original town being ing "bolting," either individually or dent paper made the solemn state-
that it would be considered almost un- across the Michigan Central tracks, in groups, which broke up the prac- ment that "upon good authority," Ann
and creeping out from what we now tice. However, it is to this escapade Arbor would positively "have a tele-
believable by the students, and espe- know as "old town" toward the cam- that we owe one of our most popular phone exchange within the near future,
cially by the alumni, to know that, pus. Of course the students had to songs, "We're going to the (H)amberg 26 persons having already been se-
"25 ladies are considered members oft use these walks in coming to and from show, we'll all stick together, in rain cured as subscribers." But we are
the Department of Literature, Science, the business district and in fulfilling or stormy weather, and we'll see the now used to the telephone, bicycles
their numerous evening engagements, whole shoe through." no longer serve to take a young swain
and the Arts. This is merely a state- with the "town girls." A city ordi- In the '90s Michigan boasted of a and his "steady girl" on long Sunday
ment of facts." nance required that these board walks bicycle club, with a captain, lieuten- trips over the country roads, the old
Dr. Angell, in his inaugural address, he kept in good condition, but per- ants and everything necessary to make fence around the campus is long torn
more than a half century ago, said, iaps more effective than the ordinance it a going organization. Several times down, the "magnificent new library"
"We may perhaps well remember that was the custom of the boys to set fire the various wheels are spoken of as has given way to another magnificent
academic circles just now watch with to any walks that did not meet with "the last thing in transportation," and new library, the law school is no
special interest for thu lighf which our their approval. It is said that this the advent of the "safety" wheel prob- longer larger than the literary school.
experience may shed upon two points; playful practice did not meet with the1 ably produced more excitement at True it is, the world do move, and
first, the consequence in the long run favor of the townspeople, who made Michigan than the news of t}ue inven- Michigan moves with it.

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