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February 19, 1922 - Image 5

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you imply tise truth that solid citizens! ________
W ha m ! -F ro D et ostsould be protected fruns ideas so
that they in, y be comfortable and'sat-°
sted and unadisturbed!
To the Editor of t1e Sunday Magazine: And thean lisere are those references Ruose, I wish that I could follow you, Sm r o s s
My attention Is. lately tieen catted to irreverance and the absence ofjt do indeed. To be able to plead sin- l u
to a ltler of trotest wh ich appears in chivalry in G. D. E. After this G. D. E. ,cerely for tts preservatison of Irstlbs
wilt surely cease this activity and be-! that sland upon our necks, for thej
your usgazine tor January 15, 1922. came as the rest of the decently dead.i defensa of abstractions that are s
It decriea I tic attcempts of this G. tD.E. Aitd if slie should prove tunavail-I securely establisbed that msen hav i for "~rg W a
peso t isfect tse studcentt body silts iitg, there is yet site msore-ott, at the iforgoiten the conditios thatt brought! L~ ig W a
outlanishta idtetiounal tpoisos and it very leas, one more-tlting blow Is them into existence as ideal--wlsat
is signed "lose tB. Phelps. tbe deatt. " ... is nt nsormal and' cnaplte asatisfaction there msust bed
I wsh o cngrtuateRosB.onstiould nsot tie allowted to influence the; in thse mere abs'ence of a struggte, in,
Ie spirtitod cprtsate roe of. othis tning of norm al, hseatthy-insded the mtere living iin t region of meintal:
he iiu isct iiueo tipetopte through the press, even in n ratio atid intellectital normalcy.,
sort of goodt sldt Americani spiunk is" ree coiuntry!" Rose! Hoiw truly do tat there is, after all, somsething Fr
nteededti itour iistlitusiout tire ideet yo see that there is a us'.tical, in- more Is be said. These abinormal; '
to turie iureaemitio an THsAericane Iritic value ini tormiality*, how well' people who so emnrage dour maind may!
iel;if wihat to left of the constilo- you reatize that P~rohtibition will nsot be, for all I I.issxv, as muscch the pro- A
idal'mpuletely succeed until it covers ducts of the age as you who art adapt- }4
lioutube v itihab ener in teps;iheg thought, a well a. alcohol, until lbe able; and it is a sas sit outrageous'>
f' tre as it h naho iee in t helds ifn fermn ct list ceased to be in the spirit tat ttiat a great mtanty of ttess-espe-
ax well ,; in the keg. Howv sinshly dIo' (Contnued on IPage 8)
reverence; if Anmericansi msanboisd is to _
be red-blooded, ansd upstantding, and ____________________________________
virile; if all that is fimiest a nd best
(as Rose says) iii Aimerican life today y,
as, for example: Edgar A. Guest, R.i o l w C o d
WService, the msovie., Methodis m Ll OW t e C o d uoABoueoecntb o
and ssethiidicalismi, hiysteria , Ventus' lueoeca u!H l
Mechanitis, lbe flapper, 11. 1B. Wrhgjtt, (often one turns to it these be-
neuro-is, Harding blue, thrift, sobri-'
et , spiriual tiankruptcy, as'cetic'ism,{l turieen days when Winter en-
m oderatiots, Theosophy, auoaoim
- -oh, the list is etidless, though t msttuihsaace mst t-
not omit biill-boart tidvert isintg aitt
q ani ~'rodtetin id at thtic ss-men where clothes are con-
> ab slbesia . .. if all this is to b' our.
Is haye andtoI haol. ' cre.Frteei
Most of all, perhaps, do I admire the, : Icre.Frteei keen
msoderation with which Rose state. bar ljsatisf action in wearing a
catse--tht, and lie subttly ironsic use-1' ti
thud of approac'I: "Now I ito stat ws '9 fresh, trgBlouse.
to lake G, D. R.'. cviticismc very seri-j
ously an ,Id, 'A- usual, it hardly ' h
lbat G. D) E mand his inad be sup Dh foe=W ah=Jack
luressed. This is' 'a refreshitng wvay of tzi
takimng a joke, or a joker--or at anty l 426 TH-OMPSON ST. PHONE 2650-J1z
rate omie cuo is smut Is be I'aken sari-'
0ou'ly. Ilf uose had taken G. D. R..seri--_______
ousl-y, I s autusse she stoutd have sug-
gest 3 thiat hue betute inCic. A R SO
Very well, let us pass on .,"More-
over, I tin too buhu engaged in the E.1(R INDIA TAL R-OY U O K
bus'tne.sa of stutuy and se1f-support toW
enter into any 1 ngttuy comtroversy Called for and Delivered
with him or anyone tlse." The tbir--
teenth versioms of lbes ,eventh dea dly Nt-DRY CLEANIG is thte process of thoroughily wtashling
alibi, you see, and very well put, too! 'astd umsimig is hlxhocaiuon Solventts.
In other words, as hiss not tinse to WdE use thse Highmest gradte of Hyudrocarbos as a base.
learn a game tbefore interferinsg xith,
its technique. N e-ec w a
_____________________ Jovl ode
A new little piece of Neck-
w ear will give a delightful
THE HESTnew touch to your frock or
P. LAYER ravlls sous perhaps your Spring suit.
F: ~~~~~~~~~~~~Crisp organdme contrasts with R H M E M H L .; tesf aista r al
r. embroidered. All in all
the new neckwear is assured
=Here's An Opportunity_ Q ~ - of its popularity.
To get rid of your old player-rolls at a liberal allowance. Bring lin
your un-used rolls and exchange them for the latest and most improved.
rolls made. Re-juvinate your Player-Roll Library. -

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