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February 19, 1922 - Image 8

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Whm is -Iau r)I01 -iO ETROIT, "D ea " 1operation consists in makting an inei-
A ('W)IMUICA'I Fri gin '1PCd ion throagh the neck jnst below the
A Review by G. D. E. (Conltissed frem Page u)T AatAplsohttepten
Coninud romPae f4) ially of ths h etthiaosn-GCK o Lie breathes thru the opening in the neck
thos whoven ther pison toinstead oft as normally through the
(Caninied tainPage4) os opinions through the press-arel (Bly IF; Bernard Butler) ssstso oe rn tttmo
Thse atbove dtoubtess has a meaning ctvtedta hsaapaiiy ~ rBai
In fact, with certain lerboutatioss, which you are so obviously fod is . Bradfrd Seeley, '2611, 29-year-! until lbesixth (tay, everything swent
consbinations, mutations, anl outright to bsa regarded as a sort of vegetab ityiy, 01(1 resident physician of the Keifer scott, until one jsornisg te tboy gasped
salta~tions of the wtord, andd a changea kind ot creetping toswarsds thse cab- hiospital, Detroit, hsas restored life 1 liad apparsntly k ttrotcdied. the blutab tit,
ortoi uculoIddget soebage. 'They, strangely enoughs, hsave msore than tour tises to a smsall boy likwed that son n oti r ed ths bod. y
sort of sense trom the tsusiness, sut an idea that life is a becoming, not a de"svrl ntlogsrwe sro, oee t kt.B
Od's splood! look at Ilse construction,! being; that life, whten it becomes sta- ho"id seratmsntlngpump~ing ott and doswn the arms of the
the phrasing, tie puncttuation!l Sad tie, ceases to se life. . -..Perhaps it ago. In one dlay, four tines, the lungs lifeless; bsody, Dr. Seeley svas at last
to relate, such phrasing is the onsly is thast a fear of stagn(acy drives them of the little patienst suffering with able to rstore the vital processes.
originality ts be found ints he posem, sn' pterhat's tthe rotc of the machine 1 1 dtt hdcae ouor times during that day it was
Whe((aldpterahdcasdt - h o the thing is readattle it is also htas (((Osl syetso-p'(ttologicaI cases of body bg n ecessasry to bring tteby back to
hackneyed: "dead-grey skies," "tseart's1 them(. Bat they, at any rate, are in- ucin n h oyhdbgnto life.
content,'t heart's desire," "dead-grey" jt'ett on( contstant change, eve if their lsdarken weits putrified bloodt, antd foutr Last T'sesday, howsever, the tube isn
again; all as archaic (0 hosotp-skirts. stsifting ibrings thsem into contact with, times;5 through thse persistesnt efforts tthe boy's neck wcas removed and the
But, as has been charged against me, 1 the nosrmal, and the hsealthy--minded of Dr. Setey, thse boy, apparently lsusgs scre again directly connected
amsurely lcing is hialry. n adtaptatsle. deasd, ssas restored to life. In order tithth i sa 0 11 oras cryh olystlya
"A Coyote Htunt wits Russian: MURRAtt.Y N. GODWIN, Detroit. tht1(bonse ih mahtencts lse oale cord cr losendy,
Wolfhousds," tsy Wessel Smitter,- thtteyugtrmgtbeteth beastevolcrdwreosnd
is an insprovemnt over his Novoshlrc gn 1:Z1" I1~t IT l d sotor performed tlse operation ktsown stdurinsg their idtensess. Dr. Seeley says
contribution, sstrety. Itn spite of its S I11'EL . 4 .lwEtb]1gIJlvx as "issltston," its which a silver tube 'shot it swill not so lonag before the
"HntrTrdr-rssse"atmsphssstere, (Couttosesl frosm Page 2)( ivas placed in thse tracttaea to alloy say wiit have fsully recovered.
the account interested mse. It again: 'fhe operation of tracteaototmy is
shows Stuitter's abtility with the pen.' kn"hwi igssis h et- tebetig hc a enctof not ass unsuassl ott, tDr. Seeey said,
Come, Smsitter, a stotry! It msay not becd oft t'ousiss P'ons; "commo e usos by thse dipshtherial obsstructions in they bust rsrely doses one stotp breathing as
have enoughs perfsumse 555 it ts suit thse,s trr clas gorge." Thse aswsfulspense155 tsroat, t be continued. On the next, manssy tmes as did thse little boy and
local pansy-bed taste, bust I amsosrcs- in "A P'assion its a Desert;" hsow itt stay, brealting again stopped~s, sand te) still bse sable to resumse respirationt.
fislent, nonsethseless, thsat it sil amoutsa sss bests our putlses.
to sosmetlhing. Masts'r liter sf ensotiosn lito ssas.! little fellosw wouldi have titedl withtinI
Imrt'rial oesroer tf life, to he stre. tsws minutsa d not tswo or three stew, Josepsi Itergeseisner's nsovel, "Cy-
"The Organ Grinsder," as Poesm ty Depite his oisiaks, a ge'nius alsways issubes boost inseried, the last osse pro- thereat" ihas agaisn beens sent to Iress,,
Ruth Lechrlitster, is fall of orautgg peel asnds foreve'r. Bty emulation msay svee dursing the desiresi results. fssr thte lulls tisme, mtakintg a total of
grntadst sf o ns husrss-ater reaih t w w azcfr is 3t,btt copsies trissied since publication,
rs'tsss oft bott ss osrevee Data for 'Te stext day, after intsubatiosn v-as
ssskisg us see, for deflecting thse blisss- Jansuary 3, T'his has already passed
poorly writtesn. ins rayss of sentsimsentlity, for opesnsngs prosvinsg utsatisfaectory, .Dr. Seeley atll Irvists figures for any Ierge-
"A Flosser of Olst Japans":at traslat- tos us the insfisite vista osf life. tie et Iratteautosny as a resosrt. Thse stseisttcr bsokst.
tion front thse Japanese by Clara East-r
lake, is sosmethisng far abosve thse ave--_____
rage. This one-act ptlay is really first'-__ __ ___ ____ ___
rate. I'cotmmend it is youtr sattnion.
If this is taken front Japanese' tpipular
literature, I omust say that the Jatpa-
nese ace vastly atbove hea anjth Ar i a of <e Sp ig"clTm'Cbn"iso aner as. flff0floafl
anythsing else Ito outr poputlar ((aster-;c n h ri a f o p i g - ' o t
pieces." nte 1- otdW oes
crcl,"Road Song," a Ipoem bsy Rtosalite
Dunlap, is alsts goosd. If t remembetrif th
corclhot' poem was onse osf thse
few worth wtile thisgs of the Novess-
herisse. iththecoming of spring wethink that wehave
"Spriggesd Muslin," its Adselaide Asd-
amis fifth rate an5d fusll of sotss. something that will interest every young man in
"The Usnbeliever," apoem bsy Dasrel',/
L. Dwight, is a fine piece of rhysoed Ann Arbor who is in any way in need of a light
irony. 'The transsitiosn from thse second1
to the third stanas is hazsy, bsot as see- overcoat for spring and summer wear. It is use-
ends readting bsrings osut the isdea. Tbis
kind of posery shosuld bse 555r5 its evi-I less for urs to try to tell you all about these smart
deuce. While te most of our yousng
poets are disportinsg absout the 1(0(1, new coats through the mediunm of advertising
of the Muses, blowing absout tse gsosd-'
ness of God, tyinsg ksnots its the shirt but if you will conme in and talk with us we will
of science, ansd masking smermaids of
tadpoles, tDwtght has s'sid "Pistse!" ts' be only too glad to show them to you and then
the whlole gang ansd has takent long.
strokes to clear, dece5 wvater. In cases you can decide for yourself.
of emergency, I volunteer as life-; 4
gusard. e e brtayo arinn wa obi td
I first classed "Tale of a Star-Gazer,"
by Robsert Batross, as rhsetorical puffingRe mb rt a yo aein ow yo lg td
Two tsr thsree of smy friessds arguesd to us because we show you our goods. We are
mildly withs to ot it usstit
a brace of poticesnets alp'ared. ahways glad to have you come in and look over
After-reflection leads smt to believe
that 1 was prsobabsly wrong, asnd our stock whether you make a purchase or not.
further, that ths little sk~eth of
Batron's is the finest thing tbhat Wtsits- In fact, we encourage you to make a comparison
stes has ever printedl.
In cosncltusion, I urge my readers to, of the values found here and elsewhere.
buy Whimssies. It swill never amsousst{s lcin tc
to anything unless it is read ansd criti- M a1ke your see to snow while our so k is
cisesd, ensd contribustedt tos. It is tryisng
to do somsethsing in a literary wasy. Thec m lt n i xildeie h o d ty u
old Inlandler triesd to sdo thsis ansI fasile'dt Co p eea d w ild leIh o d ty u
It was not bsoughst, it woas nsst pubtlis'ly convenience.
criticizesd, ansI it pinesd away. Yet, Its
reading over an old nussber, I bust in
otte issue, ssumarks yost two pieces ofAO
fiction osf real -literary wsrths. I defylo AVMN
any other campsus pssblication tss say, U 1 o m
as much. Dot stll literary issterests
on the campus at s pitch whsichs its 604 EAST LIBERTY STREET
hsnever reashed bsefore, I sdo not see
why sosmethsing cansnoti evolve nsosv "QU!TALIT Y FR T-E O MYA W S9
Whimsies, by virtuse of uts excls'veFI S UVU Ir AL AYS
aimt, ought to bs'nefit, bust use esditors i
must be snore careful ssf swhat thtey-
accept, and of wvhst they reject. "

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