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February 19, 1922 - Image 3

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S1,' DOAY, FEIULAIRY 26, 1922



Our New Magazines --The Double Dealer
(Editor's Note: This is the second Allow me to quote an editorial or two: go out-the lynching bee, Little Eva, Dunsany, John McClure, and Unter-
of a series of articles written by G. "Let it be affirmed once and for all. Kentucky Colonel, beautiful kuadroon meyer. This poetry business in the
D. E. on the new magazines. A third, The Double Dealer holds no brief for stuff. A sure, saner, more virile, less Double Dealer I shall leave to another
discus,.ing "All's Wet" will appear in democrat, republican or socialist, re- sentimental literature must come in. hand more experienced than my own
an early issue.) former or reactionary, Meth~dist par- By all the symptoms, the reaction is in such matters. You'll probably get
(11 0. D. E.) son or college professor, but is con- near at hand." a resume of it next Sunday. I only
cerned with the dissemination of good, Still again: "Our only hope is for say that the most of the poetry is
here and there, amid plumes of fac- readable matter and the telling of the a host of valiant pessimists, not over- good, that such comnparattisely un-
tory smoke, or from some remote eel- truth regardless of whom it disquiets. night reformers, nor crazy-quilt patch- known names as Oscar Wilias and
cry grove of the tilo west, or even "This may mean a championing of workers. We need tearers-down, clear- Babette Deutsch (I thought the tast of
frtom college comnmunities, there have causes lost in the maudlinity of the ers-of-the-ground. We need liberation such poets died wih Swinburne) have
mob, or it may mean, simply tickling from the iron rule of a dead hand." ftaken ott an added respect in my eyes.
a<ris-eo toes tatzios, solote of thoem the ribs of the intelligentsia over come But don't get the idea that the The fiction, I must say, is far below
worth reading. Of the readable sort pompous fraud. Surely, the spirit of Double Dealer has any radical pan- the level of the rest of the Dousle
is Tioe Double Dealer which is printed blatant superficiality, provincial self- acea. It says, "....your Liberal ad- Dealer. I ceaselessly wonder why
- in New Orleans. complacency, and hypocritical right- dresses his appeal to the masses, de- they cannot get good stories. In. all
It sprang from the land of the Stars eousness was never more rampant rives his support from the plutocrat, of the copies which I have on hand I
Olthoa in the south today" and is hearkened to by other Liberals." find but one or two stories of first
aJdff rsn tavifro m ataide idots Despite the occasional bad diction, An Ironical summary, surely! rank, and but a half dozen of second
aJeffrant Democrats and evangelica grammar, spelling, I fed gluttonously And all through its editorials, the rank. I mention "A Thousand Head
adaor. Detooras stooleangeliaed on such editorials. In ten days I could Double Dealer remained unaffected by of Cattle," by William Sappier as
enitvor. ios ist issue was awaited do without my Peruna and Nux vom- epidemics of Main Streetitis, Ku-Klux- about the best, though it is surely no
w ith various soooirks of complacency. ica; after two months I returned to the ing, psycho-analysis and the Ouija better than the splendidly ironic story,
hull Run was to be fought over again, sterner stuff in the bottle behind the board. I turn to its other pages, of "The Reticence of Caravan," by
Grant would rise out of the grave ano cupboard. Again, speaking of South- the nine or ten copies which I have Thomas Kennedy. In the second class
tell Lee lot the North load lost all ern literature, I find this: on hand. I find essays by de Casseres, fall such stories as "The Rider
save lootor, Wilson woi-d displace "The old Southern pot-boiler must Safeadlo Hearn, Kreymborg; poetry by (Cottioued ot Page 8)
hiardling ,otloos thoe president-elect.(CniudnPae)
Atnti lot when tto issue came the -
smirks vanislheti. There were growls
and the overhauling of butternut uni-
forms, rusty swords, and pepper-box
pistols. Itt seetoed that all was not _
what it shotould be. Here was a group
of men pbOolishitog a magazine and
wito less use for the Stars and Bars
thao for a handkerctief. The Repub-
licatos Ottogto to clourtle, what tesw otL o o ,a Fwh r
Cttm ttere were.
'ie old guards of the glorious Coon-
fcderacy rose to their sublimest
hoights of indignation in 'ebruary j W eeks A h e
1' 21, Nhen the second nuotbr appear-

ed. On the ltrst pge a Double Dealer
editor had at Prssident Wilson, then
gasping his last exccutive breaths in
tfe Wite louse. In a short space
he tweaked the Wilsonian ear, pinch-
ed the Woodrovian nose, and kicked
the presioto ottial pants. Whole battal-
ions of colonels flopped as they read,
too wo c from surprise to offer any
physical resistance, The Chief High
Utlah-Ilah of the honorable order of
Ku-Kluxers was talken with a fit of
apoplexy. The Ladies' Christian En-
deavor grew fIlustered and the ladies
forgot about the gals who were daily
sufforin "worse than death" in the
big cit ies.
Tie (;rand Old Party, with many a
porivas boot zestfuol chteer, bougtthfle
magazine and reasd ito hig glee fe
article against the traitor, Woodrow.
Eager to see the thing to its gory end,
they turned the page with many
whtoops anti fountod anothoer damniaod on
nlardioc! Requiescant Repoblicani
Ifegardiess of its fute poetry, its
collectionof w1ell-svritten essays, ifs
uore than usually good boot reviss,
the best part of the Double Dealer was
its editorials. I use the past tense for
the simple reason that, with the pass-
ing of October number, the quality of
these editorials has fallen off, bit by
I respected the editorials because
they respected nothing, one way or
another, just as I would respect geo-
logy were it to be called a religion
instead of a science, because it con-
founds all other religions. The Double
Dealer editorials took a hammer to the
sword of the colonels, it put a "stick"
in the lemonade of the Ladies' Aid
(Page Robert Service!), it kicked all
the lterary traditoons and wrofersJ
askew, romanticists, realists, expres-
sionists, aood all of the rest. Itdealt
art a cuff to the ears and straightened
it up again with another to the ischial
region. Mencken had no sooner
praised the Double Dealer in the Smart
Set than the Double Dealer gave that
redoubtable critic a punch to the solar

'The wise young man
today is thinking about
the coming of spring
and the corsequent need
of spring clothing..
We have an exceptional fine
stockQf spring o'coats in the im-
ported woolens. If you are think-
ing of buying something in this
line you owe it to yourself to
see this line. Place your orders
now and we will dellver at your
You are always
welcome to inspect
our goods at



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