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April 03, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 134) • Page Image 1

… f-- --s' r ,. r f ~- r J . ' r aa: r J- v , w , r ; , -- o ' o f. 1 - . -- i r _ i ,; _ r f. -' J_ . ' ' :: ,,, , f , . _. r . .... .. U _._, r^_ __... ,r V r, .r ;. .1 " - ,: " - : .- ', - 1. - J N ' - . '^ .' "f. l _. , ' ^' %. /" "' / . ' f r -l.---- -. - - - 1. - - O- T, r p r r~ elf r k f :r. r , V r J N ._ 771 7 7 i 7 7; J I--- - - J -O COM p Cad ---3 Mrs _ tics 4- …

April 03, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 134) • Page Image 2

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY.'xx- 't xaxxxhox 0naoihe lo l % G W. ild Collpanly tot ' ;;'cal Ith e:diin) t a~t flpliicsfmil iic Ron rama BASE B L rclb it Is tl t l o\%ig eam110o MIERCHANT TAIL ORS x \o010:;i1 00liilx jJ ii -\. EA O S H R lxi x....1. - ... .. . iie :A l\oie', 11~ ai 1111at 1111.1111it 00 cxto1111 111 1( he t< entr[ lrthOtir-Stock of i Have received a large line ol Athletics, C.i F.11 Oiloxxxxltoxcr l pli tic x' .- s l...…

April 03, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 134) • Page Image 3

…TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY Shave Thyself Weo5 1 Ii tI'liou Gillette Safety New Process Blades AT Quarry's 01 1 11 111 " !1 Money Loaned oreoter csonai eprpety. W~atches and Jewelry repaired. I3argains in Watches & Dianmonds Officeeat res'idernc e 11I . i berry St Ann Arbr flourrs: Ste on1:1. nm. t: 30eand 7tor JOSEPHf C. WATTS THEF'A~RERS AND MEICHANICS BANK MAIN AND) "URON STREJETS Capital $50,000) Surplus end Prfit $90.00 GernraltIlJantin,,rBin ee...…

April 03, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 134) • Page Image 4

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY THlE ARTISTIC DECORATOR 'yUN s :1U OtWITH THlE LATEST AND MOST U1'=TO=DAll1 1- 4"1 I'I4 LAT'E AND STEIN SHELVES, PHOTO RAILS, l'Ei 1XS, PAINTS, 01L5 VARNISHES, BRUSHES, (GLASS WINtIOW-st SIUS, ETC., ET C. Our specialty is fioe IDecoratig. stoll aiii ~rli :Mia1grgPaint- tng, (intertor and exterior) Wall-ti ntis, K14 1 iiiitg. Friesco- inga, etc.,etc. We emloyoV I tl il,'cdyti rI m 1 o1di iarate our work. Goods Dlilvered to ...…

April 02, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 133) • Page Image 1

…TheMichignDail y \\ \c h, IP (:IkN1. RIAYR)NY 1I'Z,2,R1 tio t .. I. No. 133. WOULD REGULATE STATE ATHLETICS Schoolmnasters' Club Will C.oin- sider Plan For High School Association [his Morning. sloa tc <t ltic 'assX1cition. Ati Xiii "XX te eecin foiii. rii XaXX li ill orXXX''XXX id to the ciom-ti itit X fri ts a~lr<Val I ad ptd.a st )f ols i ll i l~ I C l III )( 11.ii i li t to t e - ti C" - 1ARYI IIM" :,C_,\)IIXX '110 XXSIEiT11S0HN1RXIRL...…

April 02, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 133) • Page Image 2

…rip U ild PAM. T~HE MICHIGAN DAILY -~1THE MICHIGAN DAILY.' plra l i-Arform ih:u ilc so ia spa rci rie-tit )f 11it YInci 11 lU . ILm11U IUmpally M+ERLIIANI 'TAILORS :a H ave rcived a large line of woolens for SPRING and SUM MER in (Aleniumo Light, and Dark Art Leather) Silver Drab, Grecian Drab, Light Mole, Royal Gray, and King's Tan We have the Blarney, Hdsn, Caumberlnd, Chester, Orient, Pel ham Astralia, Cymric, Bullion, Federal, Empire...…

April 02, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 133) • Page Image 3

…THEMICHIGAN DAILY Sam:Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Goods Sam Burjclfid & Coo EAST HURON ST. 338 .Sag tteaSteet THlE [AllW, r4'A4I C1ANICS BANK MAIN ANI) HI[ JON STREEaTS Capitait $50~,t000tt fastus antd Profitst$90).000 Genert'aatw laa a'ata<; 3pucrtapaid oTima nd atat psi.: afetytte- posit Boes iao ,at '0 adup ad Ri. KFatty, 1las .S,1vvv; ic(Taet It. A. F.tT S'rt j as A The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Ha'ariman, tie re. aM . W. it STATE ...…

April 02, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 133) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY , I [UNIVERSITY NOTICES Ii 'ii cilginici h']. x'i ii1 } cti Senior lit hi ebal racici(, ick] i 3 o'cii k. ii n( , M, llhadi \u Inittinhg Mii ]wi hi hit{ nii tt7:30, i odofsctx'ix iiniiix n in' III. ('Ac clubxtiihii ri~ salni orsi lt at o'cock hrp.RomaA, m1111t 121v peopl i ll w(ii4afi li ran tirom iiti''n lcl it\ \w r aetcli~ *s ataxi d iclttes. \\''imaxkie -, e7( I"il 1d1s Y U t .i i i ithouit 111nitep- c p xxx e t' I...…

April 01, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 132) • Page Image 1

…thei MiaDl -iiX.TxX. . \\ F >t.>I< - _ DULS PROTEGEi{S 1iltrer"tht< i Co i a DON SPIKED SHOES i1ti ~rlia c lan . i-t If ict Track Squad Begins Work For ese ol tiii staa t ha Ills it W at isa patcti lnc>>e pi f he it.d Pennsylvania (iamies; Welh ttIic tiittaitaatat tc tiit of Quarter=Mi lers ()ut. anad iindustrialt iiii ncnt ofathiei flay. --Ar. Piact twas the -heto honira I'c il a-it n l tic- fw a it air wo ar t . n the fourtha anna lt anc ...…

April 01, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 132) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY.;Cck.".. ii lisisire lIisr1,,1 t~ _.1\here. tilnr might drsI t f ii tdi ~ i Uid Co/imipanyi to VRoC~. n. fenld i in-t112v cari an ,)aA++t, ( ooi--O a .I c trI tie t its ing spem ci il t th t/ rLlnsi,rr -jnN F. WueR Iaoreaid rseeer. atereduci on an MtERCHtANT TATIl UPS I. . hdt encvs.......... . tLe A White stti''- Vthu s i'iat.~i dt. .A\trs ihetic ... ... . .. E. Eldridge) I'l[hr ecnt tIdin nyu -5sts s1ill ?ttt ,a Have rece ...…

April 01, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 132) • Page Image 3

…I Sbhave Thself W e ctI litfi im Gillette Safety 0118'01g]I11) 0131)5 sa0131 he e '1 ana t- ~ t 1111111t 0 11' 5to1'scier1 girl last o e . "Five'o'feet four?- Thanlk \c1 i ° 11 1 - 1'11 1 111c 1 1 c 1 i1 -1 '1r i li ti W t 11c11 0 S.1 :11St ii, New Process Blades AT Money Loaned or ~ aorperoiporty. Wtc .hes aoi tJewelry- repalid 1 a~it i nO's teheI & iaosonds 011Ofie. s '3 I 11331E ibety StO Ann Aro. 1110001s: 13 II 111,a t.1 t 1:0 and-,m...…

April 01, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 132) • Page Image 4

…14RM ICHf AN 1 AS 1.1 AiJAC )LIORIORCAN SUPPLY YOU WITH tiltt~t~t At) r tUP (OATE WALL PAPER, PLATE sNO st iN iiiViRPHTO RAILS, EL E_1LAPS, PAINTS, OILS +: '.t-HRstILA', (itASS WIND)OW SHADES, ETC., ETC. - in hr rati o.'such as taapcr-hanging Paint- I :rio WalVl-tiohiog, Kalsomoining, Fresco- i (,in pins only -,i lied workmen anil guarantee uior! nit it i ercil to al[ arts of the cite- BOaiNS 237 203 E. Washirxgton St. LEAVrE YOUR MEASURE NOW...…

March 31, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 131) • Page Image 1

…- m- - - =oiJ, .1 0 L f r'^ a r-4 s: "l , 7 . - II 00 t. . k o 0v now-'U wo 3 * R4 MiU , _.. ,y, ° _ :. r._. ,_ , - _ . _Y_ .- ~ 3 AOL t ~ uz E1 h- '"13 A liKw. s T f - ,; ;=- ,1 J . I f :I: .% J .:'" 1 ~ ti- _ _- _ ^,;, .... J, ^ t~° - j Y / J: . _ ~ r 'L " . ,y. , ,. to rf , .: f ... ... , r r, %' ~" r ' _" O _ _. C! ! 'I: y " .W V y ^ , ~ , r . ,: -- _ - - ,, s n c " ' c ,-, , f f-: .. ' J , ,, <; _. ,-- =' "-^ , s: …

March 31, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 131) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ THE MICHIGAN DAILY.!r1-1-c-ci rn cciner- 1.ridnl\ 11 m runu :5, . \\itciiiittticc- mc it it Iii h-ti ii i O pIL J Iii!for -iuch at- o which t i -i tc RCHI TIL ORS ,.4_ r -. :2- - ml?&ith uch abiity h iii1. ti t iot'oRSionu ter. ''liccoiiiniliec oult i diti :Tr, ..... . . .Lee A \Whier s-itieach mnilt eariicciti it.titt it Atltc... .. ... C. . Eldridge tllc p at had it ciiiaty mean, f hi tt yI n Have rceineda ag e neot tch...…

March 31, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 131) • Page Image 3

…THE MIC:HI-GAN DYAILY ai.Burclificld's O111'A~OINVT ti5' !;1i)LI(12 T12 11 r- I "-7 _ - -- 1 I Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver- The Goods Sam Burchfield 106 &Co. EAST HURON ST. s i 338 Sout State Street THE FARMERIS AND MECHIANICS BANK MAIN AND HIURON SI TIPETS Capital $50,001) upu adPoit 9,0 Geneeeal Baking Business. 3 peaet paid) onTiae and Saiig Opst.Stfety Ie- posit Boxies to relt at $0300 and upwards IR, KlEewr. Presi. AV. (2 SiT...…

March 31, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 131) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY BURSTNG ~_NIVERSITYNOTICES BUDS Sti-nests tiho fi Cilil lo 1a11d tiarn~onv o i 0 STEWiV'SPRItN(? FASHIIONS. The Malcolm pictu1res a itot htdevoid of fads, yet s5111) t inits style rightness. We -wii lt you wsithtw uerring pr1ecision, at a tpr11e tihit fits you11 1)111>. TI:,C C Cs 1rec gut. o laThu f()-I~l4.r gr" lt . Owig o 1 the a III i Al chg'u 111tin ( l 1l ,; \ill i ..o mco h >lA c~~ito i 111 1 IJ1 o i i 1 i ORIGI...…

March 30, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 130) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vot-,,XX. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 30, .1909. . [ 30. BALL AND TRACK MEN GO OUTDOORS Prospects Bright for Southern Baseball Trip; Four-Mile Team Working Hard. Wit.but little tore tatanweek i- tervetinigibefore tie varstty baselclt sutad starts soutit for te insnsial sprng vaicationi trip, te prospects arett t tthe teamis will go into te oeint'g ttte of thte.'seasontiwitht lessottdoosr siokthantit its previosi...…

March 30, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 130) • Page Image 2

…G IaC kIN' ITAILORS: T14IE MI(ll41GA?4DAILY 4 THE MICHIGAN DAILY.' liar'e received a large tine of woolens for SPRING and SUM- MER in (Mtenium, Light, and Dark Art Leather) Silver Drab, Grecian Dreab, Light Mate, Royal Gray, and King's,toI W i have tihe Blarney, Hudson, Coosherta nd, Chester, Orient, Pitt ham, Aostralia, Cynmric, Bullior, Federal, Empirer RaerIrish Baating 'Tweed, and London Wors teds ltese comic early and hasve your Suit...…

March 30, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 130) • Page Image 3

…A N Shv Thyself Gillette Safety 1151 f.1 E: 'I "rtuxilt Enormous Price Reduct.ions I "A'.You 1ttt It." New Process Blades A IQ AT Quarry 's Money Loaned tOn Watches,lDiamtoonds. Law o iotks. or ottter trrsontat propterty. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Off1ce at. residence 331 E. Ltbert~y St. Ann Arbor. 9 p. in. JOSEPHI C. WATTS THE FARMERS AND MEtCHANICS BANK 1 MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital $50,000 Sur...…

March 30, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 130) • Page Image 4

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY ®I C.oH.MAJORea Co THlE ARTISTIC DECORATORS, CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THE LATEST AND MOST UP-TO=DATE WALL PAPER, PLATE AND STEIN SHELVES, PHOTO RAILS, BURLAPS, PAINTS, OILS VARNISHES, BRUSHES, GLASS WINDOW SHADES, ETC., ETC. Our specialty is fine Decorating, such as Papzr-hanging Paint- ing, (interior and exterior) Wall-tinting, Kalsoinining, Fresco- ing, etc., etc. We employ only skilled workmen and guarantee our work. Goods ...…

March 28, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 129) • Page Image 1

… 0, -vi m, =r = .. .. 0 a 0 .. 7 ' a r-e C, co - -d N ,. r " ,_ " i : _. s - : , M ;. r- ' , --- I Imo, ' ' r, ' ,.--- 'r - j J r- f r r J4 J tv u "f, r r . H 77 '- "n '/i . . ._. .... ' J: ,. . (" 'J f ^'.. "Mae i V h. C: I ~> f i t I y I P- 1 'j V 1 d J. .+ ' i n J r' l .f J 7- 4' I- _; ri ... "" G. mss' . : . .. u ' . c tr ,,. . « , rf a r "^Y . s * M,. tw ' p f Y' P10 M w ii ° ^F 'i qa*d^ {.. S w + 9 9 d 7.11 …

March 28, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 129) • Page Image 2

…- -~ ?HP. ~MICI41GA> ,' iL1 IT"EMICH-IGAN DAI LY.a. >,'hstti; nth ol lisi im in i II I Sl55fi n~ "AGWild Compa i c/,rc1cc sar forttill c tot11!l. <,tsrtuilrinanscfis inn isIln h BA LI lit10 hn n i Icurttia 1 . t ; ioeii u And We Areo P-pe -ad. hesws ....... . 1 l~eA b\iteCi nty: ri sC r isnrt __________1c____ Athletics. . . I,-. Ldridge - - - - ]ill It1 5 ii i hi I r ~ H-ano. received a large line of tcshagv . . Robert Mountsien inr'ir n mushi...…

March 28, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 129) • Page Image 3

…T149 MICtICAN bA!- Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burchfiekl Q,, 10 6 & .Co. EAST HURON ST. TUTTLE'S for N1ot Lunchecs Icte Cream Sods Bnana. Flops 3381 South State Street THE FIARMERS$ AND ME1CANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital $50000 Surplus and Profits $90000 (Oooeral iBanking IBasiness. 3 perett paid o Time and SPuner- teposits. Safety tDe- posits Boxes to rent at 1.00 s!anupwartds It. KammPes. W. ;...…

March 28, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 129) • Page Image 4

… THLE MICHIGAN DAILY BiURSTING' BUDS Iat 111015 (f 0ur NEI \XSPRING FASHIIONS. The Malcolm picturesa11011(1 devoid of fadts, ye s prbiits i style rlghtne-'os. WeVo (iii ift: (y1u (witth tllerriiig prtcisi(I, tl a piice that fits 1,C0 ,. J.iKarl Macolm 118 ft Liberty UNIVERSITY NOTICES Al Ik III te N 00)le ilia ) forl 111. rtolitll h(:t ltoit 1) ofthe0 Sc sl t o cl nl (1(100 Si0 ;04 ; 1 ;, 1)iit t 1f cI oh.1 ,; ! ' lS '1 ,. .) I 0): IIl1 ( i1...…

March 27, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 128) • Page Image 1

…00, 41& h ]VI'ciliga - n ANN ;\RBOk, MICHIGAN, S.ITURD.NY, 1\IAR('Fl 27, 1909. r c. (_. : t . Ni, 121K MEET IS CANCELED BY CHICAGO A. A. Cherry Circle Athletes Taken Ill Suddenly-1l911 Lits Win Uni- versity Relay Championship. Then' il ]w 10 Mkx ' xxxi xxnght lxi e 1: ar'ty <[]d te ncr~n) Atlxici 1xx lxx xxxxxx xi x i t xx if-c m ic i r cix c<1 tx xxxxxxxixixx Morn PH E'81 x CP~ I lxy 0JDR-\-I xNF livered' bxy iProf. Jac(:)iRx l <xx rd 11 ...…

March 27, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 128) • Page Image 2

…G. 0 9 IWild Comfpally MERCHANT TAILORS : Have received a large line ot woolens oe SPRING and SUM- MER in (Mleniom, Light, and Dark Art Leather) Silver Drab, Grecian Pla, Light Moe. Royal Gray, and King's Tan. We have the Blarney, Hudson, Cumbeland, C hester, Orient, Pe- ham, Australia, Cymric, Bullion, Federal, Empire, Rebrn, Irish Boatog Tweed, and London Wors- ted- [Ptease caune early and have your Suit reserved G. H. Wild Company 311 Sosth...…

March 27, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 128) • Page Image 3

…IfMCillC;A Nl DAILX SPECIAL CHOICE Hot Bottles Enormn, " Fr.sea R d : ts I AT Quarry' s Money Loanedj Watches andI Jewelry repaired. Barsyaile- in XWtches ,,&- Diamonds t Offie at us mdes 'e 1331 5E.ilsesvty At inn rt~ns.r Hous }t.<3 11t:0ca.en. i. 1t1 :30 d i uto JOSEtPHI C.WATTS a ME FARMERtS AND MEC"IANICS BANK MAIN AND HIUROSN STRPEETS !A Captal $50,000 Surplus and Profits $90,000 Genral nking; usnes. 3 :per'ettpaill en Timet and Savi...…

March 27, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 128) • Page Image 4

…rilE MICHIGAN DAILY C.H.MAJORea~ THlE LATEST AND MOST UN-.TO=D~ATE WALL PAPER, PLATEI AND STEIN SHELVES, PHOTO RAILS, BUJRLAPS, P0AINTS, 01itS VARNISHES, BRUSHtES, UlASS WINDOW SHADES, ETC., ETC. Our specialty is fine Decorating, such as Pap--r-haniniig Pait ing, (interior and exterior) Wall-tinting, Kalsominig, Fresioi ing, etc., etc. We employ only skilled workimen andt guarintee our work. Goods Delivered to all parts of the cite. BOTH PHON...…

March 26, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 127) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily k\N ARBO(R, AiiCii( AN, FRID)Y:, NAXRCHI 26,l ooo Vax.. Xi. CLOSE STRUGGLE IS ithbilmater aeutci i a bu Th c~iilxixhavelbeeiiaskedl to stay LOO1(ED FOR IN MEET tav fromtheI axxx(x-tix. ltut exttiiix __________s s i regardinglitie vico usti classii' Eivery Eivent XWill Be Strongfy tt~ hl othe xix cx. \blhat the otit- Contested; Horner and Dull r 'jc rte iti cl x-iaxatci Will Be Michigan's Winners. tat Mxicigamust use iover...…

March 26, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 127) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY G. H. Wild Comfpany MERCHANT TAILORS : Have received a large line o woolens for SPRING and SUM- MER in (Menium, Light, and Dark Art Leather) Silver Drab, Grecian Drab, Light Mole Royal Gray, and King's. Tan. We have the Blarney, Hudson. Cumberland, Chester Orient, Pet- han, Australia, Cymric, Bullion, Federal, Empire, Reburn, Irish Boating Tweed, and London Wors- tedv. 'lease come early and have your Suit reserved. G, H. Wi...…

March 26, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 127) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sam Burchifield's Fine Tailoring Trade - Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burchifield Co.o 0 T EAST HURONST ha 11? Ott tlt I? t XlNGPIS AT' 10FO):IPT' WILL. GRA.FNGER S I' FtFt NT. Fi, nnctc~n i aniu PRl 1iet 1f te tveto he1111Ato ol i~ ooi oiail a volt t, iea~rn 111101millbe 0hld onight att1", Academyt isoin N e' ubic the. Fichian1 M on111 ltilloti'. The'r h e Ion(1110 a open nigt is iT uesdayi rom1 ' 1,t gjilt 'i troni-cof tie...…

March 26, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 127) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1ji r /j~ ? f 1 B U SITN' G UNIVERSITY NOTICES BUIJIS bbt~en colr atis t . air' r11'f d id c t 1333-1, qurtttTu- aytax 11r1101nat 4:30, Sug"esix ithc freshness and 0 Ii l',,t~i rita f l t No pit a Ii rraony of (ou1 NEW XSPRING il1 hel rd 7:M1nday1night, Mar1h20. FASH IONS. The Malcolm at 7:30 ,harp). N c-gStra 11ic1uresa amiodel 1devoid of fads, ,ht annal Pe1 i F 111)1 Itii 11~ yet superb in its style rightness. lb 3010 or...…

March 25, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

…V& am The 1"ichiAt an Dail \\ \lZiI 11. . W IfIC;:\\, T ll[ 1 SC)r\' \I A}.Z('I1 >5, t<)cxa. T I. xu. BARTELME IS NEW ATHLETIC DIRECTOR Chicago Banker Is Selected to Succeed Chas. Baird- Regents Modify Eligibility Roles. <<,c1,tti c'il tlr <lcl a ,lrrc >tccl il: ' davit c d C 1 'trnc"t t :lilt f ll <t r t 11 i i ltii r, i Ili t<tT'lc C I- <t t 1 t ; (' JH ul, , < ill t n (15(1 1'F' (I. 5 '5 (5 ( l wihtoaCs~ ( (Cl Itrycc( l(((C (ICC is l...…

March 25, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 126) • Page Image 2

… ENMRoq al W ~ As 0 A% . r p , e " ^ r y1 _ O r 4 , e ! V r Q Q Q .1 -> -r' a :r rte' :'' .>, L " :,7 f -.-i J ^ 1 ;y l "- 'fir r J r, - .ten .- ,-; W L _ fL0 ii, ' ~i[ '00 eve iv,3 Qa: Qa ~a 0 ~ tI0 , ~ a won U 0 o 1- aI) HIw X J t T; n) J ' W J Q J f Z _ z .r ' /\ 'I, . ,. f . f. ' f, . _ ';. . f a ~, J r 'r U n .ti ~ ".f 1. ... " f. ... .. .--. ..- .-J :~ .. ^,(, :i r _.. . w bA n , y G J -, i ;f , ^. "., -f; -- r . f: - : ;...…

March 25, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 126) • Page Image 3

…,41% 1'. P 1Th A A IL, r AT cl Bar1' r 1 V J 4t t . A t 111 ) 11 i('114 1 \1j kI 1 1) ( L _ - t s-[in' f 11111111k 1111 1111111 Il I3 ,illnin llc f\1 cchc~dac,.hc _ i hlt °1> ,t I c t o n c 1 .I 111 I i1 ld 'tl 111 ilN ll 1?av IR o 1c i g c )11r :trl i1 <.1 prl1 tl I(111 I\ill dci l )1 ;I t - t11 1 h 1 11 I I't_) t e 1c ABuying Opportuni9, ty Enormous Price Reductions $28) andti$30 Suit' 110W - $28 and~ $25 SulitS 110))V $8 61111$21) Sit...…

March 25, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 126) • Page Image 4

…It 9 t;Il .A ROI STDECORATORS, CAN SUPPLY YOU ITH A lL IST AND MOST UP=TO-DATE WALL PAPER, PLATE sN)S~SSHELVES, PHOTO RAILS, BURLAPS, PAINTS, OILS XNIIPBRUSHES, GLASS WINDOW SHADES, ETC., ETC to ;- tts is fine tDecorating, such as Paper-hangig Paint- -I z1out exterior) Watt-tinting, Kalsoinining, Fresco- We e ploy only sstilied workmen andt guarantee u r k Goods00(1 elivueredl to altltparts of the city- 110OTH PHONES 237 203 E. Washinton St. I...…

March 24, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 125) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily I rI' BASEBALL S9QUAD FREE FROM CAGE Lively Practice at Fair Grounds -Track Team Meets Chicago A. A.Saturday. iii i1aihp rcic ~c ittt i, il be he \or<I fri~tt n m an i h pa l iii 1X1(1 %irli amlhinting 4 I~l I0 I \ l n Iiili i t iii lii - c rc~ til Ciit an of 118 lca ' I c m Ot H ll(,a- it it at II t, i itli c % rcttd t : nu u ili fa ra- 11 fo r lil c rk ;nd te e mH un ia dltrit i ngof a o icci ni H. .lI - h:ma~~it iieli ma...…

March 24, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 125) • Page Image 2

…- -~ - -- - 1' 13 MICHIG(3AN DA ILY _______ 1THE MICHIGAN DAIIL '. tll (i lbel haii ist tfl cTrus it 'iicito Li,t' n.iiclucaltiC L ER.HANl AILORS iii tll , l-1 ileticilt clacsith~ti Eileu ii A tin t) i :it rlic n cei1 I tep or Athletics. ..- .. .C;- , icrid it' _______________________hea___,-___ilili altitit, l Hav irceived a large linealof .plcnrlorituttc ct 1i)eC i C ii itt c 'tit pit w le ttiSPRING and SUM -I Liii .....i.... l t ilt>S. Ifai...…

March 24, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 125) • Page Image 3

…tK MIC HIGAN AIL' Sam Burch jficld's Fine Tailorinig Trade Can The Sam Burchld. & CO* BAS I 'URO -N ST. 0 t ill & O. O taeft jwcs id lottciltto re l- 3l It' li 11 I r iU i r- the mlit a t t the "A ki it it tl '?;tl"1 lt ' l reo i i. it iAii' q w1 ) l) h t m 11 s ol )it tJ 11 it il t't t pll 6 l it ii ac p to t1 r a m c t~~r(,liltl aar\ r~filllcl W tllc ISl 11Wi te in h trter tlo 'c11 Clever, Sniappy Suits for I :1 This Store has won ab- sol...…

March 24, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 125) • Page Image 4

… 4: ' 'Mt ( 4++f1 fl 1 l THY, MICHIGAN DAILY BURSTING UNIVERSITY NOTICES 1I I tH 1 t Rubs r~~~l 1 I iH 'ili ilpcllftilI S~tnn i. lb Itt Hlltsi-i (11( r a 1 ''tlj?. 1 a tIIHon oflit- NEWA SPRI NG H Mthl. 1.\l H-. I (IN? S. The M alcolm H til li I' it11 litt tl 1 I h ld i llH l I mm . lIli "it ' ' II .11 pitue" a io I s l m1 d t)i"fails, 'I '1111211) ilitI-,Hstele righlttrs. -tli o )- .pH11l iii 7lc~i1 mY' . will lit I-lil t li 111151 ri...…

March 23, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 124) • Page Image 1

…xxx.. ALA.. X\A \ _I)( CHI C I't- E1SD) AY,\MARCHII23, 190.ix.2. N [r '() 1.. 1SgyT n. N (). F 24. BALL TEAM PLAYS OUTDOORS TODAY Drudgery of Gymnasium Cage Is Past; Better Chance for Bat- ting Practice Now. Mclxl" asbal i adwil esr het caried ti titi l i xll iii l'Iv a he h s a Ii l ix ii land iixi ii "lii oo lxxxi iic tci ixit lo iha t c iciio tic :t loviiei i it anet be pesentat th xi t dom ipr'ac'tielindxi di t il ie i ci th chane tha...…

March 23, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 124) • Page Image 2

…ti w a. w .,. 0 a a ' a n rul ; J-'IiT1;. L '.':R#':L !°^. rxV'a ., TL"--lStl A'R'kibY +.:PM;s~. a' .' FY 0.s. R -..: k r:;- ri _ .C3 'xifk W 2.t'. .. \',_. _6R_ t. 4z ..-. #, x ., C y M ^V ( , y C oro x "° r 0r M" GOi 0 r-I 4t 0 T Qc CO s "1 0f h ;; .; _~ °.l fl _- c -'' V f} 0 -0 / f 000A C r r _ h fL +. L i J x b o x x c ; z ; n U . r '= 0 0 -- "00 00 C.C i I I II PAO w. p t0 w' r1 t0 j w. d PAO Adak 1 _ f y , I J' y - u ...…

March 23, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 124) • Page Image 3

… SPECIAL CHOICE Hot Water Bottles AT Quarry's Money Loaned tches, 45 sinsi,mv Faa s ar therpson~saal proper((ly. Watches and Jeweh-y repaired. Bdargains in Watches & D4iamnsd Office a sindene 3131 E.K lSOtySt Ann Arbor. JOSEPHt C. WATTS THE FIARM[RS AND hMECHANICS BANK MAIN AND) HURO(N STREETS Capital $50,000) Surplus and Profits$90.00 Genelral Hanking 5Busiesn. 3(perc((nt paid onS Time cand ((using s psits.Safety D)- pesit Bones to rnt t...…

March 23, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 124) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY I L LI CO SlPSCAN SUPTPLX YOU WITH s 1081 tL -iP 10 )ATE NWALL PAPER, PLATE I S POOO PILS, BURLAPS, PAINTS, O LS dl ~ ~ ~ 'I ' ll 1!ANWINDOW SHADES, ETC., ETC. aI r1.nh, such11as Pa pr-lhanging Painit- II 11al-t 1tig ,Kalsoloning. Prescs)- t, wfl1, (1kil 501wokmlenl an giiC ar1 antee 0T. 217 203 E. Wasbhimgton St. It a ..5 - .. _.. ..-. _.. .. .-i . ... . VF YOURMEASURE NOW UNIVERSITY NOTICES he hed II Rwo X tuice~i IIN...…

March 21, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 123) • Page Image 1

…The ichganDail y Vol-. 1Lin. (), 12" MAY DEFEATS DULL INI THE MILE RUN Haskins Wins Over Horner and Craig in Bfoth Hurdles-Dull's, Team Wins Meet. i te~) captairi Sa trayii rpi l th til i cet tet tt ll tl: u l Ilet tic t r ival' oh i n i fatroftiec tact. ii, rxit ,t k o i1cto . lii:I to Ma tic ii lIt ltilt' ied i~c t ali t i ri itwell n front it f tr M ni llt- thill it tofLecr h lottle (M , .cod;R ics (SN ,i lls-iifQ7Jt. ji wrIADTJO-i...…

March 21, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 123) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGZAN DAILYI .. _. _ _ ;THE MICHIGAN DAILY.caa7 i P 4 L R C H ANtaI~TloTA I L O R S ..h u - t1" (.'. a. S il 1C i I' . II "'1 i. iN 1.11 ii I G.acH.eeoApany Will \ Ateele . . K lerdn . 1 Vlsc . . I-i s Si<l s1 ii.iiclil e \'ieccc cl c'> 'cECre(ltrinLghhdD r aci~ . . ~ iaiii Csiie ciii saf Iiv N it . il'a h, 7vai c '>1 ic.ma1 0;Nir Ac arr'Sle rb rca c' 1a 'a viialiii AXviirlte ~i i aa, Lgal olecRoaleGayandci 1111t.d i P. 1111\1i11 1'...…

March 21, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 123) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sam Burchficld's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Good PR1O3KF. 13000 NEW 13OOK N\\ , V , 5iiR13 1110' PROM isisS I IPR(SV1SSI NTS I.\Pl;l,lP\' 33ilRl.l\ Tht 'I1cw s''"Carlsis'issIbook Iri mikalPnp QS(Trid clnum twlth kr Sam Burclhfied & C.EAST HURON ST. is to TI- IASi &Co. . 308 State St. HOT WHEAT or BUCKWHEATI'CAKES THE [ARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK MlAIN ANDt)UI'23N STREETS Capital $1)000() Suritlus and Profits sw0o0...…

March 21, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 123) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ur aster Suit Sunday April 11I th is EASTER, you will w ant your Suit ready, By purchasing here you will not only get the best that can be produced in Hand Tailoring. But you will ,,"c at least $8.00 on a single Suit. 5fF SUFF [S KEEiN AND RIGHT D)OWN TO NOW. yr U45 E-ME NTS M bte&BOTH PHONECS 480 UNIVERSITY NOTICES OR tichit cicili Pc0 1 i H Al iti i orlt ore caad ot " Inn (i n ct-to t Mt Indav t 7:1 1. ]((. nch17 il lbei...…

March 20, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 122) • Page Image 1

…The MichiganDaily 1: \ A \RiMI 011C uG N\, S.N ' l ) \N N1 v~tI N Ii( I20. 10. Nuof-.1X1X. DULL AND MAY WILL; LEAD RIVAL TEAMS5 Records Will Suffer in Tonight's G Mect--Dull Expected to Lower Mark in Mile Event. i the yeir lbefoe thei Varsity inet cc l-tt riiiti-at- %iit ouiittside teamstt Te ic 1 il alts clitati(ii in this- meect may piay a large par t in diatcriiail i thetakec. ip of tihe -ea thtat wiill faceath l f- Cli *kio tlciic *kAss...…

March 20, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 122) • Page Image 2

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY TiHEL 1MICHIGA~1N DAI LY'.aitilthiifeliiig hti ieii thet andtail t-- _ I ~~tiientithed\iirilettr0t aniha bee m eal r Th ie a godsig fo G ii .Wild tCompany lV li:ig aI ditr-ARcuieI F. Rrct Mcnl npn RAslm ta ley Li' Vaai er *Jaix F \Vci, fealAEeBAL :. MERCHANT TAILORS --lie awhat iteougt ltoiihe. TtiHEAL ir. Ni OTH. S AONIHi Etitep ST hesnostes v ig IBeatieeP reitice, wlio trill le seein ii Ad W e Are Prposed News.i ........ ...…

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