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April 01, 1909 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1909-04-01

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THE MICHIGAN DAILY.;Cck.".. ii lisisire lIisr1,,1 t~
_.1\here. tilnr might drsI t f ii tdi ~ i
Uid Co/imipanyi to VRoC~. n. fenld i in-t112v cari an
,)aA++t, ( ooi--O a .I c trI tie t its ing spem ci il t th
t/ rLlnsi,rr -jnN F. WueR Iaoreaid rseeer. atereduci on an
encvs.......... . tLe A White stti''- Vthu s i'iat.~i dt. .A\trs
ihetic ... ... . .. E. Eldridge) I'l[hr ecnt tIdin nyu -5sts s1ill ?ttt ,a
Have rece iced a arge ine oa Excane .. ..... . Itateri Muntsier ie iiwil he a cstly t sir for ltuclr '\ c \ 3 ~
woolens for SPRING and SUM itMsic . . . . ollti S. Baker Smi t hii e tifir -t dry-sii cct an '(i i
MFR in (Mleniumrr, Light, and Dark )is ii Rn it .. . ta ttit d Vistcher taetidi caute ,iir hisit j.I t o ,k y sh i c"
Art tLrather) Sitver Drab, Greciaii IV she I;iiur-..Louie V-n XV nrtt tii i tent -isest i l nt l e itisrin Iss s 'uat
D~rab, LIght Moli. Rnyal Gray, and a antioffifteii. Then iiit \6s1itak cIii
Kings an. rrrni itS. i -it~f h er itictian t rig: to cenent vv r
We tace tie Barney, Hdon, I I is t I coleis C.s V dthe tti rite. Hl s )hitu pent-e tr
Cumbertand, I hester, Orient, Pe- A.I.I. it aircreaesrrthe rtoo il~ 1 1,<frr eiltr)
hanm, Australita, Cymric, Bllin, N(cu't s ti till itcreae. hii I h"c ne fa uli\frI
Fedral, Enpice, htaehnurn, Irish ..n thtg fe
tellaig teed rid London W rc . ie i tlI I il Ftt eiditL. hooding'1T1 ten ler_-anIa"
''si r ed ,K 1 sitser;. oisitc Kratt ii'' i ii. titti
lint rctie SataieIt Morit er'enie itsrrcistie Ii r t" trc tllr p
Please ciienearly anidllare rS ..C.Wllutiamsia PattI LeidytI heitit 's 'iiiiir etiti;. Tlvhr = l irtc
yiiur Suit reserv el. 1). . ii hisits [,rd Laiwtoirarrir ct. I ~rh
is lctIwais A s. elii EN I I tt it .A IS AP ? t
G. II. Wild Comlpally I Iis tnCo lotre-icim Icio li
311I SnailState Street IBUSINESS SiAFF - tan e..anduthetie t herr\a m
( i I . Ii iii . it.lar-till in i t retun. t)\ es l i 11is i i
___________________________ tinuii Noii'iiai .11. l1ri:ta it iite cr]4 1 tIlot heii i , ei .
ticirarit Streat.p'teat dmfrotmi c giillo riI . Ig \,
atly, ecerpt Snnday . Bo t phoner life im Jpa1 s i iisnt iito ihe.1'1 '.f,+
j1 iii iiisieidi' I1 i i o . Ii\\ t: 5
Our lile is complete, noie sisiciiiis. ii ut5.itv tt)l-1' t)1L-tivlt I tNS iris
Gloves ranging from 25C 5I,ohi' iiiii i t usiii'tnietti- us i ___ttittnl11i1itiK li
to $3.00, Mitts fromls 25E e s ir's iem IuftuteidteasIichrii e its3 1litdissirir- cs-sill th.dou' ai ,nis' .,.' i
up. Base Biats at all Is-yc iit lcss ii'sNul iiii i i heIts' i eiuii'i rsito is sit j u t siont er this'
prices. Spalding's O0fi- -111,i ' iea t ' siand i ctst im-ruc~nlts isir f ilii suit r%
cial League Balls $1.25. r of e-a(. 'Thirt.iire eri c r n thiilti 'rds. Scas fir t r I Is.. slsIis
eacis m\nn)eag e_ i s s, fil t mir ii etieandri i st o riteii- i sir oi ther- si i -11s-ri1fp
B all. 5f Iii iisstu e/iod . 'a y tir e msr arenit srrs
Ii.hli.a iiiimin iiand istirnn s rs'ci ti- tttl 1.1ti/ h1.1 iiO i -f.\~is
tlyii ii' srI iin sihe irsamane tr n I,'ti ttitIIttlZUSty ' I 'is Ns, t
------___ ____________________ c sir suito5 ii tisrtting ofi ii'c riitSch o -_tV '
,iller:ichill itIm I\ tirsti irie PIi' Geo'rge em ;).haif'w (c 'a rlf
itt-ti'mitshtrck"ita;ibi thttiritt irti t ioma d p r iststment thumiiii it' i ii i~r
Stuaden'i Boorshi re ilrgol aio i wichi th ie limtiti iitrerity, rill rili e e ctre irit "'Ih
me nlc sipItrtiscti triiiiii1ic5', >isitt rsis 5 senre t3 1
Sned nll " \\& ,r, iadto ' elcmi' tn emhsat 8 u cldt-,iin thel\\zdt i siiiiiiliiilir iii:Vtil
st o h if ilt heii pes ntil ritt te.dilicescrcd t'r-rt "' t o ' thit.. Ii 'tI an) 1-1
_______________________\V,____________u)___and__sha ll tfe 'l it ut iipr iie gs'sit two Yertto
A, ~ G.nSldingi & Bros. cr risc Iiiti riimmandii. Iist Campots tIttItecI'stisetiOn-isi
ii i~rzin0i- usIhscsir s ince imo re. n irwhenithttey Ca 1 I. Siitht,. r r'i'sis of the L' - Liii is m1 i
Ti ticta 1I ue i arr5e sir iriit Y t se te till1carsii3 it 'r 'ct \e it 5V. /I. c YIl.. e-irsi r tI-il
Base Bat, Law Tennis Baske B l. t ir h ir is iii -ts uch glad tiig. sithetirehissiti rsitiI Itit lew icrettd itI
(]oilraekand ie l md Sorts. c i ctn igans, si thai tser glrty ad fmit arte cirsal ii il ant hali l isii enr --
s,, isse irsTry i;ISi", riiysuisicsrsi niiiii iis iii seri terentir tttis a id aitl t 7 Oiclockr sin i letists al 1un s ii i - c.\
si 5 rr si a555 iis u i ish rr rir'd rr'iirinrt itt-i'tisl " illt i-tt ie' teS bjrti ofth srir
isiiCsss.' isii irliti tt ariiisalth tir ringn -eersi'artet r nwl- C I .r1____
sioin sre. i'sii(of sesdge. i ii s3i s y h tetay,' spiii iriing Sac. in- ic pirt.t Wondrstit'. li in
o sr. iseitier , sromisinig stlt'cs tiimong --____V( -I FN
A. G. SPALDING & BROS. tisirtu-int aqainiiittaee irs rs i I-ist ot atdwiie idelirered.t ColseierI li 5 1
'I tiss tsrdutA\-. Dts- irri enig to bcme fehm niism.nn thutu., o8L n o7 11c.cn
is ii is is i s'rssiir' fi'iciiiiei ii siiri hu Itnti liniec ia78 I. ttn icy

Iteic anO drama

5 l~t -s-strd Is)
l , t i atd C ica o sit ic:
t-1 ssstss -isitt slit-is i-si - il
1 tsrttl 5fo m 5h c
sn1e-i, itis -is 5 th'e''Iisis-
~re a cs-oill i lt'ssr s'sits.''
hated y a 5 1 -s, f's it-

. "i
',, ! i'

'il-i its-i-s I/sil

Our Stock of
Base Ball
icc mplete and better than
ever before We have any-
thing you need from a Pitcher
Toe Plate worth
to a Catchers fitt worth
$ 8.00
University Bookstore
L rges t SIlck i i Ichiigani
Second-Hatnd Laws Books
I~a tsr ei c uli alDictionr ites.
OizteBoke c.
Cleliute lte N err atdtSec-
oldrt iiioks Itksn i Eii It s et.
Seeoed Flear Tel. 761
Fir Iligh Class Otical Wrk Se Us
ARNOLD'S, Jewelry Store


ti ii>T t

See our Stock of
Base Ball Uniforms
and Supplies
Tennis Rackets
and Supplies
Gjolf Sticks and Balls
Track Suits

S-- IN G




Sprin~g Sxidts are niow ort display.
Always the right thirvg at the right


121 WashIngton t. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack.


Phone 5986

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