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March 23, 1909 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1909-03-23

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xxx.. ALA.. X\A \ _I)( CHI C I't- E1SD) AY,\MARCHII23, 190.ix.2.

N [r
'() 1.. 1SgyT n.

N (). F 24.

Drudgery of Gymnasium Cage
Is Past; Better Chance for Bat-
ting Practice Now.
Mclxl" asbal i adwil esr
het caried ti titi l i xll iii l'Iv a he
h s a Ii l ix ii land iixi ii "lii oo
lxxxi iic tci ixit lo iha t c iciio tic
:t loviiei i it anet be pesentat th xi t
dom ipr'ac'tielindxi di t il ie i ci th
chane thatlack f spae in xhe xcae ha
"Ii)hae biit t a per, ii ihopedi
th t xhe ineli ilixin ci rc:.trin tirixi
i p tc c fo i le lit g lr, its xther
ii xx lixisitil[xtxx ix ime xgtIi,tl l xx ill x
fm- i xxixli i, -m d r i ixip : ' l xiis
c lg i i lc xxi lxiones.i ix lxi
xxiii liiii ixixixi ofiic piiii txtxwii xxil xi
les il!ial ii lx ada xius iito show
T el i n thi ri g( woriii ildiieii liii'
xcix xxx iii ofxii thexx ii ; o to tf
,trnsi t I i , iii iiitieliii xxii i ti lei thatii
ha: xiiix ii xxxxi lialng i grat xm i t ofi
a t l ii i . lx x w o r kx x i si i r a p -
ned t litle \- iiik illixhex ~pen Itx i "(11ii x
Ill,, i iix~I ii f of x g m l i i lls(ix ii
\\'xic i iish . The lig i n thelii gymx iii i
xxxi tic iixtoxiiicix' i ci'ntii xx in xi ii
regaid. andxax lxiii xxix xxi i s ii rti i tl
bexx iixti thani i t giii didi efensexxxiit itx
m i li e h dit 1 chaxnicii toxi shl wxthiric
ablitynx hi het!xi i txiiii xxii eiaiix i xii
thatxxthcxy tiuxipracttcllcisrcc iixx biircthx
tho gh ii t c Nxiixiix veill xxxii i xxop
lxx ccxin iHill. iicin xxha- xiii tixci
tin.TiheIcatch isaf l Re SRel
ii. Kx'cariof be 1 xii xi Cxandicx alcsh
xRi.i Kclxioggx, head ofthexbrachi ofl
ixilircts of ltxicfUiestc serSitei-, ascoximci

Iltixixiorestixltiliix i woodil ixxccxa-
tiiixx xxxii cucsrionixx ofiiI nxatrlxre-

lISOXiiDii S XI i iltlixiIxI1
l1ixtiixn iititxc i rii xxx is hotlxii n thelii raxii
Of xxi xxxwt iil iiihat iixiiiiiiix allideaxx thatxlii
al it is ii ltf - he iii i xxii \V It
Lls t Cl i xia1aii i I oo i ix o a y
xxix Who l III i it ii tite rI llx C iic S (
Engineering Professor Lectures
Tonight About Sword-Play >in
German Universities.
Xiilixiiixxti xii xxxi iii'xlix this ittiixix X xxxii
x'lc ,ini Sarah Ci w( iiiixi1i 1 x ii b ll
llir i :(1' li s ))1
xx lt (). i Iii xi ll( iii ,,. W c e~lh
iii ,iti Of xiii ii Iii 'ilittxix'cx;l xiiixxix
1 ciii i2ith 'i x elctr. I sa slhlci
,f xxcalxi ii i andx i nteriexi tx to i'i' i l i
i "1 t I"1 iii ( xxtitc iiiiixi SilIxi )kx
!It11 lli xxx o oneiiit i llx hei xxxiiY, 01
liii rI bablii i llii ii t ixC m.ti i xii lxxi
txxiv itii i ixxitixltiit -(f k I lat
I th i cin i l iii a dIthll 1 x I xi I 'x)x i xii
I lxii li xiix i lxxi th lxxc(h ix. Sxchoxlxa-
iii , lxxix (11li lateriic xc lxxxiii xxat
111 el -ageixitix iii llai ame1iii ii ()
Iast) earc i llii tic leby P of D ,\xt
-at w s p ib ixd illxii-D'cri cxxxiii xi
xxiiii ii) inpe l xiii i n- te pactieio
xxel iii xasiaiolii thxxxii iii phsicaii iilxnd
1101'111 xiit iixiixxiitat 1 y'0111<4x 11;111c11
lexiiitroli 11.'Xl iii s xxairt ii xxic td a lc-

Senior Book Will Appear Before
April 21)-Many New Features
Fill Its Pages.l
pre xsi 'ccii'x i'icihav'e,' xla i aide tirilx
x'cc ;r i l ' xxxiiif xca lrxxc xthis
ar 1Ii t xxii ei iixxx tii'ii' iii d w ic
yvdI mac the io Ikicxiccvaluabe t11x(
1 iii1; xi xxii xxxiii xxixthe xrxcclixixc xxciis
Pehi p thieii ,iii mosticx lximplxxrtantxii changex
the fratermtyi 'xii 'cciollx. lerix cii lxxilxieach
.1 xiii11 was wellh iixia-ison l iii
wcro.put ier mble , Ch pter rolli lis
ix k~Ih I,'111 'iture xofithxxxiiuse.
ctlcll liii. xliii "phi;i eh dt lii
1'l nn\-cI-lue " xld i iiakesx aini ticix
;rtl n< ; 1; cl this car a c ()' 'x ii nc
tl!EdW. xii lixlx111 reitii it citha
<trtncliiih iugh 'iii' c. itiiiiii xi
).ieIl i ix i ca es i l icixti xIil
xxxi11p( it1 xxiii' arei:. The xipictur 'si xxill it
Tne ic l iii iiiiiex- xxwife liiflttered
Yi xt tc ixtiti xII Ic tix ixanoherxaiii
i1 1'x atii ,e o ahetc ,a v }
t1 X1pl;i xxxiii xixix i ll bexx I-i xixxici xiii

hei o11 gale i xii is isi x'xrtix' ixiii. l i \i IIxii
he notiilateri thanxxxix 20.lTiei wile
W lxxeI alxii l 1\itlex Stliii xxii
printedi'xi th is yeaithan last nd iit it al-
Black, Reck and L ightner Win
Places; Sheetz Chosen Alter
nate in Close Contestx
1t the lxix ixixixix 'x cupxxiii xi ofx i ii
Xxix lxiii hldxiilasteiinix ix xi l ix xxxii xx
I Vtth taexxxii do tth niw
xx nd r fr iii x "I.t (:.ix ii iii 1 11
i1. C .5 c ti \ixix Xix d f rixxi -x
1 i it wasx i thii tiut I h
ilcilicix Solxii u rsu ' .P gn
Slilixixma i . ? lxx iii xxxi i
I .ns ilixixixitx. xi ixlt ci l-' ' fo
The xiir i xi contende that ifiii
xxii statesi Ix t I I (I fr t oc t lioi II
x1iii xlii i (( ii t~n;:i l itI vxxi
d". l i aIi r \ml cxxofaxigi
lxii ii Thei affirmaii'eixx'it iii' heir
;lr"1111 cut. liii ixi tht Owiii ix cnxxxii lilxi
fat ha cr irtc c r li flxx i i eae
hl kc i b ite illx o t he pepl e.tit-\,i
liii iti''ix''i ixiix- n cc e~tn m ix l li
bxrc lawc'is pase( 0cpeope sll av
tic ihix nic' xi toci iicllxit. In i Orxxgoinli
xx lxx ixixth ispeaker, ofil l( x
x'xtx'xxic'i lxxi tia ct xxx xilxxit iit
xmux liiiix 'ltu e xxhll vi ilix tixic ix cixonel
cxxxix' cimol lk, \otedx upi . They'x a
>ial', 'ixxxi'xx fi i nbiiti ofi theiiigrca li
alto lxxxise t i c xiliIC ou fh
"Weixihoulimpcoveiwhat WCihank,
iiixi >h ilcixeor itch b sc i
testatel llx X i(lci Iod iXnt I
leiitr I Lii te eile to hex.V liii
upon wlilcix thex . xe nithel lav
an xhd x i xx x sl. l xi lring oii xxi
to te naT~ic'ilg ixxiixiix' andxx xix

t lx 'sct gxy xii i lund tec xiii xxx'ar c ari
e n ittuu uicixxi. Copiiesc ancxbxx lxx' ctixix
y x at ithe liixk istxces.

Famous Mining Engineer Will
Speak oini-Following Young
America initics.

xIlk lx'Io
Ia' xxxiii

xxi'l tl'
I,, Hisis
'ii Ixitlix
ixtix xxxi>
lxii 'i' xi

ln cri
i ; 7;a
iz i~ic
aX"e t
}ff. ir
:f <ti i

ici ill c
al liilc "

cl xtiiiic iii .1xxxcxcxx in-
niin'r (vr tere in
din l iay i lainii'
th K i" the onxi lyii
I on i ixi ini xl i m thei ii
s}. i xncoigr atxiii ni



'xxx \iii ii i>>
a<x lxxxi ucI
xxx l;II tiii

rC':itl ' lit(I(
hj5 l cl rfi
;reril )t15111C':
rs Iw(.1l - w('c
Ilk' cmltltrie5
< r at. 17art
7 r clu ti il

o' lx ' xxIx' xA
() l".](1xxi

>cc iIi iiii'I Ii i ix rcIxiixxi hasx
iii c I xa i iiixiiiiIiIiIIiiiiIic
xtl c c itI i-t il i iixrays.Itx xxi asi
c{ tilixix thex i nxx cii iiix ) lxx tittra
inll' act1is i a nrr<s
sie efn ili i i f 1ii axiiiixstex rxsit. li l s.iix

fki r
r r t.



t t ii ii ciii tii1i 1()i xx iii x . iixiixi

xluell'n'xof xxxx xxxxlx'x'x'iixx'lIll' si xiii xalu xiii xf lhei tiilixi xlis the liii
lxxefe xiefati n the development'x't xxxx'xx I lln o xPr iiix'it lxxxeii iixix lxxi
xxiii xxiii ixs.r' liii imad xthesubjct Ofi aniarticlix
Ile xii xi wi'it l h ificixcti ndsilx of by iJidex c torx I I . ne of ixela
dulxxxiiavxi th xx ' '''intwixh h eyi are xiidepartmnct. Pierhapsi nox ma'nx onxxithic
c an t o i si cc xii ix iortant ic
c~~~iiixct Theiixiliistixalumnixx parxticularlyi
licixg u e lingxxtheyxill 'he treated h I uteixli i xi uiiilxx
lxxlxxgittiilxxix lii condu t c' xx'tedxibyxa' wixl l x ixintstdi tisxiuxie1hxipsxxmxor'
ii lixiin ul 1)lulireua yse , ar ti \]! e e - th x<ttic xxx eix the lxx ook.iii1iiniw
pa a io tic theu d siii iiixiiiifixi n-i lxii xi lxx ca ' xpagilxxi'e.xcx
dents, xximi' xi ii I the Poh., or Th ima1 olteipst Dar.xi
frixixixc aslalri ullxiii ilec ul fought xi xxxlowed xcxith <a]Ii 'xienxralix' luixixil c-
a dtes esatilnedixn xxiii xx isImost with ixicitxxxiiiaxl xiiif 'ixtix-ear'tolyear
x~x'xtx ixcxixixixx x xiihisis noi trx ofthxx i sic l yealx's lxik
IxxhxfutimeigofteGrd ae ih i ous s xidexx c olgelxci xxifexxxis gxor
L. 11 i xxi Pensigt ii tixik' oi lxiiTheI "mx lxxix' li ghter i ngs.cxAix hig s lxx fxi po-
Sti s. W. iV xxxiitg xieIaIta xxon xxxr nxxxri xc i nteresticcxitoxthe xiixxdent
"iThei xOc icxxxiin xxxiind xProbable Oriiuiixin xibdy asx a ixhxixecacc gixvenxplace'. The
xxi thei Suxlphur Prxodulictsxxi Siciy."x ;produxctx i i iios ca pusilxxxixaid litercacy

xlaidiuiverityxand iexx xihi serval as
'ti 'Ii ioxoftale ioneof ihose mos
xeo e lIri ieiii si. V x x ii x
N o-hc asxi xiiit f texxx iiix
xxiias i t'xa ixixc isi i ned T o
heladqii x -ialsciteso ti
ir iiiiii ii iat tonn whereve
he lii xxe.--ca l the xl x orxi laxini n x
rlt i n the mii'.ii lii iii f rnt hexx l at-xx
for. It hasxiixiixi lx thex ni , lxx A lxx xii of
Mr. llanmcrml4 lxwin Wr Vhxtyp iii
'''xxims.Ii ixxl' xle iii lthegenleman iiin
a xxxs, sit, iii lixisxionei. writierxxsays.i
"Il caltxii a y-duhsitlo dn e
without Vthe xsihesxlii x xiixc lxxxix a
xxii hasii had the.ii I .honor i xa) ciW svrl
lixce. lHis lfe frishes maii nyiixi a ro-cx
lic tory, i deaiingxt.xexitheri Wexedi y
,pilxxximselcxioxxxii pcxi.onxs iicit ixh ic
More hce. i McuXskexcxgxn ,culimixuat thii
ixanueinu lx .txtiigxu , Ifii ay exenixng.

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