xxx.. ALA.. X\A \ _I)( CHI C I't- E1SD) AY,\MARCHII23, 190.ix.2. N [r '() 1.. 1SgyT n. N (). F 24. BALL TEAM PLAYS OUTDOORS TODAY Drudgery of Gymnasium Cage Is Past; Better Chance for Bat- ting Practice Now. Mclxl" asbal i adwil esr het caried ti titi l i xll iii l'Iv a he h s a Ii l ix ii land iixi ii "lii oo lxxxi iic tci ixit lo iha t c iciio tic :t loviiei i it anet be pesentat th xi t dom ipr'ac'tielindxi di t il ie i ci th chane thatlack f spae in xhe xcae ha "Ii)hae biit t a per, ii ihopedi th t xhe ineli ilixin ci rc:.trin tirixi i p tc c fo i le lit g lr, its xther ii xx lixisitil[xtxx ix ime xgtIi,tl l xx ill x fm- i xxixli i, -m d r i ixip : ' l xiis c lg i i lc xxi lxiones.i ix lxi xxiii liiii ixixixi ofiic piiii txtxwii xxil xi les il!ial ii lx ada xius iito show T el i n thi ri g( woriii ildiieii liii' xcix xxx iii ofxii thexx ii ; o to tf ,trnsi t I i , iii iiitieliii xxii i ti lei thatii ha: xiiix ii xxxxi lialng i grat xm i t ofi a t l ii i . lx x w o r kx x i si i r a p - ned t litle \- iiik illixhex ~pen Itx i "(11ii x Ill,, i iix~I ii f of x g m l i i lls(ix ii \\'xic i iish . The lig i n thelii gymx iii i xxxi tic iixtoxiiicix' i ci'ntii xx in xi ii regaid. andxax lxiii xxix xxi i s ii rti i tl bexx iixti thani i t giii didi efensexxxiit itx m i li e h dit 1 chaxnicii toxi shl wxthiric ablitynx hi het!xi i txiiii xxii eiaiix i xii thatxxthcxy tiuxipracttcllcisrcc iixx biircthx tho gh ii t c Nxiixiix veill xxxii i xxop lxx ccxin iHill. iicin xxha- xiii tixci tin.TiheIcatch isaf l Re SRel ii. Kx'cariof be 1 xii xi Cxandicx alcsh xRi.i Kclxioggx, head ofthexbrachi ofl ixilircts of ltxicfUiestc serSitei-, ascoximci Iltixixiorestixltiliix i woodil ixxccxa- tiiixx xxxii cucsrionixx ofiiI nxatrlxre- lISOXiiDii S XI i iltlixiIxI1 l1ixtiixn iititxc i rii xxx is hotlxii n thelii raxii Of xxi xxxwt iil iiihat iixiiiiiiix allideaxx thatxlii al it is ii ltf - he iii i xxii \V It Lls t Cl i xia1aii i I oo i ix o a y xxix Who l III i it ii tite rI llx C iic S ( DE MURALT SPEAKS ON GERMAN DUELS' Engineering Professor Lectures Tonight About Sword-Play >in German Universities. Xiilixiiixxti xii xxxi iii'xlix this ittiixix X xxxii x'lc ,ini Sarah Ci w( iiiixi1i 1 x ii b ll llir i :(1' li s ))1 xx lt (). i Iii xi ll( iii ,,. W c e~lh iii ,iti Of xiii ii Iii 'ilittxix'cx;l xiiixxix 1 ciii i2ith 'i x elctr. I sa slhlci ,f xxcalxi ii i andx i nteriexi tx to i'i' i l i i "1 t I"1 iii ( xxtitc iiiiixi SilIxi )kx !It11 lli xxx o oneiiit i llx hei xxxiiY, 01 liii rI bablii i llii ii t ixC m.ti i xii lxxi txxiv itii i ixxitixltiit -(f k I lat I th i cin i l iii a dIthll 1 x I xi I 'x)x i xii I lxii li xiix i lxxi th lxxc(h ix. Sxchoxlxa- iii , lxxix (11li lateriic xc lxxxiii xxat 111 el -ageixitix iii llai ame1iii ii () Iast) earc i llii tic leby P of D ,\xt -at w s p ib ixd illxii-D'cri cxxxiii xi xxiiii ii) inpe l xiii i n- te pactieio xxel iii xasiaiolii thxxxii iii phsicaii iilxnd 1101'111 xiit iixiixxiitat 1 y'0111<4x 11;111c11 lexiiitroli 11.'Xl iii s xxairt ii xxic td a lc- MICHIGANENSIAN GOES TO PRESSl Senior Book Will Appear Before April 21)-Many New Features Fill Its Pages.l pre xsi 'ccii'x i'icihav'e,' xla i aide tirilx x'cc ;r i l ' xxxiiif xca lrxxc xthis ar 1Ii t xxii ei iixxx tii'ii' iii d w ic yvdI mac the io Ikicxiccvaluabe t11x( 1 iii1; xi xxii xxxiii xxixthe xrxcclixixc xxciis Pehi p thieii ,iii mosticx lximplxxrtantxii changex the fratermtyi 'xii 'cciollx. lerix cii lxxilxieach .1 xiii11 was wellh iixia-ison l iii wcro.put ier mble , Ch pter rolli lis ix k~Ih I,'111 'iture xofithxxxiiuse. ctlcll liii. xliii "phi;i eh dt lii 1'l nn\-cI-lue " xld i iiakesx aini ticix ;rtl n< ; 1; cl this car a c ()' 'x ii nc tl!EdW. xii lixlx111 reitii it citha ial', 'ixxxi'xx fi i nbiiti ofi theiiigrca li alto lxxxise t i c xiliIC ou fh "Weixihoulimpcoveiwhat WCihank, iiixi >h ilcixeor itch b sc i testatel llx X i(lci Iod iXnt I leiitr I Lii te eile to hex.V liii upon wlilcix thex . xe nithel lav an xhd x i xx x sl. l xi lring oii xxi to te naT~ic'ilg ixxiixiix' andxx xix t lx 'sct gxy xii i lund tec xiii xxx'ar c ari e n ittuu uicixxi. Copiiesc ancxbxx lxx' ctixix y x at ithe liixk istxces. HAMMOND APPEARS ON S, L. A. SATURDAY Famous Mining Engineer Will Speak oini-Following Young America initics. xIlk lx'Io Ia' xxxiii xxi'l tl' I,, Hisis 'ii Ixitlix ixtix xxxi> lxii 'i' xi ln cri i ; 7;a iz i~ic cal-5 uirlia?! aX"e t }ff. ir :f > acc iIi iiii'I Ii i ix rcIxiixxi hasx iii c I xa i iiixiiiiIiIiIIiiiiIic xtl c c itI i-t il i iixrays.Itx xxi asi c{ tilixix thex i nxx cii iiix ) lxx tittra inll' act1is i a nrr