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March 30, 1909 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1909-03-30

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liar'e received a large tine of
woolens for SPRING and SUM-
MER in (Mtenium, Light, and Dark
Art Leather) Silver Drab, Grecian
Dreab, Light Mate, Royal Gray, and
W i have tihe Blarney, Hudson,
Coosherta nd, Chester, Orient, Pitt
ham, Aostralia, Cynmric, Bullior,
Federal, Empirer RaerIrish
Baating 'Tweed, and London Wors
ltese comic early and hasve
your Suit reserved.
3t11 Sooth State Street
Our line is complete,
Gloves ranging from 25c
to $3.00, Mitts from 25c
up. Base Balls at all
prices. Spalding's Offi-
cial League Balls $1.25.
Reach's American League
Students' Botoksoere
Sileelall & C o.
x4, G, Spaldiing & Bros,
T I . t! i ts s Ft tt r ilho%-' d
Baoe balt, ii T lennis, lBaokt Ballu,
it, isrk indt Field Sprorts.
troi l s trs I dra t tr ,i t arrtt lv ntri
tie r= I a s< t iS srtr tin rt cuno tJ
't ?;rat - 'ss'o 550 - 'at nrai
tat. C rt st', so rr iti itii. 1it
0t)ittiirs inr
..:31 titet 'si tr ' c. O troit. Mirh.

-Alittirt' . RITCIEtt.
L. IL. Ildridlge
... ittitrt .\lesrtsier
* II llis S. Biker
IN'ruin \'i'sscher
l~ I;-1C.IReidff

i-tci's li tlii'eye s'i- ltsssiii is's i ' -ht i s
;tree's '1lii i ' Indt ilte-daesa 'sirsi a d ra
t is i th 'lsg iit t clisii t'listai of~r ui
'li-_ad ofdhtitig ini ill 'itter cot- i's HrS "roo'e'
1<c ri-ting. Clc t i Costronstoil Evai f 's trie rie mitch iheralded strt
siti t i nrtrs-sig tat - ou et- i -lot - xpetie dsi, tuate tier- firsi tiperr
sri' s:lltrlm l cpes li i e i n dc-- , Ii ce in t Iis archer last tight, corn-
hain ; to ttut h ti ;rii ii sti iii it I ti it Iv i ninisg rtse sndriesnce or the \Mo'
,)'i r isatsi s 5 ie ilistIs lt'riils 't ) ii ii 5 strie m kes strie' remarerkabile
lis til MiIcligti'in y ired 11 poll her i l am - i 5 'of c)tii i n rs a short time.
1,-' "'" nt h r'' i d met lie-i , '' ui n iid acst rieli roil hs'a
ririn tpe tpresence. tier sung,
s()tiri :i's- ' I I' 's- h~ igrlss sri th ir' n~g's I iigirs-oy," is
Ill stints he 3)is o dl fo ctting''I's h'i-elite's. Anosthsir'at
vais~ln tol(f h. m~ic-a d-til t ii ti ple-sedl tire saudienc'' e w s
ii i--i Whtichgth rdt er jo n Ia5, hlt of Drrsh 'ind tiRssell, ri-tirec-is
ll t n I lat' li d ng t Ifs. t ril'd i s e- till rasMtusicarl Rtill
i testmm's 55551 ic<vofarodes.Te play' severa'tl novetl in--
more oplimstr . 11ttnt a e tiiissiis anr nge-stioff 'attie realtli' firtn y
l5 5''ap 'aent o '''e onc reli es rd tial - Tlire- Kriosi Japanestre 'io,
iii. 1 u it ii, tht.ri i. I rut 55555 is tlee sfsrsssrtis is Jests rc batsst. ire -ri
rater-ti tlectrer.- It s ''' le c11- te 't't' ct''' eys dieervedt. 'Is' tin'sar
ta e ittle ltha t w it iti l ni lii i's - ii turn lt i lever. lie' siller sit ri-s
\c r s gh-. he id rt t- i t d i ithost of slis Joel', rcstoescsoarse trite
:m inlt-11g tnsi Ttuc(ps ele 'lThe' till asa es ir iot' w ell
- - - -- - ),;anced eand th roughly iteersirie--

lt re- E'I. iGsesdiig
l ~is Krilt
serf Leidp
i-srerf lawtoni
l1 . It). fLlfiatt
}.th. tret
-ii / lis hle

a"-i .- lelisel. 1 . 1 1111 l
i se--s : M'st ser: liteN i lrees' Bldg..
"I. if Stirret.
s--1<lei iO eel P. t.,nt-8p.ore
lir,- i(t ; ii 5 5Boh5 pone
l; I-tI t t'- :),oi ito ris
1 l - )il 5 'h " - rI1 i s1t1 )ei' 'ine' 5
la ,,r 1i < i ts ](intis- i p t
1tI i \ , I ttL 1 ill i t ik( t 'l l 11e )) -
1 it "1s ), . lw ll ( -li
1-tllil1' st I - ' sih]ttllt)s err-refite l
ti - t -s is'tke 11 .tirsi ir trtes -
5 1' s ri t l ti,- e l as
-'l ' t '15 1 llilo M c i~~l

'i II' ' \for' tt'v udel let () oh
S rh C , cl illIellIhIll, I I i th
filhe 515lu cd Th rda feruli
liis its tu titter t wi terr>.1ai is
ThI girssw o r5i tevai{u iat
'Il' ed p.ri1-1a1ei sti t'''is' t's
number-"esi'lsrrashvei bersni ars
ragc andii i stillts g"stir -
si a t ist eif seu t el. '-''iitos -
cur thIe'''' o sti ur li's ittt t lls - in
satrsies it steer- i 'ii tes rese util
late in pri. Il ' v c , t e ii - iris'
Ths s prc is' iytheleiip dante 'o-
fte year f ei th'eer cla sirnd re ire -
ni tee 'ntclrsel ItnI itetrill) ier
- i's twillhe ch s re'tiets wichi
I.all he sti ft nlan 11ester o
th e - Su it ciil itiiiiI ofuts itheisrese,1t i
tI1 IreS I O Ct I rsos 'tt 1 s'site' i
Rf- 1?t ' PORtT'iSi'I\ P'
'I e w~nitecap~i'steelisrsisse

Is ' tirs issires ppris scritionss r e -
sileleparstedf l sardictrrlialeod-
reel11det reasonabtle treces, ge toreoretst's
J '11111oe , 1teen.IL itberty' Si: 3-ctr
h If eost haleer'yoreopticail work15donr
0ii t 'ralle ~resvotwilt te satisied. Flt
eIs-i" I-re icr yStore, 2asS.'MaimSt. roil
t, Sioe 4cc, 83te grerit. Ileg's i's'it
It1t Pm \5i llrest e rt' 'terse's i'fiiredt
.i I'etc i-tel's S'hiow- ;Strct'. votilt ernst
a dleis". II 'sir" rhotte 73-tRld. 23-17
Me eicsigansit's, fsils, andsI poonis, ilt
I.s-w n e csi esignse, at'I'lsittro
It l-StoresO2tt6sS. ':MainitSt. rentI
lr;vc ,hsir}c, pgere,vc s c t
rset i sissies' stir S aees ist IIest's
C wc Sopushi Sr. 1Sri
rVcra iests lfit'ss ilthing pests
i ac to. ll ry & C' ('i. it
f s ters lihesitsstrut. tve will see thtri
i- f - I ,1tese'. lTolliffs' tund Zeo'tisski,
' 1 m t r tae S it. z.}-cost

Anud We Ae Prepare.'.l
Our Stock of..
Base Ball
is complete and better than
ever before. We have anyeiP
thing you need from a Pitcher
Toe Plate worth
to a Catchers Plit worth
University Bookstore
- Dental
Largest Bltck i irstci gan
Second-Hand Laws-Boeoks
tLaw andI;Medicl afIietirsrrsnne'
QizieBos, e
ComtpteelitreNssan Sec
Old htotks takersinfr Ixeirrige
Secnd Fnns T. 761
:for high Class Optical Wr See hi
ARNOLD', Jewelry Store

itst '' rll'1 at)11C CC11
,Il t{ c l ciii 5 ttrti terse
testistesrwti's'sst tie rs si


teIe atle ticr ssocrriationers sill et-res f
S~ey Smal. series-eelin 'In
jeles khas been t lls inlgthe'''reef f
Jpresetses seat lstehe e stir- inoftel'sso-
prtiats''in-st s h -h li n ie's t l i aftr
lereg at ioltn. s''ig i tr

I t)rservo sewat soxlfs'ds this sptriig tht
iiirMties' le''esind arounthit-fe' sankle'
liDo i(r'wais s )xordstcit'sf herroe genusinie
;tl; stic-sles" arec aertashametdt
oef ti-l 'eeso ar' steltigedrto tsraein therm
'fl'sck lrk1arttbrns is lie imtniufaetr-
irri wo ses ch'elsepisoeetenr'ff
i's ii clse isatStisuhs oxfordts, thnere. is ert
p -ssc e.r c n sniy' tse -tin sr lnnn lte's
01ok staiee, ts9 S. MinirrSt, esd-4''
1 ntres'cris'a'nertaproos poe sitd
'spa 1tsceeftvalretie. lloags...,3ied
Wer' inas e are sepeciaitry of dutplicatinog
lenises inre isrop~ticalt departmrenit..tat-
ler's 1t eetr Store, 21skS. Malts St. end

111' (It'

See our Stock of
Base Bail Uniforms
and Supplies
Tennis Rackets
and Supplies
Golf Sticks and Balls-
Track Suits





;: . _

Spring Suit~s are now on display.
Always the right thing at the right


&:* C O.

121 Washington Et. The Randall StudioRandall& Pack Props. ?h1one 598

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