- -~ ?HP. ~MICI41GA> ,' iL1
IT"EMICH-IGAN DAI LY.a. >,'hstti; nth ol lisi im in i II I Sl55fi
n~ "AGWild Compa i c/,rc1cc sar forttill c tot11!l. <,tsrtuilrinanscfis inn isIln h
lit10 hn n i Icurttia 1 . t ; ioeii u And We Areo P-pe -ad.
hesws ....... . 1 l~eA b\iteCi nty: ri sC r isnrt __________1c____
Athletics. . . I,-. Ldridge - - - - ]ill It1 5 ii i hi I r ~
H-ano. received a large line of tcshagv . . Robert Mountsien inr'ir n mushiI n nil niU iOur Stock tof
wons IfoSPRING and SUM- Mutsic. ... ..lHolis S. Baier l~in it s cui i inhi
M1IR in (Moeniur, Light, and Dark IDrama.. . Raymond Viscier (Utt~iC 1U lTh1 '1jR 1 h, niii ,iiii ' Base Ball (
Art Loather) Silver Drab, Grcian Itnelt vs liitr I oniLose v nYou sorhts iis 1~ .a s,,irnictiliy Ii, (tnn
aC Lih Mole, Royal Gray, and Goclo1dsr en 1 -®
Wehavethe Blarney, Hudson, C(ii,1c. itrnseier loenirs id Tii I C i i~iii it hi , tiztlealel, intl helterrll titand il ta
Cbrlitnd, ( ester. Orient, Pel- W.t. iLantto ii's nt is 1addI.)Iva\n its n a~ty la ~r it nun ipa. vesbfre . W~e hve any
ism, Asustraia, Cymric, Bullion, N):lir ttrotno'it aiteh -rii ,iii p, amiiissn I h ' t 5srm. hnt I~ , lsill thing ) it ned froma a Pitcher
Fii, Empire, Raeburn, Irish knahthe nkalucnn~ aepr.TePaeNot
ta ie'"wedand London W asi Mhit el LS tMclI sgh 'Freil I. Gisngt i tri ii 0ttt srl
g Vltt iss ' Dott'laser, initin lDraft ril h a n ill ,- Ii ttc rnr Ill cHn nI ts i , 'is' liii ) fil
ed.lY1astita I ou5 loai ni do ntlni t ors ii s 1h .1 w lo silt' listcs ss5 25c
Ztitt ell, n pri 1 t ntsii lct " 1 i - h n cnit t1i1son ,1ic ii to a -tC tc rs tttt oworthi
REV~arBRS l ci kith rt ill pi in i~ iil en t1
tleasecttme early and have a, r Ssiiii ilitn$8 0
EI C. W ls a $ Paul Leal lpit, s n, irrl<atr1 o tI od ;ld s 1trr!, ;
yorSuit reserved. .A licleFrdLwo cr of he oe 1o tal- .tri) 1h pre;frth rAS O A'I
C.. S \C~Ldrstits i I sIkesell r 'idal., . r s Iill{, i 'h rtis p it p 'ri ias r . P. , ,
RIas iii tlist . 1. Bretolists t ian' its lists sits tilt hni Nits
I ( n i l- ti . a . lltren -. ltoll -t,I dt ic ii' .~tn
311I south State Strret nUSaINESSs OAF Uiverslty Ilookstore
CalI It. Adatms L. f. I.Larwt'ill niit'ttti:= r rit ,;;wr',s tutu u:A s11 ,ii.s cali sil tnt t _____________________
Aidiress: MICHtIAN n it ', Press Bldg. i t i ithir nt rsit tutu lir o d5s l 'rs.. ,al.\r. - I I k ct a~l is
II \Nla nart Street.i tmi elolttIfh\t1lt I always did sell
Ma agers flours:5 1-2 t.-Ita., 7-8 p.Ittt rese-i tsi si I5liti on ifs lutitil ,,il lst, is; lc 1 :t c ,,r I. I, i rc' 1is<i- E IN l I
faily, except Sutnday. Both phonem antii ttind h. el thy(1tit h l c ni ,>rc d'si 1i to I
O O D Sct livel iihu of i f i I sa mit- its s r n''r cln c .I. chea per than others.
HAVE A RRI1V ED anrosl aor1cd g. esicCh d t , Isc t. nI rl lk in "t
l______________________ i ,.ncut tcasi-hri o stilt l itui I rsrst~r~ c s ais'
t;1111cucceededl iti rriO c ,c l , cn UDY A,1 .,ix. ccanu ep ip ~i stle is -
-_ -_-_ - iow ita n good___________ LNow thcaper
Our line is complete, ,Since u'ntbttnginilti tn mtmnie si 5 i ictor stol'i dilut tryiti I
il ii' T oD il)' untlesten i'ttttsi' ss' ogein' mimlc ln Is fti 5 tcG OVES I Tkha - n
Gloves ranging from 25c thIitersttanchetherme to.mu in 1 ruir ifi hr iiisitlilt "tutuI r LY
to$.0-itsfo-5 ~5ii u - may e right and not e
toii$noun, Mitttstfrsmnesc hutithey1can t b
anitit, u,,r F w e butthe cn'the ro to t o 0 1pter cit r duc
up. Base Balls at all 'iJaii i o ormss , ncl)O W NES tmaittont~tr cifn'1 1ncutlo
," riht tovote or n trs ofiFO W ESIonnoibigconsgntit ftlo
eas of te tdt' sni cnic l ly s'-i'msoc, ts uI o n-cti iii .tl)o t: lsrr
pries7. Spalding's Offi- su i h ttltt'Isin.'-nii heit us S rt itini5ad otergh115ssIn
weal League Balls $1.25. ttui i nslan ifththsd1itys of - l ______________h_________d__
(each's Anmerican League tu is( in utytthr'niitis, t'tul rd ihhi' iii'
buti the' mtmmmsi'ty at lrge bitho (li a] o rt5n tis itnrciIcL Y N 1Il rrO N
ca~~ll.tutired t nntuf isi it. 'ie L A s te cl cC. 1heh n sit l i u 1ii 5 I ii us 'l'Ii'i l L I? h iilR
tlls iimostimposrtat'tainmstruimm Sn i stsha miuniss i iutoday. lit,5 enar(ui t ii' 5 ii n ill. ;ad, sun 1 5 i I 10 50(111 to iNA.
b whi sich tosenuric,'outsidtul Is-cns . 711NOitt I' 5'- 1Y !'E
slut's b's Ii) tittiof ti tonatl stamdimn Iii. Iilists ni 11 Frsilt' hii-s i~ts 1 "-SI;A tirs i ts ~c, cur nits sis s- i
shosiuldiheIn o the tnmost svatuedl as s it m, hboilts retu r tilt r nu i 'ti i :i , ,c"'i=iat u i s\. ( '":- l t I LEY & EI)M UNDS
Stutdeits' iBooksore i i - o re 01f eductiont. ti ihlsI Isni ism s Ihrt i pH
FSuenoe thsben md v ath apae eeteh n s ditii:r '10rt1- i'.1, IQ 00T' 3
Shcehan & Co i)nii )cnal ch ilri-ilfoOl]n<ill \-11ESiBt~Z TRE1
lu ikn p asedorien sliitediilimtsnissis heard i th r kill hesnt rt t icthus nill fouts - C 'i - 'it ri- . \1' 11its- it -i Ittf itt S Rsnin linemiunl'eositn ii 51
________________________speaker;ticssimmthe in' A. co1 , 1 of i ill hmra i in.l the' us tht
}INc unn api prtovesdtior dilsprovedi. W ,, sill I t I VI, pd 'ucd c ng t i h , \c ,t ,iin '
l~ n~djd Bos. hndu)~iti oosunreadyaOttarinto tt themlie c hu ul h
Si cpldingehmg tuuitrmss. trl itPhe rlics fori t he iii II I wllIT 2
mu iiip u-iis sts'ul uit~uiim sfCiii hand uof Anchtn lg too nmail alloit t r
itse Bal, Loss o'tonnis, Basket Bai, it ,mu eliet-i s-io a ic guditg tilt'presntt i \1 11 I'lh i uY h f : i 11 1 1 ic 18, I:]r s i Iely
Gosf,iTrackitanod Field Sprt. ofi sute counmtry. It t int 100o itiicli i)to nuishit''s5Isctt-tmn tdtWthSeU
sitsina. It ci' ttt", ii t'o I suit tls m us say th thatns'er salidity tee cii orVoCasOtitdlnWorecee'-
\ii, prunto sitd sutmer ,esmsill hintsi'tasesed an sti n get.
tut I t-s sa l;,usus te i 'st-to O h4 ue tits e ium ilcernsf the S. 1. A, u-u
nu-iu-t isis uisidduss m)1ll ninittor 1linuseitct rs'ptotsible for tie Seaer'+fita aes a~d ci m. PF
.,1A,1itil,1.ic. Der[ \iirA. G. SPALDIN &BROS. Thee facs ntl tnos' te ittipanmr O S A SARNOtL It'S en-ry Store
_______________________-WEEK OF MARCH 29th-
The RL4L.4MichEVAnMUDGE Diectfrom Minchiga
Lonon uccss Pocket Kodak
Base Ball Uniforms Thle Wtord',ti JOHN N E F F 111 l t ~,t'lm iihn ussa mt
and Supplies a s ute (orlrT e aud nun kodIaklwitthr
Tennis Rackets Dorsch and Russell a u i Hitt1alvaCe sA 'aes tU I~tiV S je i,
and Suppliesx I ic silsze
Golftticksand alls 't'Kaichi Japanese Troupe $15.00
f Note'i - At isni ___t_(.ral (Ara o
Track Suits Aetrir
_____________________ Free List Suspended Monday - . . CALKINS
-THE - V P PLY ol. s-DFUi1S
N IYEI:R S IT Y ST 0R m "TECRMNA ilit 324 South Sta trt
121 Washington t. The Randall Studio, Rand all & Pack Props. Pone