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March 26, 1909 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1909-03-26

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The Michigan Daily
k\N ARBO(R, AiiCii( AN, FRID)Y:, NAXRCHI 26,l ooo

Vax.. Xi.

CLOSE STRUGGLE IS ithbilmater aeutci i a bu
Th c~iilxixhavelbeeiiaskedl to stay
LOO1(ED FOR IN MEET tav fromtheI axxx(x-tix. ltut exttiiix
__________s s i regardinglitie vico usti classii'
Eivery Eivent XWill Be Strongfy tt~ hl othe xix cx. \blhat the otit-
Contested; Horner and Dull r 'jc rte iti cl x-iaxatci
Will Be Michigan's Winners.
tat Mxicigamust use iover} eligilble i-I?1l 1(1 bI N 1II CCC 1)1z1\TI RS
manthat ciii iliac tila' it all- if lie-
expects to xxwi Saiiil a- xeec\isth tTe lii xiichaptie f ID(lta Slyxia
op~inixx io of iitiaie i tztri ck. No ix ill i ivca I nictx tii'seeinig atx
011ly that, hut xe xiry iiiiian xwi lieietered _lxxc u ion xii lubii I exxi at iwhichIitie e pCl-
ini asxmiiniiievents asx tiossibile iordlt'erutt xiii ofthe ix\xchIigani exllege- to 1
it la iay stra ixtst at- ma t : hePece lre titx IConxitiest illibeth
floxatiigaroxixid xwithoxuxt aix owier et flie. ei e h ebr
1' thidix cii xixis n ,h retes ft hef lichxign lchaterx Joxli C. ltills, of
ft-exl-sopli -indt l-'Mi xa -i Itswill bli eIt-lttl i tiormeivarity'l debaIc erx and
a xid ot tox- cater it leat tlirec (rents, xProiesssiTx Iritebloodi andi l i xlliter xiill
xxniiCatitaxinx I lixxwxinin h af ei tedne
mxie as welcias -is lx re-ttilt cc ,th. D lta - n l R ois itle nationsal in-
utile. I artier, xxxtilddittinto h i9X llci' riat ernx ity xiof I ttiox'idebatece
lie shotacix s iitance xf somexic44 feetixill ix oa sItiWas o ganiied-xAIpNilii131
bex'call xiii xx cxxxin the dli hxl helx xlix t Ch igo by e resentitativ 'e'xof
huirdilxes, thexrelaxy- andii perhap the lxx - he lx'Ii-xi't xxiidile wesern x iii rstis
Ier-mtile- andiitoxxentecr'the high jump.I f x I li exemberipxxisx'liiiicol stdent
lie- is at ixeast partially successfulxxinxxall ,h hi xx c lrt icited i anxiii rolc
of thesexi' itix i, iitiill goi -xlo- xxxx 'xxi'date c t xx aoN rdeae h
towxardl xmxkinxg lthe \'iWoxclie'rine h x- mpseoxela hoi t n
tors. If IHaxrlowix unxxiii' theit hrrli -igectxctt x ndsncrxpbi
C'irc-'l,," xiii, lie -rci-eetweeix itxxxI till pakng" Toseuex ct er, it a xxi-
xxii'd ixy xilibe aga doi ''oghxxii t xxit xixsix not xiiinly e i i lxx a
thxe best itC. . . xaii xcouldx doxlalst outt muxst o ter ftcilxitisxo' orni
Saturdiay in thex'A- N. . meetIt Chi lxork xThe iii l mxxxin xixoftthe tic
i-ago xr-s to Ifinish thirdIl i4'4'2 xxxix' --xxizationix x Ill ed xx )eratt(
IHaxrloxiw was noi tixixiixg, xxiii inx dxliii xxxiii xi ofxxi lii cxxiii'. 17,
ix i lth-Ciciago trxack ic li- ist g ttoxxbex - - --
abutxitcii xoi-xiis Slowie-r than thelx NMih- bRC;I\I iI 1l')S.I AMbN)
gait track. 'li'hi tiouldlxtiall threxc Ii C'NIIOR FxOR AP'RIL Ni \ Ill'R
of ltxe xxxixcloxs toxgetherx.-- -
If Rameyd<ic'sxiin ot xiiii in h af s Te datei'fori'tle Subisionxofx mate-
-seitt- qixi-te iroblabile.e 'ilther I ilxx orx ilxxfor xlix-Apil member of the Garx-lx
i-ger shouixxili e able xxlxxito xl land ifirstplace, ) le has tt i-xxedtoiiti xx -'ittxti
thouixghlinxxaixy cxa'e bilxlthian ?cuiii hexi tor arixotjixix' fxx'gi~
abl xto get foxtr utointsx fix ' xxxiiiand xxxxxand xhu xor 'us ixric 'of t lx- lx
tixrd. 'The qiiarter-mxilx- xilliir'xx t l lx xxtoxx(cit-tdil t a o rtds.x I xl' i oixiix xi
goix o Flir fe xCl'icxigxt, lx bux -t lx' illxxxi xan lso be ttiti al xi x-
ixake 'ii ttixtity- cefforttoxxlandxin fronxit tics.
aixti txill mxakei-helixbndvxxl Cittyc tltxid xlies The n m s ter tddto t heii lxx'
lii-. xi xo ii 'itaff'this m nt.' xx cr
it -i-esc-it inicaextionslthen.xwill lx"a lter xtou c ix. lxxFankiii b pp'x'xx Ixx

Pres. Angeli Gives tHis Farewell
Address to the Women-Junior
Play Wiil Make Big tit.
(;elit i' s t t i ig iiaiifc-teini i
te fn l pa s fori' tlix- thui -xxxiiiual
Miichiigaxni\N'omieni's liacixixct toixtake
place Fifixty cx itg, :bipril 2, inI I xr-
!xxhiii i}tt ltxixii- liciT-e xie-are ximan, iinci
xxxiii inte-restingic-cturesx-tolbe laddeix hix-sli
vc-Irxwhicht txill ixmalei thx exvet tne if
the xii' iostxipotantfthfeli-cotlage-rearc.
Tisi ixxxxxxxt furcnishes 'ani occxasioni lxxx
cotllge xomttsim iiilarx-toxlxaxi affoxrdedx
the men 1)yxx the M ichxiganiionii's xxix
nu lxli xxcr inx N'xiti-iixixii fci itii.
It is gi i-txlxxxuiiixl i thexetixigof lic'
S-ciiit~tit's' clxxixsio lxaixtle tisitixng
'dxi < wxiix' xii l iiiav lixt ilop t t n r o
The most xximportantxxxxxxxfeaxturittl is xxeix
xxi lxlib te xprecexx'Of Pi' denl-xxtigell
cxlii ill, asi prsidenxii'it, xaddre'ssthelix - xxx-

belaxx xrge cxxxiiixxni hand to il-i the ii
mxiet Saturxday ight, anxxd -iixxtti-ix-tx't
leadeirsto xxstxart -sxoxe elii whter
aiiiyxxopxxxixxiiF xofferxs itselif orV not. I
fromt the xdetermxinxatioxn lxxitxlthexxmeni
ic-io itill coxntest Saturdaixyinight haveix
-hxown-ixtlxix-txilli' e inoixack if aoppor-
tuniiti- ft-ir xiil ihe ch iixx-i t hatl 1110ix
rxoters caxci to ixnxdxlgei'ni
\I)'IC NIS PIAYiIC,'I'i ii
1?ater vacationix licibug lxitleimore
thxaxitwoex'ck, awexax, aiillxxxccs of ten-
xx1ix xmustxx1k,-conxtexito wit iuntxii liiite
th h ioliidayx bcfore getinixg oxxxixthlxx xix
racqtc. Caitaixi Pcicc of lie tni
xteam axxxnounxce-s thai i'ixtithegrouds it
ixirry fildiiaixe xix ocondiitiontoi xbexx
iplyediuponxt pr xiese-tandxill not x b:i x
untili late- ini Airil, so all xx x-t xxIshiigI
to trv- for' lhe teamxxnexst wait ilta
for tbe team thdixsicearxxxiiixilixeni lxxi-
xesse'iof xiii)'ability inite tndslin
arei uxrgedi to comie xxiiiandtry x-fir the
Fcoloinig ltxe rccen ttxoycottxinig'agita-
iox of Grantger's by thexc axriouxs socori-
Sties, aix atteixptteas madice txx ccxci
whiethxer or xxxi the taboofing extendiedi
to coxmpleitexwithdcrawalxinottececxxex-
ce-ting class paxrtiex, idepiartmenitli
(laxiecs, axnd oil-ir affairs alreaxdy ar-
raxnged for at the acadexmy. 'Iile result
ixas that thte organiztioits seemxiv i ided
liinteir ixndividual oini-ions. Somie tax-e
remiarked that they htase xot extendcecd
thexir refusal beyoxnd NWednesdays5 andc
Saturdays; otherstihat they' would at-
tixnd class affairs if properly cchaperoxned,

fori thec'magziiniiisi enttitledto) aplac
et i t mall o t l x lcx ''iris oathelit
xxIi I"1 tittthe i x xxiiiiii't lilx lix- cii
it'n axtl a xxiii 'x4xiii xxxxlc-x''h'xx xx~ aill
y"Ihbe-gulCbl. l I Il
RI- ill- RSbI's IIhI'xxixxAILYN
I ix xxiiicat lierthe i re xlii o
'Piii.iDietctixx xi cxsiti dilyith
-al xii xxxtever-'xttttti x- afternoon.-xx
'(x11 A) i clxxk xtxar a ea ! eanI
1lxict A IaxacrxScitit"'oxxtie
'Ix x i-Ihc xx cilI ixitittexiii i -ixicx out
I 1 I I cxxc Ix iti
\huh Cbblxxis Sielisle.
S.xiR.I I c=- xicrxx.
xxii xxix' 'M.ii aci-'rhiitxtiitI.
CIlxxx- . Ii -Ni icix-cr htii-.
SCrliEtMarquIrt-lx'ce Alit.
Cixixexixi ifcitis lkxitxee
Chas.'xxxxxIf. AIlnc--Iti-sxii
NC'tehenT. ICcheler-.Axlbiax.hixt-ih
Conra utteaps xu--sGomm.
Hermain itG, NKieerRluysam.xix
ICI. IT. ilcs xr--Silt-c.
Regularxeirtxtif 'NcixYoixkstaixe
clubixtoxnightt ct7. Duppxtert.

Men x the xuivi tyi''s fat-lxi' hue Ixasttu'c.
'Ibi xtlix if ix'. Ciigc-II'x itill bex' lthe
Myx thingin thexlx- Wei xof toaxsts, lxut
byx the peruformante if tlie-Junxiorx'Flay
in xxarah C I cx i bngell-fll txxuxue-
dittciy clftxrliceIbanqxuet. bitKenIon
whox x isxir iig lthe playis very cn-
thsistc(wr iheailtity -shoxxiiibyx tie
,)ayan xinis tuterforlxanxce.uu li ie
'iiihixcci-t:itcshin axpropesie
t shae of he uxgral atit:x ixan
nItwtichitthei xgi-tuktu esexpartsiis
liii lesig Te uiorxxxiii is 'xii
ays n ojectof uchiterestx and xiii
c xrepeatedi i ti me xx in iii I ixtxi of lth
cc- e i; grs fr\li ti-c itexixugiv cn a
cel ' xxxliixl , ct.)cseetth iperformance
i- l-e' Clix cxwil b ive (lxxiir
wais. Afte xthe a liltI ititt xi' -
Adxinxxxthe xixxcxx titus xwilix'ettold act
rotgs oh uit-exascuxuxuxix-ftor
Fac xcld, iinig is partxinchie xxx
harts x lte xxxoibxxuility. The seni-
i i xithx lxxxiCollegicile' bI cxxcxxc-havex
xlix' xchrge xth xxuixxxsfurniishi thei
ex()i uirfifty girls ho serve.
Theii-pric'- Axitick-i- is ij;75cents anxi
tii-\'-xcare xx now - x()n xi-sa le bbat xlxx's pl:h
t xxxiinccn ti-tx hue puxchaxsedi froxn
' i x ix ix u ix - 'it h x li , C e x u el J a m e s ,
P a r r y , ' Lx u is e' u h i l ' G r ~c e ] aix x iii mb ' n ,
: w ni.achix31, forxcllexiix' linx
xii'r lxxtotakxe care' ofi clxxui'xuteingiiu
'ci ixiiixuistgcx' clxxi.

Pirthe ii' lxxci tg Mi ii s tox be' aclpa it
xlE thuC CxxITlT -ci is' "sxireex'x xxxx-xI - -
lin xxv xxig ii Iiuii -it xxiii xxxiii xxiid
Sttrah Cxxxixl11 bit--cl l xial, xxscici
andi scveral exras is offret o thlosei xx
'lxii' x lic'isc iirxwhosei xh c xl xx has
chagexfi tei' I i oliit h ics, a
thexInit ot he l'licux' ill cxxii i
iict xiit-ilris li]et Cii ts andittllitti
o'clock lin SarahiiCasxxxii Cit-ill Jlxii
,f lce nxumxxers, a rxecep lxio and xaxdanci.
xxxfrina iii lrn is. y P e. Cii
G.- Cafld,' hadx o thelixxtmclxx of
ow w cx nixuxgx'gxs i'ciii] xxxlintc ixc
cu-lilt tihat i has xcxxxxxiscix-x lxx l iw
c xxxi t xmflt xlx xx is cx xxit dli ttxxxi
rcxIxh xxii xc"' \nCxx ii l deii lax I xx xxi
whic.wllcelivec yachro ci
lxii te giifi h lri mtc i lt I
MrIc lxxxCixxxA.xxx''lx lxx'of xiicrci x
iii ilt' t xis a har ing -lidc t -t
xl e ictt l o"i s the xx I t 'ig
tolberendeed b the xhoretif-til
IT,-las i xxei iii aii tDuoxt Ile cxxitectli
l, 'in " Itrv xxxI r. i_\.. xF- xxxix ll tIl
>Ity I/i-i eh-i ICp 1111 b han'CiII-
11cl xiorte casI Sic xxlti
,klledi ittsiia lesei ally citis xi
'lit ae',xt the ipiirum m lxxIx x-lx
- tofteA.M .:-fr h iingx
ca ;flxx atic ulxmemberhipi x xi ti x
f xxii citm. titntig tF.MI lx ix iii ii xiectic
Alic - i tii t lix StixiFo xxxscrtic ryx
B fr th ecii tilt ci et tin'i n-ii
in te ipeial ibrryltxTki
ugnthboturd get trxiiiiigto fxitt
xii e c iteforYi:A1i C. .Ainx teiri om

Vile of thsiii- ,'
iill1>0 x lx li I ()hxie, Idiii
it xii ) hs r t h n
()Iii c C ii I x illl I x)rater
xx tcs t is - t xd It h
( li-atic i r( \ ,
xxx lxxi; fo (Ie 1
:t l i na W N II
ie Iall x il' ll t it-t in
xt it ixthe s e n )C clax, co
x~eicltxoxx ' S''xx
llie i s a xxxiii nruxx I xx
!l( fac iln Iit to thI~it h i
S i~ llte clck iC t i lll i{irxightx
\. t . 1. th xll aI ncI x r
xl -atNIl'li-ti'' 1 lix,
IN i h ix ll Ii I xxxl
c-rl held it 'i- xii xx iix
I a ill Ix thirdi' xi
a Cillit it t') 1"tS m


titl l+

il i xxlx lpcxi II,, _

]Ijll. 'Ixl
ill ' lxxix xxi
xiii itixix lx
Niyrlh il
tlc I lx s it
(ix -ixt 'alxx -

Representatives of Four Michi-
gan .Schools to Contest Privi-
lege of Representing the State.

1't 17


I i r

'I l CI5' L (A

01 i SlIx'ixi" 'ChR fli ClAibtihilfiL XINiil'lfh Cliff
SiHOWCC''IC) iAl SC iO~N' Ilfbi'ifCI 'ffl iX

Wlith intmtin ma i the o'nil
klm headed IcyI x - h Nva intc
A 1hldxxxi next -trsy Iatxxo
iii me bes o liii')ctur, asoiion lt
r en itleI't xxxii nd thy nus h
CC' ilit s il1 m d s o ,s ha
w se ltha i t iwisc theiti i et-i
Wixtii tJex twoxx 'xx ifnt thci fiet di each
xxxi) ti lto xiii' ecxxxx's x'xxx n-
'I t ceir candx idacg l xxx-So 'ux:l clxxi
;,res cx'lxixi iident,.. 1). ii- xiTo; xce- xxxix
xxicut, c'Yxxx.xJ. xxxi xcii xx'sl; xrIcrd i s-ti x
'iaoiy, Ue M.{I)d i 'rl;tuse ,

IUx Saitieuday, iApil 3, axvax dexillte
performanxxcexx-foru lie lbenxefit xlfxlix'wu-
min's xuxhxhx'ix fixexd swill xx stagedi lxx-the
ofix thl xiiv iitersity at Barourlxx'gymx-
Tw i pixx lxx terfttrxiiances xwilhue
g ixcxx. oxne lxxthue afternoonxixanuu uoneIII
thleevxenting; anxiidtmenx xiilxceadittcd
tox boxth. 'fle girls tax-c beenx praxcticingl
ftc soniic titme axidthue affair proomises
to hue a great succests. Most of the
intxus anth songs arceuxrigixnal.'f'ickets
trill xcetplaced ott talc next uweek, the
exaict dalet e lx cannunxiced later. Prices
e;for the mtxinue wii l e 25 axid 35 cenxts,
xxxi fur xhecs-cuing 35, 50 and 75 cents.

Cxt-a umeetinug xxithe fresixlawxclaxs,
I;. B. Ciufcuf wasxputicts xip iias texlass
cal AC clxx lata'ixuuscrei' discussedi
forx a litllict itiisprojetctedin theii
Dlyistxff folxi'tle ipurposeuxx'of n xx r
tug; canduidactesx forthue pito ofixxxi xx
igiug xedilx toruill be xciild ttusmorow
m tornxingxatlii'eIDailftfice'atxl ti:30.
RicxxxixI xx

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