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October 16, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 20) • Page Image 4

…THEL MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS dFORME N AND O~E Heavy Oxfords ini the dull finish leathers are ti ~ Kswell this fall. Our stock of heavy Shioes is nowx .com plete. We carry rubber goods &"(-,-- oe 1I S M AINT T. .-. " wA r fTA!f ., ,... A ""PF"M'F dr+" r r ..-. -.. . . ., . . . .... r .a W , a w f , a u . v "..3c+a w '!r'"r,... s T :" s[.'.w.r.-"¢ .Y^ C' ..y p ,- y.- ,.. p' , . .. ... .... -_ .. , .. f W ... .. .. . _ ...,, .. _. . .. , _, ...,. .- ...…

May 16, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 163) • Page Image 1

…P k c 4 4 i ,. K3f ror Ile. , iw . AN AUSPICIOUS OPENING ntxti Hllr tt-i ived a t Meted [vt.101 -o util-,s watg ii I Received l- c l, lu 111111 ii lt it l tt Itl. iii n Y F -th lvas o ptill ttt iii t 1 -iii ivct t by li i i i hut1 ii tl'c tin it't nt t iit tliit tuu u dtiii tittiit pointioftitt i i lTe pr siii a lOdrdiu iii u rt huold tiiiui titi ul ie n il its spell. Tho it-i oftiati c ltre> ut n ioteiiil lu b l iitil t ltlii of liou. Illsti ...…

May 16, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 163) • Page Image 2

…r'3 l VICti llIN AI, ; NE1'- t 0. LJ rum at' .+, O 0 JU WU in ~MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS PUB. CO.tI nc.i s. if t -at a iiV. A.ta Ila a I ; E 1i1'. . 1+ BSUSINESS "IAtiAi ?O. At10ItI;IIA w, J J. Attitt! f': J. W it i,' a lt l it' ) talit i 'l I'tilttit it~t til ta~, il l t-i't t'ttt - tii lt t 1 ' it l' it :i lt' t i I itrt Ititt Xl;ii it1 t1 it I t it *t {' ' i- 4I it 'it' 01ati-tt .ataa. ittit a il r11'' 't as-at' :I i ll ila i lta t i tli t...…

May 16, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 163) • Page Image 3

…TIlE llT(11('AN D H Y--EW Amngthe SmallerThins of ife; .. 4. '1. it ( 4.4.4 4 . 4 '44 41t 4 ' t" 415'i .'.I i .i; ;i.41I!'1 tI15 !4 4 c~44 ~ '.. e' c4n'4 a4 01TH IS lORI . 111 40491 41111.5 ;OR 311 141 1 111411411\191. Th ". '11 '411 i '1.0 . O 0, 2,50(1 $17" 1! 1F 4ev 41 s l1I s, 1.100, 1) . 2 4 SCoiiw]trsvv-e 'W e :Ill lo(rf o 10 t $1000. 1-I y - 1 '_r S~ll :t25eI{ + N YNI, IiI' ,HA S Lv 4101 - ,1II L II t_'1(11 "' 11 1 I,< & ffmfs YA kREUAL...…

May 16, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 163) • Page Image 4

…THE NI C~iR4AN P4# ;1Y.NEWS jo1 hi lI i ,',2t Jeet.. ll ? i3'1" s i+'.nl :3vi tntilaA4fit PIGIG GK ,!U i111id FPdrIovs d~~~W 707 NiORTHi UNIl N> iN \NiI THE HOOKING VALLEY RY. II iii tt tato nil ryinyu ' S iC'E, I IPT'' ta I RtAtti b ' Arrr''sTOLEDO TO COLUMBUS "' rite J. W. I AND1IAN, General Traveling Agent, DEtTROIT, MICIGAN. B fTTER THFAMN EVES.~ ill ij_ I { ' _ " r S,.y,. i "' iY t F F 7 t t The SCHLEEOE TEMPORARY BIN DER tot .'1itit :11 ...…

March 16, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 121) • Page Image 1

…77 R?" 54....E i n i y r 4 Lt a II Y nkIlk J DR. HENRY VAN Dy E- Ihe Distingti lied Divine, Autuiwr and Orator to Speak on Art. and Relig- 00 1in University Mall Tom-ght. }:I 11;1i4 t'1 M. 1-: 111114j i I i1"^1 11ihr41 x II 5111I *1kI 4111 11 lit4 #114 x'1 11''lEt 1 111' II , I 11 1 ' Ei t t4 : I t ' 1.1 X Ill l -i1 111111 t11 1 . 1 }34 ll.iiII {)11 1 lit( 111 No. 1--)L AMilt ARBIOtRMICH.,SUN i~AY, MARCH itfL BAND WILL REORGANIZE About Seventy...…

March 16, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 121) • Page Image 2

…'llM'L IIGAN L)AlLY'NIW lat' \ '.1~ '-fii ..r .. :. s r.. 1 wI . //r _ ... t r rwl t " S"3. R ... V .... Z Q i.I. W . i O Ci r P II rw 4 U t. Y rw ti® tir a l/y ry LL; W Q LL 3 m r L 1111 rr 11 V r TT far z Os: Qr t +t1C 3'F DAI Lt, N 6 l t r r l ^ ", The l cat I1, DAIL1 , I: t 4r. The 'VAtz'rn NE\N 5, .ltfi j'!r r. f t irz _ " 1t7, fr ,.J ;.. _I t ,.i)' r lY Ct( F.} Xo\\ }. I icl( } ld;ii - }itiit i-I 1', W ;Illwl W i;11 t:li i Itt. 1 _ W , I...…

March 16, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 121) • Page Image 3

…JI Eld: BAN LAiTY--VEW S 'oCoats They're ll ere Spr ing Ha ts m ain CoasvEery article of niens appareling approx-ed of Spring Neckwear by fashionable dressers SSprin ut D~MKh LL. Fancy Sirts° '~ ~ ~ ~it ILL- :ii,: j~ - -iiIttI1-i:i- i-ilutr I S ia u-+4 fl' it 9 : H a0 9at: i H .. JOHN J- SOH"ANIZ OHAS. "'1.I5 isAmEN TAILORS 601 EAST WILUiAMS STREET DIETAS EXC.EL5IOR LINbRT DPY WORK F, PE CIpLTY: HFXNDWORh This space belongs to Good Government ...…

March 16, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 121) • Page Image 4

…Tr f ( ? 4N )IK .$&tter tsck, 1141104 Timmings, 11ettr Workmanship: 01 4 44. I 1 T1-1 ull ,.,udi vito. d tAhat madexx th particular care for particular I me~l _ \\AG NER CoCO lX1II I SHADES JUST IN, sole X'oCnt4; -j ^ \ IiL '. _. i j # riG a w im riI ardordPOsad BowInu 707 NORTHI-(i E RSVPX AVEN (i. BETTER THP':M VER I i The SC8LEEOE0~ .a.____ t~Pi Y Nt 1 Ut1 4 THE HOCKING VALLEY RY.I I 2 4444''41 Ti'1 m tl 44 e wi fvrgii n 4 44 D04 1 .4 4 10M...…

February 16, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 98) • Page Image 1

…t !n i ),ALI IkA F .. ,... .._. .. irYt .. .....r.. ............. POWERS 444ste Tait of te Sao dr the Auspices of the SLA id its'i theht ~ h"sa~ ,1 ut 'ie"ut,:,ion ef.1 lt l l - l , W . i l 1 ' ."i l ;eI krI 1 3 II li-IJ:11t1 e'u1 inIt1l111,~ntlslic- ' rt IiI 1111:. I,-.11 ~ ~1!I iiill ' 11' tilt 1111 1,111 ' Il 1 rle It1 1 t ,1( ~ ha l 11 er ! itt U, l i e u 111 ; t, + t'11r 7 1. I 111111 it 1 111It.l h "'t k 1 1'1 1 i ; l t tI 111 ~ l.1. 1 7...…

February 16, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 98) • Page Image 2

…Til M~flGA LAILI--NEWS Z 1i M cr zO 4' THIN W~HITE SLIDES. ; SLIDE BOXES + it '"a s ides . . .. . . For 2() nl dee.... QUARRY'S ( iot) TI) 'or Fiie Luenches. Chocolate,.B Butt~. Cigars. Cigarettes, Tohacces apt 30S 5, State St. LaweBooks, Medical Books. you want to buy, '01.- 0. E. BARTH ELL th 011,lA'. A -11' w MICHIBAKI DAILYNEWS PUBe. C4. r MANAGINGEITOR K IN~ , .2 -AFR fNI 1,t11" etersan Toni-ht t21. ;tit I 111,111 I4 li ii Sil ;12 2 1*T* ...…

February 16, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 98) • Page Image 3

…Tilt MI(H16 A.N DAILY--NEWS .. x_®.a.... c._a.....i a.._c i..ais_.:._.....stx_ a._c stt_:_.aie_._t...a s r_.1 ...L " " " a '" AHt BUT THEY ARE DANDIES!I C cc rnew assortmetto' -,ath Robes, Iocizng gCG $ will All that you ro- d desire of olcr stock sc . willbe toy (-I2C Z(a tuirge to ?ok 'eo:r~ 200 202~ S. Main Street. -ocwn an(! comi e i F1HMS, iRYAIN & JILtb.. ~---t OHN SCANZCHAS DITAS EX(ELSIOK LAIJNtRY o L~ Moo>~ AI LRS DSY ORK FP SPECIA.LT...…

February 16, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 98) • Page Image 4

…TiE -M IfC Ii i (X 'k [ , ,fIYNE W, NOBE3Y HATS, SWELL SHIRTS, AND IMPORTED NOVELTIES IN NECK DRESSINGS WAGNER & O. c~s+: ; c .HAWES 3.00 HATS 133 South 'ai' ta to riGkWiGk BiwaiFa addo50Iinu THE HOCKING VALLEY RY.I! TIIII ilwnsOw a4t ao eryt ing: RV I 1 ta 1'a OADA.K't wtall" ~z-T r OLEDO TO COLUMBUS Wrte J. W.LANDIIA'S (General Travelintg Agent, DETROIT, ?(.~iII(ai BETTER THA N EV lamThlS CHLE TEMPORARY ~O t" '. 1 i . a o .? ? e a r F.J. Clf...…

January 16, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

…DAIL~:c F IRST YEAR. FOOTBALL SCHEDULE Michigan Plays Minnesota at Detroit Oi0 Thanksogiving and Chicago Abost the Middle of November. u(t1 It le ill i w -t lI " H a lf \'I' lli;vlii iii Ii. 11(1111('1il11 l(1 IS l0 4 itit Imot t ~ t 1 l i ts I' ll e il\"(t i II tti ia tiri~ Il 1 t 1 ( s ) , I ) t i t (1 151.; 111t~'l 1' I ii~ s ie iw(i Iil('Iil Chi 1 :ltl11 St lst ' 1, i I: 14 1:1 _ t 1( , : 51 1 i l N l h 1i 0 1 t '1 t i < ': t ) 1 1 ! } 0 a...…

January 16, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 79) • Page Image 2

…THlE MItlIRit-AN DAILY-NEWS LEADING MERCHANT OUR FALL LINE Is the best we have eve r :hoxx n, contaning ALL ThE l3akand PRte Styles, and a very fine line of ; Fancy Suiting and Trouserings in the latest patterns and color- ings. The largest assortment in the state. Yo8 E. Washington St. ITrowbridge's Chocolate Chips.. u 40c lb. TeU, of 11. DAILY, it V ' r The 'VAltaIlIY NEWS, wYer f tr:Jrl ttAx I i~r itr-tY t.' tt x li it AC~l IXO'w I h r 1 '...…

January 16, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 79) • Page Image 3

…1TH M1'IHlI AN-fDAI'LY-NFtWS AH BUT THEY ARE DANDIES! Our new assortment of Bath Robes, Lounging Gowns and Smoking Jackets. . All that you could dsesire of our stock is contplete In these lines and +. it will be to your advantage to look tlam throutgh bofore buying youtr holi-+ jc lay presents. '+ 200-202 S. Mains.Street.1PDHM IYiN&IUL. 44 + +++ '7Z+++" ++'"°8'"'"+ s+ +;+.% ++'"+ +++ +.54.++. %+++';'++ + ° ° + u'° "j"5++44°++44+4'ea-.e 4. 1 JO...…

January 16, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 79) • Page Image 4

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILIY-NEWS CANDIES KODAKS 4 Ins dainty packages of all sizes. We Winter scenery and winter 5arttei tmake KodaktinZ attr C 4}pack for sipiment without ehar(te.... tive for the hchldays. We tave a~ l the nc-p patterns-.?, +See them in onr windaw. per cent. discoiunt on kodaks-. CALKINS' PHARMACY 324 SO. STATES. ribKw!GK IBiIliard I'FIrOrs ad o 5wliD 707 NO~RTIH UNIVE RSI'TY AVELNUE THE HOOKING VALLEY FY. II 5r,; manste rsto eeythi...…

November 16, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 46) • Page Image 1

…1'(er TYg~p. ANN ARBOR, MICI., FRIDAY, NOVE. BER 15, 1901. No. STAGG'S COHORS TODAY, GOOD GOVERNMENT LECTURE NATIONAL FOOTBALL. ROOTERS IN TUNE. Chicago Rp0rts Cripped Team, But Senator Fairbanks Relates Many In- Senii Fin-as in Gidiron Contests- Trsable is 'ass ted. side Stories on our Relations Championship Will be Virtually New Songs and Yells, Unprecedented M -With Spain. Decided Today. Enthuiasm at the Singng Meeting. na1t hi reaies tcc W...…

November 16, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 46) • Page Image 2

…LEADING 4MERCHANT OUR FALL LINE isie best woe have ever shot' n, ALL. T1E id a very file line' of aud lrouserinfgs in the latest patterns and color- ings. The largest assortment in the state. WILD60. g8 E. Washington St TAR SOAPS PACKER'S = 20C SPANISH ROOT 15c e0elt for shampoo1 Grandpa's Wonder 'or 1,Iitoci Gym g and lOc QUARRY'S Campus I)rug Store R. E. JOLLY'S L un ches Are Better Than lEver t the Itorgest Itotk of P'ipes, To- biacc...…

November 16, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 46) • Page Image 3

…1 lIE 4t I lkI(A N -DAILY-INEWS ~ TfKF l LO K stoc k of New Fall Suits and Overcoats 1)o-NN"I"' Detritlati (hio TA E 'L O 'I ( , otopOe in ofMen's Furnishings and Hats ino the1%,ito ie 0 5. ;>,tue u c r l c l1Y'+l LAN "Ii V N DERWE1 A 1-- \\1N iTA N Sil L ti jol 1(1W \ AI) 1HATS. + W!hI MKYfIN & IUULL + ±200-.202 S. Main Street. JOHN J. OHANT OHAS. 4DiETAS TALR DAY 60; EAST WILLIAMS STREET EX (----L ----OR ----L ---N----- 'NO ~J~0 CML H...…

November 16, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 46) • Page Image 4

…2 THE MilICH1(-. YXN MLY-NEWSi HOT DRINKS. CANDIES Armour'sVgo rat, C( S i +t 'i. flt k 1C AL KINS' PHARMACY 32 4 SO. STATE SlT. i WE LEAVE NEXT THURSDAY Our entire stock of LAW' PUBLICATIONS GOES tSave money by pu reha,"intg next Semester anid Mise' lleos[hloks 1[4i1(ire our stock is exhausted1. CALLAGHAN & COMPANY, (Law Publishers, Chirago.) ANN ARROB()RAN( i: 340 STATE 5T, Opposite Law Building, PAN-AM ER/CAN PLAYING CARDS SOHALLER'S BOOKST...…

October 16, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 20) • Page Image 1

…ANN ARBOR, MICI., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16 1901. FIRsT YEAR. No. 20 BONNETS FOR THE 'VARSITY. Coeach Yost Will Use Leather Headbear On His Me--First Seret Patc of the 02e44011 5estrd'v 4 , Ii.I 44 "3 ;n444. n as n tlr itr~ .i 14l ' 11 .114.1111 r444''4'n g'}11. ;,441 First F .ILitti h' 1 I 1' 'llI 411 114 il t 1 h Lt o t l l l t sits te s Itl~trll io 1N ,11N i t, '.-iI A tl . ( 1 h t w 11 1 ( I o Ii 1 1 IitvNmi~l " 10 i-:N o!!i'BNi .111 1 1\\ ill...…

October 16, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 20) • Page Image 2

…WILD 60. LEADING MERCHANT 11IL0R OUR FALL LINE is the hest -we have ever show ni, containing ALL THE Black and 131 ic Styles. and a vecry tiny lime of Fancy Sui I ~fS inl the late ,t patrns. and color- ins he laro~st'1. a rlinejnt inl tihe -state. Ios t:. YVasiah toil St. Tnuft Fruti One of or(amutsdI1L1.fountain cvcra; .served in orittin al style at CAMPUS DRUG STORE, THE MTCITL AN DAILY'-NEWS D A JILS, W cISi~ 11,i1i I, n ') ' il NOVEL 1fl, ...…

October 16, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 20) • Page Image 3

…THlE )4iCIIGAN DAILY-NEWS 'M. .+++++++++++44+++++++++++4 4 +++++4++o~.+++T+ ++++++++++++7"r t.++++++++++++!4+4f4I!.444.444.44 I + + '1. .1. + " . -. -z -s--s--c--a -a -r-a -s- a- a' a -a- a -r-s--s--f--r-a-z -a iii 1)11 iiiu t iolo()]: ii i~t itt t i(1iI w t i t i t t i till { . tit- 1 I Ea d l s (1octedI ~tiek cry New Fall Suits and Overcoats bi wn H Dtoital TA KE ~~I lftie1S p tt li ng cat' Men's Furnishings and Hats iethe i t~ h 1 !fAir.)f1...…

October 16, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 20) • Page Image 4


May 16, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 169) • Page Image 1

…C t , '. -. { . fl a, ,: I 1 f E VOL. XI. ATNN ARBOR, AlI1h.. " THURiSDAY, MAY 163 1901 *. ..Our Special Line of.... Foreign and Domestic! FABRICS FOR SPRING has arrived and is ar- ranged for inspection. We have the largest as- sort nient in the city, G.9 H.WILD CO.- lob Ei. Washington St. Artists' Material 1A Complete Line fur Water Color, Oil OR1 China Painting WILDER'S PH ARMACY I MAY FESTIVAL IS ON Mlendelsschnos Elijah Will Be Ren...…

May 16, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 169) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. o P a t ~~i n T en sis T ou rnam ent B egins T o-1l estew R A I N O R S H I N E ~s a e t d nf g t e a u l s r n ens o la a l n Peblislsssd Dail, (T sttaeapaiaie s o asi-s The U $ .u Shoe is the shoe Colgsrra ill i e ldit ate 1uVaitit onrts at fatrarra'? :tu sIsI da afternoonsiutt. tl-ist oa t a to iweas whets the weather s uncer- - THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ;-.tsarsri istls-athi ta. A little rain does'tturt...…

May 16, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 169) • Page Image 3

…TBEJIT NIE SiIYOF 1VtI3GA1PN DaIL~ Who haven't already examined our spring and summer line of shirtwaist patterns, we wish to say that there is still a large assortment from which to select. When you buy one of these patterns you have something no other lady can get. They are exclusive. 1000 styles. No two alilke. ,-o 'ol 0" 44 OODSPEED9S 0117 MAIN STREET Mi ch izan Ceit ralI NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE- U F mm A L R ,l TILE HORT INE-SPRING IMPORT...…

May 16, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 169) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY 4 TH UMEJ.{LTYOh MCHIA 4 AIL Je SI Ur, 320 HI rIeys ART Fit ForA Prinlce T1O1RI Agents Agents We have them on all kinds of AT PRICES within the reachi of ordinary mortals 100 students wanted to canvass combination of "colors, alsoniake Y tr ut o Y u es r uigvcto o h c.A them to orter for cuss teams tin Y urmSitotvYourPleaureedr " gaineor the"A.lA. any cotors selected, withliner-It sovd soie Sls ala, lette...…

March 16, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

…VOL.. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURD)AY, MARCO 161901No12 ....Our Special Line of... "DO OR DIE" Bispham's Singing XWel Received Cmuiain Foreign and Doniestic Mchga'CTnailoav IHrdli ~liilisog recital 1t e('ITo ie' Editoi of tlDil' FAB RI CS Men Invalided - Snout bor.Uivesity Hal preented thb ereto i' lss sicit was attempted by Hahn, Kellogg 0pet('lel otof May lfetn111 (((nlert nIci et ly'1(ol.Tele F O R ~WithIll ee mn ofbet earn(.1 her. 0 ((010 (0ki...…

March 16, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 126) • Page Image 2

…a 'SHE UNLVEI18IT Y Ut 4It It=H1tA DAILY. Pubhisahed Dasts (Mottaysecepted)dtritg College ear, t THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN rgue Blg, Mate St. 336( S. State Steet. Bth 'Phoes 13. Nrtt State 'Pheec18. MANAGING EITR, . H. H s, 01 RUSINESS MANAGER, F. 1:GFoo ntete -: EDITORS: Ar:.EoTI Est'oat - Ca-ts. DvotAa 01 A.H.McDOGAtL.,01E. G. . HSKtoTo,'l MsLK. Sssatste3 WA. KIGH, 01 L, h. H. W,)oOWt,'O4 W. PCttAsst,'01Ll W. A. BasOoeF, '03 F.I. HOSTN, '...…

March 16, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 126) • Page Image 3

…iioit ,!v-rilY OF MICIA N 1DAILY E i £ Fir iEEE4 'aEiE .9F 3E iE3e E e FF Fir: fr3E rr i'r t: CC*vffcfCi'Csc6 :CCCFVISC c:ccPCps'sP 1E-fr:svffv4 w.. I iv irY W sir LADIES' SPRING HATS KNO~an S AI Now Ready for Inspection EXCL SIV HIRTWAIST PATTERNS 100 Styles, no two alike G117 -MAIN S'TREET cIc0 090. 88 88 40 88 4'0 ' 'T" 48 '° 45 ' 3 :3 1 3 3 33:3 33 33i33 3 3 ? 3 33 33 3 FCCa4afs = 3= :.3i 33 a 333 a = z Micbian lCentral NIAGARA FAL...…

March 16, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 126) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY S PECIAL SALE ONE WEEK ONLY Writing Paper y-the puind at 25C Azure and (ream Wov-e, Envelopes to watch IO per package, 3 packages 25c POSTER BOARD PHOTO M, LUNTS TYPEWRITER SUP-LIES. Sheehan & Co. 320 S. STATE STREET. You can get a HOT LUNCH AT TUTTLE'S 318 South State St. Lectures Printed lectures for all depart- ments of the University. Type- writing and Mimeographing. EDWARDIS BROS. Oer Sheehan's) State...…

February 16, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 103) • Page Image 1

…lb , r; e oK aiim VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1901. No 103 --- ....Our. Special Line of.... JUDGE IN PHILIPPINES Foreign and Domestic Prof. E. F. Johnson, of the Law De- partmnent, Has Been Appointed to FA BIC S 4 the Philippine Supreme Bench FOR SPRING The University of Michigan hats ever been the recipient of many honors at the hands of the national government, has arrived and ie ar- and the fact-has 'been espec...…

February 16, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 103) • Page Image 2

…R FH C -Nt 1htU'-i V*y 1)r 51 RIIt A\N It 2 Pttbiithed Daily (Modays ecpteddritg College yar at. THE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAN MAIN OFCE BRANCH OFIC Argus Bldg Man St. 336 S. Stat Street. Both'Phases 1. Ne State 'Phoe 12. MANAGING EDITOR, . H. AS,'01 BUSINESS MANAGER, F. ONELAt, 'Ci L EDITORS: ATHLETICS, - G. 5. BCunsUSr, il B A. .MCIIOCGALL, 'BE. w. A. it-tott, 01 L, Miss L,, K. SAIN '03 Bas. DRAK °01 m. . Wooa~ow'04 W. P. CANss~, Ci 5L W. A....…

February 16, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 103) • Page Image 3

…'IHE UIVERSITY OF 1C}tIIGAN 1lAILY . * * p * ~ ~ * **~3 IfYou Look UsOver You will agree that our $3.00 Hats are the grea possible values in Quality, Style and Price.,., P117 M !K 4' 4' 4'! Atest 4 5 PEE~DS [AIN STREET 4 4AAAA443AAA A-4 i a 2 3 s s a izs ss = ="_s c" c aaa zc a:aa asa aaa:a an CententralntU. 1of11 locksfall M IhGAnFAL CUEtral UniMEETcitytfrom Buffalotethcrsal armo 3t. iu 0e to $1.00. Fin NAAAFLSRUEt tilf.Ile will represet...…

February 16, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 103) • Page Image 4

…Ih!E U-XIVERbI1'Y Of MICIGAN DbAILY POSTEIR BOARD SIZE, 30 X 40 FOUR COLOR~S Rced (Gray Green Black 15c a sheet AT Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade,.. Our sartorial skill is equal to the best in the state of Michigan, EXCEPTING NONE. ART 15TICLLT M ECMANICflLLT We will be glad to prove it to you,' Truly Yours, S. BURCHFIELD, 106 E. Huron I PAI[II~' Oyster Cocktails EXCH-AN( GAS! Bring iny t an offer. 3295S. t !HIeadquaet Chimneys TO NOT TH...…

January 16, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

… ARE, VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WE Announcement MICHIGAN MEN STAND HIGH AL. O r spcial lineBar Examinations in Ohio Prove that Ouupcil ln Michigan Law Graduates Are in of foreign and the First Rtank domestic fabrics The last number of the Legal News For the Fall and Winter of 1900 has gives some interesting data concerning examinations for admission to the arrived and in arranged for inspec- Ohio bar. hell nder the new rles of tion. The ...…

January 16, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 82) • Page Image 2

…THIE UMYERSITY OF MICHiIGAN DAILY. U.n~ hlnjTeS. C. A.NOTES. RAI N OR SHI1NE U . " d 0 Theauditorium was crowded Sunday _________________afternoon wshen Prof. Henderson spoke %./ The "100' $3.00 Shoe is the shoe Published Daily (Mondays excepted)during on 'The Christian Student in the to wear when the weather is uncer- Cottegeveac~at World." The association was especi- tain. A little rain doesn't hurt it THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ally pleatse...…

January 16, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 82) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. _&*flerc :EEmeE:F~i~lEE:~ E:~r:EEFEEmES:F~t r-EE°mtr-f~tcFfv:FE cek-eC IPCc4tvt 94 sVtt C ii cTo Order Suit Sale Our recent sale of high grade trousers at the exceedingly io having been so fully appreciated by the STCDENTS, ii it * to offer (FOR A SHORT TIRE ONLY) R line of suitings of pi * at the reduced price of $20.00 and $25.00. W Quality, Worhlmanship, Style, Gus *C w* C ow price of $5.00, lt as induced...…

January 16, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 82) • Page Image 4

…filL UNIVERSITY 011MICHIGA.!N DAILCY Talo in == ha fEX C HAN GE Your Oil Lambs For "Ann NEW BOOKS ~pPerfect TioighpeRetaining GSLN Aro"MPGneos 'WORTH READING GSLN AP th Crdinls snuff=box, 1Reco Harland Is a (duality often wanting in Moo's Suits, but our tailors Bring in your old ones and lot unmake You tgwse Wing of Occtsions feet Gbomolor Harris have mattered the secret of imparting this characteristic The Superior M'f'g. Co., mThe Slearis IH...…

December 16, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

… of AL VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1900. No. 70 VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1900. NO. 70 Announcement w I~Our special line of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Winter of 1900 has arrived and is arranged for inspec- tion. The same careful attention is given to the styles and finish of every suit, whether to e used for husiness purposes or for full dress occasions- . H. WILD No, io8 . Wa...…

December 16, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 70) • Page Image 2

…2 2 '1THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY .+ Prof. Wenley at the 0. S. U. f_ RAIN OR SHINE Michigan sems to continue at favor- ~,- The "00' $3.00 Shoe is the shoe 'Pubished Daily (Mondays execeied)during .ilsilaoig'ii E steii shoos as an mter- t erwe h ete sucr ColcES~arat ail~r. he tucW weklyat hiotain. A little rain doesn't hurt it THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN sa te ie:.yhi olwn o while it affords plenty of comfort on MAIN OFICE BRANCH OFICE "...…

December 16, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 70) • Page Image 3

…THE; UNITERSIZ 1 OF MICR IG A N' DAILY. 3 THE UMVEESflX OF M1CE1GAN DAILY. 3 i tl *Y Wl I U 11* E **FEFI: ~Fr '~r FEEfrr****FE~::E:1£ EQ:E Efr.B ~:Ei~ rEf:T.F rF* : 'E :: iE E : k SUIT CASE Twenty-four inch steel frame top and bottom, good locks and catcbes,corners rein formed $ 2.98 T !1 !4 4' 41 GOODSPED'S 117 MAIN ST. J. ' i 33 3: : 3i3 3 3 3 3 '"', '3 ? 1:3:3 3 E: 1?,E 3'.N i:3 3 31i 3 3 13:3 3:3:3 3 3 :33 : 3 :3PrEE-3 EE:F:-3 3 :3...…

December 16, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 70) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY 01 AIOHIGAN DAILY 4 NEW BOOKS WORTH READING The Cardinal's snuffbhox, Henry Har land ,On the Wing of Octsios, Foel Chaondler Harris The Hearts Highway, Marl/ E. Wilkis The Lane that had no Turnins. Gilbsert Parker flare Fahles, Geory Ade Alice of Old Vincennes, Maursice Thoms on AIn the Palate of the King, F. Marion Crawford Songs of nhe~riorning. Eden Pilipotts The Isle of Unrest, lHens'y Seton Merrieman A Bicycle oi Cathay,...…

November 16, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 48) • Page Image 1

…Wbe o o o V6 L~. XI. ANN AttBtl, MICI., FIDAY, NOVEM1BElt 16, 1900. No. 48. Announement SCHOOLMASTERS TO MEET. Michigan's Pedagoges Will Meet in t Our special line Ann Arbor and IDisuss Matters & of foreign and of Interest to them. fit ~ 1 domestic fabrics The fPall meting of the Michian For the Nall and Winte of xgoo has S ~ota lter' club will i held in Ans arrived and ,oarranged for inspec- Arbor Friday and Saturday, Nv 30 and Dec. 1. T...…

November 16, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 48) • Page Image 2

…T1HE UN[VEtS[TY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 2 ~Further Lectures in Higher Cemmer- 5UI, Published Daily (Moteayseepted)tlriagthe OiloTu-day Lymn. a. oovy, Chi- at a Sacrificev Cleeyaae gs isosegnenshdhsTHE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAN .vets oeIt iturns en "Deep Watter- j ' he way our shoes are' going will ways," (itnest. Monday anther nt- supieyu nIh rcsta MAIN OsicB HRANCH OPIEesupieyuadthprcsht Arqu. Hidk, Man. S. Stat Street sid ictltc'r coniets to talk ...…

November 16, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 48) • Page Image 3

…TEE UMVYEESI IY OF M~ICBIOAN~ DAILY.3 _. ?3 rtr F arfr frF rFF#iEEE IFEKrEtEfr rEE &EEiFFEEiFrrE - E Fi'r9F lE= e rMirr-Crev- r.CE:*.CE:FIEaEIEa:Cimpmf vrp- :vwc.F r wl:s lmits vtc:S.;6'& tc: . flan's Wardrobe Tn.cludes .no. more necess'a' bis winter overcoat. Some little difference in * haps you would like to ex patterns. You may,--if you - - - - - - - - -__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - c.c'vc s cc ss :«s.4E EE "E!'ER:E ':7lEID C'!' siF; : :dt: '"R...…

November 16, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 48) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY (fl-MICHIGAN DAILY TALES OF THlE Excursion Rates GO INTO E X= iAN KS W CA RW O mr than MW0 of the mot inviting style for FallY1 ABook of Hard Luck TO ALL WH-O BELEIVE' act ereever'roght ogeher.151 Stories that strictly made-to-tmeosure garmento ought to e bought below the pr LA ordiaily charg we frnkly ay, "lHES YOU -AR. RBY L ishodfroen thCU Le ndayGOODRICHl & DUKE,LAfN & (0 edii ofth Ne Yrk unAet for the Beat railoro on Earth....…

October 16, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 20) • Page Image 1

… ' t - r, - VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICHI., TUESDAY, OCTOBEU 17-, 1900. No. }0. RIP UP 'VARSITY. GOOD GOVERNMENT.CLUB LECTURE .Announcement - COURSE. _______________ Coach Lea is Disgusted With Some of teMnAfwo h tIc h od(oenetcu l- Our special line th1Me-AfewoftheSl e s o rotis'its lec-ture csurse tot' the1 I offrin ad May, Have a Chance ts Sit 015 -aiig;yer. The club bhse securedl offrin adthe Side Lines. somtte at the best meue whossre ...…

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