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November 16, 1900 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-11-16

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~Further Lectures in Higher Cemmer- 5UI,
Published Daily (Moteayseepted)tlriagthe OiloTu-day Lymn. a. oovy, Chi- at a Sacrificev
Cleeyaae gs isosegnenshdhsTHE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAN .vets oeIt iturns en "Deep Watter- j ' he way our shoes are' going will
ways," (itnest. Monday anther nt- supieyu nIh rcsta
MAIN OsicB HRANCH OPIEesupieyuadthprcsht
Arqu. Hidk, Man. S. Stat Street sid ictltc'r coniets to talk to the ~ are making them go will surprise
Both 'Phon 1. Newe Stale 'Phoet8. e rtiit C innereialsoI" students. you still more It will be profit-
-MANAGINGMr EDITtO.Rte he11 ~ able for you to be surprised rop
MANAINOEDIOR, S. tleolegteal Survey' will lecture sand in today sod try it.
. H. HANS. VH his snllZ, will LB 'The Iudustrial
BUSINESS MANAGER, Vlier of te Wet Indies tobthe U. S." , GLASS'S SHE TORE,
r.Eo~AD IL The lctures will lbe given in the Lee- I'j__ P~SHee.u,
5EDIOS: D,'l ture Room, Museumn Building, at 41OS.Mantre.
ATHILsTICS, -G. . IlneTTe, '05It°c c'pn8P.M.sunil rARBOR, MIC
A.H.MeDOUGAtLt,'OIi. W. A.XKauT, 'H t..i NNES IS COING. I_ Miti i-
Mias IL, . SA~iN 03 Cita%. vttaK'as1 'f hi lf J ugl A rel /fi
H. H Wustaow'ttS W.P.us~e,'Ol. {cMiug-rhn "tfratrnity Taetoura pe ' i~~juo
A { L k .H. ooaow10 w P.CRNBY'0 L What Iowa Mlight Send Uis.
-- towsa benitves in rubbing it in. Now M ONEY
Toniorrow coieouratnnualiiron tht iian ha.;een tLedtrosai t ut U gtyu
test with SNor Dame. A week aglkeaagd11o1iitt (al rIr~
we hod no fear of this game, but 'hr oe *i etrto the gvern 1,1iyth
Iowa's .'ee osag ttgte ihIwtCul.Telte ssg~db 1 ut and Overcoats at the "New Store.'.
othir accidents which arious memiber S. Sprangler, onito the exctive 151i- o aes uhta' la rft
of the 'Vars ity have suffered since i cers of the lea gue n dasks the govern- o aes uhta' la rft
trtiemaeteganaiirevnor to answer lt~htes question: We show yu all New Goods at Cast
'ots.Wsosn a otobeIn s furtiter iniigratioti Into yur *c Basis Prices.
conest Wicon~n ailno rothieinsiatendesired? f so, for what per-
uning up a ig. ore on Nottm Dame pose?" STAEBLERt
host week, ht the latter uniivei. ily has The qtuestions were asked a go
a gae lt ofmenand illput p afath a'pparentlyfor te purps fin .ManS.
agame stif ftmaegans'wildPo-stling a debatefor th league. Bt "& Wr LRTH 211S. Ainbo t.
good tiibfigh ot I gens' 'idat. t Stole looked wary when erand AnAbr
morrow. Theold watier and condi- te isaceming front Iowa. --
tion of the gound atid. in making the "We might," he said, "favor the im
game is. nrein the -utcoeot. mgratiooaffew go t own foitball -
Mchigan'Sill have to Ught for every pay-i'm.Butii-"
ya he gets and theeroiers shioldiAT H IENiS THEATRE,
Aul rough edgs rme t Ov Der
ame nout t help iier dothis. Their s hire's Rtural Laundry, 12131 Pekard
psenoe 'especially neil fier our __our___
defeat tf latSatud y. Show the (oy OA IES10;TG sT O N IG H T
that w'ere still 'wittem nid wili a. -Acutoker's smoke. 61 Hit QUAINT," QUIPFk LtCOMEDIAN
help pull outt hreeliter goo victories________ WALTER E ERINS
this failL-Thitl done, Michigani will WXaterm an or Laughlin Fountan
have n regrets toeoffir otthr it ng i bet1 'ns, $1 each, at Selaler's Boktoe. IIIthe Cft u r's Greatt{Il' ciii itti
-otal Tasu M ne Ann I heA-to ordueCo. have asTew *ihe Ia f rom M exico"
Colining-the 'r~taternity 'Tiltinilt " of iiise made-toardor pi'nos for rent- l j
- - g burpoeliIt.. A fete only. if yntBtA )ISUIEp <tztnO
INNvE:S IS ('OMIN(=.wantl i iiio to sutllou00get onet B Iy 1.A ~iOCIf t10
Class Tean's Semi-Finals Satit dy. rnnC S 5 0 5 N 10
sm ittle csionshpnarrwd( to thae VfIf. I Ifhl~il MONDAY, NOVEMBER, 19
et meorrn n ro Tue tn tmto he ppr r out t i cao H P N E O JO E
*mi-nals wihtwil hex cityd off oltw ll ettLos D lv,~l1g(2le ei ttoa.n., ams - ":HA HA PE ED TO OK S
and 1902 nmedic vs. 1901 law, at1it. Lui, 'ansas City, Spring.
n. The winner's othiese games wil field, Decaur, Danville, anid all SEATS ON SALE SATURDAY.
then play on the following Saturday, points Southwest. _______________________________
Nov. t%1, at 10 o'c'Ick in teforettoon, Consult ticket Agents.
'li tet nmpionship. Immnediate Connection lt 1ilan SPEND YOUR LEISURE TIME
INNF R9 sCOMItNG. with Continental Limited.
____R_ . S. GaREENWOOD, M. P. A. AT -
lhsv' you seni the '"Frateitiy'Tab-;R OE 9
"The 5-an Promo tltexico11 Ihich B itd Iliasfo lldeat-/
Walter' i. Perkins and his comedy Printd1lecures fr allepart
company wsill ho seen at thte Ahens ments of the University. Type.B
'heater: tonight, has been genealy writing and Mimeographing. YOU WILL FIND A FULL LINE OF 11H IOHIADE
considered to he the funiest firce EDWARDS BROS.
Cmedy pr~ocedh wthint manty 'eat'slover sheeiast state Stre OlI Al HAVANA, CI
pate'hn-M. au&chet wrvote SEEDi AN0 HAVANA[x
My4Fried'rosumIndua," uIn tin sue- Redmond, Kerr & Go,, i IMPORTED CIG A 1R L,.T T
Tess of which' Mr. Perkins wasanulBAKRADDIETC
pertant factor, i was tnt thogtt that BNES
the author could suslaimi tthepitceite' 41 Wal Sree, New York°a o
lea st henItcae o frT O B A C O O lI
sucesr o t frt omd~ u b Tarstcageea]bakngb± nND O T
uicev depeets uhecttoidriaft ioIdens s AND ..II'TLIR
did ltaore thanmistoai it, for "Tlhe f50nstnd interest (oleeed and remitted At a IL.JD N
fete ta g ntsft d segotiate' the ieae oRIL.
than his pevduous wrk, aitid itL11-muse l genrtes aoghftrsadtseid ae se of 'EY\ R-EHRS0 3 2 0TA~T
diateuy caught th fast ('y ofti ttt-. St i-tMemes New YrExch sbage.FrmMxc"p e oh a traa te ahtyse sr ~ OT T
lovng publtewwithtte result thatius -DEALIN S- CSNITRY LUMnN
eagensents has lin ii it to the IJ-RAEr (SMETECRIIS.SA IARIPU BIG
principal eties of the country. 111-RD VSEN ECRTE. 'LCTItiCOS TUiCTON'AND SUPPLES,-,
List of centanteleraga set n applhatin,; iPILDLHA* RSONET.7 STEAM AND Be-v ADs BEATNG -0.
The Kerugondiowlng alley is offer- GRAHAM, KERR &8cCO. 2T. Wshligtonl Stret. HIH AsGAMATITs I GAS AND Etc tso F 'aE
tag great lodicomenta 'to wers to ________________

run 015 a ivgh score. In siduition toit
r-egulam prizes for high sicorns the man-
agement fers a -round trip to Chicago.
hasivi. vcto ___ esn uh ae th ~g st r e Douglas Shoes at W A H
pint ee methe litumdty of tte vaca- THlE J1OEMAH
t {>n. 218 S. MAIN ST. 1

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