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March 16, 1901 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-03-16

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....Our Special Line of... "DO OR DIE" Bispham's Singing XWel Received Cmuiain
Foreign and Doniestic Mchga'CTnailoav IHrdli ~liilisog recital 1t e('ITo ie' Editoi of tlDil'
FAB RI CS Men Invalided - Snout bor.Uivesity Hal preented thb ereto i' lss sicit was attempted by
Hahn, Kellogg 0pet('lel otof May lfetn111 (((nlert nIci et ly'1(ol.Tele
F O R ~WithIll ee mn ofbet earn(.1 her. 0 ((010 (0ki1l1 tfollowi id Illtsl y
has arrived and is a- tt(liglt Nel Sow, higih .,iipl arda Tul on Pre(1((1(010'. lun'lig'these, ow sithel lterC a te lot tla' teifu nly.hl
ranged or inspction. shtattuer,. has a sidtl, n. iliilai' n } e i'r.ho -vote ruuu Sr vi n i' e's liti'ltsi''((l('1i( 11'hl
ranigead fhior inspection.{'i'l( (I ioiv 'I l''(il'5 theil 1'sI iili'its are ell-'(dc. 'hese ae
prveithaiea t o tli 5 jupi ng' . ((1(1 ad ' y~ciyalSoe ro nn 'l,' olit.'
W e h v'telaletac il'k i'see)to elli t Il' 5(1'('l.A l [ood o itil fllud i srnofse lect1 11 io steners °" .lll tik' It nd 0111'ltoleblerte-
sorAil"~ti n heED tiseo 111 i Ii', hllet tpoeamllse"t)to1( mu1113'with wst ta lsseecinlytliom l
r'(Are lltu' te .prnter1and0e 1 rnoon. (Is' Ollthtedl'shlil it(f1115 lll lt, fr (1 i ll' lwho bthe'a0of h irit te010-clsa
W I D f bl' u (eis fllrui ach ol'd t.bil ils tendelostith t sin1(0 's i stt tislxctll i'ot tthi pr e tt'eIslost,
1((1 111 (1(1 OlllIl(11.1 ii'wit h is' c it t lsos 0( ore
received fresh Htti 411as1b(1 1 ,1s .4 lii~i1 111 1'hls arei oud iv te U.t efir . ip Gtnr anieso(Itlti e t iil~ilt si ~ ~So
rantill r das andlit csI i(l t 1'ilht h i e ei d yst erlics of gent1i'1110 sltiiiiwegra
wi8 E a h ng o t e.ll rigttm ro .Ik T o (rnd rs a e(ill (ltls'tsir3.it o 5be 'inttalindi when i l t11
ThatI the linal Scoigl i lt en vel n ow' cth ald"Etad"1(1nivd(11scinso lasaeseaae
nihti1u e l e t h t wa l~os (1at ti l i ls t a i' ted i'.ionbot 2 (11i lline 1thostcnti n s .I'eti s- n
A D A< M A C og th fialdout a sl 421 to(3' but(1rom t 11 hul s e m orli emoiii-'IonaltIIsts l iiton iof th laset s nhldatsleietervasltsd
thi 'tmeseerloft he5 crewliI 'loigoal-hs 'Shidts uc Ih'atttenderlii l' i ('si tuiierllyi's (ists i t few53 st''T n t1115011
Y O U L T E D'%pehere toeretar 'e liout 1.of 11t i m r e n t ottO til' sit"D ri 'ink tol 't 'iosly ht h 1(1 O i ne(1(00cule so pr to s'r, (1i t i'it dlt 01o1f
AE N T G O D VI N CI tees. 11 Jono 11'. i'' 1 1 on.((1 t~i(h 't s' ip t'who et'siili(with c n m e s of s eltltothergocla 11
The eve t1Iuits isn.w h iAuI l'o lt' w (0 i i'tll.pnsben ltiii' hsig seo' o t ages.th ' thed lse throuc h a l mos11t3'in-
re eie EfJry 3 8 S tae resh theI0-yard(('la sittig po leutst-tp'Iiato tlw' 'lthiithe'clif lassestitis t h erlu beforet~
Iw Itli.ii (lill'lghisbe tweoct1 o .nd'liii' sitl i t is cer(1 (11ktuiny tol beii'thei
rYI LDoco +i R e LI.11f 1 es ofitCii'. ago1 fo' l lult 'II'. li lu~ii 1 ii lii wali yt heyi rill)(11's t 'ar..downi mofengdratedes tudents t eofr((it t((1 liaeti' aii la out' r'l
THA RM iAC Y) it' to ii te HFehis 1 a(1 iC'hi''tgilI, 'iiu t a tdrnli'likel ss ill U. o . ii '.."1 ht i Mii iiilt s tt 01
I 11nas(it bid ewit w i h atii' 1111 lio 1(11(3 311 p ie bee I'tat u liii' cT l sie l o uiit ldii hlyo'tbe ilev ". i t oso
IS GREATER Ti AN Ft Fit icll flit'si'veryI i'l 1(1 1(11' 0iiiii ut 1(13' i from ii'the uoreuluui :'g'' so ke. otul thse,'(lthIe adv'ioctplort
YOU KNO w eretoget... a.cnchonnroth 40yad hrde a~l thsoas Lf. ikeGrel to Laele 011.hissp i.it, ea s yu iii0 tcer iismoIt
IShe qu.TO t~~I~' irt1111' ile ls'1 licu'u il bI on y i heD th11(1l Fia veig o dik.
'iE2t NA~t ND F l' h iiiv .'i''il, fi . itifo sec ll phse ito F n x iiin a t Coie l tl ther nn'' ielie i' i'somehi ng o that
( Jfl fIs ii 111lib twei am n o la\' hin t hecerlol (O l il Ielf ii''logelier the twoelassesi o
SM K a gl itinsnli (ttliusrah, ori i te h i . T tiesins are neat itlds hut' hu' ' (hit tuc lassl, nas lylii't t'
IttuJly 0 .Stt tet ~m il xit0 ig in..1.''i (t tlt it ine hicgotrttiv, cmpsedIofthemot' i tit' II. (('' librl
- .4.414.4114.4 tti[ ((1(m.ifg thi won tb shdivi ' ill it'i rgraIt o r tiIti moker illIlehi. nded,(1 ene(roussuts(3' hose' (it'l
liiossutil1 fin ish tt favu'oIrit'e'illsof o ainm lo'wiindut I- uhmiatu It it aei ori poulri h t heir (11001(iii li-
TH+EA D O ... Ill'iiiThe eond pilaingt wh quartis i nk, (((hhr 113.sti ((''g ' ad t sing h e presencet' ionslthou ihpofessotrsif andlohehu
miurli t al t o g sto Sb.. (asit hilts "f tnm e fteporie(ahetsohr h "rb h rt eltl
I ieeer r l(,e nl il e t'e ll he ii furntished '1rofthl. NmI'll' byI'll i'good.i .A inl(ling(of.thei'' to lei
'''i'hhioCip sui Flt- : le. Ill w ]tic hM l tsey Itill i ke 0((1 1 to. I l o n tt'i' T i'. l e 'i''it u olit (gildinot b i ut ist'o f it ll' (('115
S trin gtwdu 1['he (e incr.1w 1(h chuh "''ill fIta 110it i'l'imeber.\lt' heIt onohoni''5' i''hsoi ci'rd l 1th ui s' iibe iteomplshe
to com in an look till' ollon'~_g wIththe('lulelgd 11ti1ke_________________t
atonedtrawhenever your eo-ed our1 i0>
4[aetm .n hre i tlIitl the 'idtl'hia Chica n wiyThm s . g oee Arrivetre o (lIf till i Itllty (providelt iftu.tr till t '-
E , Ny oN e we ltlome. p lacestot w or at S. t't h lo',s c ollgt Itil t Figl.11inan lt rO i'lyutnceltof tile ulivetsity.
C I Twdolso.11 i100013 o f hall, Wrag th e tiita tl, itIudy St Sag- at: "I' til u er,[c ivhops.0wI'Ijotile tyclseta
always welcome tat bllb s(t lra Theoatl ffices. Li (11(1 s a h i agdal c countwillbe or- u i 1 iJSI. ulOb xrse

+. mally othert reult rubbers, he hasd little selve's, lIoWOvet" [Continlued on 'Third Page.]
W. VA knowledge ot his ability unitil broughti ____________________________ 4
LI (out1inl trainling.,ow'hen h~e began to show1 Chicago-Miciigandnal track meet at Water. Reserved. Seats for Comedy ClubSPotor-
W. m~llul ei I h ure-ie e an Gymnasium Tonight. Begins promptly ntance ot ,The lagistrato" on sale at Shoo-
utu%..mei i heqare-ml. eat & o'clock. bstody
.(:4#6~Continued 011 Second Page.] isTdy

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