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May 16, 1901 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-05-16

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o P a t ~~i n T en sis T ou rnam ent B egins T o-1l estew R A I N O R S H I N E ~s a e t d nf g t e a u l s r n ens o la a l n
Peblislsssd Dail, (T sttaeapaiaie s o asi-s The U $ .u Shoe is the shoe
Colgsrra ill i e ldit ate 1uVaitit onrts at
fatrarra'? :tu sIsI da afternoonsiutt. tl-ist oa t a to iweas whets the weather s uncer- -
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ;-.tsarsri istls-athi ta. A little rain does'tturt it /
Ma atN ins r. BssNCH os1FsIs- issowedr lt fa r -ita i'als' sss,111111 0 Wtile it affords plenty of comfort on
9.rgus 53d.\TiiaSt5. 3345.Statr Stres. y Isaissse 1f5 Iaa taai ta '-t at ssf Il the warmest of days.
Mi-sbIPhasses 13 NeswState Phoane 182. -
is-re t its tits- pia 5sss1:1, c iss-ands wsils B ittof course we have ight shoes '
M-sANAING] III3tTORd thes sttntol ti s is iss iks~ ais- this for 1 nat] days ad heavy shoes for '
0. IIsI. 5-.'a1 Issanssf-is destttl I' its]" ,' a reais on isis rainy days if you prefer.
BUSINESS 3tANAGER, st' it aShou~l istdItsisis itsols t l-1))5
I'Ea=. sssss'55L issity. ss111i1is-1"s'1iiiiSe LSSSSHOE STORE,
FOITORS h i nteti ortt'pni~s f1 09 S. fair.Strct.s
poill' tiseCati'rsss iich srpisltat'-tt pen evenings until ANN ABR, MICH
ASSt~aars.t slt. 3. . arss-a, slttis 55 s i 55t55'i ts l titstntsrcoslegite & P. M
Mss L, K. SistIN 0t v ia i. A. Kosisa,'m55L3Tnnis Tssttrttts i and tsit t t Ch ag --ts's
hn. H fta. il-tiow'4 w.1 ti' P. isas 1Os L ss-n rt iss h[ slcsteds. N A I
WV.A. BanaaSC ss3 5. IaOSaON. 103U2 Witht pracstic-tlly tie Its-as h'11sst s-a's L j 1 ""
Art. PsR-E T : MANtssssisss 0is2ss-5s-s.11 st-gtt ssssts
i tsr iti hisre cis~ts o" fss irst5ssssssrt i sis 13fsrss le other fellow gets it all
'Ise' ss-ttlss t t t tttchistaaits doubtlsa- ...OUR FL ANNEL.. -J
Thee c, ptian ptrihr teDar s n5-5 i issi l t-ssrtl tx ast.aiTROUSERS SUITS - -' -
lins nd ohrarintededfo ts - rti]sfstalrsa h s SHIRTS and SHIRWAISTS 4
Lin mu ssis 5 nee .ats i -the D IYOssirtiti n utttstitplay ositomoistrrowirsftrnoonAi. lt
heoe tip. i. a, oseaited ts thee-huaetsri ttaityc iittti-ist risissisiof telies ai ____the in ov t///o te
P. it. a1 ie eday psviess a US titus atday a t]v besth novto o h a ~ -
which they ausexr sted t55appeare tntu(-lais ssp saitsts- ill as isist- eason. 1You1 had better nail
Sabseei s-amay be lirisas the D(ittY-v i t .
liceinessr +otatie ts-neicthraul aator t iitsrsisp'olo.yirl siiti yours at ontce. Te New Thing ____
bys i saiaiva srsasti'as hatthrolte 5ty ustt-i list si etiesl, ae 5alwas found at tie New
fiuseeetcariits tasaseiverepser. Sore
All catsges ilit tdae is-a masereasst be _________So
in she atire ts tm sitlstte daypreaiauss Cthor
tt it whihthtthe rtaasre One-Fourth M41ll Tax Will Stad Up-to-dateUploohdate
35eh iitittt1 itast tits-is11 nu a sts'c e fists peatlt usintsl *raw i-iu estr- [ t i1Hatters
tli~st- it on ligtt it!):afT heiitriptslit1s a 5Iit' at inul--d t.t [ -5. Its- , K~/ 1 P
mte-ians it t oitii31lstigttt itereiistsa (atu sslitth l s-s- itt-is ltilDisa itt ;itt s usand H-aberdashers
s-sr) st y talt ss -it is-li st li aitchedtit til i-i-duciin tte I irlsrir Ita i~s --
thts wrsk (ftiets e atti it t i- it I' rep-tut u- t f Is it - itelsu. rse
Fiel sld-sisitr itsrltheIitt iitedis Setl,,-att - ile iii- slt is-isata i- plnii. . .~ o. ". . . . . . . .. . . ..""" o~~o oo~o
-ofs-sthei' 55bysitsgttttsIevii iit ys o ....... ......if(bllwtmdehe ............. .. .. .. .5...5
ind- ff t st(, t i. ails-t 'Thtr boisa t Ia i a tl lsrder -fo ssitl i ay. ig..i'.**.
*0o... ..-
ituh t ha s-r egttt. itis w it t t its- afitiin Pstit i-ela -i irestors if15ts littss herdof ".*O*.Yb
soul and that -stil ,etlitituse t a suteheit sstoiisisgi_l.[1,.i'ftsir IsY
IIIevrtlty tutu it t h :ti a iltftist I td asa iibi'i- ofstill fits- ix tav b o..bY .=
Vu si-i'ittssrntt itisrito one. till ha t helii i its ts'i'sit tsax as-s--is-t y.... . . b
1-as-ra s-s i-is siiisitlofa-thelt tii lia'se .It lesst is la ss ois nils t lssslit t @ .....
game Wet elivti' - Mi- *0u il M ... ."
ait the i iii Itt itot tstist iois-ieistivesia~t. Too... ".-
malse fri-stditst lsrara uti T eu e's'- folo i fett in watsii ris iisce iv o...m""e
1sot stitsiita1<Itaiststtt's ......Y.
itle iii~r-d tsiiiii'iii ole' it eroitit ,1 if lit - @hesecaloleran go ...-..o
oust tti. ilis i iisilsa lt i u t in i ii lt itil iii- titpssa e'900lit.":3
till hricii litiaCollgeitilills.-Ille
hi-f s11 i'isiltt s-i- if i' sI ll' 1-vd fIsusi he i i en - s it o to -sote ih " " ..
hr t' 15511515 5515iia illbe of Ila leal~_illo tevt I ~tilt' utc s" U G M S E
liuiine,_t cet'ait-row f te seior; I. . . . . . . ..oy.. . -
I-i 1110ais ihlv't' luti' ilaisii h'o11 s t' Itat ttoft iiii atlg l e'.i
sitai lII liti: n i t isa: iloilthei' uif ie l'1 E bhoy.d'oeuvre d
vo5d i-t ils'5''i-meitll 511511i . Jklo h i llunlom s lte tes,,n Z -551-asttie".,t,.tl. S. 'T.ENTS. IEA..t'A:;®R
jl®sts.i^s. i ei.sits. .il. l i titus] . ri'. .ui.'It. - Sagii"o,.aane e a . o 1
itIultiit5 Ii ti Don'tdei sts iksa stu;Pa f ® - ®gbbb~abbbbbbbbbbbbb~
osusturcst it ht 11s- I 'i's li tostareilli i-'saiiastu tscsiaa-Atsii al5as5-s Wt t IS L t -i-i~ i I.(l '
tdisot thlilei irta'Mii i's tuthe tti i't3edr1A1_L'. 1'='KW'= agA y s TnDannr fl(mA5C RO
'1ituet1 lltt'lu hss ltttltttaw 5511s1Wal t-eFeaoulJ W yIto1
hilt' rutu h lulltttlt 0 1 s-s t u 7te' alsssaiallls -ue
ts uau tll]t y i'es tu th0i tat he f 'eved
lit-ulyfituu sltI i sis:ht In tuteatithatt(Expsi itn55 __________
\ rstl AI s siut y itlna leiwon r fy TNasaD RVs-tiA S I-.E TS -' _____'ER
isel nn Isis s wlui'iuIl- lusstnry' sti A Th3 b ; oft 'ss e i J
wichwlls'vosatslu t h is, rletiu li i-,a nd r 35th r ~eallthe i 1,ICRI17OII ;I, PI1'SA? NTAR Y LUM1 E, N
tnivtersalls-usdicritsit bservatdiu btlt-il - tiGII-RA itsxelNe. i orsiT [('1-' Fuos utRALKE tOaLLEN ERTAtu BLEsuoSttss
11as--i ts- fsssi-r i stitsutius lu 'll ('-i Pt5AHttIiIA I ttus1 'aWapete tret u DONES NO i A ' BFsslE t
sctolwIlsat'iti - - di oo-- -- GNa\ M N R H CU HO Sll(1t
to i t tail st 4 salto imTitate the is
1 S. W. Aitgi in-i P acEt$3.0-0I6-LV$3.50TISuOsFreLSPO 2IN 8ENS.MNST

'Plus ie itur'goinuitsr," coming. - 7 s ': r' s7,

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