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October 16, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-10-16

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t - r,



No. }0.

.Announcement - COURSE.
_______________ Coach Lea is Disgusted With Some of teMnAfwo h tIc h od(oenetcu l-
Our special line th1Me-AfewoftheSl e s o rotis'its lec-ture csurse tot' the1
I offrin ad May, Have a Chance ts Sit 015 -aiig;yer. The club bhse securedl
offrin adthe Side Lines. somtte at the best meue whossre pseimi-i
domestic fabrics lii est at the public eye aod -Who will E
yeserdy spr ctie ,hoved1Ila t'th ',lk illitve Itestiis. The course :is
For the Fell and Winter of i900 has 'asity 'has little lit-slice totbe c-lliedI 'l's to ite steidesilts auni citizeus oft
arrived and is arranged for inspec- such,. tsr it tsst ettituas vtnto idlle1t itst rl sdwl s ose
carfu . lding o01'treal tate tall. "'lIatepy" . eiv thitt'libelea.1 patetugs that 'itt
lion. The same crflattention mr n est t' iei 0- ttet it t ' lti'iittt'iit is sesisosed as1
is gives to te styles and finish of horse19(lwitht Wilsis nititotoppiosed im.it tllovsdtetts tittet are uuceiittiu beiug5
Iise gatis1e reseslblei l tat. oft 'tist-itsBtt esien;
every sail, whether to be used for hati, alto rdevelopiedtl atstyle iof' his ownss ulpIsiiiti Ct rick Hift- sittate Prisou
busilness purposes or for full dress Airing lisi pyit lisciga. lIttytIt- ' iks sit will talk 0n the Crimiasl,
litbsit-itihi t lnti e opposing Inn s ~. -islijt.eintlitg "Btehind'te Blare.''
occasions. h ade g il ' o hestrett'hliof thieiiOc.'6.
H wiiobs o io~ lemiiionathlioffentivet litt~eit itu C'ster. hicago, 'Pri.-
G. Hi W ILi'CO! o1 re 31gtt Ii Electitol ee. t11I~li Isl~:ItE,1awss''De.S.
sitstMaiiyorutI ii ~~rit~ i tiis tiitlisti Joes, Tledo, "'Te
so8 EL. Washington St. liii n t c Ii iiialf'tehi ftte lit'eld1ii hai I slas iniPtlttiets" Dec. 120
1111d a.totii'liiiotvn. I u -,- tiee- ''i(4 Sti! 'sos-ian toni Orater Raoker T.l
pa t'ii of"-tieg~ti' ite' Si-uts 'oltittil Xliitt " uitt' teoblemss.'' De-
ne es'ry takic k andsiti tis (-atidliiiri tutberiiorCJainuary.c
T O W E L Ia V n c e k c k . t nto a e l i i i ' t ia l l P le s id e n t S a s ui t i l t a s p e r s , A t e i - 1
AT bIc k it ikitess "Iutd t-preciin an ' i il i 111ttiofls. oWashingto,
1Vee,, clapedit'to the tilu iionlie 'l ' lailthuuti>being Sirugglle
AT taid fnellldo Wite coeiitii' ofaIt' lebet.,11 ia18 y.
ALL.tetu d wl ,SnIc 1 a rry- tlt..Tii' ii i.'lttiiltiii't' Feruly
PRICES its t i vr. 'ii iii i'ivs llsn P t't ihila ni'I. Ely,. Wiseauslo,I
FOR titi i iiihe hall ioilit IuI'. Ciii 'iii tiglis. Mittlilg 22.
Y 01ROOM OR THE GYM it tote ts trct, llls Iii lit lltea- titti~o urou st i itigti.,
YOU Ilitce tis -av. m llI ,- 'iiil XXo stitI y
W idr' hamay tsulieceytriIIrcetit"eI ~clit VTat ti.; lden t'kioss, 1li'li,1
EVLRYTINGOua' splenidittnheof Uitttii-t°'tl'iiiilt'i il si i ' i ltiet 1((1's PlitittitacIyr,
PIPES, CIGARS atid TO- ssluic e llti' i otiltit" itt s w71,l s -sa-atInlt'sli iittt i
NEW B ACCO-even the se o n ailtasItteniais, Tiei'Va rsity r ciii' t e -Ii'it ltiti 'ittInrit, Itt t' latilit'ti'5
itself is ne's, We Stave remodleledi the tittest in ttil-ilyd-c. 0 ich ea t i all -oni).ill i ttmiit, 427 E. Uiirsity
place asdin tvite all osr frenedsleto call ptitaril to'ansytt-li '- t sIt iii i tnd lI- Io E .fliii iks. 12206Gedrdes itsvi.
and inspect wait we have. You can't it is tosai1lli't1is,14-1 s e iotfttii' (1 t.iltssli
heal osr LUNCHES. WllnLat
R. iS JOLLY, 308 Vi, State St. ~'u-etti i i'sit u" tlti oe' egt esDts
1F____________________________ i' 111^. theii' iTi uttit' 2 ii 1P .'it ' -1_,Y 1 il t 'th
ttsitittilast I ti h td gise te l t eca~then ts t'i i
liii- iSttff fiIlie tit s'tirt thesrI fits' t lit
.HISTOLOGY a dt lt t11 la . I'ti i ittd elow-' tinits oitt lr' t-is tibe sit eu by it' ieo
BACTERIOLOGY auth its ,2 iii il t i itir tity uu ' tit'tiliit ip atfte leaguiestill piati-
I titilyv ixiti' ri 700. it is hopeid thtnou
SUPPLIES, prof. M. Coo]ey sod the State Tax otnl'r inett social evetwtill be t-
DISSECTING INST'S., Commitssn. tiitl efte lst' eiiigs.

Purdue Has Blood in Her Eye.
AIlielsig si has, her weork cteul tfrte
fir wenishe thioks to detealt t'Purdue
sei'S satoditty with the teazel that has
betn stilled the 'Varsity toe a stock
visit. The Hoosiers buars blood to their
yi' irl-re'it hbe 5eni'i d t35 sthen
,Ii (,i' tititi otofVilla. was hfsrstitailefa-
tis 'by the "Gaou',s" log gaine
trtiglt tacekle ssvritsi br-orught the swtn-
slg t-sitsdosst with less than ai tutu-
ills lii spaire. [Purdue, had chat game
iwotn Sty10 vi's6 0 iillthetaissous Salisiti-
ii lortie camss aith twso minutes left
to pay, aod the b-all ini suer'erltuot-y.
Sitterhleu they hare tried tss tee to
stits' stl that difeabtur srnsucess-
tftlly.or it '96ltthe soare alt Latayette
wats li6i to nfitsor otfAll itgao. and
in '97 is Regetnts'5-ielit stototd34 to
4. af sr iter t"«ss yeasrs'rest. they
- ittll theii issue tigati. tsftrtiied by
lhbitsr'ss Otilly to Ms itheld goals.
'Thts a mesoi'has bhe-iii-atiii theii'ot-
etai t oe isvisnlg 4hei'alsiof otthe
hUnivetrsity luakto uiis ithsthe stider-
ss;tiiiatt's tatiti ithois cs'tii,,sthat
thase ctutu t'itiled rtle alumnisi gimte to
the ia't t it" -i' ycvtears. Ntis tilt tcittis
list' stit i isitu' of t ieldtuatid a sec-
Wesylan Guild Lett-Cestrte.
'lii' XIesley-ian Gild hie artanged
Poii0ti'lloittug ictiurse sit tfwe iteury
555g ittr list'-eOtiiit litasa tlreadys
Nout - is-ittv.i S.t theis a ',til-tO
Dee.16-Ater-. lamtes 1 l's'ss. De-
sTan. 25i)- ilitp Chiili's Etlitd
F-tb. t7-es. Neliiati Boynton,
I 'ttt'tit
Maui-lu175o at "4 Wltc~'iltiCarlsC.
Sit-h'aiti Foxit NirrthTl.'ee.
puH l25 liii. oisisP'tts. ''i~tt'1i.
Miay 12 PItt.h luiryItt iu Dyke,
- Chansges in Meditcal Faculty.

can all be had of best qual- '
ity and at lowest prices ...
CA1.'MtS'S :sDo'm- uwToassa
Q OLFis charm is greatly en-
hanced by the use of
gooddependable clubs
sund Spaulding's are
The irons are hssd
hammered-the shafts
are made from thor-
oughly seasoned woods
hand-shaved. We are
quoting Bulgers. Bras-
sie Drivers, Brassie
Bulgers, Ntiblicks Lot-
lers, Brassies and
Drivers at
%AI A L- t

-Iii te auity -dees piety, wihlhs t
Peot. 55 . 57Cit-lii'ofithe Ie-n"ii"tt:ill' «it ittsuet suicess lass ruin, still bhi hu tutntity at tie manteal depart-
ule)lil it-t1luu-ttuxs'. tblu-u1tmable strutsiiniuluss ut u'itttiOCiii."26.5The' listihasbut-u shauxged to a consider-
ti vstiliti l oo hitt-i e ii ii a -uhihuititfuit ut hi ithes ii like thrue ti l cu~1'abee tts ythis appaitmuent of eight
itt a'-couttiof 'huts intit tFor ii'' si te tuuiirstiteid it r oloteivihy.to boointti tssstuots atoOiternesswhoseo'terms
'115 r-uunitui""ost il l ttu\Vill [t'I'tti utltititti1ligiti ils for lute li' unuuslo liiin hregus tisfltuTuhle ussr appoutments
tec. 55. 54e itttletiub-ioagu't thuuuts suggsiiiothat iha rs'eensoferer iis tha t -te'the follo-ssing:
sialytuS isnI~fti r i l ik5 eu-I 5555 toi1hi'girls tress d15 s'esrs-se boobth , tilt'- ort K-. Vail Nuatun, IL. C.asossitant
its lises's. il'ulg t lu-se 1hat ur fir ti Itunaorit u-td pueoptlr. ' TEiste l eil 1littttsu"O}' 'sg.
siltut tissue t is'alsu this- usu kin Siettldi, hi-nt d ir 11th citnafot Sllithi Cuss'. Nis'1. SD.,assstattsotsthe
ftids, i'howsevesr, (thaut tes' 55h 5ituato~ iiittitty.'lie sire'5 st a hriad ii tutu- p tuit-suir it ophthalimroiogy aud
ttist, rthittompihex, tutu 1111ust 51h'isist- 1esit 1u'u iits us pilty 0ii1 il rivalus tologuut.
iiit'u l 1 toO 'tai 111110' N) ihirmit has -t ors itt tEittentjoymnt- anditi Mirti G. GeCthiger, tssistaot:demaou-
issihih diddatthiltihi towariud it silt Iis .1 ii t ii islhity tatoiot'aittomutny.
ha~it - hit h'liir ly lttSbita en t fort ut eltus I,. Possell,asistaintedenoo-
ihtltling Pruef. t'iiatu'y'i t u hss's' cisCa i.'etuty, Ni'. its S'tany s'Xrciii'uit u-se- sirlton of anatomy.
.. 5 Alien ssill supertndusther shop tostus are bsing prepsred, a5stwellis tamses A. Mattisou,.AAB., M.D., in-
wsorka.iwhile fMr.Goarge 1E1.Willcox outhe iiIi'ittes tuf ts is-hut isilattieud.terneti- tu iversity Hospital.
Baluy City still thae Proft C'sidy's placee St is thucidea. ot the leasgue thaltttmtil- Henry AY. CGdouenek, 51..tuterne in
-i 115e1' sssroot Sir.t-\Itlhiox is 5alites rrhsent hlwotks nutlhy fiustutus, 'iheusity 1tisepittil.
mineucand user'hauuiteus egineer' of till-. y stlriolle sueeenioutsforst- u D-CasitdS. Grism, AB.. M1D., iterne in
nubility, has dinedushps ls utudeugines tlupie-- ttets. i itugly musrked. More Unix-eretty hospital.
tor 115' WheerShsiplbuihtig Co. at definsite' planu, hosweve'rewill slp-etn 'T'hloutas FilourneyM.D, inter'ne in
tBay Cily. sud sf present is loeaeed it~elS vuiversi'y tHospital.
wih Craig's Shipbildinug Workrosf Enseny euieritiiseut hus been set 'ihe fset tisue appoiorments were sal
Toledo. Ho spands the foe- part 'fotutilt Friday nights'STe duses are toasuiade frust utemebers of the last year's
eacls sseek at Toeosandte latterlpaSt follows: g'rsduastinugclass.
aS -te University. Mr~. Willcoxaltis (Sr-i 21-t'attry drees party. Autbr tumportant change in the
had charge of Prof. Cooley's work Sn Nu.6h-iibrsiaiy party. mtedieal departutentihs the shortening
thit Uiversity dust-hg lhestabsunce on Decc 14-'hari'ty bail. of all te laboratory courses of she
the Yosemite tree years ago. Fr-i. 22-Wl'shisgleon party. i-st twvo yeassfrom 12 co 9 weeks.
Prof. Cioley's stork he on the commies- Msteb 22-Thtaib'ilcsl evening. 'Tieswas ldsite with the object of giv-
oh'on to -appraisintg terailroad prop- Mlay 3--Mlay dance. inc thse Srighter and more industrious
ets' f the state, and he hass 48 rien as -studeuts an opportunity to pursue ad-
uhspenlOurs under his direction. The Dean Huthchins, Prof. Mieeuem and vanced work. The shortening of thse
ils of ;thie inspediors mid their h-sos- Proa.Thomtpsn, as a cotunittee rep- courses to nine weeks leaves three
portattlln for the present month aggre- sentling (the Slaw faculty, hbave ap- weeks which at the option of the stn-
gate $4040.42.,te work having been painted the fol-oing officiate for She dent may be spent in pnrsuing more
under way only a portisn of the coming election of the senior laws: *dvaneed ihes of work.
Month. This doee 005 include the sat- Jnisalgee, 5L. W. MclCandless, 51. L. Sage., _____
any of Prof. Cooley, wi-oh is $100 per sames Inglehetsen. Clerks. W. H. Waithains, Ryan do Reule are SOt?-
month. Earle. R1. C. cKinaley. agents for Ypsilant, .Ic 'weau"

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