TALES OF THlE Excursion Rates GO INTO
E X= iAN KS W CA RW O mr than MW0 of the mot inviting style for FallY1
ABook of Hard Luck TO ALL WH-O BELEIVE'
act ereever'roght ogeher.151
Stories that strictly made-to-tmeosure garmento ought to e bought below the pr LA
ordiaily charg we frnkly ay, "lHES YOU -AR.
RBY L ishodfroen thCU Le ndayGOODRICHl & DUKE,LAfN & (0
edii ofth Ne Yrk unAet for the Beat railoro on Earth. Front ron over Fist Natoal Bat
"Any m ton who can appreciate a
good thing and fails to read this
book, will b- camupinag out-that's all." AAITTlO CUT GLASS. Dainty LAW OOK PUBLISHERS AND oIIPORTERS
FOR SALE BY [J IIU presents for ans lady.
Sheehan & Co. UALIUIS See them in window. 114 MONROE ST..
You can get a VlzetSChter, the llhoto apher._ _ _
m /'' / '' ([""y A o tatiie ahitecire, is in Ludin0- All clases n dancing at Gragctl~ Cot. Mae and itnon treeH
t ' ,° (1 ' ton "l eec he-is asisting Prof. M. ItA( aIcnt-ao now ootcn, Jotn at any capital Ito J.Srptsat5,00.Tanact
S1Caly it valuing, the ive steomc -sof titlnacYoutitme sarc-tsuiien yo uo0, genealbaing tueineso.
318 Soth tte Bt t: t-lP-ro Mrquette railroad. Larn to waltz; don't too-stt-t to waltz B, KxEr, Pre. C. E. nvais, VicePeer
MoUotC. We ha-e- over 201) Unversity -- n ete.Cvjr
B[C1liav1yousee tahe eataiy Studentlow norclass oll anhex- FIRST NT P~.BAN K 1An5Abo
oi ttt(-:" pet 200 nore- le-ot-Chrtisttia - aac-.Oronie16
on. We aebe-nunt,,aterteateCti apit, 80,0. Srpus and Pronto *011(5
BICYXCLE NOYICb!anait ail dCases. Progr tin issaued Tansact a generabaing buintce Foreign
Oehdrdand ffyegh oiftsi t ay eenng.-ffceiatiiemy eched gt a od. FPaceit eten o
B AGAINS ihaeceenplacedl ite- Gymnasiuma.312 Mayard 01St . p&. tttNt Ecer. IAIRISON ottLE.
B ' u Thotecwho have beenc waitig ian now M. ie-Pren
t0 Orient $34 tic acceomdatd. Tht- Michipa natsan boardi is tortc-t- S. W. CLARSONt Cai
$40Sterinig 29 KEEttNE FITzPAITRICK. ug tecnoe ti cgratdutinlg Clatses-s Th If j{)n S Bank
$35t Fowler 24 of the Uniserity for the MIhdnen ! J
And many othaera. Call and see thtenm. tLO.-A Letaiaint)1set witha taciris. sititt tr e current year. 1Tey itetd Capita tct. st,ae. Orpio, snees.
Fnlder return to Zeta lsheot- and to Ili, oo at t the- book issiac-t y- May 1. if Or nated tnder teoneat Banie Law
W.SABESCYLEPOIM ri-cite rewoard.tpossble. of th~t State. Ietcelsdpoit, by and Hele
W.AILERSHCYCEGETORIT , ecange on tittpriciacittiie of the tUnited
119 W AUIOQQ I.Ste. Draft, cahedpon poper ideatificeation
______________________If yoti wish to keep accurate tinae at hit erts: Fine woek, ttomtdliv- Safety depsit bogiea to rent.
----" prmpt Oricoa: Chritian Mact. Prc-.t W. D. Hanri-
ORANUER'S ADVANCED CLASS a football game get a stop nate-liat (ry; done by the Toledo Landry Co. man VicePre. Clin. R. Hicc. Cahiert M.
EVEN T x, l Ufl IJLLEWIS Jewelry Store. Carl I.Stagier, agent, 21 $ 3an- J Friz, Atisani Caitiac-
u~.~iiu25 Iter ent off on aoh sits and over- Iid t$,t hat ade Is tetHoward.! w. a.ilaa'ro.PES.T
VESDA coats for 30 days only. .GLEN, the Wadtaams, Ryan & Rele. sole agent. W AaNOLD, let vice-tree TT
Undaieno setlua ill ostbeginners ailtio, cr. Sate and Washington. ________JaOca zaioAit aiher RIG
baditdt hsclass. Tee een_________
j s tt ic toalnig, $5 e tftt-tcn nidneaatmdr t rtPictrs for studens roomst, at BN
coupl. Lunheonsand dnnersat moerateSctllro Beooktore, lie So. Aain t. fN
-p lric-es furntshed for spreads, parties T rasact a general
tuad hallo. aod service, refined table Watermatn or Laughlin Foin io anking Iuonesa.,
eta-1' si. TLIE CAMPUS. 427 Thomplson s. -__.--_- --._-_
lit youatr Ol.-rt Glasses at hait-- ___________________________
_ " 1 1 i+ t-is Friaaes i. Tay-or, ac-t a t e t' iott-
Scthool of Msc for tep tit 'i-At t__--
C. B. SARTHlEt1.1. .Agent, yt ics tmay e foundtiltht is s5 ati0the-i-The Nwiv Pei--It ih is ttte
od6 s.State St "Ann Arbr, Rich stadio, at 313 So. Dvisiona t. eras ptt-str cater for tittadr trkot- e-it
c i, Ye-@-S-sried fret- ofilhatrgi. 1-vyIt ai i.. Wagtna-, 1t2lIS. Ma tat s. AS
WHtY DUQ'T 'YOU tf___
-Ilic-ic-ic-Playig Ctris at ietr
CetYour Me-itisand Lunitiheat at veiii t en-theitt- olitcc-ttttt.cit-It titisat Sc-lallr's IBotkstore, Min s
tilt o - iii ptace t liii our je lr- icsiecy
PoqTL4fiD C4pE
OPON A I. i'titeC I-l f t ttiat tline 'Adler fall etit aitd
OPENO N TTodALw IGunk earittc eat atWadhmnsRyan & BRada-e 'e-it Dita tf Wniai, -snatt ertos aa
IfU ONST, T o oos cstofCok Hus. t tlttt - Ntpt-iit erforti-cii a t ati-
Mticaer's repouauaion fe-r .0gh ln i o v tt 2. w th (Strnllitr to
r M MAT-ilsott clitnd jewely a cparing ha been wti attl y c-t et ita t aittruet
FLINERAL I.estlihe sncep1858 laceit tatsill blin tt atitt atatie
DIRECTOR 0 C//JF/3Ci1c1f/3C/ Jfo3t/?©rCJ/J a/~
Ebaiming a spee",ialty. No. 209 S. 4thR_
due302 Lifth Ave
________________- 'And with it corn -sthoughto ofa
The... K Winter Garments
NORTH SIDE WAGNER & CO, Importing Tailors,~
LAUNADRY Can please you in the many
TIOOS. idowad, t'cepclittletinsthat g to make u
1___________ 21 and 123 See.Nain Street ----y________
Matkersa(f SIp A U LD i N G 'S
Rg~tn5 t H~rr Ate Otvresy art) wherever the gme it
-..noSGWNS u' f1 paev, he trade emnrt beingihe garantee
CLASS C¢NES. r" E.rl"Unnn MOR/llD! I- osed by att the edng olegannd
CLAS CfIES ,ms~rJ~l ains atte c los of the cuntry. Prier.1.0.
I j *H FLGS, ed fort aloooge of l Atheti- Sports.
r-COLLEGE PINS I~lt 111 I RNJ~ now Coeooe119M, arctorecvi want
GASSns Il!1s 1i 1.L ~L ~I ERoacsrctioco ioeudin, pietuireot f iplayers.
G®CLL E4#IU E IPrie 0ts.
CAPm..ii. Opens like a book. S oiwS Spizlna-io DU -B3EILLS
i C A P ~ i a ~ m u mInveited by ilonaow. Ha-ce no equal 8s ae
iuBeato the old atring rover exerciaeraed developer. Every muscle bone.
tcjslAGo, I F. p SCHL.E13DE, - - - 340 South State NEW YORK (Iecncrted)BEV
LI A F VflM SEEN OI1 am3 33 1. £~ U flIVT Ii ur AF CPAnTIIIIAli